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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hi, thanks for sharing. Can you verify that all recipients were approved community members?
  2. Hi @Clarkman, my apologies for my late reply. I have been to a show in London and it was very busy. Have you already found a solution? If you haven't, please send me your details in a DM and I'll see what I can do.
  3. @Skint, congratulations to you and your wife!!! You must be a proud father!
  4. We are working hard to have our partners offer the same list of parts as what we have been offering through our webshop. So you will be able to order everything as you are used to, and parts that are not listed will have to be requested. Just like it was in the Ultimaker shop.
  5. I live in Tilburg and it has barely been below 0ºC. It felt very weird last week when it was freezing in the North and schools were closed where only a few km south my windshield didn't even freeze in the morning
  6. Could you share with me what OS you use and what browser? I just checked and for me it works like normal. We did do some changes / bug fixes yesterday some it could be that it altered something for you. Thanks!
  7. @Dim3nsioneer; Mark all as read topic-edition is now active!
  8. You should print a bunch of robots on different locations on the bed to see if the effect is the same everywhere. But I guess the robots in the back will be hidden from the fan?
  9. Hi @Erik-RS, If you convert a digital 3D model, like an STL, into a g-code the file is being converted into a list with commands. That is basically what a g-code is. A g-code is a text file which you can open in note pad for example or other similar tools. When you reload a g-code in Cura a lot of data it previously used to create a visual representation is lost, so it can't show it the same image it showed the STL. In the top right corner, you have the option to alter the view-mode from regular to overhang/transparant etc. One other option is layers. It will illustrate the toolpath the head will cross while building up your model. This is the only representation it can give you based on a g-code. It loads every layer, so if it only shows part of the model you may need to wait a few sections before it finished loading the entire file. It can take a little bit longer than with a regular STL. Let me know if this was helpful!
  10. @Peggyb, are these topics you possibly have already read? Maybe through a different path? Like notifications? Could you try to describe the frequency when this happens?
  11. Hi @kolia, do you access the forum from different computers? It could also be that you have a setting which deletes cookies on a high frequency so the browser doesn't know you are a frequent visitor.
  12. You should be aware that now you have a heated bed, you'll also have heat radiant. So overhangs a few cm above the bed will be droopier than before. That is something to take into account, and potentially work around if necessary. About the crease, by tightening some screws on the other side of the Zstage, can you pull this side from the back plate? Wood works, so it is also possible your frame did over time and after a paint job. I don't think it hurts, but if you want you could file it?
  13. Could be a design issue.. Care to share some pictures of the failed print? If you change the default view in Cura to Layer (top right corner) you can use this as a method to determine whether or not the print looks OK or not.
  14. That is quite an impressive test print, if I may say so myself You.. and I in a way, should be proud! (just gonna steal some of the credits teehee!)
  15. Not dangerous at all. With some complex things printing over 20 hours it is designed to run long prints, automatically overnight. Ok, I can relate to Cura 15.4.4. Looking forward seeing that screenshot
  16. you can literally see the left LED on your first picture, through the left transistor, right above the screw terminal. Sorry, don't have a PCB around so can't check how it is labelled.
  17. You probably want to change the first layer speed in Cura, I believe it is under 'advanced'. Which version of Cura are you using? Usually there is a balance between speed and quality you make. If you print slower you usually get better results, but there is a certain speed (depending on the complexity of your model and the size) where if you go any slower it doesn't matter anymore. And generally people are looking for that sweet spot where you print fast enough with the best result.
  18. I would also look into the speed of your first layer. It looks to be levelled correctly since the brim (the part that is being deployed) looks good to me. The print should continue in the same pace but for some reason it doesn't. It could be that the speed increases after the brim. (a brim creates more adhesion.) Could you upload a screenshot from the orientation in Cura?
  19. Yes. When your printhead is heating (which it does) it should also blink. It is a red LED on your PCB, like right next/behind the screw terminal for the heaters.
  20. To me that sounds like there is something wrong with the cables. Do both the red LED's at the terminals light up by the way? They indicate it is actually heating.
  21. Have you stumbled upon somekind of weird bug again? What do you mean? Ive tried resizing to mobile but it all looks normal.
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