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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Do you mean it doesn't heat up after you gave it the command to? The first thing (and I have to think hard to find a second reason) that comes to me is that either the heater cables are not properly secured on the terminal end or on your heated bed terminal. On your electronics it doesn't matter how they are installed, but I believe it does on your heated bed. Could you send a picture on how those are installed?
  2. Just in case; do you just use the files from your SD-card or did you modify the temperature or speed or anything else?
  3. Hi @Clinton, I think it is more likely that there is something with your bearing than with the filament. If the Ultimaker is turned off, and you manually move the Z-stage up and down do you feel any signs of friction or resistance? Do you see any debris or dirt in between the threads on the threaded axis? You shouldn't need to oil the bearings, as it is more likely it will clutter the balls inside the bearing than make it move smoother. Looking forward hearing from you!
  4. If you uploaded your print in the printsection, you can share it looking like this: It would immediately show a lot of information. Quite impressed with the look of your print!
  5. If you are looking at advice for recommend print profiles I would suggest to interpret them as a guideline instead of absolute truth. For most filaments it varies a few degrees depending on what color you use or brand. Usually, PLA is rather forgiving.
  6. Well.. hypothetical; if before you thought you were printing at 210ºC you could be printing at 220ºC and it allowed you to print at 60mm/s. If you now set it to 210ºC again, 60mm/s might be to fast for your heaterblock to keep up and you have to increase the temperature to 220ºC, which looks like it is hotter, but it is actually the same. There are more parts in to play, like nozzle sizes, a stronger heater cartridge and a more powerful feeder. But if you chew it down, and just look at the temperature displayed and want to achieve the same ratio, (maybe some users only want to upgrade the PT100 for their regular Ultimaker 2), they probably have to go a little bit higher.
  7. I'm still waiting for an answer. If someone else knows, please let me know. Thanks. I have the answer! The old PT100 had a copper wire and shielding surrounding the sensor. Both could potentially withdraw heat from the sensor. The shielding could also vary in tightness as how it was installed around the sensor. This could lead to an varying abnormality in the actual temperature reading (lower). The new PT100, which is still Class B sensor, has a nickel wire and will result in a more accurate temperature reading. We estimate that some users going from an Ultimaker 2, to an Ultimaker 2+ may need to set their temperature a little bit higher as they are used to, to make up for this difference.
  8. You can check your notification settings here. It was implemented like 2 weeks ago, I think maybe it just got activated this week. If you don't want to receive the notifications feel free to uncheck the checkbox.
  9. Give us more impressions! Some background information about the switch of tools; the socket usually resulted in not sufficient tightened nozzles. Or people used a wrench anyway. The wrench is a bit stronger, which at least ensures secured nozzles.
  10. @Labern, the purpose is that you would/will be able to source the original Ultimaker parts closer instead of all across the globe, from a reliable reseller.
  11. Als je op mijn profiel klikt, staat er in de hoek 'send message'. Via die weg kun je een bericht sturen. Ik hoor het graag van je, nog een fijne avond!
  12. Bedankt voor de reactie. Het klinkt alsof dat het heaterblock (waar de draad telkens in zat) de fan-bracket aanraakte waardoor het de hitte weggeleide en je een foutmelding kreeg. Dit kon vrij eenvoudig verholpen worden door de fanshroud wat te buigen of de printkop iets anders af te stellen. Wellicht wat het iets anders, maar ook daarvoor hadden we vast en zeker een oplossing. Ik denk dat de keuze van een Ultimaker nog altijd wel de juiste was, wellicht is het begin van dit traject daar niet de beste graadmeter voor, het is een van de meer betrouwbare 3D printers die je kan vinden. Dit forum draagt daar ook aan bij, omdat je hier altijd hulp kan vinden zowel bij vragen over een reseller als vragen omtrent de hardware van je 3D printer. Als je nog hulp nodig hebt wat betreft je Ultimaker en de eventuele reparatie daaraan hoor ik het graag. Alvast bedankt en nog een prettige dag!
  13. Nope, the holes in the head of the Ultimaker 2 are closed up.
  14. Me too! Surprising no one mentioned it before. I looked up the specifications and I see there is a little bit of confusion. The full dimension without the bowden tube and reelholder are: 357-342-488mm The full dimensions with the bowden tube and reelholder: 493-342-688mm So if you are looking for a place to store it, use these dimensions: 493-342-688mm I'll make sure it is fixed as soon as possible. Let me know if you have any questions!
  15. Beste @mvr_1975 Bedankt voor uw bericht. Ik heb het even naar het Nederlandse deel verplaatst omdat in het 'coffee corner' deel de voertaal Engels is. Het lijkt me dat je altijd binnen 14 dagen recht hebt om een product te retourneren, ik kan me juist voorstellen wanneer het product defect is deze wens nog sterker is. Echter kan ik me wel voorstellen, stel hij is van de trap gevallen, dat het retourneren niet meer geldig is. De leercurve van 3D printen kan ik het begin wel steil zijn, maar gelukkig hoef je die niet alleen door te lopen, en zit het forum hier vol met mensen die diezelfde leercurve hebben doorgemaakt, overleefd, en nu met liefde en plezier 3D printen. Als je de Ultimaker nog in je bezit hebt, hoor ik graag van je wat er mis mee is. Wellicht kunnen wij je er mee helpen, zonder dat je de 3D printer 2-3 weken kwijt bent Voor het formele stuk in verband met de reseller mag je me een persoonlijk bericht sturen, dan kan ik er eventueel naar kijken. (Ik ben een werknemer van Ultimaker). Alvast bedankt!
