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Everything posted by LoS

  1. Thanks for your answer. I've attached the log (5.1.0 log). Last attempt was at about 12:00 today cura.log
  2. Hi, For some time, I cannot sync materials between Cura and my S3 printer. I don't know the cause, everytime I tried to sync them using Cura, it fails somehow. In Cura 5.x the dialog windows gets stuck and it stays that way forever In Cura 4.x it (sometimes) it announces success, but the new materials don't get to the printer. This happened since I've upgraded to 7.0.3 firmware or when I resetted the digital factory connection for the third time. I'm not sure when it happened, both these actions were done at about the same time. Is there anyone experiencing the same problems with material sync?
  3. I get your point. I'm doing both local and remote printing so I see the utility of Digital Factory. But when I'm on site, I would LOVE to see some input in Cura, input which is available only in Digital Factory. For example, there is a warning that appears when there is a mismatch between printheads and materials. It also appears on the printer itself, its true, but for local network usage, it would be great to have that warning in Cura. Heck, it could work even remotely. Also, you're right, the list of printers is a mess, at least please show us clearly which is which. LE: actually there is a warning in Cura, in the Monitor tab. Just noticed it
  4. Thank you Jeremy, Thank you Carlo! I was having the same problem as Jeremy and this topic helped me access both cameras! Now if it would be possible to change resolution also, that would be sweet! I've tried to modify the mjpg-streamer@.service file, but with no luck.
  5. Hi! Is there a way to change camera settings? I've added an USB camera and it works, but unfortunately it makes poor decisions regarding auto-exposure. Bumping the resolution (at the expense of fps) would also be nice. Also, while I've tried to see the original camera using the ip address (http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8081/?action=stream), I haven't had success accessing it again. For my purpose it would be nice to be able to see both cameras while printing. I've tried port 8080 (now USB camera on this port), 8079, 8081, but couldn't find the original camera on any ports. I'm comfortable with ssh so that would be no issue. Also, I've read this topic, but while I've found the mjpg-streamer@.service file, my changes does not seem to matter
  6. Thanks, I will try that, hopefully this weekend, right now i'm running a 2 days print. Also, I'm not from USA, but thanks for your offer. I've already replaced the spring with one from an ultimaker core, but with no luck
  7. Hi! This happens on my S3 when using 2 3d Solex Hardcore (AA + BB). When using 3d Solex AA + Ultimaker BB everything is alright.
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