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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. From all suggestions this is has to be the best one. If only we had a ranking system already
  2. This smells a bit too much as advertising to me pm_dude
  3. Hi DesignPro, I will send you the tracking in a DM. It has shipped today
  4. We are still hesitating between 2 options..the week before christmas, so 5 weeks after last edition instead of 6. Because we figured during holidays no one would show up. Or the 27th, because it is holiday and more people will show up because they don't have anything to do the 27th. You have a point, but I don't know if that is programmable.. I will suggest it.
  5. Ask again close an Ulti-evening, I am sure we can find one somewhere. The like button can stay, perhaps the amount of likes a person gets can be of meaning (it is measured now too, look at your profile in the green block).. but since the fear of pollution / irrelevant posts is existing we could ignore plain post-count.
  6. Hi Georg, Thank you for your post. I looked up your order, and I see it will be shipped next week. This means unfortunately it is a few days later then expected. As soon as we know what day exactly, I could send this information to you. I understand you are eager to receive the Ultimaker Original+, and we took actions to inform you that instead of 6 weeks the lead time was pushed back a little bit further. By informing you about the delay we hope to set better expectations at our customers, and I don't really see that as unacceptable behavior. Of course, the fact that we needed to send you an email of that nature is something we also regret and wish we didn't need to. Let me know if you have any further questions and we would be happy to help, thank you for your time and patience.
  7. We could also light a candle and send happy thoughts Part of the gain is other users can also see which users contribute in what area and in what frame of reference a comment can be valued. What is someones field of expertise and interest. Giving recognition is something else then giving thanks.
  8. @LePaul, I understand what you are saying, but there are some practical issues I see there. First we don't have time to test all the hacks and add ons.. We could try some. I mean; I have Roberts feeder mounted on my Ultimaker as well. But printing all the alternative feeders everyone designs is impossible, especially if you expect a thorough review. Then, what works for one user, or what work for me, doesn't mean it will work for you. When making it Ultimaker approved we automatically drive people to our support team I think when something isn't working.. don't you think? For both issues, and to stimulate interaction, what do you think of a Community Approved, or something in that range? For example, remember the Ultimaker Original Bowden https://www.youmagine.com/designs/bowden-clamp-for-ultimaker-hot-end-v2? I would not approve this because I think a; it is not a necessary hack (never found myself in the situation of needing it, and I have printed plenty). and b; I can see it creating more issues then solving it by squeezing/deforming the bowden tube, so messing with the inner diameter, plus depending on the movement of the head, the angle in which it enters this clamp can also be steep and create friction. But at the same time, I see plenty of people who swear by it. @Printerfan, the most common resistance I hear is the fear for people starting to post irrelevant posts who no-one wants to read. I still don't think that is actually going to happen, but I do am open for discussion. Dunno if you read the entire thread but the goal is not to get as much posts in the forum, or as much activity, but relevant information. Stories of what people are making, etc. And maybe badges, or gamification in total sounds a bit juvenile... So therefor if we would introduce 'labels', lets leave the amount of posts out of the scope. And focus on the things mentioned before.. relevant content.
  9. Hi, It should be send out tomorrow or Monday. I will keep you posted and send you the tracking number once it has shipped
  10. Ik ken wel verhalen van mensen die mallen maken van hun prints. Maar je kan dus of een mal maken om je print, of een mal printen. Natuurlijk, afhankelijk van je model, maar juist een krachtige eigenschap van 3D printen is dat je iets kan maken met een interne structuur.. en met een mal kan dat niet echt volgens mij. Dat je iets zelf en relatief goedkoop en snel kan maken blijft nog wel van kracht natuurlijk. Bedoel je zoiets als http://www.3ders.org/articles/20120925-casting-aluminum-parts-directly-from-3d-printed-pla-parts.html?
  11. I could start an entire label on the new forum.. If you want to apply your story for Sander Approved, click here. If you want to apply for Sander Care, click here.
  12. nou nou nou.. destroyer klinkt wel een beetje agressief Maar de naam blijf ik even verschuldigd, maar ik twijfel er niet aan dat Nallath of Daid ons daar mee kunnen helpen
  13. Ik had eigenlijk ook wel iets verwacht over een soort robot-achtige spin ofzo..
  14. Hi Labern, thank you for the valuable input. We will definitely take those into consideration. At Arjan, it was decided at the foundation that YouMagine was dedicated to be an independent platform and therefor is not linked in the new platform we are building. However, the connection to Ultimaker is undeniable and therefor in the user profile there is room for a link to a YouMagine repository with files. For feedback on the UI on YouMagine I would recommend to go to the YouMagine thread, that is being followed closely by the development team belonging to YouMagine. LePaul, thank you for your feedback. About setting up areas; the search engine will be fixed so that takes out the bigges thorn I think. Besides that the labeling sounds like a good idea. It is worth thinking over. I don't think opening 2 areas is better because some things concern both printers and opening 2 threads is pollution. Labeling would probably be better, and checkboxes would prevent typo's but then again you also want users to label it the way they want to. Document firmware changes; there is now a https://www.ultimaker.com/blogs/news/categories/cura-release-notes in the news-page. This will get a better home. Better communication, I don't really see how that has anything to do with the forum, but more with the global company policy. But a brief answer would be that it is something we are still struggling with. We have already fooled ourselves before with release dates that could not be met, for what ever reason. And that causes a lot of anger and frustration. Saving something until you are absolutely 100.000% sure is a better option, and that usually is on a very short term. That is not necessarily how we will always be doing it, but for now it works best. Ultimaker approved, good idea. How would you suggest we measure something to be Ultimaker approved? What happens when something is Ultimaker approved but ends up giving someone problems? Maybe community approved would be better, if it is downloaded a certain number of times.. or if it is downloaded a certain number of times and also has like a 4 star rank, so users also find it positive. I don't think we always have the time to test everything and the community has far more many hands and eyes to do so. (and plenty of expertise..)
