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Everything posted by Daid

  1. Updates need to be done wireless. The LAN port acts as a router, not as a client. I'm sure you could hack around this in the linux platform. I know the root password, but I'm not sure if that should be public knowledge or not. If you want it, I can PM it to you. I didn't do a lot of tests with it, but they have used the UM2 at Doodle3D. But no idea at possible extrusion issues.
  2. Got mine a while ago. Already make a test script to try out wireless printing (WIP) All my attempts at connecting it to our wireless network have failed most of the time. I did manage to keep it connected long enough to install the 0.9.9 update. For the UM2, make sure to adjust the end-gcode that there is a larger Z lift in there, else the head could hit the glass plate clip.
  3. We wouldn't make the 12V fan on 19V mistake again, as was done with the kit initially. So, yes, they are 2, 12V fans in series on 24V. Controlled with PWM.
  4. Contact support. We've recently identified a problem with the cables going to the front panel, which could be causing your issue. In the mean time, you can check the bottom of the machine. Not sure how willing you are to pull thing apart, but the cable going from the display to the main electronics should not have any loops or twists in it, this causes serious communication issues with the SD card and the display. (If you're not comfortable at checking this yourself, contact support by email, I'm sure they have more solutions they can offer then I can) We're also making some modifications to this cable to improve it, and providing better instructions for our assembly line.
  5. Quick glance in our specifications only say that it is tempered glass. I've never seen this happen in any of our test printers. (And we've done quite a few horrible things to these printers) In time, this might be a good idea. But right now, it's not a problem that directly causes major problems. If/when we ask for having it shipped back, we'll first ship a new plate so you're never without one. I will put this on the agenda to look at.
  6. You'll have to remove the 4 screws on the side that hold the fans. Then heat up the hotend. Finally rotate the "ring with holes" to push out the hot hotend. You can rotate this by using the screw-driver as lever. When inserting the new nozzle, make sure the teflon piece is pushed up, as the teflon needs to make a perfect contact area with the nozzle pipe, or else you'll get plugs. The nozzle and heater-block are 1 part on the UM2. The nozzle that is sold in the shop is for the UM-Original.
  7. Can and will. It's a simple case of time and priorities. Cancel should home the head for example, but this does not always happen due to buffering issues. Pause always has been a troublesome thing.
  8. Not yet. Our small software team (of 1 person, and 2 persons as of today) decided to put time in our cross platform solution (Windows XP or newer, MacOS 10.6 or newer) instead of investing time in a Window 8.1 only solution. We've also not investigated yet if the Windows 8.1 requirements conflict with our own OpenSource goals.
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Additive_Manufacturing_File_Format It's a zip compressed XML file.
  10. Simple rounding error, 0.60 is actually stored as 0.5999999999999999999999999999 internally in the chip, which is displayed as 0.59 Nothing to really worry about.
  11. In the expert settings, there is a "minimal extrusion before retraction", most likely you need to tune this a bit down to get the results you want. It's a setting that sacrifices sometimes quality a bit to reduce the chance of jams.
  12. Most likely you have a semi-lose wire in the temperature measurement. While it works now, with the head moving it might get in a lose position again. So I advice you to check all the wires and make sure all connections are secure. Also, PEEK starts to smell before it smokes, so you should be able to smell a strange smell before the real problem hits. I got quite experienced at detecting this smell by troubleshooting a lot of prints.
  13. Small update on the HIPS printing. According to our filament supplier printing with HIPS is toxic. And the production process of HIPS filament uses a lot of nasty chemicals, which in turn is bad for the environment. The good news is that they are trying to produce a water-soluble, environmental friendly, easy printable material. Which does not burn up like PVA does. (I was working on dual-extrusion updates. I have an updated Cura which is better at printing support material with dual-extrusion. As well as a wipe/prime tower and ooze-shield implementation. It is a bit delayed due to some UM2 problems. But it is high on our list to improve dual-material printing)
  14. We're working on a better solution to fix the fans. We're just waiting for the parts, as soon as we have this, I'm sure we'll ship new fan-shrouds to everyone with issues with the current fans. If you can source them, it's easy to fix the fans to the shroud with 2.4mm*12mm pop-rivets.
  15. Which combination of settings? As I'm seeing proper retractions.
  16. What you are describing should be impossible. At least, if you are saying: 1) Cura prints a bit 2) Cura retracts 3) Cura moves to infill 4) Cura prints infill 5) Cura pushes back from the retract at 2) This piece of code: https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/blob/master/gcodeExport.cpp#L175 Always adds a push-back before printing anything if it was retracted.
  17. As that timer also controls the heater, and the heater is under watchdog, if that timer stops, the printer will disable everything and halt. I'm adding M907 for the next UM2 firmware version. https://github.com/Ultimaker/SecretMarlin/commit/38de4aa8b88e2907444a247c0bf81d8cd12a2d41 Note that more then 1.25A on the extruder did not have any effect in our tests. (As for building the firmware, it can be done with the Arduino IDE, but you have to edit the twi.c file in Arduino. As it uses an interrupt that the new O-LED display code also uses, causing a conflict)
  18. I've found the bug. The bug happens because it sees the "holes" in the print as pillars where the print stands on and tries to get the bridge in between the holes. Not sure how 13.11 introduced it, most likely it was obscured by a ClipperLib bug before, and 13.11 contains an updated ClipperLib version. Update will follow soon. There are a few more issues that I want to address.
  19. Different brands shouldn't be a problem, SDHC can be a problem however. I've never managed to track down the problem, but SDHC cards have causes issues, so I do recommend normal SD cards that are up to 4GB of size.
  20. The code for support material is here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/blob/master/support.cpp The angle is calculated, and the area could be easy calculated. Accessibility however, good luck with that.
  21. The UM2 release has been so stressful, I do not thing we will survive a UM3 release in a few months from now ;-) "My work" is not a solo job. I actually have people helping out, biggest example in the UM2 would be the display, I coded it, but someone else at UM did the wireframe designs for it. I could not have come up with this simple elegant design without him insisting me that it would work. Most of Cura is build around idea that other people came up with. It's a group effort. I just collect and implement the information.
  22. Thanks. I'll look into it. I'm also seeing the same infill direction, which should not happen with this model.
  23. Already implemented the "wait till bed is near the target before heating the nozzles": https://github.com/Ultimaker/SecretMarlin/commit/02d64b505a638c7ca73d5f61cf3ea5041f13e5e4 Hope to release an update soon, as I'm also tracing down a rare case of SD-Card errors. Note, if you want full control of the start and end code, you can switch the GCodeFlavor from UltiGCode to RepRap in the machine settings of Cura. This will give you full control of the start/end code.
  24. We're set out to fix all the issues with the UM2, those both shipped and newly shipped. Any problems with the shipped UM2 machines will be addressed by the support staff. Note that I do think Ian is over reacting. There are issues, I agree on that, most caused by the packaging method (which we are rapidly adjusting) the biggest mistake we made is thinking that the UM-Original packaging would also work for the UM2. The UM2 casing is proving to be much more rigid, and because of that it is more susceptible to vibrations then the wooden frame. We already upgraded the packaging, and will do so again to improve it even more. (We threw a printer down the stairs to test the new packaging, printer survived with a minor amount of damage) It is a bit of a learning process for us, sometimes painful (especially when we see photos of a printer that did not arrive as we hoped), but we are learning fast, and correcting our mistakes. (For example, Ian was already offered a replacement if you missed that bit), and we are happy to see that a large amount of UM2 machines do reach their owners in a good state.
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