I've painted a few things as long as it's somewhat primed it works. I've tried Tamaya spray base coat, and some random rust proof spraypaint I found lying around the house. It's not even for plastic and it works. Then acrylic over that.
Basecoat black rust paint, 2ish layers of acrylic model paint. I didn't even paint the black parts again.. it's just primer.
Primed with watered down acrylic black paint. -I don't recommend this as much, you need a lot more coats to cover the base. But at least I printed in silver so I just had to add a little bit of silver paint.
Basecoat in black anti-rust spray. Painted in model acrylics
You do need to seal it afterwards though, or the paint flakes off kinda easily. I just used a latex sealer you can grab at an art store. I just had all this stuff from my graphic design school days, didn't pick them on purpose.
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anthonyt 0
It is not necessary to paint the plastic, but nail polish works well on ABS, and also works pretty good on PLA. This takes at least two coats to completely cover the original plastic color. There are some nail polish kits on Ebay with many colours for a decent price.
If you want to use spray paint, then you can try "KRYLON FUSION FOR PLASTIC".
Painting is always messy. It is just easier to get the desired filament in the first place.
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