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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. If you pull the bowdentube (gently) you will see one clip move along with the bowden tube inside the quickfit coupler. If you press that down, you can pull out the bowden tube, without too much force. I am guessing this should allow you to feed the filament. Sometimes I also run in a piece of filament that just won't fit in.. but others go in without me even looking or trying. Have you also tried other pieces of filament? Can you upload a picture of your filament and feeder (few different angles if possible) if it still won't go in? Thanks! It may sound silly now, but it is something you get used to doing and it will only go smoother. (feeding the filament I mean, not this entire work around).
  2. Hi Michael, Thank you for posting on the forums! When you have found the answer that helps you, please select it as 'Best Answer', so it helps future readers with finding an answer as soon as possible! Thank you! I am not sure I understand your question correctly, but I am guessing, also based on your title you are trying to connect your Ultimaker 2 to your computer for printing? You can only connect your Ultimaker 2 to your computer if you want or need to update the firmware, via Cura. You can store your gcode's on the SD card and print everything you need directly from the SD-card. We disabled printing from your computer because printing from your SD card is much faster and more reliable. On your Ultimaker 2 you can change a lot of settings live during printing, like speed, temperature, flowrate, fanspeed etc. Let me know if you have any other questions.
  3. Hi Bill, We can only say it is CE approved, that means it meets certain quality requirements to say by European law it is safe. We can not promise it will never catch fire because, theoretically, we don't know how exactly it is being used.. or abused. So if a CE certificate is not sufficient I am not sure if we can do you a better note. If you are looking for a cover, you could browse YouMagine, and look for a heated chamber like hack. Good luck!
  4. Hi Bill, Basically you have a similar chance of having a fire as with a lot of other electronic devices (which is very low!) It is CE approved. Depending on what you will be making there are a lot of shapes/complexities that exceed the 8 hour work-day. For that reason it has to be safe! Obviously, your practice manager has the right to create the guidelines he finds appropriate. It is an option to pause a print, but I would not recommend to do this overnight, and continue in the morning. At this stage it is not possible to mark the gcode, and power off. You could do it manually, but it would require a lot of manual work and a high fail rate. It is always possible someone has a very clever and creative work around, but this is to my knowledge. Good luck!
  5. I am just thinking out loud, but like your search in gmail? For example the keywords would be: 'from:mastory merlin hot end' Searching for a certain time frame could be added, but if it is ranged in from first to latest, at some point you could also stop scrolling if the date is visible?
  6. I don't think the pulleys are loose, because judging from the sound it makes it is hitting the side. If the pulleys were loose, the rods would most likely rotate in the loose pulley over the motor skipping steps. (it requires quite some friction to do this). I guess the limit switch error could be solved by uploading the firmware. You could also check if the cable is still fully inserted in the electronics. Check if the wires of the limit switch don't show any wear due to the pulleys. A workaround to check if the limit switches work: Place the printhead in the front right corner. Press home, while homing (you have to be fast) use a pen or pencil to manually press the limit switch, you can find on your back right corner. If by pressing it, your print head doesn't stop moving there is physically something wrong with your limit switch. If it does work and the head stops moving, the limit switch is fine and the error is something else. Like firmware. Looking forward hearing from you.
  7. what you mean by "device" the printer? the slicer? the Mac? I meant on either a Mac or windows. Thanks!
  8. If I understand it correctly, this same gcode you have been able to retract your settings on your windows pc, but the same gcode didn't work on your mac? Do you know on which device you have created the file? We may have stumbled upon a bug and signal for @Daid's attention.
  9. Well, lets try and focus on your motor issue ok? If you want to share your feedback on the forum, please do this in the dedicated thread. Can you give us some more information about why or how it blocks? Is the motor working, like rotating? Fair chance the tip of your filament is curved, and it is hitting the bottom of your bowden tube or the clip. What could help is pulling out the bowden tube, by removing the horse shoe and pushing down the clip and pull out the bowden tube. If your motor is fine and your feeder is assembled correctly it should probably work. Another tip; use either your fingers or a pair of pliers to straighten the tip of your filament. It will significantly help feeding in new filament, both during pushing it in the feeder as later going through the PTFE teflon part. Let us know how it goes, good luck. Once you have found the right answer, please select the 'Best Answer'. It would help future readers with a similar problem to find the right answer faster. Thank you!
