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Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?


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Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

Hi guys,

I just installed the new Cura 2.1.2 and couldn't find any delta printer option on the printers list. Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    The old cura supported delta printers because someone put it there (eg; that wasn't a feature developed by ultimaker). As we don't have any delta printers we won't put resources in supporting it. I am willing to answer questions / help out in order to get delta support back.

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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    Hi Nallath,

    First of all, thank you for you kind attention. In that case, what can I do to insert a delta printer profile in the new 2.1.2 Cura? Is it possible to copy some profile files from the old versions and use it?

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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    Nallath, Having just hacked my configuration files to add a Kossel Mini profile, it appears the only missing ingredient would be the ability to set a circular volume shape for the printer bound visualization. We did this before with the following configuration taken out of my old Cura 15.04 config (which doesn't function as written, I tried):


    "machine_shape": {"default": "Circular"},


    A circular build plate stl model, zero-centered coordinate system, and the flavor of gcode are already in the existing configuration files for other printers, and behave as I expect on my Kossel. So my expectation is this is a very simple thing to support.

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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    Nallath, Having just hacked my configuration files to add a Kossel Mini profile, it appears the only missing ingredient would be the ability to set a circular volume shape for the printer bound visualization. We did this before with the following configuration taken out of my old Cura 15.04 config (which doesn't function as written, I tried):


    "machine_shape": {"default": "Circular"},


    A circular build plate stl model, zero-centered coordinate system, and the flavor of gcode are already in the existing configuration files for other printers, and behave as I expect on my Kossel. So my expectation is this is a very simple thing to support.


    It's not as simple as you think it is. Just because it's easy to tell as system what needs to be done, does not mean it is ;)

    The build plate for instance has no code to handle circular build plates, the scale to max assumes a box for the building plate, etc.

    I do agree that it's possible (and doable), but it simply won't be done by Ultimaker. I think we already went above and beyond the call of duty in providing the software for free and easy to modify.

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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    I think this can still be done to a fairly acceptable level using machine_disallow_areas to block off corner areas into semi-circular shapes on a square platform so that you can't accidentally place an object outside your circular build plate.

    Not sure what the max number of sides those polygons can have, but you could probably get it fairly rounded.

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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    I think this can still be done to a fairly acceptable level using machine_disallow_areas to block off corner areas into semi-circular shapes on a square platform so that you can't accidentally place an object outside your circular build plate.




    Not sure what the max number of sides those polygons can have, but you could probably get it fairly rounded.


    There is no max defined. At a certain point it will have an impact of course, but that will take quite a while.

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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?


    I'm not too busy at this time. I'd be happy to help.

    Reply if you're interested and we can take this off-line and build something you can use.

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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    I have modified a JSON file to work with a delta printer. I have excluded a hexagonal pattern which is close enough to my circular build plate size, additionally I have modelled my build plate and added the file location to the JSON file to provide a bed representation in CURA. this could be modified further by other users to suit their personal requirements.

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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?


    @bobd please post your json file plus instructions for the next person. Please post it somewhere that it will last for years and not some temporary hosting site like bitbucket. Maybe you have dropbox?

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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    The old cura supported delta printers because someone put it there (eg; that wasn't a feature developed by ultimaker). As we don't have any delta printers we won't put resources in supporting it. I am willing to answer questions / help out in order to get delta support back.


    I have three Ultimaker printer and I would like use Cura 2.1.3 with my Delta printer...

    Have you any plan to solve this?

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    Posted (edited) · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    @oscar-santana, i belive the exact quote by @nallath you quoted pretty much sums it up, Ultimaker does not make (and do not have any plans to make) delta printers and therefore they cannot commit a lot of resources into making every feature of Cura work with the specific requirements of delta printers.

    You can already slice with Cura and use it on your printer, you just cannot get a view with a circular bed and similar delta-only features.

    Ultimaker does already do put down a lot of work in making Cura work well for every cartesian machine (not limited to Ultimakers) which really is going above and beyond, and you could say that it is a quite strange decision business wise, since they effectively are doing a lot of free work for the competitors who just rebrand Cura and pretend it is their own software without supporting the development at all... (yes, i am primarily thinking about Wanhao)

    @nallath and most of the software team are usually very happy to answer questions if you would like to implement it yourself, you could even make a "delta-version" of Cura if you want, that is the beauty of open source :-)

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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?


    I'm not too busy at this time. I'd be happy to help.

    Reply if you're interested and we can take this off-line and build something you can use.


    Hi DaHai8

    Did you ever build something to allow Cura to work with the Kossell Delta type printers. I trying to use the latest Cura on my Kossell 250 V-slot.



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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?



    I'm not too busy at this time. I'd be happy to help.

    Reply if you're interested and we can take this off-line and build something you can use.


    Hi DaHai8

    Did you ever build something to allow Cura to work with the Kossell Delta type printers. I trying to use the latest Cura on my Kossell 250 V-slot.




    I never got a reply back, but I'm still available to help.

    Looks like that printer's print area is 240mm diameter x 235mm tall

    I can start working on it today and post the polygons here.

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    Posted (edited) · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    Fun with Polygons

    I discover right off the bat that Cura doesn't support concave polygons. Bummer. So the poly count went up from 4 to 60!

