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Everything posted by xeno

  1. while printing the object on an Ultimaker would be a great way to see how printable the object is. but the amount of objects that will be added to sites will be far greater in the future then you would have time to print it. You could do a few checks: -check if the object is a closed object -when an object is loaded in Cura you can visualize the amount of overhang, and maybe calculate an overhang percentage. -has the model been taken apart for more easy printing (arms, details, overhang parts) -the amount of detail on the object -is it cad drawn or scanned data. and so on
  2. I completely side with Valcrow. please post some kind of info on the main site en forum, explaining why CG trader is here, and in the future other vendors. there is an apparent lack of control of the models posted on most of the websites, and that will create problems in the long run. as I would not spend money on a 3D model not knowing if it is printable or not, or if I have to spend many hours making it printable. one way is to make sure before posing on the site, that the model is printable, and I mean printable by hobby made or bought printers, not the expensive printers that can print everything without support. I hope that all the sites will institute some kind of control the quality of the objects, and not just try to make a fast buck. in the end the better quality sites will be left !
  3. I see that CGtrader is starting to further promote it's website on this forum. http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/2274-new-3d-models-from-cgtrader/ and I really like to see a separate forum topic for vendors. and make it clear in their sig that they are vendors, like they do on the RPF website, where it is clearly stated in their sig. I really don't mind they show of their "great" websites, but I think they are on this forum, just for promotion.
  4. As much as I like to see info on some great objects to print, I find it disturbing this is just obvious promotion for the website. just creating free adds. if you want to promote your site, pay Ultimaker to put an add on the forum for you. on the RPF site there is clear difference between normal members and vendors, it says "Vendor" in their sig on the left. or make a separate part on the forum for vendors to show of their site.
  5. I chose to print the rest separate, as I did not want to damage what was already printed. and give more control putting the two parts together. oh, and I was scared to alter the G-code
  6. 1- I don't have earthed wall mounts in the room. 2- how much the charger uses, I don't know, but I suspect that the capacitors in the charger were the problem. 3- the distance was about 1.5 meters. I just think I had to many plugs connected to one wall socket, and have changed this around to avoid the is the future the funny thing was, that Cura lost the connection somehow, and the UM did not respond to Cura move or pause commands, I had to restart the whole lot to get printing again. so it might not have been the UM at fault but my MacMini that lost the connection.
  7. I too had this baffling problem for some time, and the solution is simple, Just drag the edge of that part of the window a little to the right and it will appear. Cura seems to have that part of the window a bit to small at startup
  8. after 2 days of printing the Ultimaker just stopped mid print, froze at the spot. at 92% finished, this really bums me out. could it be possible to adjust the G code file to resume where it left off ? I wrote down the line number it stopped at line 747507 Please someone adjust my file so I can resume the print, and not lose 2 days and a whole lot of material :( or take out the bit that was not printed, and let me print it seperate. here is the Gcode: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8108870/head%20front%20top%20hollow%202.gcode Nevermind The print head could not home, and the printed part was in the way :( so I took it of the bed. I measured the part that was printed, and with Rhino3D I estimated what part was left to print, this I cut from the object, and am printing the rest now, lets hope it fits ! I think what might have caused the problem, I wanted to shoot a vid of the last bit of printing, and I plugged in the power cord of the HD cam, that's when it just stopped..... guess the printer does not like that, I heard about some having problems with fluorescent lights and it disturbing the Ultimaker signal. next time I will just let it print til the end, and not bother it another hard lesson learned :(
  9. I was faced with the problem of having to do a lot of long and large prints, and no way to see what is happening when I am at work. so after some searching I found a great way to remotely watch and control my Ultimaker from anywhere. first I came across the Splashtop 2 app, which I could install on all my macs, iPad and iPhone, this gave me the ability to watch and control the mac attached to my Ultimaker, and see what Cura is doing. with the added CamCam app from splashtop, I could use any regular webcam as an online cam, and could watch what was happening, and see when the print was finished the setup is very easy, and works very good the only drawback is that to use Splashtop 2 anywhere it costs a monthly fee $1,79 :/ when I am at home I use Remote Desktop to control the mac upstairs, and I can sit comfortable on my couch. maybe I will find a free solution, or you might know a better way, but for now this will do nicely.
  10. I am doing some long hour prints, and I would really like to see, when the print is done, the total time it took to do the print, and the estimated time Cura thought it would take to print. now, when the print is done, all that disappears from the statistics list.
  11. At my work we have a folder with work related information and paper clippings, this is sent to all departments for reading, in the folder was a paper clipping of an article about the Ultimaker, and really got my attention and did some back ground reading, saw the vid of the program "De Wereld draaid door" and thought got to have it I ordered my Ultimaker that same day :mrgreen:
  12. Now that is what the Ultimaker is made for WOW ! did you also draw the CAD drawing ? I would love to see a rundown on the separate parts, and how you printed these.
  13. Same here, the wobbling of the pulleys is irritating. and sign me up for the list for a set
  14. I can print up to 40cm high, I rebuild my Ultimaker into an Ultimaker+ I'll contact you
  15. Do you also sell larger spools of PLA ? I have to do a lot of large prints, and would hate to run out after a 100 hour print
  16. I have been printing some pretty large files lately, and on startup I have to wait 10 to 15 mins for Cura to start (loading the last used model), then wait another 10 to 15 mins for the new model to load. would it be possible to add an on/off switch in preferences, so Cura won't load the previous model on startup ?
  17. The main idea is that I wanted to print full scale, that was why I rebuild it to an Ultimaker+ maybe this gives more idea what this is about :cool: (and if it still doesn't ring a bell, maybe my avatar will give it away)
  18. Not yet, but will be made into a glove :cool: all the finger parts will be seperated, and on the back (not visible) a hand cover plate will be seperate also.
  19. Maybe I could have done without support, but the fingers had some edges that were sticking out, and didn't want to take the chance after I cleaned the print I can see if it is neccesery for the right hand.
  20. Mystery object of the day, what have I printed ? it is the first print on my Ultimaker+, and took around 32 Hours, with 0.1 layer, Cura almoste choked on the filesize and took 15 minutes to load the model and Gcode
  21. Competition is getting fierce I'm curious what kinds of speeds this does compared to the Ultimaker.
  22. This will probably help with print ending in pointy shapes, and not leave a big blob on the end tip ? great idea
  23. If you insist finished this a while ago but never posted the full rocket assembled...with cat 8-)
  24. now all we need is for Cura to shut the pc down after the print is finished...
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