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How do I turn off this initial triangle?


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Posted · How do I turn off this initial triangle?

I'm having the same issue on my Ender 5 Plus. After some testing, I think it indeed might be a problem when using the "save to removable media" option on Cura. If I print from Cura via USB, the purge happens as expected. Two lines right next to each other on the left of the bed. If I use the "save to removable media" option and then print from the SD card, I get the triangle.

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    Posted · How do I turn off this initial triangle?
    On 4/7/2020 at 12:48 PM, DJH said:

    I updated the gCode - it still does the triangle. 


    Can you be more specific please?  I'm pulling someone else into this.

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    Posted · How do I turn off this initial triangle?

    So I figured out a way to fix this triangle issue. If you printer Creality CR-10S instead of 10S Pro you don't get the triangle. You get the initial line on the left side and then a line to the skirt. It will not interfere with your print now.

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    Posted · How do I turn off this initial triangle?

    If you make your preset printer Creality CR-10S instead of CR-10S pro it works without changing any other settings.

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    Posted · How do I turn off this initial triangle?

    @burtoogle No, I think it is changing the 104 to 10.4 like others have mentioned. It also looks like it does it when it save to the hard drive as well. So weird. If I slice it and print via usb, no triangle. If I take the same exact sliced output and save it to a file, the triangle prints.

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    Posted · How do I turn off this initial triangle?

    Y0 is the left edge of your print area.  Y10.4 is 10.4mm from the edge so close to the left edge.  Y104 is around the middle of the bed.


    I hate the vague assertions of what the gcode is for sure.  We have one report that it is definitely 10.4 and I'd like to see some confirmations.


    If people could say for certain that such and such EXACT gcode that made the triangle is the same as what is posted on this list that would be helpful.  I would expect "Y104" to make the triangle.  not "Y10.4".  Unless there is something wrong with the period (not a standard ascii period).  Also the speed change "F gcode" might cause some kind of bug in your version of Marlin.  So I still see 3 possibilities:

    1) Cura has a problem but you guys posted the wrong gcode here.

    2) Cura is putting non-ascii into the gcode file on the line that has "Y10.4".

    3) Nothing wrong with Cura except that your printer can't handle speed changes in certain situations.


    I'm leaning to #3 still.  I'm waiting for someone to remove the ".4" to test for #2 and waiting for someone to remove the speed change (the F gcode) to test for #3.

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    Posted (edited) · How do I turn off this initial triangle?

    so i will repost what i said earlier with more detail.


    i have a ender 5 plus using cura 4.5


    when auto bed leveling is TURNED OFF everyhing works as per normal, 

    how ever if i turn auto bed leveling on, i get this triangle.


    i know this is a different cause of the problem described by hardlyneutral77, but it is still giving the same outcome of the unwanted triangle. it would be great if he can confirm this with his printer too. 


    also i would like to point out, when it finishes the first line, and dashes out to the middle, there is no filament being pushed out cept what's left in the hot nozzel, once it hits the 'middle" then it starts to extrude filament untill it reaches the start of the first purge line.


    so my question is, why would Gcode matter in this instance when i'm using the same gcode file on the sdcard, and the only difference is ABL ? 



    Edited by malegelebi
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    Posted · How do I turn off this initial triangle?

     I see two helpful hints in this topic so far - and both are related to the auto-leveling function of the "Pro" models.


    On 4/7/2020 at 11:24 AM, malegelebi said:

    i am getting this same problem ONLY if i turn on auto leveling


    1 hour ago, ecappiello said:

    If you printer Creality CR-10S instead of 10S Pro you don't get the triangle.



    The only difference in the "pro" - start-scripts is this single line - which is also related to auto-leveling:


    M420 S1 Z2 ;Enable ABL using saved Mesh and Fade Height


    I think, it's worth a try, just leave it out and check, if it makes a difference...

    and/or ask the originator of the "creawsome"-printer definitions about the purpose and the intended behavior of this command.