    Ok, maybe I overdid it, but here it is (for a 240mm diameter print bed):


    ,       "machine_disallowed_areas": {           "default_value": [               [[-120.00,   0.00], [-119.34, -12.43], [-119.34,-120.00], [-120.00,-120.00]],               [[-119.34, -12.43], [-117.37, -24.94], [-117.37,-120.00], [-119.34,-120.00]],               [[-117.37, -24.94], [-114.12, -37.08], [-114.12,-120.00], [-117.37,-120.00]],               [[-114.12, -34.08], [-109.62, -48.80], [-109.62,-120.00], [-114.37,-120.00]],               [[-109.62, -48.80], [-103.92, -60.00], [-103.92,-120.00], [-109.62,-120.00]],               [[-103.92, -60.00], [ -97.08, -70.53], [ -97.08,-120.00], [-103.92,-120.00]],               [[ -97.08, -70.53], [ -89.17, -80.29], [ -89.17,-120.00], [ -97.08,-120.00]],               [[ -89.17, -80.29], [ -80.29, -89.17], [ -80.29,-120.00], [ -89.17,-120.00]],               [[ -80.29, -89.17], [ -70.53, -97.08], [ -70.53,-120.00], [ -80.29,-120.00]],               [[ -70.53, -97.08], [ -60.00,-103.92], [ -60.00,-120.00], [ -70.53,-120.00]],               [[ -60.00,-103.92], [ -48.80,-109.62], [ -48.80,-120.00], [ -60.00,-120.00]],               [[ -48.80,-109.62], [ -37.08,-114.12], [ -37.08,-120.00], [ -48.80,-120.00]],               [[ -37.08,-114.12], [ -24.94,-117.37], [ -24.94,-120.00], [ -37.08,-120.00]],               [[ -24.94,-117.37], [ -12.54,-119.34], [ -12.54,-120.00], [ -24.94,-120.00]],               [[ -12.54,-119.34], [   0.00,-120.00], [ -12.54,-120.00]],               [[ 120.00,   0.00], [ 119.34,  12.43], [ 119.34, 120.00], [ 120.00, 120.00]],               [[ 119.34,  12.43], [ 117.37,  24.94], [ 117.37, 120.00], [ 119.34, 120.00]],               [[ 117.37,  24.94], [ 114.12,  37.08], [ 114.12, 120.00], [ 117.37, 120.00]],               [[ 114.12,  34.08], [ 109.62,  48.80], [ 109.62, 120.00], [ 114.37, 120.00]],               [[ 109.62,  48.80], [ 103.92,  60.00], [ 103.92, 120.00], [ 109.62, 120.00]],               [[ 103.92,  60.00], [  97.08,  70.53], [  97.08, 120.00], [ 103.92, 120.00]],               [[  97.08,  70.53], [  89.17,  80.29], [  89.17, 120.00], [  97.08, 120.00]],               [[  89.17,  80.29], [  80.29,  89.17], [  80.29, 120.00], [  89.17, 120.00]],               [[  80.29,  89.17], [  70.53,  97.08], [  70.53, 120.00], [  80.29, 120.00]],               [[  70.53,  97.08], [  60.00, 103.92], [  60.00, 120.00], [  70.53, 120.00]],               [[  60.00, 103.92], [  48.80, 109.62], [  48.80, 120.00], [  60.00, 120.00]],               [[  48.80, 109.62], [  37.08, 114.12], [  37.08, 120.00], [  48.80, 120.00]],               [[  37.08, 114.12], [  24.94, 117.37], [  24.94, 120.00], [  37.08, 120.00]],               [[  24.94, 117.37], [  12.54, 119.34], [  12.54, 120.00], [  24.94, 120.00]],               [[  12.54, 119.34], [   0.00, 120.00], [  12.54, 120.00]],               [[-120.00,   0.00], [-119.34,  12.43], [-119.34, 120.00], [-120.00, 120.00]],               [[-119.34,  12.43], [-117.37,  24.94], [-117.37, 120.00], [-119.34, 120.00]],               [[-117.37,  24.94], [-114.12,  37.08], [-114.12, 120.00], [-117.37, 120.00]],               [[-114.12,  34.08], [-109.62,  48.80], [-109.62, 120.00], [-114.37, 120.00]],               [[-109.62,  48.80], [-103.92,  60.00], [-103.92, 120.00], [-109.62, 120.00]],               [[-103.92,  60.00], [ -97.08,  70.53], [ -97.08, 120.00], [-103.92, 120.00]],               [[ -97.08,  70.53], [ -89.17,  80.29], [ -89.17, 120.00], [ -97.08, 120.00]],               [[ -89.17,  80.29], [ -80.29,  89.17], [ -80.29, 120.00], [ -89.17, 120.00]],               [[ -80.29,  89.17], [ -70.53,  97.08], [ -70.53, 120.00], [ -80.29, 120.00]],               [[ -70.53,  97.08], [ -60.00, 103.92], [ -60.00, 120.00], [ -70.53, 120.00]],               [[ -60.00, 103.92], [ -48.80, 109.62], [ -48.80, 120.00], [ -60.00, 120.00]],               [[ -48.80, 109.62], [ -37.08, 114.12], [ -37.08, 120.00], [ -48.80, 120.00]],               [[ -37.08, 114.12], [ -24.94, 117.37], [ -24.94, 120.00], [ -37.08, 120.00]],               [[ -24.94, 117.37], [ -12.54, 119.34], [ -12.54, 120.00], [ -24.94, 120.00]],               [[ -12.54, 119.34], [   0.00, 120.00], [ -12.54, 120.00]],               [[ 120.00,   0.00], [ 119.34, -12.43], [ 119.34,-120.00], [ 120.00,-120.00]],               [[ 119.34, -12.43], [ 117.37, -24.94], [ 117.37,-120.00], [ 119.34,-120.00]],               [[ 117.37, -24.94], [ 114.12, -37.08], [ 114.12,-120.00], [ 117.37,-120.00]],               [[ 114.12, -34.08], [ 109.62, -48.80], [ 109.62,-120.00], [ 114.37,-120.00]],               [[ 109.62, -48.80], [ 103.92, -60.00], [ 103.92,-120.00], [ 109.62,-120.00]],               [[ 103.92, -60.00], [  97.08, -70.53], [  97.08,-120.00], [ 103.92,-120.00]],               [[  97.08, -70.53], [  89.17, -80.29], [  89.17,-120.00], [  97.08,-120.00]],               [[  89.17, -80.29], [  80.29, -89.17], [  80.29,-120.00], [  89.17,-120.00]],               [[  80.29, -89.17], [  70.53, -97.08], [  70.53,-120.00], [  80.29,-120.00]],               [[  70.53, -97.08], [  60.00,-103.92], [  60.00,-120.00], [  70.53,-120.00]],               [[  60.00,-103.92], [  48.80,-109.62], [  48.80,-120.00], [  60.00,-120.00]],               [[  48.80,-109.62], [  37.08,-114.12], [  37.08,-120.00], [  48.80,-120.00]],               [[  37.08,-114.12], [  24.94,-117.37], [  24.94,-120.00], [  37.08,-120.00]],               [[  24.94,-117.37], [  12.54,-119.34], [  12.54,-120.00], [  24.94,-120.00]],               [[  12.54,-119.34], [   0.00,-120.00], [  12.54,-120.00]]              ]       }


    Paste this into the bottom of the 'Overrides' section of your printer's .json file and you should be good to go!



