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Everything posted by Daid

  1. This is a known problem, and it's nr 2 on my priority list. (Yes, there is actually a bigger issue on my list) I do think I have a work-around, but it needs a manual edit of the GCode. If you add a M25 at the end of the GCode file, I think this problem is worked around. (Background info: Marlin seems to fail to detect the end of the SD file. I've not found the actual cause of the failure yet, it might be stuck on the last byte. But the M25 causes the SD print to stop, working around the problem)
  2. Instead of increasing the "infill amount" which will increase the scaffolding density. Increase the shell and top/bottom thickness. This will make the outsides thicker, which will give a strong result without using loads of plastic.
  3. I'm lazy, so I'm using a spatula with a hammer to get prints off, while the plate is still hot... never broke a glass plate so far. (It's special glass, does not break as easy as normal glass)
  4. Could be that the minimal-extrusion-between-retractions is kicking in.
  5. It should do retraction before lifting the head... I'm currently working on dual-extrusion stuff. One of the things is a wipe tower, which is a bit of the same as the trash bin. One of the issues I have with it right now is that it can topple over when your prints get high.
  6. This. You're putting a lot of guess work for me here. You just went from 2.0 mm to 2.4 or 2.5, your problem description is vague ("not working correctly" without telling what "correctly" is in your view) You're also acting like it's a well known problem, while it's the first I heard about it.
  7. Back in 12.xx when the project planner was a separate tool this was possible. From 13.06 the project planner was completely rebuild in it's current form, which made it much easier to use. (Before this the order in which things where printed had to be set by the user) the result was that this feature got lost during the re-write.
  8. Most likely it has not been tested on the UM2 yet, because the UM2 is that new. The flex-PLA from Ultimaker works great on the UM2, it works better in the UM2 then the UM-Original.
  9. Looks the same to me. Are you using the same nozzle diameter on both?
  10. On my personal "wishlist/todo-list" there is: ** Beter handling of multi-object-prints, selection between "all at once" and "one at a time", make it clear if "one at a time" is working or that is switched to "all at once" for a reason. Also change the object boundary box depending on this selection so you can tigher pack the "all at once" prints.
  11. Cura cannot slice the 0.4mm thin wall properly, that's a known problem. It's due to rounding in the engine.
  12. Yep, that should do the trick. The belts should be straight above the axis. So the photo clearly shows that the pulley is not at the proper position (what you call cog is a pulley).
  13. Is that exactly 5mm? The axes are kept in place by the pulleys and black spaces between/behind them. Looks like there might be 1 missing or a lose pulley.
  14. All-at-once or one-at-a-time mostly depends on gantry height. There is a case in there which makes it do "all-at-once" if it cannot figure out the printing order, but I think that is an impossible case...
  15. The spool holder is long enough to hold 2 normal spools. (If you have different spools, you could always print one of the many stand alone spool holders from thingiverse) On the wifi part, I received my Doodle3D box early, and I've played a bit with the API for it, I already manage to make a wireless print. Only issue I had so far with it that connecting it to the Ultimaker wifi did not seem to work reliably, so I'm using it in access-point mode. I'm hoping to add this to Cura in the December release. I do have to say that they made a very nice product, really easy to use. Not only the application is easy to use, it's also easy to setup.
  16. I think they used the material supplied with the printer for the test robots, as we supply the printer with Ultimaker Blue. The review is fair I think. The UM2 they got for review was one of the first machines we build (it was that or they reviewed the Original) so it did have a few problems. We're also fine-tuning the production process as well as the software to get even better results. The full Make "Ultimake guide to 3D printing" is filled with more stuff (we got an advance copy send to us), I highly recommend getting a copy if you want to know what is going on in 3D printing world. It even mentions my name! I do see at the UM2 review: Built-in printer interface with a user-friendly UI Best-in-class software I know I did my job :-)
  17. Retraction works like this, if the head needs to move from place A to B without printing, it will do a few checks: * If the distance between A and B is less then the minimal travel, do nothing, just move there. * If point A or point B is not 0.6mm within the object boundary, it will move the points inwards and travel to the new point A * It draws a straight line between point A and B, if there is no intersection with this line and the 0.6mm internal boundary, do nothing, and move straight to B. * When we do cross a boundary, try to find a path around it. (Called combing) * If no path can be found that stays in the boundary, retract at the new point A and push back at the new point B.
  18. Printers are shipped with a few different versions, in the UM2 menu, under "Maintenaince" there is a "version" option to see which version. The one shipping with Cura 13.11 is 13.10-5, all new printers shipped are loaded with this firmware. Some printers are shipped with older versions, anything below 13.10-3 should really update to the newer firmware as they could have the "SD-Card read error" problems.
  19. It cannot find standard system header files, sure you installed all of Mingw32? (I'm using the one that comes with Code::Blocks)
  20. Nope. Our FabLab is in The Netherlands, and the kickstarter refunded every none-US kickstarter as they did not want to ship over-seas. We did not get an option to pay for the extra shipping (as oversea shipping was more expensive then expected). So after a long wait, and no result, we're no happy user. On 09 Sep 2013 they messaged us: Thank you for backing Filabot when we started, and for being supportive through this process. I am contacting you because I am not able to ship the system you backed for, but I am able to refund you. I am going to refund you $350.00USD. The full amount that you backed for. To refund I am going to use paypal. Could you please provide me with your paypal email address to send the funds. Thanks Tyler McNaney So, after 1 year and 8 months, they say "thank you for the free loan, here is nothing" I know new product development can be hard, but I do not think this is how you should deal with customers.
  21. Last time I tried Slic3r, I had the same issue, people told me that you had to disable the "multithreaded" support, as it was causing crashes. Not sure if that is still the case, as this was half a year ago. (Funny fact, Cura is still faster, and still single threaded)
  22. Nah, it runs bad at around 500k polies, and I have done 1.5mil (but that's really pushing it) Most likely the USB printing dialog is failing with the large GCode file. We have a few UM+ experimental machines, but we always use UltiControllers with those.
  23. That's pretty much what the Cura GUI does, it calls the engine as a stand alone thing. But, even as a student, you have to be aware of the license. As it can conflict with your university "contract", it's not uncommon for universities to have some "everything you make for the university is property of the university" clause somewhere. AGPL is there to protect the users from lockin, it's good to know what it means for you as a developer.
  24. It's extremely hard to disolve ABS in acetone, I've tried it and the result was that the PLA also had problems due to the acetone acting on it. HIPS seems to be a possible way forward. Still in testing phase, but easy to print (easier then ABS), and not as expensive as PVA. Still looking for the best solvent.
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