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Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?


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Posted · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?
34 minutes ago, tomnagel said:

Not meant to be condescending, but you may want to read this article: https://support.makerbot.com/s/article/1667411337398



I’ve read your article and it does not resolve my concerns.

1. Data breaches happen to many companies, some far larger than UM, and it is unreasonable to expect that UM will never suffer such a breach. 

2. That only addresses security, not functionality. If UM servers go offline, the ability to use the printer is compromised. If UM goes out of business or discontinues Digital Factory, the functionality is gone for good. 

3. Many engineers making purchasing decisions about 3D printers have no control over the IT and IP protection policies of the companies they work for, so no matter how many articles UM writes, those people will be unable to follow UM’s desired approach. 

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Posted · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?
5 hours ago, rachael7 said:

The people in this thread don't all have control of their companies IT policies. Many of them told you that they aren't allowed to connect their printers to the internet at all.

32 minutes ago, rachael7 said:

Many engineers making purchasing decisions about 3D printers have no control over the IT and IP protection policies of the companies they work for, so no matter how many articles UM writes, those people will be unable to follow UM’s desired approach.


Indeed; there's no way that my company with >150000 employees will change their IT or data protection policy because 1 user wants (needs?) to connect their device to the network and/or internet. 

Well it's a good lesson not to update firmware before checking other users' experiences 😄 

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Posted · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?

It is going to take a while for me to catch up on reading this whole thread, but I would like to add my +1 to everything rachael7 said from the start.


Additionally, my organization is an academic medical center that is always a target for hackers. Our network people are focused on protecting patient privacy (and lives!), proprietary research data, and government mandates on top of all the usual business concerns. The process to even attach my printers to the local network is extensive.


I may be able to dedicate a large amount of my time trying to convince them that there is enough "business value" to offset the additional risk of running everything through the cloud. I don't really see it though. I just want to know how many prints we did in the last month and get an idea of what they were. I will change my process and track that another way going forward, but I wish I had known it was going away before this months reports were due. 


A larger concern is the defensiveness and patronizing coming from Team UltiMaker on this thread. The people who take the time to bring things to your attention are your best customers. They are giving you free information and they want to continue being your partner. The ones you should have an attitude with are the ones that silently just buy from someone else.


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Posted · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?
6 hours ago, smNOVT said:

What kind of threat from my local network should that be? If there's a threat from there, then I guess access to my 3D printer is the smallest problem I have.

There is definitely a threat from your LAN.  You better believe it.


Protecting the company/business/home/institution network from bad actors entering it is worth doing but pretty much impossible.  Any employee with a compromised cell phone using the wifi has just brought a threat into the LAN.  Any employee who clicks on a phishing link in an email can get their work computer infected.  Basically the enemy is probably already inside the LAN.


But with modern security that doesn't mean they can necessarily get into your databases or break into every computer on the network.


Putting too much effort into "protecting the LAN" is no longer advisable and instead each printer (2d or 3d) needs to have its own security.  Each thermostat.  Each network enabled toaster.  Each database.  The effort should be based on how much havoc can be caused by bad actors.  So toasters are probably less critical than a customer database.  Or a printer printing company secrets.  It's sad but true that protecting the LAN is mostly futile.  Or you may be in a company where there are networks with no wifi (wired only) and super heavy security (e.g. body searches of uSD cards, flash drives, any computing device including a phone not allowed).  But barring that, IT has to assume the "enemy is already in our LAN".  Restricting a LAN from accessing the internet is really no longer advisable but I know some companies still do that.


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Posted · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?

Hi @BrianMaass


Thanks for reaching out and sharing your concerns, we do really value your feedback and it is very important to us. I am sorry if we came across as defensive or patronising, that was never our intention.


Like you mentioned cyber security is a very important topic. We share this opinion, cyber security is a high priority of us and we are putting in a lot of effort to ensure our users are protected. 