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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    Hi DaHai8,

    I tried your guide but nothing changes,

    Could you please share your json file ?


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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    Here ya go!

    This is for a 240x240 print bed. So if your bed is smaller, it may not show up:


    {   "id": "aurora_a3",   "version": 2,   "name": "Aurora A3",   "inherits": "fdmprinter",   "metadata": {       "visible": true,       "author": "Zhu Da Hai",       "manufacturer": "JG Aurora",       "category": "Other",       "file_formats": "text/x-gcode",       "icon": "icon_ultimaker2",       "platform": "Aurora_A3.stl"   },   "overrides": {       "machine_heated_bed": {           "default_value": true       },       "machine_width": {           "default_value": 240       },       "machine_height": {           "default_value": 180       },       "machine_depth": {           "default_value": 240       },       "machine_center_is_zero": {           "default_value": false       },       "machine_nozzle_size": {           "default_value": 0.4       },       "material_diameter": {           "default_value": 1.75       },       "machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed": {           "default_value": 2       },       "machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed": {           "default_value": 2       },       "machine_head_polygon": {           "default_value": [               [-75, -18],               [-75, 35],               [18, 35],               [18, -18]           ]       },       "gantry_height": {           "default_value": 55       },       "machine_gcode_flavor": {           "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"       },       "machine_start_gcode": {           "default_value": "G21 ;metric values\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM82 ;set extruder to absolute mode\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nM205 X10 ;Jerk to 10\nM204 S500 ;Accel to 500\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops\nG28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops\nG1 Z15.0 F9000 ;move the platform down 15mm\nG1 X36 Y36 ;Move to print origin\nG92 X0 Y0 Z15.0 ;Set this coordinate to 0,0,15\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG1 F200 E3 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 F9000\n;Put printing message on LCD screen\nM117 Printing..."       },       "machine_end_gcode": {           "default_value": "M104 S0 ;extruder heater off\nM140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-1 F300  ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F9000 ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way\nM84 ;steppers off\nG90 ;absolute positioning"       },       "retraction_speed": {           "maximum_value": "101"       },       "machine_disallowed_areas": {           "default_value": [               [[-120.00,   0.00], [-119.34, -12.43], [-119.34,-120.00], [-120.00,-120.00]],               [[-119.34, -12.43], [-117.37, -24.94], [-117.37,-120.00], [-119.34,-120.00]],               [[-117.37, -24.94], [-114.12, -37.08], [-114.12,-120.00], [-117.37,-120.00]],               [[-114.12, -34.08], [-109.62, -48.80], [-109.62,-120.00], [-114.37,-120.00]],               [[-109.62, -48.80], [-103.92, -60.00], [-103.92,-120.00], [-109.62,-120.00]],               [[-103.92, -60.00], [ -97.08, -70.53], [ -97.08,-120.00], [-103.92,-120.00]],               [[ -97.08, -70.53], [ -89.17, -80.29], [ -89.17,-120.00], [ -97.08,-120.00]],               [[ -89.17, -80.29], [ -80.29, -89.17], [ -80.29,-120.00], [ -89.17,-120.00]],               [[ -80.29, -89.17], [ -70.53, -97.08], [ -70.53,-120.00], [ -80.29,-120.00]],               [[ -70.53, -97.08], [ -60.00,-103.92], [ -60.00,-120.00], [ -70.53,-120.00]],               [[ -60.00,-103.92], [ -48.80,-109.62], [ -48.80,-120.00], [ -60.00,-120.00]],               [[ -48.80,-109.62], [ -37.08,-114.12], [ -37.08,-120.00], [ -48.80,-120.00]],               [[ -37.08,-114.12], [ -24.94,-117.37], [ -24.94,-120.00], [ -37.08,-120.00]],               [[ -24.94,-117.37], [ -12.54,-119.34], [ -12.54,-120.00], [ -24.94,-120.00]],               [[ -12.54,-119.34], [   0.00,-120.00], [ -12.54,-120.00]],               [[ 120.00,   0.00], [ 119.34,  12.43], [ 119.34, 120.00], [ 120.00, 120.00]],               [[ 119.34,  12.43], [ 117.37,  24.94], [ 117.37, 120.00], [ 119.34, 120.00]],               [[ 117.37,  24.94], [ 114.12,  37.08], [ 114.12, 120.00], [ 117.37, 120.00]],               [[ 114.12,  34.08], [ 109.62,  48.80], [ 109.62, 120.00], [ 114.37, 120.00]],               [[ 109.62,  48.80], [ 103.92,  60.00], [ 103.92, 120.00], [ 109.62, 120.00]],               [[ 103.92,  60.00], [  97.08,  70.53], [  97.08, 120.00], [ 103.92, 120.00]],               [[  97.08,  70.53], [  89.17,  80.29], [  89.17, 120.00], [  97.08, 120.00]],               [[  89.17,  80.29], [  80.29,  89.17], [  80.29, 120.00], [  89.17, 120.00]],               [[  80.29,  89.17], [  70.53,  97.08], [  70.53, 120.00], [  80.29, 120.00]],               [[  70.53,  97.08], [  60.00, 103.92], [  60.00, 120.00], [  70.53, 120.00]],               [[  60.00, 103.92], [  48.80, 109.62], [  48.80, 120.00], [  60.00, 120.00]],               [[  48.80, 109.62], [  37.08, 114.12], [  37.08, 120.00], [  48.80, 120.00]],               [[  37.08, 114.12], [  24.94, 117.37], [  24.94, 120.00], [  37.08, 120.00]],               [[  24.94, 117.37], [  12.54, 119.34], [  12.54, 120.00], [  24.94, 120.00]],               [[  12.54, 119.34], [   0.00, 120.00], [  12.54, 120.00]],               [[-120.00,   0.00], [-119.34,  12.43], [-119.34, 120.00], [-120.00, 120.00]],               [[-119.34,  12.43], [-117.37,  24.94], [-117.37, 120.00], [-119.34, 120.00]],               [[-117.37,  24.94], [-114.12,  37.08], [-114.12, 120.00], [-117.37, 120.00]],               [[-114.12,  34.08], [-109.62,  48.80], [-109.62, 120.00], [-114.37, 120.00]],               [[-109.62,  48.80], [-103.92,  60.00], [-103.92, 120.00], [-109.62, 120.00]],               [[-103.92,  60.00], [ -97.08,  70.53], [ -97.08, 120.00], [-103.92, 120.00]],               [[ -97.08,  70.53], [ -89.17,  80.29], [ -89.17, 120.00], [ -97.08, 120.00]],               [[ -89.17,  80.29], [ -80.29,  89.17], [ -80.29, 120.00], [ -89.17, 120.00]],               [[ -80.29,  89.17], [ -70.53,  97.08], [ -70.53, 120.00], [ -80.29, 120.00]],               [[ -70.53,  97.08], [ -60.00, 103.92], [ -60.00, 120.00], [ -70.53, 120.00]],               [[ -60.00, 103.92], [ -48.80, 109.62], [ -48.80, 120.00], [ -60.00, 120.00]],               [[ -48.80, 109.62], [ -37.08, 114.12], [ -37.08, 120.00], [ -48.80, 120.00]],               [[ -37.08, 114.12], [ -24.94, 117.37], [ -24.94, 120.00], [ -37.08, 120.00]],               [[ -24.94, 117.37], [ -12.54, 119.34], [ -12.54, 120.00], [ -24.94, 120.00]],               [[ -12.54, 119.34], [   0.00, 120.00], [ -12.54, 120.00]],               [[ 120.00,   0.00], [ 119.34, -12.43], [ 119.34,-120.00], [ 120.00,-120.00]],               [[ 119.34, -12.43], [ 117.37, -24.94], [ 117.37,-120.00], [ 119.34,-120.00]],               [[ 117.37, -24.94], [ 114.12, -37.08], [ 114.12,-120.00], [ 117.37,-120.00]],               [[ 114.12, -34.08], [ 109.62, -48.80], [ 109.62,-120.00], [ 114.37,-120.00]],               [[ 109.62, -48.80], [ 103.92, -60.00], [ 103.92,-120.00], [ 109.62,-120.00]],               [[ 103.92, -60.00], [  97.08, -70.53], [  97.08,-120.00], [ 103.92,-120.00]],               [[  97.08, -70.53], [  89.17, -80.29], [  89.17,-120.00], [  97.08,-120.00]],               [[  89.17, -80.29], [  80.29, -89.17], [  80.29,-120.00], [  89.17,-120.00]],               [[  80.29, -89.17], [  70.53, -97.08], [  70.53,-120.00], [  80.29,-120.00]],               [[  70.53, -97.08], [  60.00,-103.92], [  60.00,-120.00], [  70.53,-120.00]],               [[  60.00,-103.92], [  48.80,-109.62], [  48.80,-120.00], [  60.00,-120.00]],               [[  48.80,-109.62], [  37.08,-114.12], [  37.08,-120.00], [  48.80,-120.00]],               [[  37.08,-114.12], [  24.94,-117.37], [  24.94,-120.00], [  37.08,-120.00]],               [[  24.94,-117.37], [  12.54,-119.34], [  12.54,-120.00], [  24.94,-120.00]],               [[  12.54,-119.34], [   0.00,-120.00], [  12.54,-120.00]]           ]       }   }}


