bob-hepple 59
thank you for taking the time to input your thoughts I will try your suggestion and modify the drawing I found this to be a positive input. .
Do you think I should leave the bed heated or not I have tried both but with no better results. Just some say turn bed off and print on tape, I know its a bit naff but as an experiment I printed on heated bed 60deg and then covered the bed where the over hang was to reduce the uplift of heat and with an extra fan on it.
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IRobertI 521
I don't have any direct experience with those types of printers so I'll just comment on your object. It looks like you have a simple overhang issue there. You've used a fillet for the bottom edge which produces an overhang that is difficult to print. Look at the picture here to see what I mean and a possible way to help get around it:
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