    Good luck!


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    Posted (edited) · How do I turn off this initial triangle?
    16 minutes ago, tinkergnome said:

    The only difference in the "pro" - start-scripts is this single line - which is also related to auto-leveling:


    i have added G92/G91/G90/G29/G28 below the said and i've replaced the line with these codes as well and it made no difference. 


    how ever, 


    M201 X500.00 Y500.00 Z100.00 E5000.00 ;Setup machine max acceleration
    M203 X500.00 Y500.00 Z10.00 E50.00 ;Setup machine max feedrate
    M204 P500.00 R1000.00 T500.00 ;Setup Print/Retract/Travel acceleration
    M205 X8.00 Y8.00 Z0.40 E5.00 ;Setup Jerk
    M220 S100 ;Reset Feedrate
    M221 S100 ;Reset Flowrate

    G28 ;Home
    G28 X0 Y0  ;move X/Y to min endstops
    G28 Z0     ;move Z to min endstops


    after i did this to the start code, replaceing the ABL line with G28's, the machine now does a double 'home' before it starts the ABL, and then instead of doing a triangle, it will now move to the center (home) and then ran back on the same path back to the end of the first line, and then carry on doing a second line where it should be doing. 


    now this is a temp fix as when it moves to the center and back, it picks up all dribble coming out and leaves the center of the plate clean but i would still like to know the root cause and why it's doing this.


    thanks guys

    Edited by malegelebi
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    Posted · How do I turn off this initial triangle?

    @malegelebi I'll give that a shot, thanks!

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    Posted · How do I turn off this initial triangle?
    19 minutes ago, malegelebi said:

    the machine now does a double 'home' before it starts the ABL


    ? wait a minute...? that's totally confusing to me...


    Why does the printer do (some kind of) ABL and moves to the center (for homing...?), while there is no gcode command that initiates such a sequence...?

    Is this some sort of automatism that is performed if a print is started from sd-card? And if so - can't it be disabled on the printer?


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    Posted · How do I turn off this initial triangle?

    on the ender 5 plus, there is a ABL function that i can turn on and off. if i turn it off, then after the initial Home to center board, it would then start the purge, how ever with ABL turned on, after the intial HOME to center, it would then start to do ABL, and of course when it finished the last postition of the bed leveing, is obviuosly not the same place as HOME, thus i then think this is what's amking it do a dash to center after the first line.


    now after changing that gcode, it now will do a first center to home, then it would go back to xyz min, and then back to center/home and then start it's ABL process. but now instead of the triangle, it now runs to home/center with blobs of pla dropping out and then it moves back on the same line picking up the blobs which leaves a clean center plate to print. which in return, it's a quick fix to my problem. 



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    Posted · How do I turn off this initial triangle?

    It sounds like maybe ABL runs *concurrent* with other gcodes.  Most gcodes don't continue onto the next one until it's complete but it sounds like ABL runs concurrently and this messes things up.


    tinkerGnome and I use Ultimaker printers so we don't know so much about Creality printers.  This is sounding less and less like a Cura issue and more like a Creality issue.  Does Creality have a forum like this where users help each other out?  Maybe go over there and find the true, correct answer?  And then post the answer here?

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    Posted · How do I turn off this initial triangle?

    @malegelebi I have a print running right now. Once that is done I will try running the exact same print with ABL disabled and report back.

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    Posted · How do I turn off this initial triangle?

    I found this notes about Creality firmware:




    [CR-10S PRO 1.70.1V Firmware]

    New Function:
    2. Only when you use auto leveling mode, no matter there's G29 in the g-code file or not, it will test the 16 points( before printing, after reach up to the temperature), then start printing. if it is in non-auto leveling mode, it will not have the 16 points test.


    what...?  seriously...? why...? 😲


    I'm sure, that's the main part of the problem. Maybe an explicit G29 in the start-script would help to process things in the right order. (dunno) 🤷‍♂️




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    Posted · How do I turn off this initial triangle?

