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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. i would say, please don't do atomic pulls with PLA or ABS.. you can't really clean the nozzle with it and it'll break when force is applied. please use Nylon for this... I hear more people praise Nylon, so I guess that works too. But I think PLA has also proven to work, so if you don't have any Nylon PLA could be a second best. Have you also printed with ABS? Did you clean the nozzle afterwards? By doing an Atomic Method using ABS you might have made the nozzle 'dirtier' by leaving ABS residue in the nozzle. That can interfere with a nice and smooth material flow when doing a PLA print later.
  2. SandervG


    Hi @aggertroll, There is an option to customize your forum dashboard. If you visit this link to your settings you can select in what order and quantity the forum is shown to you. You can rank your favorite topics higher and show more of them (up to 10!). Or you can minimize it to 0, and force yourself to visit every subforum. Is this a helpful tip for you?
  3. The black specks are part of your belt, so it may not be urgent but you probably do want to take a look at it. It is probably the belt rubbing against a rim or side of a pulley. You can change this by either seeing if you can improve the alignment of the spacer, or replace the pulley slightly, maybe like a mm.
  4. I like where this is going! Something @Peggyb said triggered a thought, writing new plugins for the new Cura. Doesn't need to be the next level, but something like lithography, or the ability to load midi (these things already exist, but to give you a direction). Or something more serious like being able to select a group of items. But just like with CAD, this may limit the # of entries.
  5. Hi, I took the liberty of moving your topic, I think it fits better here and you'll get bigger response I personally don't have any experience with a ventilation system. Does it allow you to control ambient temperature? Regular room temperature would probably be best. And I wouldn't recommend any very active cooling or sucking. A draft is usually not productive. If the 'fumes' can escape through a tube that would be good enough. @IRobertI, you were planning on building your own system weren't you? Any tips?
  6. How do you envision technical contests? Like multi parts which you have to assemble, getting accurate dimensions? What would be the criteria? Or technical in a way that it requires 3D printing skills, like a chainmail? And what about creative themes? Did you like or dislike any of the ones we already did? Would it be too demanding to do a contest which may require the purchase of something? (for example, paint.. or a primer.. or something like that?
  7. Great! They are great folks at 3D Universe. What kind of sculptures are you making? I know Barnacules has experience in making helmets with his Ultimaker. He made a full size Halo Master chief helmet and a storm trooper helmet (even an entire suit). Will you be making props too?
  8. haha yeah I may need to start prioritising the list Otherwise I have to include an index list as well
  9. Thinking big of a man who prints small... it's usually called compensation... @SandervG: Your list of printer is producing much white space... think of when the new forum started... this time it will be your fault... You are right! I think I'll just have to write very elaborated replies from now on to compensate for the white space
  10. Sounds like the Italian maffia. Never knew the New Zealand maffia was alike
  11. I know it is not working perfect yet (perfect in a not very demanding-definition) but I usually use it when looking for other users. About an ETA until it works closer to a more reasonable demanding definition, currently I'm not in the office so I can't verify with my colleague. I'll try to get an eta, but i can already tell you it will be an educated guess, not a guarantee.
  12. You should put up a spoiler alert for @ppolla
  13. Nope, but if you want to join us for dinner you do need to come in time, which is between 1700-1800. If you can I would suggest to come between 1730 and 1800, there probably won't be a lot of people yet around 1700. See you there!
  14. What is? Ultimaker Original? No no. Still representing in our product pages!
  15. Is the material all the way in the printhead? Did you successfully complete the material feeding cycle? The print head heats up? When you select move material under maintenance, and push the material towards the printhead, can you make it extrude then?
  16. Ultimaker 2+ I assume? Congratulations, exciting day for you! Make sure to share your experience with us, show us the unboxing!
  17. That is also the information I received. The Ultimaker 2+ is available, but the Ultimaker 2 Extended+ requires a little bit more patience. This community is a great place to hang out until it is back in stock What will you be using the Ultimaker 2 Extended+ for?
  18. About the direct store, that was probably old info.
  19. You probably only need to look for different nozzles that fit your hot end. Because the advantage of having swappable nozzles is already a part of the Ultimaker Original By coincidence, I heard @Titus had different nozzles for his Ultimaker. Right? Where did you get yours Titus?
  20. I almost had a reply ready about Dynamism as well, but than I realized we were talking about the Ultimaker 2 Extended+, not the Ultimaker 2+
  21. In case of this second picture, the Ultimaker 2 Go. Have you tried rotating the button? That is the indicator in which you can select a certain temperature you want the head to heat up to. About your first picture, what do you mean with 'bottomed out'?
  22. aww that is unfortunate. Let me see if I can get some more information for you.
  23. In that case I am sure all will be fine. If you need any further help, just let me know!
  24. I think you would find good service with Adafruit or Dynamism. Actually all of our resellers in the USA offer a high level of service! For your information, here is a list of our resellers in the USA.
  25. Great. Must have been quite an amazing Christmas for your friend. My initial reply would be to get in touch with our partner to come to a solution. If he prefers we send an introduction and put him in touch with our partner over there that is no problem either. You can update your account to have it say where you live, what your available tools are and your skills. Especially your location is relevant deciding which of our partners would be a good fit for you.
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