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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    I have three Ultimaker printer and I would like use Cura 2.1.3 with my Delta printer...


    Would you like us to come do your laundry too? ;-)

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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    I took a look at what would be involved.


    It is fairly straightforward to make it seem that it is somewhat working, but there would be problems. Purely aesthetic problems like the darkened "unprintable areas" drawing a rectangle, but also bigger issues like the scale to max Nallath mentioned. Ultimaker simply cannot release it like this, because then we get angry support calls that we claim to support polar printers but it works shitty.

    If someone wants to take my work to improve it, they are very welcome. I don't have time to dedicate to it to get it to work well enough (at least, not at the moment).



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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    Here ya go!

    This is for a 240x240 print bed. So if your bed is smaller, it may not show up:


    I can't choose your printer after add this json file to Cura folder.

    I also try to replace code in defined profiles but nothing changes.

    Am I wrong at something ?

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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    Hi thanks for sharing

    do you have for 260x260x370


    Here ya go!

    This is for a 240x240 print bed. So if your bed is smaller, it may not show up:


    {   "id": "aurora_a3",   "version": 2,   "name": "Aurora A3",   "inherits": "fdmprinter",   "metadata": {       "visible": true,       "author": "Zhu Da Hai",       "manufacturer": "JG Aurora",       "category": "Other",       "file_formats": "text/x-gcode",       "icon": "icon_ultimaker2",       "platform": "Aurora_A3.stl"   },   "overrides": {       "machine_heated_bed": {           "default_value": true       },       "machine_width": {           "default_value": 240       },       "machine_height": {           "default_value": 180       },       "machine_depth": {           "default_value": 240       },       "machine_center_is_zero": {           "default_value": false       },       "machine_nozzle_size": {           "default_value": 0.4       },       "material_diameter": {           "default_value": 1.75       },       "machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed": {           "default_value": 2       },       "machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed": {           "default_value": 2       },       "machine_head_polygon": {           "default_value": [               [-75, -18],               [-75, 35],               [18, 35],               [18, -18]           ]       },       "gantry_height": {           "default_value": 55       },       "machine_gcode_flavor": {           "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"       },       "machine_start_gcode": {           "default_value": "G21 ;metric values\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM82 ;set extruder to absolute mode\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nM205 X10 ;Jerk to 10\nM204 S500 ;Accel to 500\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops\nG28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops\nG1 Z15.0 F9000 ;move the platform down 15mm\nG1 X36 Y36 ;Move to print origin\nG92 X0 Y0 Z15.0 ;Set this coordinate to 0,0,15\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG1 F200 E3 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 F9000\n;Put printing message on LCD screen\nM117 Printing..."       },       "machine_end_gcode": {           "default_value": "M104 S0 ;extruder heater off\nM140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-1 F300  ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F9000 ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way\nM84 ;steppers off\nG90 ;absolute positioning"       },       "retraction_speed": {           "maximum_value": "101"       },       "machine_disallowed_areas": {           "default_value": [               [[-120.00,   0.00], [-119.34, -12.43], [-119.34,-120.00], [-120.00,-120.00]],               [[-119.34, -12.43], [-117.37, -24.94], [-117.37,-120.00], [-119.34,-120.00]],               [[-117.37, -24.94], [-114.12, -37.08], [-114.12,-120.00], [-117.37,-120.00]],               [[-114.12, -34.08], [-109.62, -48.80], [-109.62,-120.00], [-114.37,-120.00]],               [[-109.62, -48.80], [-103.92, -60.00], [-103.92,-120.00], [-109.62,-120.00]],               [[-103.92, -60.00], [ -97.08, -70.53], [ -97.08,-120.00], [-103.92,-120.00]],               [[ -97.08, -70.53], [ -89.17, -80.29], [ -89.17,-120.00], [ -97.08,-120.00]],               [[ -89.17, -80.29], [ -80.29, -89.17], [ -80.29,-120.00], [ -89.17,-120.00]],               [[ -80.29, -89.17], [ -70.53, -97.08], [ -70.53,-120.00], [ -80.29,-120.00]],               [[ -70.53, -97.08], [ -60.00,-103.92], [ -60.00,-120.00], [ -70.53,-120.00]],               [[ -60.00,-103.92], [ -48.80,-109.62], [ -48.80,-120.00], [ -60.00,-120.00]],               [[ -48.80,-109.62], [ -37.08,-114.12], [ -37.08,-120.00], [ -48.80,-120.00]],               [[ -37.08,-114.12], [ -24.94,-117.37], [ -24.94,-120.00], [ -37.08,-120.00]],               [[ -24.94,-117.37], [ -12.54,-119.34], [ -12.54,-120.00], [ -24.94,-120.00]],               [[ -12.54,-119.34], [   0.00,-120.00], [ -12.54,-120.00]],               [[ 120.00,   0.00], [ 119.34,  12.43], [ 119.34, 120.00], [ 120.00, 120.00]],               [[ 119.34,  12.43], [ 117.37,  24.94], [ 117.37, 120.00], [ 119.34, 120.00]],               [[ 117.37,  24.94], [ 114.12,  37.08], [ 114.12, 120.00], [ 117.37, 120.00]],               [[ 114.12,  34.08], [ 109.62,  48.80], [ 109.62, 120.00], [ 114.37, 120.00]],               [[ 109.62,  48.80], [ 103.92,  60.00], [ 103.92, 120.00], [ 109.62, 120.00]],               [[ 103.92,  60.00], [  97.08,  70.53], [  97.08, 120.00], [ 103.92, 120.00]],               [[  97.08,  70.53], [  89.17,  80.29], [  89.17, 120.00], [  97.08, 120.00]],               [[  89.17,  80.29], [  80.29,  89.17], [  80.29, 120.00], [  89.17, 120.00]],               [[  80.29,  89.17], [  70.53,  97.08], [  70.53, 120.00], [  80.29, 120.00]],               [[  70.53,  97.08], [  60.00, 103.92], [  60.00, 120.00], [  70.53, 120.00]],               [[  60.00, 103.92], [  48.80, 109.62], [  48.80, 120.00], [  60.00, 120.00]],               [[  48.80, 109.62], [  37.08, 114.12], [  37.08, 120.00], [  48.80, 120.00]],               [[  37.08, 114.12], [  24.94, 117.37], [  24.94, 120.00], [  37.08, 120.00]],               [[  24.94, 117.37], [  12.54, 119.34], [  12.54, 120.00], [  24.94, 120.00]],               [[  12.54, 119.34], [   0.00, 120.00], [  12.54, 120.00]],               [[-120.00,   0.00], [-119.34,  12.43], [-119.34, 120.00], [-120.00, 120.00]],               [[-119.34,  12.43], [-117.37,  24.94], [-117.37, 120.00], [-119.34, 120.00]],               [[-117.37,  24.94], [-114.12,  37.08], [-114.12, 120.00], [-117.37, 120.00]],               [[-114.12,  34.08], [-109.62,  48.80], [-109.62, 120.00], [-114.37, 120.00]],               [[-109.62,  48.80], [-103.92,  60.00], [-103.92, 120.00], [-109.62, 120.00]],               [[-103.92,  60.00], [ -97.08,  70.53], [ -97.08, 120.00], [-103.92, 120.00]],               [[ -97.08,  70.53], [ -89.17,  80.29], [ -89.17, 120.00], [ -97.08, 120.00]],               [[ -89.17,  80.29], [ -80.29,  89.17], [ -80.29, 120.00], [ -89.17, 120.00]],               [[ -80.29,  89.17], [ -70.53,  97.08], [ -70.53, 120.00], [ -80.29, 120.00]],               [[ -70.53,  97.08], [ -60.00, 103.92], [ -60.00, 120.00], [ -70.53, 120.00]],               [[ -60.00, 103.92], [ -48.80, 109.62], [ -48.80, 120.00], [ -60.00, 120.00]],               [[ -48.80, 109.62], [ -37.08, 114.12], [ -37.08, 120.00], [ -48.80, 120.00]],               [[ -37.08, 114.12], [ -24.94, 117.37], [ -24.94, 120.00], [ -37.08, 120.00]],               [[ -24.94, 117.37], [ -12.54, 119.34], [ -12.54, 120.00], [ -24.94, 120.00]],               [[ -12.54, 119.34], [   0.00, 120.00], [ -12.54, 120.00]],               [[ 120.00,   0.00], [ 119.34, -12.43], [ 119.34,-120.00], [ 120.00,-120.00]],               [[ 119.34, -12.43], [ 117.37, -24.94], [ 117.37,-120.00], [ 119.34,-120.00]],               [[ 117.37, -24.94], [ 114.12, -37.08], [ 114.12,-120.00], [ 117.37,-120.00]],               [[ 114.12, -34.08], [ 109.62, -48.80], [ 109.62,-120.00], [ 114.37,-120.00]],               [[ 109.62, -48.80], [ 103.92, -60.00], [ 103.92,-120.00], [ 109.62,-120.00]],               [[ 103.92, -60.00], [  97.08, -70.53], [  97.08,-120.00], [ 103.92,-120.00]],               [[  97.08, -70.53], [  89.17, -80.29], [  89.17,-120.00], [  97.08,-120.00]],               [[  89.17, -80.29], [  80.29, -89.17], [  80.29,-120.00], [  89.17,-120.00]],               [[  80.29, -89.17], [  70.53, -97.08], [  70.53,-120.00], [  80.29,-120.00]],               [[  70.53, -97.08], [  60.00,-103.92], [  60.00,-120.00], [  70.53,-120.00]],               [[  60.00,-103.92], [  48.80,-109.62], [  48.80,-120.00], [  60.00,-120.00]],               [[  48.80,-109.62], [  37.08,-114.12], [  37.08,-120.00], [  48.80,-120.00]],               [[  37.08,-114.12], [  24.94,-117.37], [  24.94,-120.00], [  37.08,-120.00]],               [[  24.94,-117.37], [  12.54,-119.34], [  12.54,-120.00], [  24.94,-120.00]],               [[  12.54,-119.34], [   0.00,-120.00], [  12.54,-120.00]]              ]       }   }}



