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Posted (edited) · CURA 2.4 issues

new topic to collect issues with the just released 2.4

I just noticed that loading erik's hairy lion project file will screw up your visibility settings.

Apparently loading a project file that has all advanced settings visibility turned off screws your settings.

I lost visibility off settings on ALL machines, not only the one in the project.....

So it seems I can now manually figure out again which settings I liked to see :(


so carefull with this one :)



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    Posted · CURA 2.4 issues

    It would be nice to have "visibility presets" that you could save and load from a drop down in the visibility menu, so you easily could save/restore your preferred view even after something like this (or in my case, I do Ultimaker training and have to change my visibility back to "default" before every training session, but I have another prefered set of settings when I slice stuff :) )

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    Posted · CURA 2.4 issues

    saving a project file

    I'm very happy with the ability to save a project file (item+position+settings) but the implementation in the GUI is a bit confusing.

    If you save from the save button (bottom right) you get a variety of option, except for the project file. Don't think the saving of a .3MF file will save a project, it will not.


    the only way to save a project is to save from file/save project.


    If you want to konw if a file is a projectfile there are 2 types of extension;

    .3MF - not a projectfile (no cura settings in the file)

    .curaproject.3MF - this is a projectfile

    And the last tricky thing, if you open a project file, by double clicking it, cura will NOT recognize it as a project file. Even if you open it from cura it will not open as a project.

    You have to explicitly open a project file:





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    Posted · CURA 2.4 issues

    A couple of questions on how to install with 2.4beta 2 currently installed.

    1 Can 2.4 Release be installed over the top of 2.4Beta2, or should one uninstall 2.4 Beta 2 first.

    2. Can the Appdata\Cura\quality & machine_instances folders, for settings and customised printer definitions, be left in place, or should they be backed up?

    3. What is the method to get my settings and customised printer definitions into 2.4 Release, assuming if needed that I have copied them back into the Appdata\Cura folders?

    Windows 10 laptop

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    Posted · CURA 2.4 issues

    ... I have looked but cannot see any install instructions for 2.4 Release

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    Posted · CURA 2.4 issues

    I had 2.4b installed and when installing 2.4 it asks to uninstall the previous version. Which I clicked yes and it uninstalls it and installs 2.4

    Seeing the app data folder never gets removed all your previous settings are transferred to the new version.

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    Posted · CURA 2.4 issues

    No 32bit version? Or is that coming soon?

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    Posted · CURA 2.4 issues

    It would be nice to have "visibility presets" that you could save and load from a drop down in the visibility menu, so you easily could save/restore your preferred view even after something like this (or in my case, I do Ultimaker training and have to change my visibility back to "default" before every training session, but I have another prefered set of settings when I slice stuff :))


    Yeah, it's also on my wish list.

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    Posted · CURA 2.4 issues

    No 32bit version? Or is that coming soon?


    No 32 bit version. We stopped supporting that. Not enough people using it, way to much of a hassle to support it.

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    Posted · CURA 2.4 issues

    1 Can 2.4 Release be installed over the top of 2.4Beta2, or should one uninstall 2.4 Beta 2 first.


    This should not give any problems.


    2. Can the Appdata\Cura\quality &  machine_instances folders, for settings and customised printer definitions, be left in place, or should they be backed up?


    I say about anything that is important to you that you should back them up. That being said, it should be handled correctly.


    3. What is the method to get my settings and customised printer definitions into 2.4 Release, assuming if needed that I have copied them back into the Appdata\Cura folders?


    Do you mean packaged? If you want them in the next release for everyone to see & share, make a pull request.

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    Posted (edited) · CURA 2.4 issues

    CURA 2.4 and 2.3.1 don't play nice on same Win7 computer

    1. Installed 2.4 , it found my printers and life seemed good. I was even able to add a Delta machine to my settings. Loving it!

    2. closed 2.4

    3. Opened 2.3.1 and it asked to add printers, since there were none? actually it could not find any settings (like saved printing profiles).

    4. closed 2.3.1

    5. opened 2.4. it also has zero printers now and wants to add some, lost all settings like saved printing profiles.

    That's not very cool. :-(

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    Posted · CURA 2.4 issues

    CURA 2.4 ignores "print one at a time" and exports "all at once" gcode instead, even after layer view preview shows proper print one at a time layers


    Also under this category I have the following feedback.

    1. Moving objects was almost impossible. attempting to move an object required multiple attempts since you could not grab them. I was only able to move by using the arrows, and even this only worked once in every 5-7 attempts at clicking and dragging. (I did not try typing in the boxes)

    2. The shading around the object which shows the print head space disappears when you start to move the object. This used to stay so you could properly place the object compared to the other objects on the build platform.

