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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hi @Textronics @Edel, Thank you for your message and welcome to the Ultimaker community. First of all I am happy you have both decided to join the Ultimaker team. We're sorry to hear you feel some level of frustration, I can imagine you're feeling upset when you just bought a new Ultimaker and within a few days / week there is a new machine. After reading this thread I think we all strike some good points. Looking forward, I think regardless of what you decide your next step is; you are never forced to 'feel stuck' with an 'outdated Ultimaker', because of the extrusion upgrade pack which will be launched later in Q1. That is already pretty fast! Before deciding what your next step is, figure out what you want. Unfortunately, there is no one here who can do that for you besides yourself. There are a lot of experienced Ultimaker 2 users here, who will be able to help you with any issues you run into and even solve your warping issue. The Ultimaker 2+ is an upgrades machine, where you have the advantage to work with upgraded parts, but if you find yourself somewhere in the learning curve in need of help there will be less experienced people to offer insights. Obviously, we have done our best to reduce the learning curve and design the upgrades in a way you wouldn't need help, but unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world. And, the community will always be full of smart people who are willing to offer their 2ct's, just like @tinkergnome. If you decide to stay with your Ultimaker 2; its easy. You don't have to do anything except enjoy your Ultimaker, sit back and watch it print beautiful parts. If you decide to make the move and prefer to have an Ultimaker 2+, I would suggest to get in touch with your reseller. Depending on when you bought your machine you may have the option to return it. Alternatively, after talking to your reseller you may come to a different mutually satisfying solution. That is something for the reseller to decide, but we are selective in our network of partners, and both Ultimaker and our partners should be dedicated in satisfying our customers and working towards solutions. Good luck, and let us know what you are planning on doing! The first step, joining the Ultimaker community, was already a good one!
  2. Sorry but even if that's true this doesn't make me feel much better about spending 5K a week and a half ago, to buy outdated equipment, when i could have purchased a newer model literally a week and a half later... whats the return policy for ultimaker? Did you ask Ultimaker if they would do anything to compensate you? @SandervG I got similar questions via PM, do you have any policy for people who bought end of 2015? any sharp discount on the upgrade? Such a question should be aimed at your reseller, not Ultimaker. But since we select our resellers carefully, we should all share the same passion and devotion in satisfying our customers and looking for a mutual solution. (How did such a question end up in your DM?)
  3. You had me at happy dance. ;)Let me have a look around and see what the options are in this regard! Please add to your list new PT100 for UMO+ ! Sounds like the accuracy would be a great improvement too. I will!
  4. SandervG


    Hi @yellowshark, thank you for your contribution. if a) is about asking if a topic was useful, I was more thinking in the lines of having a checkbox available at the bottom of a thread and you can select it if you please.. or not. You would be free to leave b) and c) makes sense, also I don't see how c) would benefit the bouncerate if we start showing the latest Nike fashion
  5. Agreed; there is no way we can never make everyone happy. But it is our intention to always look for a mutual and reasonable solution when someone feels mistreated. And so far I think we have always been able to. I would like to emphasise the request to stay respectful, as getting angry and rude won't help or benefit anyone. We all have good intentions.
  6. Could you forward me your ordernumber in a direct message? I'll have a look at it!
  7. Some parts will be available as spare parts, like the PT100, heater cartridge and PTFE TFM coupler. But the entire extrusion upgrade pack won't be split up in feeder / printhead seperate packages.
  8. \Hi @Mayo, thank you for joining the forum I understand your frustration, lets see how we can work towards a solution together. How I see it you have several options, lets see which one you feel most comfortable with. a) you could continue to have this order and once the upgrade is released you can upgrade your Ultimaker 2 to an Ultimaker 2+. I don't think if we talk to your reseller we can make this work in a reasonable fashion. b) you are entitled to cancelling your order 14 days after receiving it, and you have the option to buy an Ultimaker 2+ instead. About how we do business; our sole goal is to satisfy our customers and in this case we'll work with you to find a reasonable solution. Eventually, you have to sort it out with the reseller but I can't imagine we won't come to some sort of solution. Try to stay calm and enjoy your step into the 3D printing scene. I'm sure soon you'll be comfortably and happy printing from your own home
  9. You had me at happy dance. Let me have a look around and see what the options are in this regard!
  10. Hi @Falc, what is it you currently need? If you could send me a DM I see what I can do and help you out! We'll also talk to Trideus and see where we can improve our service level. The overall Ultimaker experience should be great no matter where you are. Thank you!
  11. Awesome, congratulations!!Make sure to let us know when you have received it!
  12. In reply to your comment about flexible filament. Our buddies from Faraday Motions had very positive experience using flexible materials using the Ultimaker 2+.
  13. What he said And I know. As predicted
  14. SandervG


    On the forum, or do you mean what pages in particular?
  15. It believe there is! (OMG, its like we thought of everything! ) .. I am going to regret saying this
  16. It believe there is! (OMG, its like we thought of everything! )
  17. It will work, you just need a different power chord but that shouldn't be a problem
  18. TFM; it is not recommended. The diameter would fit but the TFM is a bit longer so it could make it wobble or unstable. But there is plenty of love, don't forget it! Price; not yet! It will be a conclusive upgrade pack, so everything to upgrade your Ultimaker 2.
  19. Yes, the PT100 as regular spare part anyway. But not yet, so don't get confused and purchase the old one. The clips shouldn't be a problem either
  20. No, that is not all. There is much more improved to the printhead. It has a more accurate PT100, it would make it easier to share 3D printing profiles and different material usages. It also has a new PTFE coupler, and the spring has been replaced for a spacer (as @Korneel already noticed). A lot of users have alternative feeders yes, but that doesn't kill the need for an improvement. This feeder is possibly even better? At the very least another alternative to choose from. (@IRobertI, no offence )
  21. Yes! Maybe it wasn't clear. There will be one upgrade pack available in Q1; the Extrusion upgrade pack. It has the geared feeder, improved printhead, glass clips. Everything you need! You are very welcome
  22. so many questions! @UltiArjan, Since the previous feeder was partially open it was easier to clean by just blowing in it. This feeder is stronger, and has a more closed housing. It is easier to take apart than the previous feeder because the motor doesn't fall off on the other side. That is secured. So it is a matter of loosening 4 screws and take the cover off which is pretty accessible. It shouldn't be a daily part of maintenance.
  23. The nozzles remain the same, it comes with a 0.25 / 0.4 / 0.6 and 0.8mm brass nozzle. It is a pretty common size, so I would not be surprised if third parties offers a stainless steal nozzle. I don't think you need that for Nylon do you? @Labern; YES!
  24. Something in the lines of great minds think alike? Thanks!
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