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Posted (edited) · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

'Hi, we're Jaime (Nallath) and Mark (MSuurmond), crucial members of the Ultimaker Cura team!' @Nallath is a software engineer who has been with Ultimaker for a long time already, has worked on various projects and just knows a lot... about everything! He's also quite active on the forums when his workload allows him. @MSuurmond is the product owner of Cura and is involved with decisions that influence the future of Cura on a daily basis.

On October 18th at 4:30pm CEST Jaime and Mark will try to answer any question you might have for them. Whether it is regarding their work and Ultimaker Cura 3.0, their favorite line of code or if it is possible to express the value and investment in Cura in cups of coffee.

Nallath and MSuurmond will start replying on October 18th at 4.30pm CEST.

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Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

I'll probably be available a little later than 4:30 so let me paste some questions already.....

Although Cura is great, big thanks to all of you!!, the GUI has room for improvement imho. Due to some less desirable standard settings (f.e. strange speed defaults) I now feel the need to always have all settings visible, resulting in endless scrolling.

I would really like the option to in stead of 1 configuration, have about 4 levels (visibility profiles, whatever you want to call it), so I can define for each function when it's visible.

The idea is to have the main used stuff like speed, wall count, and infill always visible, and the more exotic stuff only on level 4..

What do you guys think would be the best solution?

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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

    A long time issue on dual printing imho is the limited configurability of the prime tower. To have decent bed adhesion you need to make it fairly thick, and using brim is wise.

    the wishlist;

    - separate brim for model and tower

    - tower design with walls only, to avoid the vibrator.

    solution seems to be somewhere on a cura "top 50" is it still on? will it be any time soon?

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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!


    I have been very impressed with cura, I have been using S3D for years and now find that Cura has jumped into the arena just short of S3D but close enough to have made me use Cura more than S3D.

    Just in case I miss this I thought I put a starter for 10.

    for both Cura and Ultimaker, why is it taking so long to introduce new nozzle sizes on the UM3. I am desperate to have the ability to have 0.15 but at least 0.25mm. maybe the ability to create a nozzle profile section allowing users to define their own. Do you guys think that it's possible to hand the end user control of nozzle size?

    The other thing I was wondering was; if there is going to be a consideration towards bridging function, especially speed setting.

    many thanks and hope to still manage to be at the AMA

    Rebekah Anderson

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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

    I would really like the option to in stead of 1 configuration, have about 4 levels (visibility profiles, whatever you want to call it), so I can define for each function when it's visible.

    Unless the UX peeps feel strongly about this, I would like to have a stab at implementing something like this for Cura 3.1

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    Posted (edited) · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

    Alright, aaaaaand we're live! I would like to welcome @MSuurmond and @Nallath to this thread and we can all go and start answering questions for the next 90 minutes!

    If you have any followup questions based on answers that are given feel free, and new questions are also welcome.

    I've collected a few questions already via different channels, and I'll merge those in in between as well :)

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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

    I would really like the option to in stead of 1 configuration, have about 4 levels (visibility profiles, whatever you want to call it), so I can define for each function when it's visible.

    Unless the UX peeps feel strongly about this, I would like to have a stab at implementing something like this for Cura 3.1

    Would a feature like "favourite settings" solve this? It's not 4 different levels, but adds some freedom in between recommended and custom. I'm afraid that 4 different levels will make things bloated and complex (and favourite settings has been requested before on the forums).

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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

    I would really like the option to in stead of 1 configuration, have about 4 levels (visibility profiles, whatever you want to call it), so I can define for each function when it's visible.

    The idea is to have the main used stuff like speed, wall count, and infill always visible, and the more exotic stuff only on level 4..

    The visibility pre-sets is in our top 50 issue list. It's also a feature that I really want myself. This system could also be extendable to custom pre-sets (or pre-sets per extruder)

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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

    Did you have in mind to add manual supports? I think will be a great feauture in particular will bring back a lot of users from S3D to use again and more Cura, and the Multiple Processes would be another interesting feature to add.

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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

    Heey Cura team!

    ~ How many people outside of Ultimaker are working on Cura? And how do you decide which contributions from outside Ultimaker are used and which aren't?

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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

    This system could also be extendable to custom pre-sets (or pre-sets per extruder)

    What I have in mind is a "hamburger" menu next to the setting search field, which has options to quickly switch between sets of visible items, and create/update these sets.

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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

    One question we received from the community is regarding a policy we use to implement new features. It has something to do with levels of activity a request must have in 12 weeks. @MSuurmond, can you explain this some more?

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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

    For both Cura and Ultimaker, why is it taking so long to introduce new nozzle sizes on the UM3.  

    This has quite a bit more to do with hardware & materials. We put a lot of time in getting those profiles right. Getting hardware up and running is also something that takes quite a bit of time.

    Cura can already support different nozzle sizes. It does take a bit of in depth knowledge to fully set it up right, but there are some doable work arounds. If you only change the layer width setting, you can already print with those nozzle sizes.

    The other thing I was wondering was; if there is going to be a consideration towards bridging function, especially speed setting.