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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    Here ya go!

    This is for a 240x240 print bed. So if your bed is smaller, it may not show up:

    I can't choose your printer after add this json file to Cura folder.

    I also try to replace code in defined profiles but nothing changes.

    Am I wrong at something ?

    Cura probably doesn't like this line in my profile:

    "platform": "Aurora_A3.stl"

    It's a custom platform stl file to display my printer bed. Try removing that line.

    Post your .json file with the disallow areas and I'll take a look. The ,json file format is really really picky.

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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    Hi thanks for sharing

    do you have for 260x260x370

    I can make one. I want to do it with fewer polygons - 60 was a pain!

    I don't think you'll notice much of a difference.

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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    Here's the Disallow Areas for a 260x260 Delta Print bed (40 polygons). Enjoy!

           "machine_disallowed_areas": {
               "default_value": [
    		[[-130.00,   0.00], [-128.40, -20.33], [-128.40,-130.00], [-130.00,-130.00]],
    		[[-128.40, -20.33], [-123.63, -40.17], [-123.63,-130.00], [-128.40,-130.00]],
                   	[[-123.63, -40.17], [-115.83, -59.02], [-115.83,-130.00], [-123.63,-130.00]],
    		[[-115.83, -59.02], [-105.17, -76.41], [-105.17,-130.00], [-115.83,-130.00]],
    		[[-105.17, -76.41], [ -91.92, -91.92], [ -91.92,-130.00], [-105.17,-130.00]],
    		[[ -91.92, -91.92], [ -76.41,-105.17], [ -76.41,-130.00], [ -91.92,-130.00]],
    		[[ -76.41,-105.17], [ -59.02,-115.83], [ -59.02,-130.00], [ -76.41,-130.00]],
    		[[ -59.02,-115.83], [ -40.17,-123.63], [ -40.17,-130.00], [ -59.02,-130.00]],
    		[[ -40.17,-123.63], [ -20.33,-128.40], [ -20.33,-130.00], [ -40.17,-130.00]],
    		[[ -20.33,-128.40], [   0.00,-130.00], [ -20.33,-130.00]],
    		[[ 130.00,   0.00], [ 128.40,  20.33], [ 128.40, 130.00], [ 130.00, 130.00]],
    		[[ 128.40,  20.33], [ 123.63,  40.17], [ 123.63, 130.00], [ 128.40, 130.00]],
    		[[ 123.63,  40.17], [ 115.83,  59.02], [ 115.83, 130.00], [ 123.63, 130.00]],
    		[[ 115.83,  59.02], [ 105.17,  76.41], [ 105.17, 130.00], [ 115.83, 130.00]],
    		[[ 105.17,  76.41], [  91.92,  91.92], [  91.92, 130.00], [ 105.17, 130.00]],
    		[[  91.92,  91.92], [  76.41, 105.17], [  76.41, 130.00], [  91.92, 130.00]],
    		[[  76.41, 105.17], [  59.02, 115.83], [  59.02, 130.00], [  76.41, 130.00]],
    		[[  59.02, 115.83], [  40.17, 123.63], [  40.17, 130.00], [  59.02, 130.00]],
    		[[  40.17, 123.63], [  20.33, 128.40], [  20.33, 130.00], [  40.17, 130.00]],
    		[[  20.33, 128.40], [   0.00, 130.00], [  20.33, 130.00]],
    		[[-130.00,   0.00], [-128.40,  20.33], [-128.40, 130.00], [-130.00, 130.00]],
    		[[-128.40,  20.33], [-123.63,  40.17], [-123.63, 130.00], [-128.40, 130.00]],
    		[[-123.63,  40.17], [-115.83,  59.02], [-115.83, 130.00], [-123.63, 130.00]],
    		[[-115.83,  59.02], [-105.17,  76.41], [-105.17, 130.00], [-115.83, 130.00]],
    		[[-105.17,  76.41], [ -91.92,  91.92], [ -91.92, 130.00], [-105.17, 130.00]],
    		[[ -91.92,  91.92], [ -76.41, 105.17], [ -76.41, 130.00], [ -91.92, 130.00]],
    		[[ -76.41, 105.17], [ -59.02, 115.83], [ -59.02, 130.00], [ -76.41, 130.00]],
    		[[ -59.02, 115.83], [ -40.17, 123.63], [ -40.17, 130.00], [ -59.02, 130.00]],
    		[[ -40.17, 123.63], [ -20.33, 128.40], [ -20.33, 130.00], [ -40.17, 130.00]],
    		[[ -20.33, 128.40], [   0.00, 130.00], [ -20.33, 130.00]],
    		[[ 130.00,   0.00], [ 128.40, -20.33], [ 128.40,-130.00], [ 130.00,-130.00]],
    		[[ 128.40, -20.33], [ 123.63, -40.17], [ 123.63,-130.00], [ 128.40,-130.00]],
    		[[ 123.63, -40.17], [ 115.83, -59.02], [ 115.83,-130.00], [ 123.63,-130.00]],
    		[[ 115.83, -59.02], [ 105.17, -76.41], [ 105.17,-130.00], [ 115.83,-130.00]],
    		[[ 105.17, -76.41], [  91.92, -91.92], [  91.92,-130.00], [ 105.17,-130.00]],
    		[[  91.92, -91.92], [  76.41,-105.17], [  76.41,-130.00], [  91.92,-130.00]],
    		[[  76.41,-105.17], [  59.02,-115.83], [  59.02,-130.00], [  76.41,-130.00]],
    		[[  59.02,-115.83], [  40.17,-123.63], [  40.17,-130.00], [  59.02,-130.00]],
    		[[  40.17,-123.63], [  20.33,-128.40], [  20.33,-130.00], [  40.17,-130.00]],
    		[[  20.33,-128.40], [   0.00,-130.00], [  20.33,-130.00]]