Many large companies make use of our cloud and although I do feel like we provide a secure way to use our cloud features, I do understand that unfortunately some IT policies might not allow this. This is something we can unfortunately not change. We have listened to the feedback from our user after removing some of the local functionality, and as requested have decided to bring back the reprint feature. If there are any other specific features you are missing please let us know. I can't promise we will bring it back, however we are actively gathering feedback to see what is possible, and any additional feedback is very welcome.


14 hours ago, BrianMaass said:

but I wish I had known it was going away before this months reports were due. 

We agree that we made a mistake in the communication about removing these features. We regret what happened, and we have reviewed how this happened, and changed our processes to prevent this from happening in the future. 


I hope this helps with some of your concerns, if not please let me know. 


Best regards,



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Posted · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?
14 hours ago, BrianMaass said:

...I wish I had known it was going away before this months reports were due. 



I feel you. Had the same thing happen to me as well. Months of good valid data is now gone. Management console had great features to follow like Time-spent-in-queue, material usage, completion rate and I did follow them quite actively. I don't really understand why these features aren't on DF. I at least haven't found these features and I don't have the professional license for DF.


I would love to see the same statistics as before but on-top other data such as cost of material x used material, nozzle time being hot to evaluate "nozzle life" (this can be seen manually from machine itself).

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Posted · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?
54 minutes ago, Josnoww said:

If there are any other specific features you are missing please let us know. I can't promise we will bring it back, however we are actively gathering feedback to see what is possible, and any additional feedback is very welcome.

Well, for me that's quite simple: everything that was there before 8.x

At least I don't understand why that's impossible.



That's not an answer that helps me to understand.

For me the mentioned functions are just data/information that is available for the printer anyway and it's just necessary to display it on the web interface.

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Posted · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?

I see you have agreed that functionality has to be at least partly restored to previous levels.


Would it not be possible to make a seperate firmware line where the "old" functions are featured for people not able to use DF for whatever reason?


Or at least a one time firmware "upgrade" where we do not need to disassemble the printer to go back.


I too am working in a big company where I do not have the power to nudge the policies and am not able to use DF.

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Posted · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?

Hello all,


Not sure if you are all aware that with the newly* released 8.1.2 firmware, we have restored two of the most requested features to the Management Console; namely the reprint option from the print history as well as the duplicate print job from the print queue.


*released on 13 March


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Posted (edited) · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?
29 minutes ago, Analiza said:

Hello all,


Not sure if you are all aware that with the newly* released 8.1.2 firmware, we have restored two of the most requested features to the Management Console; namely the reprint option from the print history as well as the duplicate print job from the print queue.


*released on 13 March


Today I saw it on the display.

I'll wait a bit.
This time I'll let the others go first. My trust has gone down.
(Seems that there aren't any release notes yet?)

Would have been nice to get a response to my last post. 🤷‍♀️

I thought this would only take a few minutes of your time.

Edited by smNOVT
release notes line
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Posted (edited) · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?
On 3/14/2023 at 1:02 PM, smNOVT said:

Today I saw it on the display.

I'll wait a bit.
This time I'll let the others go first. My trust has gone down.
(Seems that there aren't any release notes yet?)

Would have been nice to get a response to my last post. 🤷‍♀️

I thought this would only take a few minutes of your time.


I also voiced my concerns to our supplier and they just replied that some of the features are returned to management console. They personally updated and checked what features were returned.


I will also update when ever I get the chance and I will reply here as well 🙂


EDIT:  The features are there.

Edited by ESokkoEVBL
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Posted · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?

Hi @smNOVT,


Thanks for reaching out! I am sorry I could not respond to you sooner. 

On 3/9/2023 at 9:21 AM, smNOVT said:

Well, for me that's quite simple: everything that was there before 8.x


Please try out firmware 8.1.2. I hope this includes everything you were missing. If there are particular features that you feel are important and still missing please let me know.