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    Posted · CURA 2.4 issues

    CURA 2.4 jams UMO+ after each print, suspect end gcode settings adding 1mm more to retract at end than 2.3.1

    After printing 4 things with CURA 2.4 on my UMO+ I have to un-jam the bowden tube each time I tried to do another print. I have looked and 2.4 is retracting 1mm more that 2.3.1 did.

    When I installed 2.4 I grabbed my machine profiles, so I thought all was the same but this was not.

    At this point all my printer profiles and print settings have been lost , so I'm uninstalling 2.4 and trying to get back anything I can, but not hopeful.

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    Posted (edited) · CURA 2.4 issues

    If you print dual color the nozzle dips right into the pla after priming... strange behaviour. Was not in 2.3.1.

    Ruins every print right from the start :)

    Printing speed is not better than in 2.3.1 (as mentioned in the release notes). It tooks longer now with same settings... dont know why.

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    Posted · CURA 2.4 issues

    If you print dual color the nozzle dips right into the pla after priming... strange behaviour. Was not in 2.3.1.

    Ruins every print right from the start :)

    Printing speed is not better than in 2.3.1 (as mentioned in the release notes). It tooks longer now with same settings... dont know why.


    I have the same problems.

    Extruder 2 will prime, move backwards, retracts and print but extruder 1 will prime, move backwards, retract, move forwards which picks up the prime poo and goes to print dragging the poo directly into you print.

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    Posted · CURA 2.4 issues

    CURA 2.4 and 2.3.1 don't play nice on same Win7 computer


    This is a known issue / by design. If Cura detects files from an older version, it backs them up into folders marked "old" and upgrades them. There is no automatic "downgrade" functionality. This means you can no longer go back a version without manually restoring files from these "old" folders.

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    Posted · CURA 2.4 issues

    CURA 2.4 jams UMO+ after each print, suspect end gcode settings adding 1mm more to retract at end than 2.3.1


    As far as I can see, there have been no changes in the UMO/UMO+ definitions between version 2.3.1 and 2.4.

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    Posted · CURA 2.4 issues


    CURA 2.4 and 2.3.1 don't play nice on same Win7 computer


    This is a known issue / by design. If Cura detects files from an older version, it backs them up into folders marked "old" and upgrades them. There is no automatic "downgrade" functionality. This means you can no longer go back a version without manually restoring files from these "old" folders.


    Thanks @ahoeben for clarifying my mistake. I have two more questions about this.

    I will try "restoring" my old folders and try to get 2.3.1 working again. Is this documented anywhere? Because as i look at them I'm worried for the following reasons:

    A. \AppData\Local\cura\old - this only contains cura.cfg which has no settings just a version number.

    B. \AppData\Local\cura\machine_instances\old - this only contains printer_name.cfg files which has no settings for the machine just their names.

    C. \AppData\Local\cura\profiles\old - this only contains profile_name.cfg files from a while ago august 2016, these are old probably from 2.1, so I'm not sure where the profiles from yesterday went.

    D. those are the only "old" folder I can find.

    ALSO Where is the fact that you can't run multiple versions of 2.x documented? I'm not finding it:

    1. on the download page.

    2. in the release notes.

    3. in the blog post announcing the new CURA 2.4.

    4. In the quick start guide (still 2.3, I do not see a 2.4 quick start yet).

    I suppose it's my fault that I incorrectly assumed that (like previous versions) the new cura install was going into it's own folder which would mean that I could run them side by side. I must have never tried going back until this time.

    Some kind of warning would be nice in all the places I have listed above. Just some simple text such as "please manually uninstall ALL previous versions of 2.x before installing 2.x+1 or it's possible that you will lose all/some of your machine definitions and printing profiles."

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    Posted · CURA 2.4 issues

    I agree with you that it would be much nicer if there were an easier way to switch between versions. It has been brought up before, but it has not gotten any developer time sofar.

    Note: I'm just the messenger here. Best I can do is tell people to make a backup of their configuration folder before trying a new version.

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    Posted · CURA 2.4 issues


    CURA 2.4 jams UMO+ after each print, suspect end gcode settings adding 1mm more to retract at end than 2.3.1


    As far as I can see, there have been no changes in the UMO/UMO+ definitions between version 2.3.1 and 2.4.


    retyping this due to lost post when posting! When will i learn to copy EVERYTIME before posting..grrrr!!!!!

    My claim of +1mm retraction comes from looking at the last successful gcode files from 2.3.1 and 2.4. Since I currently do not have a functioning 2.3.1 or 2.4 on my machine I can not look at the printer settings, but initially 2.4 did seem to import the settings just fine so I would guess they were the same.