  16. Here you go Don't have any experience with this, but don't see what could go wrong. Input anyone? This system plus an Ultimaker 2 Extended (to match the build volume) is still half of money of a Z18 and double the fun
  17. In most places in Northern USA the Ultimaker 2 Extended+ will start shipping around January 26th. The Ultimaker 2+ is already available. Therefor I think you need to have a little bit more patience before resellers will be able to send you a sample, or that visitors here or even hubs on 3D Hubs will pop up in your area who are able to print you a sample. For the sake of argument, what was it you wanted to have printed? A general file or something specific you modelled?
  18. SandervG


    As an alternative to the dashboard, if that doesn't fit your flow you could also use this filter to show the latest activity. You could also customize the forum-topics to show the threads you most care about and display the last 10 active topics. We have made quite a variety of filters, which you can save. You don't use them? Anyway, I can understand that the search-function is not optimal yet, and the dashboard shows the last activities. But I don't think this is the main cause. I think the biggest cause is that it ranks very high in google on keywords / questions (ours and not-community), people click and than leave again, satisfied or still searching. I'm happy to hear 'related topics' are OK, when they are in fact related. Looking forward if you have any other ideas!
  19. I don't know exactly what to imagine with a mojo print, because I believe what is shown in the video is probably photoshopped or post processed, but I do think 'quality' or 'good results', goes beyond layer thickness. It is surface quality in general. When printing something at 60 micron but it has all strange kind of oddities it still looks like crap, where I have seen (on the Ultimaker ofcourse) perfect surface 250micron prints and they looked amazing. Also, the choice of colour is not coincidence in the video. Mojo have a concealing white, where their competitors have bright (2x red) colours, which show everything.
  20. For example warping, just purposely mess up the bed levelling and every print(er) will warp.
  21. Dear @Cosmology, Thank you for visiting the forum and becoming part of the Ultimaker community. I'm sorry to hear about your issues and your level of frustration. You have made several claims which have triggered me to reply, and I'll do accordingly. First of all; our sincere apologies if you have received a part with a part in your Ultimaker which didn't meet its requirements. I ensure you we have a tight quality control, but it can always happen a uncomplying part slips through. Among other reasons, that is why we have our customer support service. I would like to invite you to DM me and share where you purchased your Ultimaker and when, and I'll have someone from Ultimaker reach out to you to replace the defective part. I think it will be the fastest way to get you back on track. Here on the forum we have several Ultimaker staff checking in and out to stay in touch with our community. Besides that we have countless of valuable community members hanging out here because they like this place, they have found help, inspiration and/or friends. I would kindly like to ask you to set any level of frustration aside when you are offered help, since our dear community is not obliged to, and it is offered to you because they want to help. This community wouldn't be here if Ultimaker continuously supplied faulty products or did not take care of its users. If you want to read up to our house rules, I happily supply you with a link. So, if you would like to move towards a solution as soon as possible and get back into 3D printing I'm looking forward hearing from you. Next, I'm not entirely sure if your remark about (open source) companies stealing ideas is aimed at us or just a manifestation of your frustration but obviously, I can't say I agree on this claim. Just like quite a few desktop 3D printers available nowadays, the Ultimaker is also based on the reprap movement, and similar to the open source philosophy we share our design files and BOM so users are free to source and/or modify Ultimaker for their personal gain. If you compare Ultimaker to where it was 3 years ago it has matured a lot and collaborated a lot with its community and the open source scene. For example, a product of our collaboration is Cura, which is commonly used by our users and many other manufacturers and their users within the 3D printing scene. There are a lot of other examples which are being developed and shared, and contribute to the entire scene. Again, our apologies if a bearing didn't work as it should and we would happily replace it and bring your Ultimaker back to working condition. Looking forward hearing from you, thank you for your time and patience.
  22. Initially, after I gave it some thought, I thought a software that thickens part of a model which is too small could actually help some people. What it does is help turn unrealistic demands into realistic proportions. Could you look upon it as a lot of other features a common slicer offers? It makes printing easier, and more accessible. You get accessible by having the slicer think for the user in some areas and correcting mistakes, no? But don't worry, this is not going to be a next feature in Cura This was my thought when I just thought about what you said, but after watching the video it looks ridiculous. Especially how they compare it to other 3D printers. 'Hey, we designed a model with an error in it. Our weird feature fixes it so our printer is better. The other printers, who used the flawed file, showed the flaw. Stupid printers!'. Anyway, I couldn't watch the entire clip. This picture shows the same level of authenticity as what I felt while listening and watching the clip so.. consider this an appetizer before you start watching. (It is actually a 'user', a screenshot I took from the video). Anyway, sometimes (luckily not that often), we run into slander even worse than this. I'm not gonna share it because I don't think that is the right way. But you'll be surprised about what you come across sometimes..
  23. I don't have one at home, so I can't get you a picture earlier than next week. But I did already see a picture on the forums, I think @IRobertI posted one? .. do you want some ketchup with those fries?
  24. I thought that actually sufficed and I didn't chase it down further. My apologies! I'll hunt it down for you, might be until next week before I have an answer for you
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