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Everything posted by Daid

  1. Lowering the print temperature would reduce the lines. You can also increase the travel speed (the 150mm/s is quite conservative in Cura)
  2. Small note, while PLA in general should be food safe, there is no guarantee on this. It's safer then ABS. Also, PLA will deform at normal Coffee temperatures. So be careful with it, also, it's not dish-washer safe, as the dishwasher will also go over the deform temperature.
  3. Note, this bug is only present in the 13.11.2 release, and will be fixed soon. It will also not effect this print. What is preventing retraction here is the "minimal extrusion before retraction" in the expert settings.
  4. The fix-horrible options also work on the 2D slices.
  5. Daid

    Nozzle size?

    Dirty little secret, the quickprint settings use the nozzle size you entered in the normal settings ;-)
  6. Cura does not change temperatures during the print. It does change fan speed and printing speed. I've put the same print on on a machine here, to see if I get the same issue.
  7. All the orders with bad power-supplies should have gotten their replacements already. But, just for reference: http://daid.eu/~daid/IMG_20131217_170635.small.jpg The left one is the wrong supply, the right one is the proper supply. (The bad supplies have also been moved from the warehouse to the R&D storage, so this mistake won't happen again)
  8. The TweakAtZ plugin can do this: http://wiki.ultimaker.com/CuraPlugin:_TweaktAtZ
  9. Whow, these are awesome. You did not add any license with some of the files, are they free to print and show around as examples? And if you want to increase exposure, you could put them on youmagine.com
  10. Did you tension the short belts? That's way more important then the long belts.
  11. Adjust the brightness/levels in a photo editing tool first? (GIMP can do this, and is free)
  12. More information is always better. But what I usually need is examples. For example, if you report "13.04 retracts better then 13.06!" then I have nothing to go on. If you on the other hand show pictures of prints with 13.06 and 13.11 with the same settings, and 13.11 strings more. And give the exact model you used. Then I can look into that. You can get all the previous releases from http://software.ultimaker.com/?show=all
  13. Cura does not fix the mesh topology on the 3D model. It actually does most of the fixing in the 2D slices. So what the CuraEngine does, it slices the 3D model in 2D slices, which results in a lot of 2D lines on the 3D plane. With these lines it tries to make fully enclosed 2D polygons. The rest of the engine works on these 2D polygons.
  14. I have noticed this myself, I think I managed to put a fix in the 13.12-test from http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/ Cura is trying to move the head inside the print area before retracting (so it retracts inside the print instead of on the edge), however, on small things this means the head moves actually outside the object instead of inside. I've put an extra check in place to make sure the final position is inside the print, else it does not do this extra move before retracting.
  15. Yes, that's a bug, I fixed it, but I'm not 100% sure if I fixed it before the 13.12-test from http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/
  16. You're free to disagree with me. But I think I have a tiny bit more experience with safety systems. After all, I spend a few years working on safety systems for traffic lights. I could tell you about a lovely bug that shut down a whole island of traffic lights... it was a timer, that disabled a safety check for a few seconds. You keep safety systems as small and controllable as possible, any added complexity adds chance for bugs. With all the people hacking in the firmware already, it's already difficult to get a full grasp on the quality. Disabling all interrupts for 10 seconds would cause a hardware watchdog timeout. Which resets and hangs the system (disabling all outputs) this hardware watchdog is in place to make sure the firmware keeps checking the temperature properly. So you would have to disable the final failsafe system. Kinda what they did in Chernobyl.
  17. I think you left out an important setting, I do not see a mention of print temperature, which could be quite critical with these prints. And I think you might be able to reduce the "wavy pattern" on the sides by reducing the acceleration on the machine from 5000 to 3000.
  18. It's a problem with the early production series beds. There is a problem in the soldering of the connector. It's quite hard to solder yourself (as the bed works as a giant heat-sink) If the problem persists, contact support, pretty sure the new beds do not have this issue anymore.
  19. No, not worth it. I will not temporary disable safety systems. Not worth the risk and complexity.
  20. Mag, maar is niet verplicht.
  21. That should be impossible, even in 13.06 the code for retraction is always "in place". Simultaneous unretract with move is never commanded by Cura. Are you running on an Ultimaker or another printer? Are you getting this in both 13.11.2 and 13.12-test ? And which with exact model? I have been making changes in the retraction code, it's tricky to get exactly what I want, but in my tests it works as intended... The "tiny move" is as intended, what it should do, is moving inwards of the print, retract, move to the new position, but inside the print area, push forwards, and move to the final position for printing. This does the retracts/pushes inside the print instead on the edge, preventing blobs on the outer skin.
  22. And potentially cause fire? Nope. Safety first. Always. I think the limited could be drop to 2 or 3C, but the current code is not made to handle anything below 0C, and you need a slight safety margin between that and your minimal measurable temperature.
  23. I don't think DevC++ got updated in about 8 years. (And it is windows only) Eclipse is just configuration hell. It can do wonders, but it can also curse you, and send you into the 7th circle of hell. I recommend against it for anything but Java programming. We tried it for a while and my previous job for C/C++, the problem was that we could not keep configurations on different machines in sync, causing lots of build issues, debugging worked for some people, but not for others, stuff like that. FYI, I use Code::Blocks for C/C++, PyCharm for python and Eclipse for Java. (PyCharm is not free, but you can get a free license if you have an OpenSource python project that is 3 months or older)
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