This is probably a bit of a difficult print for a beginner. Did you print some simple cubes or test pieces to see if these come out fine?
It helped me a lot for my first prints to just watch the printer do it's work on a simple thing where I could actually see if the result was what I expected. It's easier to get everything well adjusted with a simple form like a cube, because you'll see very quickly if it comes out nice or not.
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IRobertI 521
Pictures of your failed prints together with the settings used would help.
But, if I were to have a guess I'd say lowering the bed temperature is a good bet. If you haven't changed it I believe it defaults to 70 or 75C which is way to hot IMHO (I'm assuming you're using PLA). Try 60C. Or you might even get away with a cold bed and glue if the pieces are small.
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