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Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta

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Posted (edited) · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta

Hi everyone,


Today we launched a new testing firmware for the Ultimaker S5. Used together with the second beta of Ultimaker Cura 4.0, you will be able to preview some early cloud functionality, and some other things. Details are posted here: https://ultimaker.com/en/blog/52820-firmware-52-beta-available-for-the-ultimaker-s5


We invite you to try it out and log any feedback you have in this thread, which we can then implement into the stable release that will follow soon.


Do remember - this is beta firmware and is still under development, so avoid using it for super-important projects!!!


Update your Ultimaker S5 by connecting it to Wi-Fi/ethernet, access the maintenance menu, and install the latest 'testing' version (5.2.xxx)


Any other questions, please ask.



Edited by maht
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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta
    57 minutes ago, maht said:

    you will be able to preview some early cloud functionality


    More importantly, quoting from the blog post: "The internal lights of the Ultimaker S5 can now be completely turned off."


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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta

    first feedback;


    Install, ok

    sensor test, ok


    object based probing, not ok  (Cura 4 beta 2)


    Sliced a tiny part, but it still probed the height of both nozzles, and it probed about the hole green area, not only the relevant area around the object.


    And even for the first print after firmware update the ,material was retracted so much that also the prime blob was not enough, so if you try this firmware just manually push the filament a bit....




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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta

    also, soon after the print start i lost connection with the printer, on a wired connecting...


    "mange printer"  "connect", does not reconnect to the machine...




    rebooting Cura will not let me reconnect, have to reboot the S5 first.....

    Edited by ultiarjan
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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta

    tried a 2th time, after rebooting, still probes both nozzles, but the # probes and the area (green) is better now, still does not seem a very logical area around the print, but at least smaller



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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta

    I'm stuck on "Updating firmware" for about 4+ hours now. One hates to power cycle it, but its hard to believe its going to complete, either. Is there a timeout eventually?


    I can reach the printer via WiFi no problem, go to cura connect, etc


    About still lists "Firmware version:"


    Added: Try 2 made it go. Unfortunately there are no hints as to why try 1 failed.

    Edited by PaulK
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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta


    #1 -- Did a core change (to 0.8). It did not retract the material enough to do the core change, I had to manually release the filament and pull it back.

    #2 -- it said I shouldn't do white PLA + 0.8. I think that is bogus. This is why we buy 0.8 nozzles.  Added: DOH. Don't drink and print. Loaded a BB 0.8 core, which is, indeed, a bad idea for white PLA.

    #3 -- It keeps prompting me to "upgrade" to 5.1.whatever. This isn't helpful.


    Edited by PaulK
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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta

    When I selected Sprint 0.4, it shows 0.2 in the title.


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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta
    8 hours ago, PaulK said:

    I'm stuck on "Updating firmware" for about 4+ hours now. One hates to power cycle it, but its hard to believe its going to complete, either. Is there a timeout eventually?

    We hope to have tackled this bug in this v5.2 release, so future updates will go smoother.


    The problem was that the internal flash drive had too little free disk space for extracting the downloaded new firmware file. There was a check for available disk space, but this check was executed too late. We now check at an earlier time and force clean extra disk space. Another fix we made was limiting the maximum size of the system log files. There was a size limitat enforced on system startup, but a system with lots of (network) errors would still eat up all available space just being powered on. Now the log size limit is enforced always.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta

    @ultiarjan , thanks for trying this version! We also probe the 'movement area' of the first layer since we need to move there with the nozzle, so we also need to compensate for build plate deformation in order to prevent potentially scratching the bed. That is why you are seeing the bigger probe area you illustrate.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta
    7 hours ago, WesleyE said:

    @ultiarjan , thanks for trying this version! We also probe the 'movement area' of the first layer since we need to move there with the nozzle, so we also need to compensate for build plate deformation in order to prevent potentially scratching the bed. That is why you are seeing the bigger probe area you illustrate.


    Think that reduces the added benefit a lot, I feel you can still reduce the amount of probing more.


    Also, why still probe the unused nozzle, waste of time imho

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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta

    I just got a false material out print pause (S5). Loaded materials were White PLA and Ulitmaker PVA. I'd be betting the PVA was the problem; the only other time I've got this was printing transparent CPE. 


    So that fix isn't all the way there yet.


    Mmmmm .... I'm gonna reserve judgement. Let me get back to you. The white was actually feeding very poorly in this case (hard to tell why), it might have been legit.

    Edited by PaulK
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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta

    You should be able to tell which material has caused the runout break by the position of the right printcore nozzle.

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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta

    Am i to picky?

    Just installed this FW (took me 2 attempts before it completed)

    -I don't use brim, i find this a pain to remove, and it always stays visible.