    "real bridiging" has been on our wish list for quite some time now. I'm not a 100% sure at what priority it is now, but other things have taken priority over it.

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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

    One question we received from the community is regarding a policy we use to implement new features. It has something to do with levels of activity a request must have in 12 weeks. @MSuurmond, can you explain this some more?

    Yes. I started this because we had 800 open issue's in our ticket system and we couldn’t even keep up with the inflow of new tickets.

    I strongly believe in focus. If you give a team a very clear goal of what is the most important thing each two weeks, this helps people to make high quality decisions themselves and that makes work more fun. It also helps if we can prioritize tickets on one list, so that 1 ticket is the most important and that is the one we start working on.

    If we have 800 open tickets this does not give focus and nobody can prioritize this. So, I started by closing the old tickets. Tickets that aren't updated in 12 weeks go to a bucket where they stay for 4 weeks before they will be closed. The idea behind this was also that we weren't working on these tickets anyway, so let's make that very clear to the owner of that ticket. This way the owner still has an option to come to us with new information or takes another route to find a solution for his/her problem.

    It also doesn't mean your problem is not important, only that we believe we have more important problems to fix first.

    I hope we will become into a state where we can easily fix all incoming issue's immediately and still add functionality, but until we can, I must keep my backlog small (around 50 issue's) and focussed.

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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

    What are your favourite past-times while Cura is launching?


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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

    I would really like the option to in stead of 1 configuration, have about 4 levels (visibility profiles, whatever you want to call it), so I can define for each function when it's visible.

    The idea is to have the main used stuff like speed, wall count, and infill always visible, and the more exotic stuff only on level 4..

    The visibility pre-sets is in our top 50 issue list. It's also a feature that I really want myself. This system could also be extendable to custom pre-sets (or pre-sets per extruder)

    Is this top 50 list something we can share with our users @MSuurmond or @Nallath, so people kinda know where things are going?
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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!
    Is this top 50 list something we can share with our users MSuurmond or Nallath' date=' so people kinda know where things are going?[/quote']

    In many cases we could, but in some cases it's preparation for new Ultimaker products which are still kept secret.

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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

    Tickets that aren't updated in 12 weeks go to a bucket where they stay for 4 weeks before they will be closed.

    It would be nice if community contributors could see what's in those buckets, so endangered issues can be adopted. It has happened before...

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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

    What is your vision of Cura in 5 years? What can it do (leaving out the secret features of course)?

    I strongly believe that software can and should be a platform as much as possible. For those of you that know the term, Cura is set up to be really "data driven". It's a concept that i learned from game development. Instead of hard coding a lot of things, you try to make a very strong core that dynamicly, based on the data it gets, performs certain behaviour. This is why there is a theme system, plugin system and a new machine system.

    This makes Cura changeable. Based on what data you "feed" it, it can be many things.

    I built those things so that as much people can join in on adding features & possibilities. I'd love to see Cura go the same route as other platforms (and if I dare dream, one day it could be something like Android or Drupal!)

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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

    Heey Cura team!

    ~ How many people outside of Ultimaker are working on Cura? And how do you decide which contributions from outside Ultimaker are used and which aren't?

    It is very cool to see that we have had in total 150 unique contributors on Cura and we receive more and more pull requests each sprint. Of course some are very active (yes you @ahoeben :) ) and some companies just add their printer profiles, but it really helps making Cura better.

    How we decide on what to work on:

    My first question is ‘How much work is this for the Cura team and what is the value for a user?’ If it is very little work and the value is obvious, then let’s just do it. If it is big then I usually ask ‘can we chop this up in smaller steps in such a way that the first small step already adds some value. This is what we are doing with the whole 'plugin browser'. The first steps are small but being able to release plugins separate of Ultimaker Cura is already handy for us and people who use it.

    If we really can chop a feature up into smaller steps we think long and hard about if it really is worth the effort.

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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

    Unless the UX peeps feel strongly about this, I would like to have a stab at implementing something like this for Cura 3.1

    By all means :) I don't think we have any UX for it. I prefer to have a feature that isn't fully fitting with the rest of the application compared to not having it at all. If the UX becomes a problem, it can always be tweaked.

    Having a feature makes it a bit more of a discussion piece (and much easier to show how it works)

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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

    If you were to introduce a voice assistant to Cura, how would it sound? More like Morgan Freeman or Optimus Prime?

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    Posted · October 18th 4:30pm (CEST). CURA AMA!

    Did you have in mind to add manual supports? I think will be a great feauture in particular will bring back a lot of users from S3D to use again and more Cura, and the Multiple Processes would be another interesting feature to add.

    I really want the manual supports feature, but i also want it right. There already is something that sorta does it (anti-overhang meshes), but that is far from perfect.

    Every so often we have "research sprints" (which have resulted in our packing, improved layer view, etc). It could be one of those things to do in one of those (as in that case you can be a bit more experimental, as it's okay if it fails).

    Another option would be that if someone has a cool engine that generates supports to slap it into a plugin. Cura can already mark an object as a "support mesh".

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