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    Posted · Am I wrong or this new Cura 2.1.2 doesn't support Delta Printers?

    Post your .json file with the disallow areas and I'll take a look. The ,json file format is really really picky.

    Yes, I modified your json a little because I found some errors on log file (cura.log)

    1. Version : 2-> 1

    2. platform: use prusai3 stl file.

    Here is mine:

       "id": "aurora_a3",
       "version": 1,
       "name": "Aurora A3",
       "inherits": "fdmprinter",
       "visible": true,
       "author": "Zhu Da Hai",
       "manufacturer": "Other",
       "category": "Other",
       "file_formats": "text/x-gcode",
       "icon": "icon_ultimaker2",
       "platform": "prusai3_platform.stl",
       "overrides": {
           "machine_heated_bed": {
               "default_value": true
           "machine_width": {
               "default_value": 240
           "machine_height": {
               "default_value": 180
           "machine_depth": {
               "default_value": 240
           "machine_center_is_zero": {
               "default_value": false
           "machine_nozzle_size": {
               "default_value": 0.4
           "material_diameter": {
               "default_value": 1.75
           "machine_nozzle_heat_up_speed": {
               "default_value": 2
           "machine_nozzle_cool_down_speed": {
               "default_value": 2
           "machine_head_polygon": {
               "default_value": [
                   [-75, -18],
                   [-75, 35],
                   [18, 35],
                   [18, -18]
           "gantry_height": {
               "default_value": 55
           "machine_gcode_flavor": {
               "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)"
           "machine_start_gcode": {
               "default_value": "G21 ;metric values\nG90 ;absolute positioning\nM82 ;set extruder to absolute mode\nM107 ;start with the fan off\nM205 X10 ;Jerk to 10\nM204 S500 ;Accel to 500\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops\nG28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops\nG1 Z15.0 F9000 ;move the platform down 15mm\nG1 X36 Y36 ;Move to print origin\nG92 X0 Y0 Z15.0 ;Set this coordinate to 0,0,15\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\nG1 F200 E3 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\nG1 F9000\n;Put printing message on LCD screen\nM117 Printing..."
           "machine_end_gcode": {
               "default_value": "M104 S0 ;extruder heater off\nM140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-1 F300  ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F9000 ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way\nM84 ;steppers off\nG90 ;absolute positioning"
           "retraction_speed": {
               "maximum_value": "101"
           "machine_disallowed_areas": {
               "default_value": [
                   [[-120.00,   0.00], [-119.34, -12.43], [-119.34,-120.00], [-120.00,-120.00]],
                   [[-119.34, -12.43], [-117.37, -24.94], [-117.37,-120.00], [-119.34,-120.00]],
                   [[-117.37, -24.94], [-114.12, -37.08], [-114.12,-120.00], [-117.37,-120.00]],
                   [[-114.12, -34.08], [-109.62, -48.80], [-109.62,-120.00], [-114.37,-120.00]],
                   [[-109.62, -48.80], [-103.92, -60.00], [-103.92,-120.00], [-109.62,-120.00]],
                   [[-103.92, -60.00], [ -97.08, -70.53], [ -97.08,-120.00], [-103.92,-120.00]],
                   [[ -97.08, -70.53], [ -89.17, -80.29], [ -89.17,-120.00], [ -97.08,-120.00]],
                   [[ -89.17, -80.29], [ -80.29, -89.17], [ -80.29,-120.00], [ -89.17,-120.00]],
                   [[ -80.29, -89.17], [ -70.53, -97.08], [ -70.53,-120.00], [ -80.29,-120.00]],
                   [[ -70.53, -97.08], [ -60.00,-103.92], [ -60.00,-120.00], [ -70.53,-120.00]],
                   [[ -60.00,-103.92], [ -48.80,-109.62], [ -48.80,-120.00], [ -60.00,-120.00]],
                   [[ -48.80,-109.62], [ -37.08,-114.12], [ -37.08,-120.00], [ -48.80,-120.00]],
                   [[ -37.08,-114.12], [ -24.94,-117.37], [ -24.94,-120.00], [ -37.08,-120.00]],
                   [[ -24.94,-117.37], [ -12.54,-119.34], [ -12.54,-120.00], [ -24.94,-120.00]],
                   [[ -12.54,-119.34], [   0.00,-120.00], [ -12.54,-120.00]],