    What I think I am seeing is that the retraction that occurs right after the last layer is done is 1mm more. (see attached image) I am not sure where this is controlled since there are 2 more retractions (total of 3) at the end of the file. 5a3327b383b29_retractdiff231vs24.thumb.png.daa8f74913d6481d780e746c74e198a5.png

    Anyway, I am not an expert so my observation may have an error, but let me know what you think.


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    Posted (edited) · CURA 2.4 issues

    not sure if this should be a whole new thread or not. But here goes the next chapter. I am worried that I am missing a step to do a "clean install", if there is documentation please link me to it. Or I am doing something very silly, like using a character (like dash) in naming my machine in settings.

    1. Manually uninstalled all cura 2.X (using the uninstall.exe in the cura 2.x folder)

    C:\Program Files\Cura 2.1

    C:\Program Files\Cura 2.3

    C:\Program Files\Cura 2.4

    2. Delete this folder


    3. Install CURA 2.3.1 (this dialog seemed fine, nothing strange)

    4. Add machine for my UMO+

    5. Add 3 printing profiles

    6. Add 1 material profile.

    7. Opened and closed Cura several time, all seems good. printer and profiles still there.

    8. Shutdown & turn on Computer.

    9. Open CURA -  it's asking to add printer, lost all profiles and settings

    Cura.log shows a bunch of warning and debug stuff, but really seems to die after the reboot with these lines on opening cura:


    2017-02-26 10:17:27,894 - ERROR - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Logger.py (logException [53]): Exception: Could not deserialize container Ultimaker Original+ - new MP2017-02-26 10:17:27,900 - ERROR - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Logger.py (logException [53]): Traceback (most recent call last):2017-02-26 10:17:27,900 - ERROR - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Logger.py (logException [53]):   File "D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Settings\ContainerRegistry.py", line 245, in load2017-02-26 10:17:27,900 - ERROR - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Logger.py (logException [53]):   File "D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Settings\ContainerStack.py", line 262, in deserialize2017-02-26 10:17:27,901 - ERROR - D:\2.3\build\inst\lib\python3.4\site-packages\UM\Logger.py (logException [53]): Exception: When trying to deserialize Ultimaker Original+ - new MP, we received an unknown ID (ultimaker_original_plus_0.1mm) for container


    so my




    is my optical drive, not sure what




    it's referring to here.

    I can provide entire log file if needed.

    ---2-27-17----edit to add more info----------------------------

    10. open cura 2.3.1 added back UMO+ did not rename, accept defaults.

    11. profiles came back!

    12. closed cura 2.3.1 - re-opend - asked for machine again.(umo+ gone)

    13. reboot

    14. open cura - asked for machine, add UM2+ - no print profiles come back.

    15. close and open cura - it remembers and keeps UM2+

    16. add UMO+ - profiles come back AND a material profile (did not know they are stored on the machine). (NOTE-the material profile that came back does not show up under Manage Materials, and where was this stored? I deleted the cura folder to do a clean install)

    17. close and open cura - it remembers both printers.

    18. reboot - open cura still good

    19. delete UM2+ close and open cura. it remembers umo+

    20. reboot

    21. open cura still remembers umo+ and the material profile name "PLA - colerfabb mark" that I can not find in manage.

    22. try selecting a different material "PLA", dialog asking if I want to overwrite PLA with the current settings. I cancel the dialog, PLA is selected and the remembered material profile is now gone?

    23. Same trouble moving objects around the build plate.

    SO I think:

    1. Not everything is saved in \AppData\Local\cura since that material profile name appeared after adding back the UMO+.

    2. Printing profiles are saved on the machine? Good thing I never tried to use a profile on more that one machine.

    3. I'm not sure if I've arrived at a "stable" place with cura 2.3.1 but at least it's remembering printers.

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    Posted · CURA 2.4 issues


    3. What is the method to get my settings and customised printer definitions into 2.4 Release, assuming if needed that I have copied them back into the Appdata\Cura folders?


    Do you mean packaged? If you want them in the next release for everyone to see & share, make a pull request.


    Hi @nallath, what I meant was..... When I first load 2.4 release after installation; will my printer definition and my profile settings be there on the GUI waiting for me? Or do I need to do some sort of import process to get them there and visible to me?

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    Posted · CURA 2.4 issues

    will my printer definition and my profile settings be there on the GUI waiting for me?

    They should be automatically upgraded to 2.4. Note that this also means that they wont work with 2.3 anymore. So make a backup.

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