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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. If you could be troubled posting some visuals perhaps we could also help. If it would prevent you from shipping the machines back and forth that would save you a lot of efforts.
  2. I think you just made 80% of the community jealous Teach us your ways @Gareee!
  3. I think that is a good idea, although if you are thinking about the expert users, I don't think we could offer them anything they don't have already. (but a special Ultimaker tool-bag could be cool )
  4. Possibly a video or some photo's (or other visual representation) of what you are experiencing would help as well. Thank you!
  5. Hi @Gareee,I believe I also just sent you a reply on a different question you asked. Welcome to the Ultimaker community! It is a great place to start when you are a potential customer. The Ultimaker community is a great valuable asset for both Ultimaker and its users. Are there specific things you are looking for? Maybe I'll be able to help you. About your concerns, I don't see it as being stuck with a reseller. No more than you would be stuck with Ultimaker if you bought from us. We have a selective network of partners, and we should all share the dedication to satisfy our users. If for some reason this isn't met, you can ask anyone here on the forum; you can always count on Ultimaker. One way or the other, but we always take care of our users in a reasonable fashion. First step is though, our network of partners. And they are all aimed to work together with you, and other users, to move towards a reasonable, and mutually satisfying outcome. To give you an idea about what 'talk to the reseller' means. There was another Ultimaker user in a similar situation here. I didn't just ship him off to a certain website to go and find his way. We spoke and he gave me his email address and I put him directly in touch with the head of customer support of that dedicated partner to work it out. You see, even though our partners are the first in line to address, we do make sure you get there safe. Hopefully this takes away some of your concerns, otherwise I would be happy to answer any further questions you might have. Looking forward hearing from you!
  6. @textronics, Thank you for your reply. That is not how the comment was intended, but I understand your point. If you are within the period of returning the machine and you prefer to have an Ultimaker 2+ I would recommend to do so. If you prefer to keep your machine because it works great and you don't want to go through a hassle of shipping Ultimaker's back and forth there are also other solutions. If you want to explore those options I would recommend to talk to your reseller and see if you can find a mutual solution in terms of the upgrade pack. The path you pick is yours to choose, and there is no reason to be 'stuck' with an Ultimaker 2 if you don't want to. I don't think you have to worry about the supplier. It's very thoughtful though. But I'm sure we'll strike appropriate arrangements with them as well so no one will be unnecessary disadvantaged. Thank you for your time and patience.
  7. I really got a lot of value for only those 2 cents, they must have really been 2 Extended + cents! Thanks for your elaborated email @Titus! I like to put the emphasis on learning. I also like the idea to collect points based on your ranking, and these can be added to collect different prizes. This is more complicated to build/structure, but it is a nice idea. Will definitely give it some more thought. Given the global audience a tour through HQ probably won't be realistic. Having prizes available which usually aren't for sale is something I like, like the coffee mug. Given the release of the Ultimaker 2+, a new PTFE TFM coupler makes sense, or something else related. But usually a not perse expensive but thoughtful and unique present has my preference. I'll try to keep my reply a bit shorter than yours, but you strike some good points and will bring them along.
  8. I have to double check but I think it will.It won't be specifically aimed for the Ultimaker 2 Go, but since they have a similar printhead it would fit.
  9. Hi @Gareee, In this story you'll see Faraday motion who had great success printing flexible materials. The set up remains the same, so flexible materials remain to be a challenge but it is possible. If you have no experience with 3D printing or Ultimaker yet I would recommend to start with PLA and once you are more familiar with the Ultimaker and the concept of 3D Printing move towards flexible materials. Ninja flex or our own PLA flex is possible on an Ultimaker, but is not as straight forward as regular PLA. The Ultimaker 2+ is already available right now, you may want to check with a few resellers to see who has it on stock. Where are you based?
  10. Dear @JBunch, Thank you for your message. 6 Ultimaker's? That is a nice investment. Could you let me know what machine you bought specifically? Sounds like a strange collection of symptoms. Did this occur to only 1 printer out of 6? Looking forward hearing from you!
  11. Like the midi2cnc thing? The pen plotter is also a cool source of inspiration for a contest. Two folds; come up with an alternative usage for the printhead, and make an amazing (dual color?) drawing on the Ultimaker.
  12. Hi Gregwar, The feeder will be available for our Ultimaker 2 users in the form of an extrusion upgrade pack that will become available during Q1 in 2016. This upgrade pack also contains the entire new and improved printhead so you have all of the advantages!
  13. So as a theme select one of the 'boarders' / challenges in 3D printing and see if we can push that back? Sounds great! In terms of bridging, a difference in materials could also do a lot. I am already getting curious about the results! Ah yes, I will add that requirement to the rules. Important that we all learn from these contests.
  14. When I said cheaper I did not mean the retail price would be less, that should be the approximately the same everywhere. You'll save time and money on shipping since it is being shipped from closer by, avoid import duties and possible currency exchange fee's. A difference in price could be caused by the shipping costs and import duties our partner faces, but that shouldn't exceed the costs you as a customer make. Not by this much anyway. We'll look into this, thanks for notifying. Sorry @didierklein, I was hoping you would get a nice job out of this, personally delivering Ultimaker's
  15. Our current frequency in doing upgrades is once every 2 weeks. If I am not mistaking, after the buy now button, which has always been in the menu, we moved it away from the notification week the launch later. I'm also using Chrome and everything is the same for me. What operating system are you using?