                   [[ 120.00,   0.00], [ 119.34,  12.43], [ 119.34, 120.00], [ 120.00, 120.00]],
                   [[ 119.34,  12.43], [ 117.37,  24.94], [ 117.37, 120.00], [ 119.34, 120.00]],
                   [[ 117.37,  24.94], [ 114.12,  37.08], [ 114.12, 120.00], [ 117.37, 120.00]],
                   [[ 114.12,  34.08], [ 109.62,  48.80], [ 109.62, 120.00], [ 114.37, 120.00]],
                   [[ 109.62,  48.80], [ 103.92,  60.00], [ 103.92, 120.00], [ 109.62, 120.00]],
                   [[ 103.92,  60.00], [  97.08,  70.53], [  97.08, 120.00], [ 103.92, 120.00]],
                   [[  97.08,  70.53], [  89.17,  80.29], [  89.17, 120.00], [  97.08, 120.00]],
                   [[  89.17,  80.29], [  80.29,  89.17], [  80.29, 120.00], [  89.17, 120.00]],
                   [[  80.29,  89.17], [  70.53,  97.08], [  70.53, 120.00], [  80.29, 120.00]],
                   [[  70.53,  97.08], [  60.00, 103.92], [  60.00, 120.00], [  70.53, 120.00]],
                   [[  60.00, 103.92], [  48.80, 109.62], [  48.80, 120.00], [  60.00, 120.00]],
                   [[  48.80, 109.62], [  37.08, 114.12], [  37.08, 120.00], [  48.80, 120.00]],
                   [[  37.08, 114.12], [  24.94, 117.37], [  24.94, 120.00], [  37.08, 120.00]],
                   [[  24.94, 117.37], [  12.54, 119.34], [  12.54, 120.00], [  24.94, 120.00]],
                   [[  12.54, 119.34], [   0.00, 120.00], [  12.54, 120.00]],
                   [[-120.00,   0.00], [-119.34,  12.43], [-119.34, 120.00], [-120.00, 120.00]],
                   [[-119.34,  12.43], [-117.37,  24.94], [-117.37, 120.00], [-119.34, 120.00]],
                   [[-117.37,  24.94], [-114.12,  37.08], [-114.12, 120.00], [-117.37, 120.00]],
                   [[-114.12,  34.08], [-109.62,  48.80], [-109.62, 120.00], [-114.37, 120.00]],
                   [[-109.62,  48.80], [-103.92,  60.00], [-103.92, 120.00], [-109.62, 120.00]],
                   [[-103.92,  60.00], [ -97.08,  70.53], [ -97.08, 120.00], [-103.92, 120.00]],
                   [[ -97.08,  70.53], [ -89.17,  80.29], [ -89.17, 120.00], [ -97.08, 120.00]],
                   [[ -89.17,  80.29], [ -80.29,  89.17], [ -80.29, 120.00], [ -89.17, 120.00]],
                   [[ -80.29,  89.17], [ -70.53,  97.08], [ -70.53, 120.00], [ -80.29, 120.00]],
                   [[ -70.53,  97.08], [ -60.00, 103.92], [ -60.00, 120.00], [ -70.53, 120.00]],
                   [[ -60.00, 103.92], [ -48.80, 109.62], [ -48.80, 120.00], [ -60.00, 120.00]],
                   [[ -48.80, 109.62], [ -37.08, 114.12], [ -37.08, 120.00], [ -48.80, 120.00]],
                   [[ -37.08, 114.12], [ -24.94, 117.37], [ -24.94, 120.00], [ -37.08, 120.00]],
                   [[ -24.94, 117.37], [ -12.54, 119.34], [ -12.54, 120.00], [ -24.94, 120.00]],
                   [[ -12.54, 119.34], [   0.00, 120.00], [ -12.54, 120.00]],
                   [[ 120.00,   0.00], [ 119.34, -12.43], [ 119.34,-120.00], [ 120.00,-120.00]],
                   [[ 119.34, -12.43], [ 117.37, -24.94], [ 117.37,-120.00], [ 119.34,-120.00]],
                   [[ 117.37, -24.94], [ 114.12, -37.08], [ 114.12,-120.00], [ 117.37,-120.00]],
                   [[ 114.12, -34.08], [ 109.62, -48.80], [ 109.62,-120.00], [ 114.37,-120.00]],
                   [[ 109.62, -48.80], [ 103.92, -60.00], [ 103.92,-120.00], [ 109.62,-120.00]],
                   [[ 103.92, -60.00], [  97.08, -70.53], [  97.08,-120.00], [ 103.92,-120.00]],
                   [[  97.08, -70.53], [  89.17, -80.29], [  89.17,-120.00], [  97.08,-120.00]],
                   [[  89.17, -80.29], [  80.29, -89.17], [  80.29,-120.00], [  89.17,-120.00]],
                   [[  80.29, -89.17], [  70.53, -97.08], [  70.53,-120.00], [  80.29,-120.00]],
                   [[  70.53, -97.08], [  60.00,-103.92], [  60.00,-120.00], [  70.53,-120.00]],
                   [[  60.00,-103.92], [  48.80,-109.62], [  48.80,-120.00], [  60.00,-120.00]],
                   [[  48.80,-109.62], [  37.08,-114.12], [  37.08,-120.00], [  48.80,-120.00]],
                   [[  37.08,-114.12], [  24.94,-117.37], [  24.94,-120.00], [  37.08,-120.00]],
                   [[  24.94,-117.37], [  12.54,-119.34], [  12.54,-120.00], [  24.94,-120.00]],
                   [[  12.54,-119.34], [   0.00,-120.00], [  12.54,-120.00]]

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