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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Alternatively, if you are feeling lazy this may be interesting addition to your Ultimaker: http://www.structur3d.io/#discov3ry
  2. Glad to hear the glue managed to help! What level of overhang are you struggling with? Ive dedicated a part of the last schooling blog about overhang. tl;dr, a higher resolution could help as well. What resolution are you printing at now? The affect heat radiant has significantly drops after a few cm up.
  3. Hi, you don't have to log in to view the forum. And if you have auto-fill you can enter your email with just one or two letters. When you have logged in once, and enable 'remember me' you also don't have to login again next time you visit except when you log in from a different computer. (it can only remember the login with a cookie).
  4. Hi @Cloakfiend, I'm sorry to hear about your problems with the OB. It will work with a 25W heater as well, as previously stated but if you want to print fast, much faster, the heater block needs to be stronger to keep up the heating and that is when the 35W heater comes in handy. But given your prints, I don't think you would ever will. Did you also make other prints with your custom plated fan shroud, or were these the first prints you made, after the installation? I understand your feeling frustrated and probably regret your decision about installing the OB. I can still picture your posts about loving the Ultimaker because within the year of usage you barely had to do any maintenance. Well, if you feel worried about bringing your Ultimaker back in shape, I know some very skilled people in GB who will certainly do a great job in reviving your Ultimaker! So I wouldn't worry about it to much. I'll give Robert the evil eye next time I see him Take care!
  5. Thank you all for the feedback. I remember in the early days, we could only dream of the level of documentation we supply now a days. Of course we would have loved if it was at a perfect level now, but that is an unrealistic desire. Even old companies are still struggling getting it right. There is the level of knowledge and the way it is being communicated and visualized. So please continue to share your feedback with us and we can continue to improve and optimize the documentation. It will be an everlasting journey I think.
  6. Hi Sander, i'm from Brazil. I understand you still don't have a reseller in south america, but I'm unable to buy. MakerPoint just won't send to Brazil. No shipping available. In these cases how Ultimaker will solve customer's problem? Thank you. Thank you for your post. I'll discuss your situation with my colleague and we'll give you a solution. Thank you for your coming to our forums! In the meantime, you should also receive the option to fill out a form which will be forwarded to our distribution department. They will pinpoint you to the right reseller which will be able to help you.
  7. Please only speak English in these sections of the forum so we can all understand. Thanks!
  8. Two things I always miss in specifications are reliability and ethos / user friendliness. At the same time I understand this because you can't really put a number on these factors but as a user I can imagine it is very important information. For example, if you have the best specs in the world but you only successfully print 1 out of 10 attempts there is a very small chance you will be happy with your 3D printer. The same goes for running into a problem, and what can you expect from a company when you do. (when you just started 3D printing it is likely you'll run into some kind of problem at some point). I like to think you engage a long term relationship with a customer instead of a single purchase. So what would that be like for a customer? And what is warranty or service like, spare parts and the options you have as a user to find help or solve your problem. Like a very conclusive support pages, fast customer service or accommodating customer service. Or are you suppose to just figure it out? Overall I don't mind your review being elaborated. Usually I like it over a very short review. Not sure how you would want to test this, but I always thought those are two important aspects which barely are being highlighted. (I do know Make shootout tested customer service response time a year ago, which was good although it is only a single impression).
  9. What kind of fan shroud do you have? If your heaterblock takes to long to heat it can give a temp error, if your fans turn on and for some reason they are cooling your heaterblock or the fanshroud is conducting coolness to your heaterblock it could trigger a temp error. .. or one of the wires is busted, and that is your problem. You could try to make a print without fans, to see if that makes a difference.
  10. Ok ok, this might be a case of lost in translation or something. I meant you can compare it to the UM2 because it is the same. We're all on the same page
  11. The Z-stage on the UM2 and UMO+ is similar and should be comparably sturdy. I don't think you should need to level it every other print or so unless you change nozzle size or something. You may need to develop a different feel for bed leveling since you are no longer printing on tape but on glass. With tape you could literally press it in the tape a little bit so you had some more room for play. With glass it is a little bit more precise. I don't use paper, since the thickness of paper is something to be discussed and the level of friction you should feel too. I always do it on eyesight (don't know if that is easier to explain) but the way I do it is put it as close as possible but when it looks like it is completely closing off the nozzle put it the littlest amount of distance away from it as you can establish by using the thumbscrews.
  12. Version 1.0


    This test model lets you compare the performance of filaments on your printer with difficult areas like overhangs, bridging, etcetera over a temperature range. In this timelapse you can see Ultimaker PLA Silver Metallic tested from 210˚ to 190˚ C on an Ultimaker 2+ 3D printer. Curious to find that sweetspot on how to best print overhangs or bridges? Give this stress test a go! Thank you @UltiArjan!
  13. I meant the screw which is being removed at 1:23 (and it is also the action shown in the thumbnail)
  14. Hi @Cloakfiend, did you follow the instructions and remove the screw that is holding the wires down? Alternatively, if you post some images perhaps we can help with an easier solution that taking the sides off.
  15. Should I be impressed they went through the trouble of removing the logo?
  16. For me it was the same. I would love to have another dog, but with my travel schedule it wouldn't be fair to the dog. Curious to see what you had in mind when you are ready.
  17. Hi @LePaul, very sorry to hear about your poor cat. Luckily you still have another cat who hopefully will be able to make you feel better a little bit. Must be tough, you really get attached to your pets. I had a dog, and now have 2 cats. Wouldn't want to go without them. The vase looks nice. What kind of thing were you thinking of? Something abstract or something more specific?
  18. I thought that audio-bug was fixed a long time ago. @titus, I believe I do! (just haven't replied yet ) @Yellowshark @Titus, can you let me know about what operating system you run? Could you in a DM let me know who and when you sent these messages? I believe we can check the log to look for any oddities.
  19. Yes they have to be. I'll pass on this information to my colleagues!
  20. I actually think 3DSolex is selling a different type of PTFE coupler than what we are currently installing in the new Ultimaker 2+
  21. Hi @LePaul, Sorry I have been absent, have been away to a show in London. How is your bed levelling getting along and let me know in what area you still need help! Happy to see the community was able to supply you with plenty of tips as well
  22. haha, did you forget; lack of sleep, coffee and yawn? wait what.. hotend blocked?
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