On 3/9/2023 at 9:21 AM, smNOVT said:

At least I don't understand why that's impossible.


I will try to answer this without going into too much technical detail: We have made some changes to the backend of the printer, and build new functionality on top of that. Simply reverting to the 'old' web interface is no longer possible, because that would break newly introduced features that come with 8.X.

It is not impossible to recreate it, however the amount of effort we have to put in to put everything back as it was is significant. This means if we bring everything back, we have to let go of other scheduled features, since we can only spend our time once. Therefore we have to make a (tough) decision on what has priority. We try to base this decision on what would benefit most users, in this case, that could be that most people are fine using Digital Factory. 


This might not be the answer you would have hoped for, which I completely understand. However I tried my best to explain that sometimes its a tough decision.

I hope this won't discourage you from sharing your feedback in the future, as we do really value and appreciate your feedback.


I hope this helps. If there is anything (else) you'd like to discuss, or if you have questions, please feel free to reach out. And I will make sure to check the forum a bit more often when possible.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?

I signed up just for this thread, and to echo similar feedback.


We have one S5 onsite, and were taken by surprise when half the web interface suddenly disappeared. Hoping this was a firmware glitch, we tried to be patient, and waited for a future release to put things back. After updating to and seeing no changes, I went searching for answers, which led me here.


The old web interface functionality was extremely useful to our workflow. We used it to log and schedule maintenance tasks, track print completion rate, and record material type usage, to name just a few. The S5 exists only on our LAN, behind a firewall, with no plans to use any cloud functionality. I imagine we're far from the only company with this setup.


What was the logic of removing these features from the web interface? Even if they're available somewhere else, having all maintenance information available to everyone on the LAN without needing special accounts, access, or software was extremely valuable. I'm not going to be hyperbolic and say we're going to toss the printer out over this, but it's definitely disappointing and frustrating to see features disappear from any product, and especially after you already bought it.

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Posted · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?
1 hour ago, nurban said:

What was the logic of removing these features from the web interface? Even if they're available somewhere else, having all maintenance information available to everyone on the LAN without needing special accounts, access, or software was extremely valuable.

The stated rationale was to unload the processors in the printer to make room for future capabilities. It seems to be related to the S7 release, so figure that in there somewhere. The unspoken, but logically likely, reason for removing the features was to force us onto their cloud platform where they can then try to tempt/force us to upgrade to a paid level of the cloud service. It hasn’t even been made clear, to me at least, if we get the reporting features back with the free version of Digital Factory.

UM has made it quite clear that they have no intention of rolling things back to where they were. They grudgingly gave us back the ability to reprint from the queue, but that appears to be all they’re willing to do for their longstanding customers. 

It is definitely disappointing, there’s no question about that. I have stronger feelings than disappointment, but I’ve said what I needed to unthread. I will say that while I’m not prepared to yeet the machine out the window just yet, this whole incident has so soured me on UM as a company, that I simply cannot envision myself ever buying another of their printers, and I’ve been with UM since the early days.

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Posted · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?
On 4/5/2023 at 12:49 PM, rachael7 said:

. The unspoken, but logically likely, reason for removing the features was to force us onto their cloud platform where they can then try to tempt/force us to upgrade to a paid level of the cloud service

That's just not true.  Don't be so suspicious.  Ultimaker has nice people.  For example HP will over charge you for ink once you buy the printer.  Slimy move, hiding the true cost of the printer in the ink.  Ultimaker does the opposite and sells you print cores for almost "at cost".  Because it's a "consumable" ultimaker made them so cheap they barely make a profit.  Same with the teflon parts that need replacing in the UM2.


Trust that people try to do the right thing.  Most people are good people and not trying to con you.


So the truth is that the programmers feel like they can add many new features more easily when using the cloud.  Most of those features are free.  Ultimaker tries to make money off the hardware, not the software but there is indeed a premium cloud service that gets you less features.  Yes, less features.  Plugins are limited in that mode.


