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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Set the first layer speed to 20mm/s and overall speed near 50mm/s. lets first try common settings before trying to get to maximum speeds. Does it always happen on the 3rd or 6th layer? Regardless of the size of these layers? Or does it start to under extrude after a certain amount of filament? Try a temp of 220ºC with 50mm/s. It should work. Around the 3rd and 6th layers the fans come on, have you made any modifications to the fans? Can you see the temp drop when they turn on? Did you make any changes to the tension spring on the feeder? Thank you for your time,
  2. Hi m38ch, Thank you for your post. It happens sometimes that the email with tracking details end up in a spam-filter or for some reason doesn't make it to the recipient. That is why I took the effort to look into your order and tracking details, and I see you have already received your order yesterday. Probably right after your post. I am happy to hear you got your order now and everything is alright. Thank you for your time and if there is anything else you need please feel free to ask!
  3. Hi Guys, thank you all for the feedback! First things first; @ Peggy & Chris, lets try to stay on topic. We know there is more room for improvement and you should be happy to know that basically all things you mentioned are things we are looking at and in some cases solutions are already in the works. I feel I should also mention that at Ultimaker we have different people do different things. As community manager it is, among other things, my job to stay in touch with you guys and make the forum the best forum there is. We have different people working on assembly, on shipping and on R&D, same goes for the packaging design for instance. Now, about the new features. I do not want to turn this forum into a competition. I don't want people to compete to one another. The aim is more to create more insight in the activities and contribution of the user in the forum and with Ultimaker. If you are involved enough so you write a guestblog you can be proud of that and we want to offer those users recognition. If you are experienced enough to help other users, you deserve to be seen as an experienced user with a lot of knowledge. The possible discount that might come in play, would not be worth being an active member if you don't sincerely care about the community. It is more of a thank you from Ultimaker. Only a few percentage on a few reels of filament, 1 time. Another thing I feel like I should underline, is that Arjan mentioned corporate KPI's. Even though we are growing and becoming bigger, we are trying hard not to become corporate (in the bad way), and stay close to the community. It is not part of who we are and it wouldn't suit us. That is also why I want to discus this option with all of you. How the ranking would take place? For best answer I think this honor is for the starter of the thread, in the end it is his/her problem that is solved. Just as now it is up to the moderators to possible add a footnote or make a change for the good. I am still trying to pinpoint the common resistance. Would it matter if we did not add discount? I mean it would be as a gesture for all of your work. if no one wants it, we can just leave it. Just add more insight in the contributions? I don't see why that should remain hidden. I will also work on a list of things I had in mind that can be considered for the badges..
  4. Thanks for your feedback Tommy! Very good point about the link profile and we will definitely include it in our plans. This will also help showcase the innovative capabilities of users and show there interests. Do you have input on what badges/categories would be interesting to distinguish?
  5. Hi Nallath, Thanks for the feedback. I don't fully agree with the situation you described, the decision is always yours, whether you possibly gain something or not. The entire reward-system is just a thought right now, which you and everyone else can still contribute in to make sure it meets your requirements / expectations. We are open for that discusion The purpose is to stimulate an active community, and give those recognition who heavily participate and in my opinion adding an extra dimension doesn't make it worse. And if it does, you can choose to not use the discount if that would make anyone feel better. BUT... If you want to continue this conversation (about the forum and possible new features), please continue to do it http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/8389-new-improvements-in-the-making/&do=findComment&comment=79130. I created a new thread so we can stay on topic, and continue this thread about the reviews.
  6. Hi Friends, In Q1-2015 on we want to implement some new features and improvements to the forum and I wanted to run them down with you guys to figure out how you feel about them and if perhaps we are missing some things. The new forum will be pretty similar but will have a better search engine so it is easier (..doable) to find the answer you are looking for. We want to support this by implementing something similar to 'yahoo answer', where the starter of the thread can select the answer which helped him the most. We also want to give more recognition to those community members who actively contribute to Ultimaker and its community. We want to do this by expanding some of the features we already display on someone's profile, like the amount of posts someone has. We haven't figured out exactly how but we were thinking about something in the range of making a variety of 'badges' members can earn by for example, writing a guest blog / helping other community members / participating in the 'post your latest print' / translating Cura etc. Through those 'badges' I think users can recognize other heavy users and see onto what level they participate and contribute in the community. Later we decided we did not only want to give those participating users recognition but also reward them. That is when we were considering making it possible to use some badges for discount on filaments etc. Our goal is to maintain the current social and low-barrier environment on the forums, but add an extra dimension that gives you the option to convert your effort into more affordable filaments (for example). Next we also wanted to expand the user profile, by adding other skills sets you posses. For example, CAD modeling / woodworker / electrical engineer / black smith / whatever. We wanted to do this so you could let the entire maker out and profile your entire list of interests. This is of course optional. There may be some more features and I will post those later, but for now I was wondering how you felt about these implementations. It would be extra helpful if you can describe why you do or don't like a certain feature. Looking forward to hear from you!