  15. Let wel op, in welke hoedanigheid je kiest je PT100 (daar hebben we het over toch?) in het heaterblock te steken, deze wel de goede temperatuur leest. Als hij te ver uit steekt zal de temperatuur lager uitvallen omdat het meet-deel half uit het heater block steekt en dus niet volledig in het verwarmde deel zit.
  16. Ha Korneel, Een beetje spanning is wel leuk toch? Een aantal zaken zijn bekend waar we mee bezig zijn, zoals Dual Extrusion. Daarnaast zijn we ook bezig met het inrichten van een nieuw platform waarin de community, community involvement en Ultimaker-experience centraal staan.
  17. Mooie en zeker fascinerende techniek. Er zitten wel wat kanttekeningen aan, maar die zitten net zo zeer aan FDM. Grootste kanttekening is, dat het materiaal niet echt consument-vriendelijk is en Ultimaker wel zo toegankelijk mogelijk wil zijn. Dat ook mensen zonder certificaat aan de slag kunnen en dingen gaan maken. Maar de machine zo veelzijdig is dat ook de top van de industrie er ook hun behoefte mee kunnen vervullen. En, afgezien daarvan. Er is nog zoveel te ontdekken en ontwikkelen voor FDM, hebben we nog wel even onze handen aan vol
  18. I think it is important to underline that even though Creatr is an official reseller of Ultimaker, this upgrade is not an official Ultimaker product. After having said this, I am also curious to see some prints!
  19. Sorry, perhaps it wasn't clear. I do mean write ups for different sections on the website.. Not per se on the forum. We now also have a guest blog-section where people can do write ups. Ok, maybe I wasn't clear on that. But the idea is that with your account you can log into everything. So it would be the same account where you write a guest blog with on our news/blog section, and your contribution will show (through badges, or through something else..) in your presence on the forums. Does this make it any clearer? What do you mean with back logging everything? Like that whatever people have done now, that they get recognition for that too/still? That would be the ideal situation yeah, and onto what level that is actually doable we will try to implement that. And Titus, Yes that is a great example of what it could be. Nothing wrong with that, is there?
  20. Ha Leon, Goed om te horen dat je het naar je zin hebt gehad en dat het een informatieve show was. Als het goed is zou Ultimaker daar wel te zien moeten zijn, bij iGo3D. Onze Duitse partner. Zal het voor de zekerheid eens navragen.. Ik heb ook wel eens gehoord dat dat papier-printen ook wat downsides had. Wat weet ik zo even niet meer.. maar wellicht de moeite om je van te voren goed in te lezen. (sowieso een goed idee denk ik). Wat voor hars printer heb je gezien? Gebeuren echt mooie dingen op de markt.
  21. Hi Labern, Thank you for your 2 cents. That is exactly our plan. It can function as a source for more conversation and interaction. I do feel resistance when we talk about 'badges', so maybe indicator is better. Dunno. But.. Do you have any suggestions on what would be good indicators or what would be a valuable distinction in all the content that is being shared?
  22. Arjan, happy to see we are both looking into the same direction. Maybe badges is not the right word or the right 'tool'. We will give it some more thought. But it is good to know we want to establish the same. Sorry if I misread contributors for contributions, but if I did I still don't fully agree. If someone takes the effort of doing a write up to help others I think it is fair if he also gets some credits for it. And during the regular visits on the forum the very active members are recognized and valued for there overal contributions. At James, I am not 100% sure, but I believe the idea now was to display the 'best answer' when you use the search option (perhaps it will be optional?), so i.e. you are looking for an answer. And when just browsing the forum the 'best answer' will be highlighted, but the order in which it is displayed won't be affected. I think this is a good common ground, what do you think? Nallath, that was one of the first things we handled
  23. Like I mentioned earlier, we are not trying to solve a problem, neither are we trying to fix something (because it isn't broken).. But we do want to evolve and (hopefully) improve. Nothing is ever perfect, not the couch I am sitting on, nor the handle on my door. There is always room for improvement, growth... even here. At Ultimaker we believe everyone is a maker, and I think being a maker is something to be proud of. Being self-sufficient, being able to create that bridge between an idea and a physical object. And if you look at, for example maker faire.. it is full of people who love to showcase what they have made. And this forum, our community, is full of that same type of people. People who make things, where they should be proud of. Stories they should tell. And, among others, but through this forum and the new platform we are working on we hope to create a stage where that is possible. And at Ultimaker we take pride that through the Ultimaker 3D printer we can empower people to make those stories. The forum functions as something like a trouble shooting guide, but besides that the most popular threads are the Post your latest print-thread and the coffee amongst friends-thread. To me, that means something. There is more then best answers and trouble shooting. So that Arjan is saying that people are not looking for contributions, but for answers.. I disagree. I feel users are also here to share experience, inspire and talk about 3D printing and things they do. 3D printing / making brings people together here, not the problems they are having. (that too.. but there is far more to it imho). And with recognition, things to connect your 'online-being' too, we feel there is more foundation to share. Those stories can be very broad, from just sharing a project, or through writing inspirational guest blogs or a simple snap shot of your latest print, etc.
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