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Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction


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Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction

Hi Ultimaker Community,

I've been crawling the Ultimaker Forums almost everyday just trying to get a read on what the community is thinking of the UM2s as they make their way into the wild. I have one on order over what I personally considered contenders (MakerGear M2, Replicator 2), and look forward to start working with it in early December.

I've seen both the good and the bad, like the beautiful vases printed by http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/3383-got-it-ultimaker-2/&do=findComment&comment=25612 and http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/3383-got-it-ultimaker-2/page-2&do=findComment&comment=25631, to the concerns http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/3393-the-spring-report-the-first-6-hours-with-an-ultimaker-2/&do=findComment&comment=25717 by the fastidious Ian, and other concerns posted here and there.

I must admit that after reading others' concerns I may have gotten a small case of cold feet. I'm by no means expecting perfect prints right out of the box, and as an engineer, I'm not even remotely afraid of needing to tinker and tweak to improve function and print quality. I was even quite disappointed that the UM2 was not offered as a kit that I could assemble myself (let's just say I help friends put IKEA furniture together because I enjoy it).

I'm also not new to 3D printing; I've dealt extensively with running and maintaining my company's Objet Eden 250, and setting up / running my friend's MakerGear M2. My only real worry is that I've purchased one of the most expensive consumer-grade printers on the market, and that I will still have to spend more time just getting it to work than actually being able to print and design upgrades for it. I do have a feeling that those voicing concerns may be a minority as those without concerns are too excited with their new printer to be posting, but I have no evidence to back it up; hence the cold feet.

My question, while not an easy one, is thus: given your first few days/weeks with the UM2, do you still feel that it is a superior printer to what you perceive as its competitors?

I'm also curious to ask long-time Ultimaker users; are Ultimaker Company design revisions to fix concerns rolled out to all users, or just those buying new printers?

TL:DR; Would you still buy your UM2 knowing what you know now?


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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction

    I think it's a bit early to tell on the UM2 - in general it's a great printer that adds some nice improvements over the previous generation. There have been some quality control issues that need to be addressed, with some units, for sure... but if the UM1 is any indication, it will go on to be one of the most reliable 3D printers there is.

    UM have already said that they will be releasing several of the innovations of the UM2 as upgrades for the UM1.

    In it's day, the UM1 had some teething issues and things that could have been better. Both the extruder drive and hot end underwent revisions that made both far more reliable. Those fixes were included in all new UM1's going forward, and made available to existing users as upgrade kits.

    I don't think you need to worry about being left out in the cold by being an early adopter of the UM2 - if any design fixes prove to be necessary, I feel confident that they will be available to everyone if there's any possible way to do so (and I can't imagine a case when there wouldn't be).

    One of the huge advantages that Ultimaker has over many other companies is that both the slicing software and firmware are being actively developed in house, so that a lot of improvements can be made without touching the hardware at all.


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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction

    Thanks for the feedback illuminarti! I can definitely say after having spent so much time reading these forums that they're of quality like I haven't seen anywhere else (information, friendliness, depth/breadth, lack of "trolling"), and you're definitely backing this up!

    One of the reasons I went with Ultimaker and avoided MakerBot/Stratasys was based on my perception the quality of the company, so it's good to hear confirmation of this. I also hadn't thought of the possibility of upgrade kits as was done with the UM1; they're not free, but it's just a drop in the pond in comparison to the printer price so it's still very reasonable. I also hadn't given any thought to the internally developed slicers and firmware; I think that MakerBot does this too (albeit slowly), but I never clicked that other companies rely on external resources exclusively.

    I think I'm already going back to excited/impatient from nervous; thanks again!


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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction

    I'm also curious to ask long-time Ultimaker users; are Ultimaker Company design revisions to fix concerns rolled out to all users, or just those buying new printers?


    We're set out to fix all the issues with the UM2, those both shipped and newly shipped. Any problems with the shipped UM2 machines will be addressed by the support staff.

    Note that I do think Ian is over reacting. There are issues, I agree on that, most caused by the packaging method (which we are rapidly adjusting) the biggest mistake we made is thinking that the UM-Original packaging would also work for the UM2.

    The UM2 casing is proving to be much more rigid, and because of that it is more susceptible to vibrations then the wooden frame. We already upgraded the packaging, and will do so again to improve it even more.

    (We threw a printer down the stairs to test the new packaging, printer survived with a minor amount of damage)

    It is a bit of a learning process for us, sometimes painful (especially when we see photos of a printer that did not arrive as we hoped), but we are learning fast, and correcting our mistakes. (For example, Ian was already offered a replacement if you missed that bit), and we are happy to see that a large amount of UM2 machines do reach their owners in a good state.


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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction

    One of the reasons I went with Ultimaker and avoided MakerBot/Stratasys was based on my perception the quality of the company, so it's good to hear confirmation of this. I also hadn't thought of the possibility of upgrade kits as was done with the UM1; they're not free, but it's just a drop in the pond in comparison to the printer price so it's still very reasonable. I also hadn't given any thought to the internally developed slicers and firmware; I think that MakerBot does this too (albeit slowly), but I never clicked that other companies rely on external resources exclusively.