  7. Hi Minestorm, that is great to hear! Thank you for reaching out to us. Looking forward seeing some of your prints
  8. Hi DesignPro, Thank you for your message and I am sorry to hear that you have not yet received the help you are in need of. I would be happy to help, therefor I need your ordernumber so I can look into your order and situation. As you should have been made aware of when you completed your order, there is a lead time on the Ultimaker 2. This is a big inconvenience, we are working hard to send everything out as soon as possible, but we can not deny its existence. We will do our best to give you an update on the shipping schedule and an eta on your order. Looking forward hearing from you, thank you for your time and patience
  9. it may not be fixed if it isn't broken, but it can be improved. What is wrong with stimulation / motivation? I am very curious to your point of view, but so far I mainly heard that people aren't jumping out of joy. But without arguments. So why? Because if I know why, perhaps we can find like best of both worlds? About FBRC8, they are our partner in assembly and service, they are not a sales partner. So it is different. You can't buy the Ultimaker from them, you can buy it from Dynamism and Makershed for instance. And yes, there is also still happening a lot behind the scenes..
  10. Obviously, the last of our intentions would be to spoil it. We want to cherish this culture and environment. And we want to reward contribution. I don't see anything wrong with that. It is not a limitation, it is an added dimension. (I thought we all loved added dimensions? ) It will be more like an added layer on the background. Maybe 'leaderboard' is not a good name, but wouldn't it be valuable to display what the most experienced / advanced community members are? See in what 'category' members are most active? What are the most popular topics? Who of the community members also write guest blogs or share a lot of their ideas / prints? About support, lower shipping costs have always been a topic. Maybe its not a bad idea to reach out to adafruit to see how they address it. @ Arjan, we are focussing on the basics. And a deviation between UMO and UM2 is also part of that, i.e. focussing on the experience of the customer.
  11. About the support, I know. It is an eyesore, and we do our best to improve. Today I hired a new girl who will expand the team and I am looking for another person. There are also more structural issues which needs to be resolved, but we are working on those too. Hopefully this will be a permanent but quick fix to improve our response time. I do know, and even though I can not say much yet, support-related things are under construction and will be improved significantly. We are working on working out some problems with stock, with the shop (payments and statuses) and we want to add some features to the forum. A lot of features will remain because we feel it is pretty consistent but some things we want to add. For example a better search option, better dividing of topics and something called gamification. With the latter we want to add a system to value contribution to the forum / community. We are considering a few ways to embody this, like a leaderboard based on points or something like badges. Like, a 'guest blog writer'-badge, a '100-helpful posts'-badge, etc. What do you all think? - Would you care if those badges or points could result in a reasonable discount for, for example filaments? About the PLA, they sounded like they mainly talked about color instead of diameter right? We do have more then 1 supplier (we are learning, not being dependent on 1 supplier..) so maybe that is why color may be slightly different 1 reel or the next. Do you all consider that an issue? To me it never occurred as an issue. I could see if we can those aligned.
  12. Are you sure it is not a screw belonging to a fan? Can you tighten the rest a bit more, so relatively that one is still the loosest? (but more tight so it doesn't resonate). Do you have some pictures to illustrate the difference? Very happy to hear we may are closer to a solution. Sometimes it is not as difficult as we may think...