Some people have an outdated model of security where they have a walled garden LAN.  This outdated model doesn't work well with cloud services. 


Modern IT departments know this is a bad model and you have to assume the "enemy" is already in your LAN.  Unless you have a "no electronic devices" policy for your walled off LAN (e.g. no cell phones, no USB sticks, no electronics, no music players, no microwaves, no watches, etc).


What *does* frustrate me is the world's reliance on The Internet.  The Internet will go down some day and people will realize you need to be able to run your business without it - they will need a backup way to run their business.  I'm not sure what the solution to that is as The Internet is quite useful and convenient.  Um printers have a backup way to use them if there is no Internet.


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Posted · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?
2 hours ago, gr5 said:

Some people have an outdated model of security where they have a walled garden LAN. 

I don't want to veer off-topic, but this perspective is very wrong. Regardless of whether you use cloud services or self-host, it's always going to be best practice to poke as few holes in your firewall as possible. There are also strict requirements when it comes to internet access and cloud data storage in some regulated environments. The advent of cloud services didn't suddenly make LAN security or firewalls obsolete.

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Posted · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?
3 hours ago, gr5 said:

That's just not true.  Don't be so suspicious.  Ultimaker has nice people.  


You don't even know that. You said yourself that you don't even work for UM, so you certainly have no special insight into their C suite meetings about long term plans. And sure, many of the people who work there are wonderful people, kind and doing their best to help. Lots of cops are lovely people too, but that doesn't change the fact that they work in a screwed up system and are bound to follow the rules and ethos of that system. And since you don't know the leadership ethos of UM, especially after the merger, whether the individual employees are "nice" or not is completely irrelevant.


What matters is the actions of the company.  I've been using UM printers since the original flat-pack days and still happily run an UM2 among my other machines. I bought the S5 Pro Bundle with no reservations or hesitation whatsoever, and with every expectation of the same reliable performance and good service as my previous UM printers. I haven't gotten that reliable performance at all, and now I'm being not-so-subtly pressured to move to a walled garden environment where I will be dependent on the internet writ large and UM's servers specifically, in order to have all the functionality that originally came with my $10,000 printer. You can try to look behind the actions and discern motives all you like, but I am taking the actions at face value and listening to the other users on this thread who are similarly impacted and unhappy about the move.


You yourself go on to acknowledge the vulnerability of systems that rely on the internet and you casually disregard the concerns of people using medical, industrial, and governmental networks that still must work within those security requirements, whether you think those requirements are outdated or not. You post on these forums a lot and you've shared a lot of your time and knowledge (including with me), which is appreciated; but you should remember that you don't work for UM and you do not need to post on every thread. Your reflexive and logically inconsistent defense of the company, in the face of pages of angry customers with valid concerns, is unwelcome and not useful. Maybe take a break today, @gr5.

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Posted · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?

I know many of the employees.  I chat with a few of them almost daily.  It's a small company.  I know enough.  They are trying to do the right thing.


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    Posted · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?
    9 minutes ago, gr5 said:

    I know many of the employees.  I chat with a few of them almost daily.  It's a small company.  I know enough.  They are trying to do the right thing.


    I truly hope they are "trying to do the right thing". Unfortunately, their idea of what the "right thing" is may or may not agree with how we feel on the matter. Thus far UM has given no indication that they intend to return all, or even most, of the deprecated features, so they don't seem to be doing what I personally would define as "the right thing".

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    Posted (edited) · Firmware 8.1.0 - Where did everything go?
    On 4/6/2023 at 8:09 PM, gr5 said:

    That's just not true.  Don't be so suspicious.  Ultimaker has nice people.  For example HP will over charge you for ink once you buy the printer.  Slimy move, hiding the true cost of the printer in the ink.  Ultimaker does the opposite and sells you print cores for almost "at cost".  Because it's a "consumable" ultimaker made them so cheap they barely make a profit.  Same with the teflon parts that need replacing in the UM2.


