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Everything posted by Daid

  1. Seriously? You think that is a proper motivation? You have no idea what you are talking about. First off, the bug was reported a month ago, and I noticed it myself a week before that. So that 5 weeks, not 4 months. 5 weeks in which the whole company is buzzing with the UM2 release, I was working on the firmware for the UM2, added multiple-machines support to Cura, and fine tuned some of the new support material code, and added the YouMagine upload feature. And I did manage to find time for looking into it. Next webcam drivers are odd things, as the fix (which was not a simple fix, as I totally had to change how I handled the webcam connection so it would not stay open unneeded), works on my laptop. But apparently not on all types of webcams/configurations. So unless you send in a patch or pull request, you have no place in saying how easy or hard something is. (I do know a quick workaround, not sure if you are worth it)
  2. I've mailed it to people on request, not sure if it's available somewhere...
  3. Details get reduced, but only to the point where you do not change the print result, and some very small things can still impact the results. I know it can generate GCode which causes slowdown even on SD printing. But else I had reduction of visual details.
  4. Simplicity. For example, the CuraEngine does a lot of polygon clipping/offseting. As far as I know polygon clipping with curves is not a fully solved issue like it is with straight lines. (for which I use Clipper btw: http://www.angusj.com/delphi/clipper.php ) I have, somewhere on my wish list, "Loading STEP files into Cura". But don't expect curves or arcs anytime soon in the GCode from me. But if I have curves before making the layer slices I can put a nice resolution to the arcs that is suited for your printer, instead of having a huge STL file.
  5. It's not "auto" leveling. But it is firmware assisted leveling. The start Z height is stored in firmware and you simply rotate the button at the front to set it so the nozzle is just above the bed. This is done with the nozzle above the screw in the back. After that the nozzle moves to the front 2 screws and allows you to adjust those so your bed is level. (It's done twice so you can do a rough adjustment first and then fine-tune it)
  6. Best way to slice it in Cura is to grab the http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:13505/#files Slice it with 0.6mm shell thickness, 0.0mm top/bottom thickness and 0% infill. This gives a nice single outline wall which is printed fast, and strong.
  7. The none-beta will be out soon, it's the version from http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/ but with a few fixes (the YouMagine button broke, and the upload-custum-firmware button is broken), slicing wise it's the same.
  8. This mostly comes down to experience. I usually can fix up any printer in 10-20 minutes, unless it has a mechanical breakdown somewhere. Learning all the problems, that's where a lot of time sank into most likely.
  9. Looks like your version of the compiler is missing support for the data() function in std::vector: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/vector/vector/data/
  10. No, we decided against this a long time ago, when there where still less then 10 people working at Ultimaker (about 25 now). For the simple reason that visits like this disrupt the normal flow of actions too much. I understand that people would love to get their hands on the UM2 as soon as possible, but having our HQ acting as a storefront will disrupt shipping for other people, as before we know it we would have visiting people every day. You are always free to drop by our UltiEvening events (which are not held at the HQ), however, the one on Monday is canceled due to the overwhelming success of the UM2. And the next one will be in about 4 weeks after that, and I suspect yours has been shipped by then already.
  11. There are about 20 UM2 demo units going around the world right now. (Fun insiders fact, about half of those have been build by decommissioning most of our R&D machines for parts). All machines for actual sales are still here, in Geldermalsen NL.
  12. The CuraEngine (codename SteamEngine) has been OpenSource from the first public release: https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine It has been intigrated into a development branch of OctoPrint and a few other RepRap projects are slowly picking it up. The README.md from the Cura repository points to the code of the engine. Not sure what the issue is, but if you where looking for it, and could not find it, then you must have been looking with eyes closed. The next Cura release will also have an updated about box with all licenses for all used components, with source URLs. Even where it's not required. (Still needs some more work IMHO, but the start is there) I've only kept the code secret till the first release. Which was my own decision, and fully legal. The biggest reason why I did so was to force Ultimaker to make a choice on it, instead of staying unclear like the UM-Original hardware design. The UM-Orignal designs are online, on github with 1 small exception for the UltiStepper design (which will be added as soon as we locate the files. Which are lost somewhere in the chaos) The UM2 design will go online in 6 months. The UM2 extruder is a different kind of strong compared the the UM-Orignal. The UM-Orignal drive is extremely strong, ridiculous strong actually. But the UM2 drive has more grip, so it drives flex-PLA and ABS easier while it has less actual strength. Pushing 3mm filament trough a 0.25mm hole with speed is just asking for issues, no matter the strength of the drive. The display is OLED not LCD, so it has unlimited viewing angle. The menu designs are so that you can always see all the important information, even when viewing from a high up angle (which causes the top border to hide the top 10 pixels) all the action is in the center or lower part of the display. USB printing can be done, but it is not officially supported. We kept running into communication issues with the USB printing, so we opted to go for SD only. It's not the ideal world. But with unlimited time and resources we would have brought you networked printing. Alas, no ideal world. But one step at a time.
  13. I think it's a shame this is canceled. 4 weeks delay is quite long.
  14. http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/ Will be released soon, with some minor bugfixes. Note that the butterfly model is quite horrible, with all the internal flat holes.
  15. Youmagine is being funded by Ultimaker right now. We hope to make big projects like the C-130 better maintainable then thingiverse, but it's not really as big as thingiverse right now. While thingiverse is run by Makerbot and flooded with crap. The UM2 has a build envelope of 230x225x205 (the 255x255 from Sander is wrong. No idea where he got that from) We also have experiment UM+ printers here at UM, which have a build height of 550 instead of the normal 200. Would be perfect for wings. But no idea if there ever will be plans to produce it.
  16. Currently not possible yet by software in an easy way. However, if you add a "T1" or "T0" in your start.gcode you switch the nozzle before it's used. So this way you could make different GCode files for the primary and secondary extruder.
  17. Everything needs to be changed. You could make an UM-Original into an UM2. But you would be left with a huge pile of bits from the UM-Original, almost enough to build an UM-Original. The UM2 only replaces the UM-Original for the more professional crowd. It does not make the Original obsolete.
  18. Isn't dual-extrusion a PRO feature in KISS? (not that I'm against PRO features. Jonathan is a great guy and deserves the money. Just wanted to warn people who want to try this)
  19. The hangs are not caused by the "error line bla bla", those are communication errors but they get corrected in the software (the software should be updated to suppress the messages). Hanging communication is usually a problem at the USB level, using a powered USB hub usually improved reliability, so that might help. For long prints I highly recommend the UltiController, which allows printing from SD card without a computer attached.
  20. From the beta page, 13.10-RC1
  21. There is not an active list right now, but if you save a profile to an ini file, open that ini file, every keyword in there can be used as a substitute in the start/end-gcode. (as well as a few extras which are in the code by default)
  22. That GCode is fine, but you need to install a dual-extrusion firmware for the 2nd extruder to work.
  23. I've build and flown glider-model-planes, made from balsa. And, I know my way around the 3D printer. Now, most things can fly with a big enough engine attached to it. So depending on what you want exactly weight might not even be a big issue. Strength however is. Most planes have strong inlays to keep the wings from flexing. 3D printing would allow for stronger internal parts where you want, and even lighter stronger planes in theory. It would be awesome to see a project like this, and I would help in the best ways possible. It has been on my mind like forever, but the people that I know that build model-planes do not know their way around computers enough to get this done. And I... I'm always short on time...
  24. Does not hurt, they are communition errors, but they get corrected in the software.
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