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Everything posted by Daid

  1. Difference might be related to retraction, UltiGCode might calculate the retraction times wrong. Can you try with both retraction enabled and disabled to see what difference that makes?
  2. Both are based on Marlin and Marlin has this feature. But I think it's only enabled in the UM2.
  3. The firmware has a FAN_KICKSTART setting to help in this case.
  4. Only WiFi feature that I know of is trough the Doodle3D box: https://www.ultimaker.com/products/doodle3d
  5. Trademarks is what you are looking for, not copyright. And trademarks are quite specific, "SPRINGER VERLAG" is not "springercollection" so you are pretty much safe with that one. And, most likely they won't do a thing, as it would be a bad-press risk. (See the Mikerowe vs Microsoft case)
  6. That's Z fighting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z-fighting It's a tricky thing to prevent properly in all cases. The blue checkerboard is actually drawn a bit higher to prevent Z-fighting with the platform model. As for the new UI, I think a very early beta is a few weeks out. I have tons of stuff to do. The screenshot I showed just allowed me to load objects. And I made the objects drag-able today. No slicing, no view-modes, settings are not saved yet. Pretty much nothing that you see actually works :-)
  7. Code for the concentric infill is actually in the engine: https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/blob/master/src/infill.cpp#L6 But it's never called, as I did not want to add too many settings. With the new GUI I have the possibility to add more configuration options without cluttering the UI. As you can customize which settings you want to see.
  8. Nope. I'm actually working on making it possible to set almost all settings per nozzle. Which will make a lot more sense then implementing it per setting.
  9. Sounds like a new machine won't be the true solution for you. The UM2 still makes noise. And with some work you can get the UM-Ori to almost the same level. But the true problem does not sound like the noise but the fact that your step parents do not really want you in the home. And only accept the fact that you are there if you do not make noise, as then they are not reminded by your company...
  10. The new GUI is a lot of work in progress, it currently does not generate gcode yet. The mockups I have look even better. There is some cool stuff in there. (The unicorn is an internal joke ;-) ) I'm planning to do a maintenance release on the current release first. There are a few bugs that need fixing. As well as a new firmware for an upgrade kit.
  11. The suggestion was not worded very nice and suggestion like. And more like a command. (with words like puke, needs and should) And he polluted another unrelated topic with his disagreement on the updated layerview. Personally the thing I miss most in cura is a true top down, non perspective view of single layers at a time. That is something I'm working on! My GUI rewrite repository has different view modes, including a top-down isometric view. The new GUI looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/6hd4ODx.png And is horribly incomplete. But it's a rebuild of just about everything, cleaning up a lot of structural code mistakes I made.
  12. Yeah, I just need the right triggers to find stuff like this. I didn't expect someone else to find something like this as easy as I did. The GCodeInterpreter is one of the oldest pieces of code in Cura. It's older then the name Cura. (It's also one of the slowest pieces of code)
  13. Maybe something is wrong with the Arduino itself?
  14. Feel free to build it. As I'm spending my time on other things right now. Note that the 14.03 update cause the layerview to work a lot better for mid to low end PCs, and I get a lot of happy reactions because of it. And infills are not hidden in the lower layers, they are yellow outlined.
  15. Ah, ok, that's an easy fix. And actually it's very old code that is causing that. https://github.com/daid/Cura/commit/23a95b897edcae8450c7bdb300512112a93f6c5f
  16. Yes, that's a big problem. It's quite simple really. With WinRT (and iOS) you do not decide what you can and cannot run. Microsoft (and Apple for iOS) decides. It's pretty much against all that is OpenSource. Which is "freedom", freedom to do, run, modify, what you want. Finally there is a very simple reason why I'm very much against this development of requiring everything signed. It would have made it impossible for a project like Cura to get of the ground. It started in my free time, without any resources. I could just put releases on the web and people could run those. That's how initial development starts for small open-source projects. EUFI and how it's implemented by WinRT kills this development cycle.
  17. Still 100% sure it's Cura? (sorry, had to be done)
  18. Officially it's unstable. And we cannot guarantee that it works. If it does not work, it's not covered in warantee or support. Other then that, USB printing on the UM2 can be done in the same way as the UM-Original.
  19. Great to hear that it fixes the issue Yes, python is a bit strange with whitespace, a good editor is essential really (as mixing tabs and spaces is a no-go) but it does guarantee that you indenting is nice.
  20. I think I have a fix for the rendering issue. I've not pushed it to the main branch yet, but I've managed to load a model with 3mil triangles, which did not work before on my laptop.
  21. They all don't really look like 100% infill to me...
  22. As an OpenSource software developer supporting Windows RT would be a bad option. Just look up the mandatory UEFI Secure Boot and what it means for Open Source, sharing, and distributed development. There is no technical reason why it cannot be done. There are ethical reasons, as well as time reasons not to do so.
  23. Spiralize is a black magic feature. (Thanks, I wasn't sure on how to categorize it yet, black magic is a perfect category for it) It's one of those things that I can give little guarantee on, other then "it works for Joris"
  24. If you set the sparse-infill to 100% it internally sets the bottom-top thickness to 10000 layers, causing the whole print being a top/bottom. So, it does not really matter that I looked at the top of a print for this case.
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