    Yes, Makerbot does... and some other companies. But many are totally reliant on 'open source' toolchains that they play no part in moving forwards.

    I think Ultimaker has the best of both worlds - the software and firmware are open source; but they're directly and heavily involved in developing them. So we all gain from the work of others, and the insights and developments that are happening on totally different printing platforms... while at the same time they have the ability to quickly incorporate Ultimaker-specific fixes and features.

    This has particularly been the case with the Ultimaker 2, where a lot of cool things have been incorporated on the software and firmware side, and will now make their way back into the wider community.

    While I might sometimes express frustrations with the some specifics, and the lack of a clear roadmap, Daid is a huge asset to the UM platform overall. :-)


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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction

    While I might sometimes express frustrations with the some specifics, and the lack of a clear roadmap, Daid is a huge asset to the UM platform overall. :smile:


    LOL, let me rephrase that. It didn't come out right. I don't mean to sound like there are significant ways in which he ISN'T an asset, or that you have to look at the big picture to see that he's any good.

    I meant that the entire UM environment gains hugely from the work that he does. :-)


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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction

    Thanks for the insight Daid! Have I mentioned yet how awesome everyone on these forums seems to be? :mrgreen:

    I couldn't tell from the "issue" posts if what was being seen was from the shipping or a design standpoint (in hindsight I was being pessimistic and assuming design); it's good to know that it's primarily shipping damage.

    I love the fact that the new packaging is being quite severely tested, although the image of a shiny packaged UM2 rolling down the stairs makes me cringe a little (even when for the greater good). I would challenge even FedEx (the ultimate test of a package design in my experience) to damage a UM2 in a package that can survive that!

    In terms of Ulitmaker's response to any "issue" post, I think that Ultimaker has handled everything better than I've ever seen and couldn't agree with you more. Something I've adhered to in my own design work is that errors and mistakes will always happen, it's how you respond when it does that shows your true character and abilities. I had missed the replacement offer, I think I read that and assumed it was just a part of the printer, not the entire printer.


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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction

    TL:DR; Would you still buy your UM2 knowing what you know now?



    it is a fantastic machine out of the box,but like every3Dprinter/delivery you can have bad luck or not,i guess theirs get in better and better when the production get stablish we can not unexpected minor issues like soft screws etc.

    right now i be printing for 56 hours diferent models and i only find problems with some models but for slice fault or my own playing with settings tunes.

    also iam a owner of Solidoodle2 about a year and i tune everything in it, UM2 its like walk trow the flowers..


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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction

    Hi Engineer,

    Thank you for your post.

    It is a good question to ask. Just like David I can too admit that most of the damage inflicted on the machines are due to rough shipping. Of course we tested the packaging before we started shipping the units, but I guess it shows the testing was not 100% sufficient.

    We immediately took action in both engaging the conversation with those customers to find a satisfying solution as well in improving our packaging methods. Just like said above, it is not necessarily a bad thing if you get negative feedback or a complaint, what matters is how you deal with it. And I think, at least I hope, that we have done a good job on this.

    A satisfying solution means either a replacement of the unit or helping with troubleshooting and sending the replacement parts. In no case will anybody be left in the dark. If you have learned one thing from the forums I hope that its that we stay in close touch with our community and we leave no man behind! .. or woman.

    I also want to mention the topic Ian started; I don't think he is overreacting. Just like everyone else he had high anticipation when the new Ultimaker 2 would arrive. Only to find out it has some issues and you can not start printing the same night without keeping an eye on it. I can understand the level of frustration, but again I hope (and I will let Ian confirm this.. ?) we addressed his situation well.

    I think it is also important to underline that these few cases of damaged machines are not the benchmark of what we are shipping, but a few unfortunate cases / accidents. Just like Nacho there are a lot of very positive experiences.

    Thank you for posting!


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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction

    That's really good to know NachoKaoS! Thanks! I'm getting more and more excited for my walk through the garden. :smile:


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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction

    If you have learned one thing from the forums I hope that its that we stay in close touch with our community and we leave no man behind! .. or woman.


    That's definitely something I'm coming more around to understand! I think for me it's just a learning curve in regards to who is directly tied to Ultimaker (such as yourself and David), and who is just very knowledgeable with the products.


    I think it is also important to underline that these few cases of damaged machines are not the benchmark of what we are shipping, but a few unfortunate cases / accidents. Just like Nacho there are a lot of very positive experiences.

    Thank you for posting!


    I had guessed this was the case, but it's good to know that it really is a small percentage of shipments only. It's just hard to tell as I'm unaware of the magnitude of units that have been shipped.

    Thank you for your response! :grin:


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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction

    FYI - David's nickname online is "Daid". He and Sander work for UM and live in Netherlands. The remaining people who posted on this topic above me do not work for UM. I do not work for UM either.


    (We threw a printer down the stairs to test the new packaging, printer survived with a minor amount of damage)


    That must be the printer that IAN got!!!! :)

    My UM2 had a fan connector issue that I fixed in just a few minutes. Other than that it is printing great. But it is still early - I only just got it Monday.


    also iam a owner of Solidoodle2 about a year and i tune everything in it, UM2 its like walk trow the flowers..


