Hmm I connected quite a long LED strip, removing now for fear of overheat. The light wasn't constant too and appeared to pulse in sync with the 12V fan current - I'm assuming the fan motor is pulsed to save energy, seems that way.
More importantly, you mentioned there's a 19V terminal for a heated bed? I want to try printing in ABS as what little that I've printed looks awesomely smooth! Anyway for me to connect a HBP?
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joergen 2
There isn't much spare 12V supply in the UM, you can draw some extra current from the port that runs the stepper fan, but the LM7812 that is providing the 12V for the fan will get hot, and needs a cooling fin, or other cooling means, plus it can not support infinite amounts of current (I think they are rated 1A, but drawing 12V 1A means that 7W heat are generated, enough to kill that little thing without cooling).
I made a custom board, with 2 additional LM7812, getting 19V from the heated bed terminal, and GND where ever it's convenient for you:
but they are still getting warm... the average 12V LED strip draws about 200mAh, so connecting about 3 to each LM7812 is well within bounds, 4 is probably still OK, depending on the size of your cooling fin.
For another project I am using proper voltage controllers: and should have used that one instead of the two LM7812, but now I am too lazy to fix it, since it works.
as another simple alternative, you can power 12V LED strips (and additional fans) from and external power supply, I have for example an old apple iPod firewire charger (first gen iPod!) that will happily supply 12V, and FW400 cables are abundant (simply chop of one end, and wire the 2 power supply cables accordingly, ignoring the 4 data wires.
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