Raft is an old technology. I never use it. Ever. It solves problems that we later solved with heat and blue tape and then even newer technology is glass with glue and heat. Only use raft in an emergency if you haven't figured out how to get parts to stick well.
Also be aware that you can rotate parts using cura for the best possible orientation which is to have the large square on the glass. However this part will not look good in *any* orientation - it is difficult to print perfect. There isn't any way to get this part perfect. Most/many parts you *can* get perfect.
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ivan-lipunov 15
Hi, Schweppes!
Perhaps you should use the support of the brim instead of the raft. Also, i would've turned model a broad base to the bottom and try to print whithout any support. Using fan shroud replacement by Lanbern, I'm in a similar situation got ideal inclined surface without noticeable flaws.
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