    "a walk through the flowers". Yes - quite the endorsement!

    On the other hand everyone on this forum is biased towards UM.

    Ian I think forgot all the crap troubles he had getting his UM1 to work and expected the UM2 to be perfect and got a broken one to boot. Ian will forget all this in a few months and when the UM3 comes out he will be once again frustrated. Ian is great but I think he forgot how frustrating the UM1 was.


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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction

    Ian I think forgot all the crap troubles he had getting his UM1 to work and expected the UM2 to be perfect and got a broken one to boot. Ian will forget all this in a few months and when the UM3 comes out he will be once again frustrated. Ian is great but I think he forgot how frustrating the UM1 was.


    The UM2 release has been so stressful, I do not thing we will survive a UM3 release in a few months from now ;-)


    LOL, let me rephrase that. It didn't come out right. I don't mean to sound like there are significant ways in which he ISN'T an asset, or that you have to look at the big picture to see that he's any good.

    I meant that the entire UM environment gains hugely from the work that he does. :smile:


    "My work" is not a solo job. I actually have people helping out, biggest example in the UM2 would be the display, I coded it, but someone else at UM did the wireframe designs for it. I could not have come up with this simple elegant design without him insisting me that it would work.

    Most of Cura is build around idea that other people came up with.

    It's a group effort. I just collect and implement the information.


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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction



    My Ultimaker 2 was shipped last Friday and I got it today. (Switzerland) I went home in my lunch break to take care of the DHL delivery. I can tell, 90 Minutes later I had my first printed shiny blue Ultimaker Robot in my hand. Amazing! ...and I am totally new to 3D printing.


    I shot a small video; maybe it is interesting for you guys. I love this piece! It was worth waiting for it!




    I hope the video isn’t boring for you. It might be a little long...


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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction

    Boring, are you kidding us. That was a fantastic video. Thanks for making and sharing it.


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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction


    Very nice video, thanks! Could it be that the left ear came out a little bit better than the right?

    If that's the case, then it could be due to the position of the right fan.

    @Ultimaker Team:

    If the right fan is farther apart from the nozzle than the left fan, the airflow is not directed to the nozzle on the left but on the empty nozzle space next to it. If that's true, then you might want to adjust the position of the right fan to aim for the nozzle on the left side.


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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction


    You are right, the left ear is better than the right. Sharp eyed! The left ear is round and smooth, The right is missing some material at the bottom. It looks like it is bended up a little bit.


    @WoofysPlace & Nicolinux:

    You are wellcome! Thanks for your tribute. :smile:


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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction

    Very nice movie! Thanks!!!


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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction

    ...I would challenge even FedEx (the ultimate test of a package design in my experience) to damage a UM2 in a package that can survive that!...


    "Look Mr. Wilson, there's a machine in that one". (made my day!)

    The reason why I chose to buy an Ultimaker in favor of anything else was the way the company works. The whole open-source system opens up possibilities you won't find anywhere else. And here in the forums, you can always find help, be it from the company-members or from experienced users (you have my gratitude for your huge interest and effort in helping others!!!).

    I own an UM1, assembled the kit myself (hence no shipping troubles, packaging was perfect for the kit) and never had any serious issues that didn't prove to be my fault. But the UM1 was a pretty mature product when I got it and most problems were already "common" and known how to be solved.

    I'm sure that it won't take long until the problems with the UM2 are adressed and solved. It's probably a nightmare for a relatively young company having to assemble, ship out, support and manage lots of customers around the world but I'm sure they'll learn from it and improve.

    I work in a young, unexperienced company myself. Right now I'm setting up product documentation templates AFTER several years of wavy engineering...

    For a frustrated customer this may seem like only a small comfort, but try to be constructive with your criticism, complain decently about what's not good and keep calm.

    People here seem to really care and want to help, so don't take away their motivation but show some compassion and respect! Bad air never leads to better results...


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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction

    Could you please contact me because of both your knowledge about the EDEN 250 and Ultimaker 2. I am working on a project that includes both a EDEN 250 and maybe a Ultimaker 3D Printer. Which desktop ultimaker 3D printer could work well with a EDEN 250?

    The Project:

    This gentleman asked me to use his office space and to repurpose it as a 3D Printer Center. He said, "Say, if I you had $10,000.00 what equipment would you put it in the space?", so I responded I would happy to provide the information to you. The space is office space, so there is some limitations. I am going to use two scenarios; the first is utilize the existing space as it is currently configured and the second is if the space is empty with only electrical power. If you had two rooms, one approximately nine feet by seventeen feet (9'x17') and the other space is equivalent to two mid size cubical offices, approximately eight feet by fourteen feet (8'x14'). I wish I was more experienced with the 3D software, so I could model the space and visually present to my audience.

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    Posted · Ultimaker 2 Satisfaction

    @Hulk2K8, I think you could better start a new topic.

    When you post a new topic try to be specific about what you want to know about the Ultimaker 2. Thank you!

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