    Trust that people try to do the right thing.  Most people are good people and not trying to con you.


    So the truth is that the programmers feel like they can add many new features more easily when using the cloud.  Most of those features are free.  Ultimaker tries to make money off the hardware, not the software but there is indeed a premium cloud service that gets you less features.  Yes, less features.  Plugins are limited in that mode.


    Some people have an outdated model of security where they have a walled garden LAN.  This outdated model doesn't work well with cloud services. 


    Modern IT departments know this is a bad model and you have to assume the "enemy" is already in your LAN.  Unless you have a "no electronic devices" policy for your walled off LAN (e.g. no cell phones, no USB sticks, no electronics, no music players, no microwaves, no watches, etc).


    What *does* frustrate me is the world's reliance on The Internet.  The Internet will go down some day and people will realize you need to be able to run your business without it - they will need a backup way to run their business.  I'm not sure what the solution to that is as The Internet is quite useful and convenient.  Um printers have a backup way to use them if there is no Internet.



    I also work for a company that is full of nice people.

    But decisions are made there by others who are not necessarily evil either, but are subject to certain constraints - unfortunately also constraints from shareholders.


    If you want to force your customers into the cloud, then you should communicate that openly.

    It's legitimate to say that you have to earn your money via this service in the future.
    The fact that it is very easy to accidentally lose functions should not be possible.
    I don't have a problem with being faced with the choice of whether I want to get additional functions and switch to the cloud for that, or whether I don't get any more updates but can keep what I paid for.
    Customers who are grudgingly forced to do so will not remain customers in the long term. If that is what is wanted, then everything has been done right.




    If it is really the case that the Printcore is sold almost at cost price, either the dealer has a very large margin or the buyers at Ultimaker should reconsider their choice of supplier.

    100 euros for this component and nothing earned from it? Oh, come on. Time to start your VAVE process.


    Also, I would say that from the customer's perspective, both in terms of cost and sustainability, it would make much more sense if the nozzles could be changed independently of the rest. (See 3D Solex Alternative).

    In my opinion, this should not be a problem, even noting that the components above the hotend are also subject to some wear. However, this is certainly not on the scale of the wear on the nozzle.


    Please don't get me wrong, I think it's absolutely legitimate to make money on this kind of wear material, however I don't particularly like it when you have to dispose of an entire assembly. But that is actually a completely different topic.


    Regarding the comparison with HP, I can only say:

    Compared to materials from other manufacturers, Ultimaker's are definitely in the higher price segment.

    And I don't want to compare it with very cheap material.



    PLA Ultimaker €33

    PLA BASF €22


    Certainly, one can argue that a large chemical company that produces the material itself can offer it cheaper, nevertheless, with a price difference of 50%, certainly not only a few euros arrive at Ultimaker.

    Again, I have to emphasize that this is absolutely legitimate to make money with this and I'm very happy that you still have the free choice. That's a plus.

    That was an important criterion, because with our Keyence Agilista we are already caught in an ecosystem where the material costs are outrageous.




    It is absolutely understandable that company-specific processes cannot be taken into account here.

    But the mentioned ones are not that specific at all, but seem to be quite common, since not only one customer complained.

    Not to speak of the large mass of people who do not report here, but only get annoyed and draw their consequences.


    Personally, due to problems that have occurred with our S5 and the Material Station lately, I am at the point that I can hardly imagine to rely on an Ultimaker system next time.

    In the meantime, there is enough competition that even offers more functionality and reliability.

    It's a pity that even in the private DIY area, more useful and innovative things are offered that I would wish for in an industrial system.

    In addition, I have to note that this now even applies to print quality and speed.




    gr5, I hope that you will be compensated by Ultimaker in some way for your time spent here in the forum.

    After all, you invest a lot of time.

    If that is not the case, then talk to them about it.

    Edited by smNOVT
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