  16. Hi All, We really enjoyed the contests we have been organizing last few weeks and all the creative entries it generated. It would be really cool to continue these, and I wanted to bounce some ideas off with you all on what you think the best format should be for these contests. These past contests were fun, but also relatively short. We choose to go for one week per contest so we could announce more winners, i.e. making more community members happy! But at the same time this is limiting the time people can participate, or think about a good entry. So we need to come up with an appropriate timeframe for how long a contest will run. I'll make the first suggestion, 1 month. That way we can start a new contest every (for example) 5th. So January 5th. February 5th. March 5th and so on. Themes! To stay in line with the Olsson Block a big part of the past contests were printing small objects. This could be very informing and educating, but variety is the spice of life! To keep things low entry and fun we added some 'creative free' topics in it as well, but at the same time this is hard to rate. So what do we want as themes? As much variety as possible? What about we let the winner choose the topic of the next contest? I also like the idea of adding CAD modelling in it, but I am aware I would probably limit the audience severely when doing so. It is very time consuming and still a difficult skill to manage. What do you think about this? Does it depend if the prize is good enough? Or if the theme is fun enough? Talking about prizes. A proper contest also has a prize! Besides eternal honor we may need to add a little extra in the mix. I am thinking, maybe no one cares about this but I like it; to add a community contest winner badge. Forever the eternal fame will be connected to your profile, pretty amazing eh? Also.. I have received some suggestions (i.e. persistent requests:p) about coffee-mugs. That is a ball which is currently rolling... As previously mentioned, coming up with the next contest will also be part of the prize. That's it? .. anything else? Uploading. Sometimes I had the impression some of the requirements of the previous contest were not clear. So we may need to make the rules a bit simpler. A few things which I consider important; - printed on an Ultimaker - modifications are allowed (we are all hackers aren't we?) - uploaded in print section. This is important for me because it creates a clear overview of entries, and if this section is regularly updated with new entries it is a great section to visit and see what everyone is doing. - winner commits to sharing his settings and 'recipe to victory'. (Thanks @Neotko) - ... ? I think these are the most important parts to get clear. Let me know what you think, curious to hear your feedback!
  17. Hi @Titus and @avogra, due to all the excitement and necessary preparations about the Ultimaker 2+ launch I lost track of time and neglected to announce a winner. @avogra was also kind enough to remind me of this. But here we are. We need a winner! And we have one.. Congratulations.. @avogra!! Your entry was very creative and we all enjoyed it. Plus it fitted all the rules and you are the true winner of the last Olsson Block-contests. Congratulations! Seeing the web I thought it was gonna be a spiderman, but instead it was Mr. Ultimaker-man. Even better! .. When is Marvel gonna make a movie about him? We'll keep these contests alive, stay tuned for the next one! I'll reach out to @avogra about sending you your prize.
  18. @Dim3nsioneer, I know. And it is noted. Unfortunately it didn't fit the last sprint, with the Ultimaker 2+ preparations and all. I think when I first mentioned it, the schedule was also already made. But it's on the list So is search improvement, (and ghost notifications). Unfortunately, some improvements aren't as easy to implement than others. But we are working on it!
  19. Ha @Zoev89, dat is sowieso leuk. We zien altijd graag waar iedereen mee bezig is en ik denk dat hij zelfs nog indrukwekkender zal zijn in het echt!
  20. Oh @skint, you are so generous! I wish the world knew more Skints
  21. Hi @Edel, Yes I am. Everyone you'll see with a 'Team Ultimaker' in their profile is an official Ultimaker employee. But for example, we also have some people from our R&D team hanging out here, and in this case such an issue would be best handled by me (as community manager). I wouldn't look upon your purchase as if you bought an old or outdated machine. The Ultimaker 2 has won many awards and is still a great machine. At the time of your purchase you had considered it good enough for your money, which accounts for something. I understand the release of an improved version is harsh, but I wouldn't discard your Ultimaker 2 completely. It is still a great machine which will offer you a lot of joy as a maker. Anyway, towards your question. Unfortunately, we can't offer you such a deal since you bought your Ultimaker with our partner. I can't change anything about this. This does not mean what you suggest as a solution is non negotiable. But, as a gesture of goodwill I would be more than happy to help you and start the conversation. If you could send me a DM with your email I can use for correspondence, the name of the partner you bought your Ultimaker 2 and the date on which you bought it I am sure we can get the ball rolling. Reading your post, I get the impression you have made up your mind about what you want, which is upgrading your current Ultimaker 2. That is good, it means we at least have a clear goal on what to work towards. Looking forward receiving your DM and move further towards a solution. Thank you!
  22. In case you haven't read it yet, they are An extrusion upgrade pack will be made available later in Q1 in 2016.
  23. Its that cold white powder falling from the skies. You may have seen it in some movies
  24. Here as well, it didn't even freeze during Christmas. It was like 7 or 8ºC. Super weird how that affects your Christmas feeling. Anyway, the cold making its introduction here as well. In the North it has already been rather slippery for the last few days, and every day the temperature is dropping a little bit.
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