    So i took the prime blob option + 20 lines of skirt. Still not enough to get a good first layer, neither on my extruder1 (TPLA) or 2 (Breakaway)

    Sorry, but on a 6600k production machine such behaviour is unacceptable to me.

    So off goes the beta, and back to the normal FW.

    Better wait than lose production.

    The good things: lights go off completely now, probing is speed up by reducing the area.


    Bottom line, on such an expensive machine, even with beta, the basics that were fine, and by my knowledge are not changed in this fw, should not be messed up with.

    I know, beta beta, but still..

    Edited by RudydG
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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta
    1 hour ago, RudydG said:

    So i took the prime blob option + 20 lines of skirt. Still not enough to get a good first layer, neither on my extruder1 (TPLA) or 2 (Breakaway)


    May I ask if the quality is bad or if there is no filament extruded at all after blob+skirt?

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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta

    There is extrusion, but no filament. So not even bad, just unusable for small prints. When i changed to the official fw, i also noticed that the filament was seriously (like 20cm?) retracted.


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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta

    Is that always the case or did that happen only for the first print after firmware upgrade (for both upgrades, first to the beta and then back to the stable version)?

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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta

    what i tried:

    after installing the beta fw, first time small print, no succes.

    Feeded the filaments manualy until they where in the hotends, rebooted and retryed. Still no succes.

    Then i went back to the original fw, and got on with my work.


    Edited by RudydG
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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta

    One change in the printer that didn't get full attention is that we are re-designing the deprime routines. This part of the software structure has become a mess over time and creates some of the long running problems where the filament makes unexplained moves at the end or start of a print. As a user you won't notice too much from this restructuring but for us software engineers it makes the code easier to maintain.

    One visible change we made is that the filament parking location moved about 10cm up and is now located outside the print core at a visible location in the bowden tube. Advantage of this is that a faster changing filament or changing print core can be executed since we can skip heating the print core.

    These changes touch all the printer's functions so require a lot of testing.


    One other important new feature in this release is the cloud connection and since this depends heavily on Cura we had to synchronize the firmware beta together with the Cura beta.


    Because of the synchronized release of Cura Beta and the firmware beta we didn't have time to fix all known problems but we think the firmware is good enough for people who want to play around with the new features and we are anxious to receive your feedback.

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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta
    3 hours ago, CarloK said:

    One visible change we made is that the filament parking location moved about 10cm up and is now located outside the print core at a visible location in the bowden tube. Advantage of this is that a faster changing filament or changing print core can be executed since we can skip heating the print core.




    When I went to swap out my AA0.25 Core with the new firmware, it had left a string down into the core that was stuck pretty good. I had to remove the bowden tube and clip the string to get the core out. Note I have only ever printed a single type of filament with this core, so there was no contamination etc. Now this could be a one time thing, but never happened with the old core swap routine. It's like it allowed too much (or not enough?) cool down before retracting to its resting position. Or just unlucky. The 0.25 core can be a little finicky.


    Over all I do like the large retraction though.

    Edited by PaulK
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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta
    4 hours ago, CarloK said:

    One visible change we made is that the filament parking location moved about 10cm up and is now located outside the print core at a visible location in the bowden tube. Advantage of this is that a faster changing filament or changing print core can be executed since we can skip heating the print core.


    I'm confused, there was no need to heat the core before, I always change filament manually and I never had to heat before.


    the "10cm up" can probably be an issue with manual filament loading when  people feed the material too far, how will you prevent grinded material in this case? I'm not sure which issue the extra 10cm is supposed to solve, but I can see it generate new issues ...


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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta

    To me, the 10cm up is nice as I won't have to manually move the material. change the core then guess how far to manually push the material back into the core.

    I did find some materials did require heating the core like TPU and PP as they would have a string stuck that wasn't easy to break by pulling.

    You could put a mark on the bowden tube to where you need to manually feed the material to as it will now be a visible location.

    would be a nice feature for UM to add this mark and notify people that if the need to manually move material for any reason to move it up to the mark to prevent grinding or under extrusion. maybe a small band of red heat-shrink or something could be used. 

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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta
    On 3/2/2019 at 2:09 AM, WesleyE said:

    @ultiarjan , thanks for trying this version! We also probe the 'movement area' of the first layer since we need to move there with the nozzle, so we also need to compensate for build plate deformation in order to prevent potentially scratching the bed. That is why you are seeing the bigger probe area you illustrate.



    Could a Z-hop be added on the first layer to the first extrusion point for both extruders and travels to the material change position? This would eliminate any risk of scratching in the larger movement area. 

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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 beta

    I have had no luck getting the cloud features to work.

    The printer and cura both successfully displayed login PIN and cura displays a "now connected!" toast, but no printer appears and monitoring is blank with "make sure your printer is connected" even though the printer is running a job and connected to a network.


    Can you confirm that the printers network just needs web ports in order to work?

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