    Hey @malegelebi and everyone else. I can confirm that disabling the ABL causes the purge routine to work correctly. When I disable ABL, the triangle does not happen. If I enable ABL, the triangle does happen.

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    Posted · How do I turn off this initial triangle?

    I have the same issue with a CR10S Pro V2.  Like others note, the issue seems to be with the call to "M420 S1 Z2".  According to here (https://marlinfw.org/docs/gcode/M420.html), this command enables bed-leveling, assuming there is a valid leveling mesh.  On my machine, this command seems to start a bed-leveling procedure, then the next couple lines are executed incorrectly and the triangle is drawn.  If you replace the "M420" command with "G29" (the command to perform a new ABL), the ABL runs and then the correct vertical lines are drawn instead of the triangle.


    Maybe the M420 command is executing incorrectly because it can't retrieve a valid leveling mesh?  How does one load the ABL that you can perform from the "auto-leveling" settings?

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    Posted (edited) · How do I turn off this initial triangle?

    Forgot to mention, my CR10S Pro V2 is running firmware 1.70.0, so it's been a bug before 1.70.1 was introduced.

    Edited by pollackscience
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    Posted · How do I turn off this initial triangle?
    11 hours ago, gr5 said:

    This is sounding less and less like a Cura issue and more like a Creality issue.


    i think this is something to do with cura as it is the cura start gcode/purge line that is causing this error? 

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    Posted · How do I turn off this initial triangle?

    This is a Creality auto-leveling issue, I'm getting it on a CR-10S Pro V2.  A couple comments ago, someone mentioned that it isn't doing critical damage to their print and I can report the same (after like two days of printing and mucking about with it, I'm pretty new).  There is one tiny upside to getting the triangle.  Every couple of prints, it helps remove the finished product.

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    Posted · How do I turn off this initial triangle?

    Understand that Cura is developed and paid for by Ultimaker and made free for all to use.  It's also open source.  Creality does not contribute any money to Cura or Ultimaker.  A few printer manufacturers do contribute machine settings.  If there is a bug in the Creality machine settings it should be fixed by Creality employees, not Ultimaker employees.  Or Creality user's such as yourselves.  Once you find the problem and the fix you can do a "pull request" where you submit the correction.  Or you can create a bug report.


    However Creality employees don't seem to ever look at this forum.  So they aren't likely to help you guys unless you contact them.  And Ultimaker employees aren't likely to pay much attention to this thread either.  But if you create an Issue (or even better a pull request) in the Cura git repository they will definitely notice that.  Please be extremely specific (e.g. change M40 to G29... for this profile because...):



    Anyway - my question to you Creality users:

    Where did you get the profile for your Creality printer?  Did it come preloaded as part of Cura?  Or did you create your own?  I'm assuming it came preloaded.


    Whoever created the profile probably should have put in the G29 instead of the M420.  Or maybe M420 used to work but something happened with the Creality firmware such that M420 is broken now?


    If you look ad the Creality profile in github (link above) you can see the name of the author(s) who created/edited it.

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    Posted · How do I turn off this initial triangle?

    @gr5 - just using the pre-loaded CR-10s pro (not v2 like my printer is) in the last several versions of Cura.  It doesn't happen if you use the Creality version of cura which is like version 2.XX something.  in your previous query i had simply tried to change the Y # from 10.4 which didn't work since it's the M420 command.


    @pollackscience "If you replace the "M420" command with "G29" (the command to perform a new ABL), the ABL runs and then the correct vertical lines are drawn instead of the triangle."  THANKS!!!! BECAUSE THIS WORKS.  


    Although i will say me and the kids were getting really good at pulling up that triangle before it hit that first layer 🙂


    Thank you all!



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    Posted (edited) · How do I turn off this initial triangle?

    Thanks everyone for their hard work on this topic! I was having the exact same problem.


    I've made a pull request, hopefully this will get fixed for everyone:



    Edited by dpodhola
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