  10. Hi @kpk, could elaborate on your problem? Lets focus on this issue here, and focus on the temp error in the other thread. How do you mean stuck? If we don't have more information we can only guess to what the problem might be and it is not an efficient use of anyones time. If you think uploading a video would help, please upload it. Have you checked out our support pages?
  11. Hi Cor3ys, currently each notification is for a specific action. This week the improvement we will make is that the notification brings you to the post it refers to. We are also going to do some other improvements. Next week and the week after we are going to look into merging the notifications, which would bundle your 10 notifications into 1, all representing the activity on that thread. @labern @mastory and others, the time-out bug is also addressed this week!
  12. Hi @CT2015, How do you mean it won't recognize the files? They don't show up on your SD card? - Maybe your SD card is faulty. Do you do save removals? - Are you using the custom SD card, different brands not always work. Does it say the file will overrule some settings? - Are you sure the files you have sliced are sliced for the Ultimaker 2? In Cura you have the option to slice for every member of the Ultimaker family. Perhaps it was set to a different machine. If you can give a little bit more details on what is happening it will probably guide us in the right direction. Thank you!
  13. That is strange, I have just tried and it worked for me. Anything particular about your gcode? Is it an old gcode? Maybe your version of Cura is new, but if the gcode dates from longer back, it may not match.
  14. @calinb, if we would enable an advanced search, what settings or distinctions would you like to see?
  15. Hi @Calinb, thank you for your reply. Later today we will also post a link to the old forum, it is read only but may help finding old content, and it will also allow you to access your private messages again. You are right that the forum-search needs to be improved, but from my experience the 'global search', that covers the entire website gives pretty accurate results. I might be able to help you track down the topic if you have some keywords or if you can offer any other direction. About the advanced search, I will continue on this in the proper general feedback thread, so we won't hijack this one
  16. Thank you for your reply. Lets keep this topic on your temp error, and focus on your limit switch error on this thread. If you want help for your troubleshoot, we need some more information to get a picture of your situation. For more general information, please read through these support pages. Has your machine been handled rough in transport? It could be a common denominator in this issue and your temp error. Looking forward hearing from you,
  17. Hi @afranx, thank you for your post. Didier gave you a great way to retrieve the settings from your print. From your SD card you can load your file back up in Cura. Nonetheless, it is also valuable to get familiar with the structure of a gcode. Sometimes you can do great things by manually tweaking the gcode. For example this story could be interesting to read. If you have found Didier's answer the right answer to your question, please go ahead to select it as 'Best Answer'. It will help future readers to find the best answer faster. Thank you!
  18. Hi Kpk, did you already find help? Let us know how you are doing, hopefully you will be back on the 3D Printing track in no-time! Thanks,
  19. @cloakfiend, alright well keep us posted! And once it is done, make sure to upload it to the prints-section, and you may find your friend shining on the home page this week
  20. And of course your bathtub now needs a dragon on the front end!
  21. Hi Nallath, Exactly, as far as you can remember There is also a part of Ultimaker before your arrival. I believe it was near September 2012 when we went to a new forum. @Calinb, I hope you can find the patience within yourself to stay with Ultimaker for a little bit. All the content you have created is migrated, you may have lost some sense of direction of where everything is, but it is all there. Initially we thought it would be impossible to migrate all the topics everyone followed, but a second opinion lead us to believe that it may would be possible after all. Obviously, we will keep you all posted about this. If you have read the 'general feedback' thread about the forum, there is plenty of feedback suggested and acknowledged, and this week we should already see results of this. I would also like to suggest, if you still want to, to post further feedback in this thread. Thank you for your contributions Calinb, hopefully we will continue to see you in these forums!
  22. Have you tried something like a fix horrible X in Cura? There are a few different variations, but they intend to stitch holes etc. You can find it under Expert settings > Fix horrible Good luck!
  23. Like the screen suggests, you can get in touch with our technical support team. Alternatively, you could also read through our new and improved support pages.
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