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Everything posted by Daid

  1. explained before, test1 and test2 only differ on windows.
  2. I recommmend using the TEST2. It's stable, it contains a few fixes but nothing else compared to 14.03. I'm planning to do an official update soon.
  3. You can lower the temperature a bit, this helps in the retraction.
  4. (Just reporting from the sidelines) A bit of wobble actually happens on 80% of the machines. It does not hurt printing, but it does feel a bit wrong. It actually comes out of how the machine is assembled, and assembly is looking into how to prevent&fix it. The wooden machines did not have this problem as there was no play in the slots holding the machine together. The UM2 does has some play in here due to the milling work, and this causes the wobble.
  5. Well, I do not think the multiply feature does it, but maybe the position on the bed slightly effects something? Which is a side-effect of the multiply. DAE can be associated, you need the following parameters: "$INSTDIR\python\pythonw.exe" -c "import os; os.chdir(\"$INSTDIR\"); import Cura.cura; Cura.cura.main()" "%1" (copied from the installer code)
  6. That happens if you have bad video-card drivers. It's not actually Cura that is crashing, but the drivers that are crashing Cura.
  7. (The lead time might actually be less then what's communicated right now, but do not take my word for it. As I'm not in the position to communicate lead-times) And for the filament issue. That's something only you can answer. Is it a problem for you to keep 2 different types of filament? (or 4 if you want both PLA and ABS, or 6 if you want Nylon with that. Oh, and wood fill... and colors...) You could also get a Builder from http://3dprinter4u.nl/ they are good people, nice product, and it's 1.75mm, and also Dutch :smile:
  8. Then Blender is telling you a lie. Quick view in "X-Ray" mode of Cura shows a red polygon. Which is a possible problem. As for the problem you are having, it's the "thin wall gap". It's a difficult problem to solve 100%, Cura does a best effort (and a lot better then year ago), but can occasionally miss and not fill in some gaps.
  9. Yes, there is an issue with this. It has to do somewhere with the displaying code actually. The model is loaded into memory, but then somehow fails to get displayed in 3D. I haven't looked into the details yet, but it is a known problem. It also seems to depend on the exact brand and make of videocard where/when this happens, at which number of polygons.
  10. Sketchup is quite horrible at generating models. It's awesome at creating holes and extra internal polygons. Which are horrible for 3D printing. I would actually recommend looking at "DesignSpark mechanical" as an alternative design tool. Should be about as easy to pickup as sketchup, but is build around solid modeling instead of polygon modeling.
  11. The 14.02 firmware update contains an extra feature (pause during printing) and fixes a few minor things in the maintenance menu. The update is safe to install. And I would recommend it. No, the machine will work exactly the same, nothing changed there. I am now use Cura 14.02. If I don't upgrade the firmware, will it create issue in printing? Nope, Cura is compatible with older and newer firmware versions. You could even use Cura 12.08 on the Ultimaker2
  12. Appying a function to straight polygons which results in curved polygons totally not falls in the "easy" category ;-)
  13. Could be that the AMF saver is giving problems with the larger model. I'll have a look at it.
  14. I'm getting the feeling they are not slicing, but designing the toolpaths straight from their application. Fine for their goal, but a generic solution. Automated slicing in curved 3D layers would be pretty damn complex.
  15. I'm just glad my code isn't broken :-) and that we got to the source of the issue.
  16. That makes sense, as a cube might have lots of polygons, but lines that have no angle in between get optimized out by the Cura code. So you need to make a curve for this effect to show up.
  17. Could be a SD communication problem. It's rare, and it's related to the flat-cables under the machine. Can you show a photo of the underside of the machine? Maybe something is wrong there.
  18. Ultimaker advantage: - More software options&features
  19. 50MB should work, which version of Cura are you using?
  20. No problem. Just report back on it when you have time, in the meantime I'll do some tests of my own.
  21. That's exactly what the code is doing. It calculates how much room the print takes (it actually uses a 2D convex hull). Then it adds the minimal size of the head to that, which is the big shadow area you see around each print. Then it makes sure none of the big areas hit the print areas. This guarantees that you can print it, in a specific order. (as it used the "min head size" not the actual head size) Finally it figures out in which order they need to be printed to print one at a time. The code for this is in "Cura/util/objectScene.py"
  22. Support can "bleed" a bit into areas where it should not go. The code that generates the support material is broken in a lot of ways. Including this one. The XY support distance parameter effects this.
  23. You can also load an image straight into Cura, and it will make a height-map of it. Not perfect, but might be enough for your goal.
  24. That... told me totally nothing. It does not tell me what you expected too see, and it does not tell me what you actually got. Except that you did not get what you expected. I knew that already. I can make some assumptions about what you are trying to tell. But the answers would be "by design" or "problem would be way more complex then you immagine"
  25. Might be the minimal layer time kicking in?
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