  13. I watched those reviews yesterday, and saw Print the Legend a couple of weeks ago. About the review: Very interesting and they seem experienced. However, there were a few points about Ultimaker which are addressed a little while ago, so I was thinking maybe they recorded it a few weeks ago or so? It looks like I see a lot of comparisons (or requests for) between Ultimaker 2 and Lulzbot recently. Seems like a decent printer. There are some nice technical features on MBI(5th), however there are some cultural features within the company itself which would make me never want to get involved. (besides loving Ultimaker). About Print the Legend, very interesting show! Did anyone else see the ending, past the credentials where Avi decided to make another comment about Formlabs? All in all it was a very interesting view from the US-side on the 3D Printing scene. I hoped, maybe just as an intro, the Reprap would get a little bit more attention, since that is where it all really started. But nonetheless, I really liked watching it, and would recommend it to everyone.
  14. I also have 2 fans on my Ultimaker Original, definitely an upgrade. I printed both fanducts with PLA, but they don't touch or get close to the heaterblock. I believe I had https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ultimaker-fanduct-replacement one, and added a mount for the other side, so it would fit.
  15. I am very happy to hear that! Feel free to share whatever you are making! I would love to see.
  16. Already here I hope you understand m38ch, that a lack/slow response is not a sign of not staying close to our customers, it is a sign of a heavy workload and we do our best to get back with everyone asap. Currently there are some stock-issues, which create a large flow of tickets towards our support department. We are having interviews to expand our team, also on the long run this would be an important move. But unfortunately, these things don't happen overnight.. If you could share your ticketID with me I would be happy to help you out. Thank you for your time, I hope you have a great day! And our apologies for the inconvenience,
  17. is the registration of October's edition!
  18. Hey Leon, Ik heb vrijdag een afspraak met Duco die alles filmt om alles wat beter te stroomlijnen. Op vimeo wordt het meeste geupload, en ik probeer het ook vaak in de thread van de bijpassende ulti-evening te posten. .. We zijn er mee bezig!
  19. awesome!! Great job on the print + designs and I am happy to hear you are so thrilled about your UM!
  20. Hi StevenD, Can you share your ordernumber with me? I can check on your order. Thank you!
  21. SandervG


    Het is begonnen in Noord Amerika en daar is het veel groter nu. Ze richten zich veelal op kinderen, die dus nog in de groei zijn en waarvoor een professionele prothese richting de 50.000 kost. Geen enkele ouder kan dat dus betalen en kinderen wennen zich aan om alles met 1 hand te doen. Met de tijd dat ze zijn uitgegroeid zijn ze een prothese helemaal niet gewend en vinden het zelfs vervelend, terwijl door e-nable leren kinderen al van jongs af aan met een prothese te leven. En een coole prothese, die ze wat meer zelfverzekerd maakt ipv verlegen of introvert. Er zijn ook initiatieven, die gelinkt zijn aan e-nable die zich richten op armere gebieden, maar dat is niet perse de insteek voor e-nable zelf. Hier in Europa is het hele initiatief nog veel minder bekend. Hopelijk kunnen wij er in bij dragen om daar een verschil in te maken Hier op HQ hebben we (Erik) 1 hand geprint voor een meisje uit Nederland.
  22. We won't ship any Ultimaker Original + until the end of this month, so we won't even be able to consider this as an option until after that date. Given the fact that the Original is a Kit and consists of many many parts we can not sell all parts individually. Some are also not stocked individually but as a pack. So I can't tell yet if we would be able to offer this individually. But given your description, there are also alternative routes. If you want a new fan shroud, which is a bit more customizable then the metal one, you can also buy the fanpack. It can withstand more heath, in contrary of a PLA shroud, unless it physically touches the heater block for instance. (Pro tip: Don't let it touch the heater block.) But it should be perfectly fine with a heated bed.
  23. You can also just break off little pieces of filament and put them in the bowden tube one by one. That way you don't necessarily have to sit next to your Ultimaker. (I know your gonna anyway, because it is better then anything on tv) :wink: It is very easy, except because it are all separated pieces of filament, retraction won't do much.
  24. Ik vind het een prima aanbod hoor Korneel. Kun je ook wat foto's posten van je eigen Ultimaker? Ik zou het ook interessant vinden om daadwerkelijk het verschil in printkwaliteit te zien. Heb je nog oudere prints en nieuwe prints, waarin je bijvoorbeeld het verschil in fans kan zien? Een aantal hacks kende ik nog niet, dus bedankt!
  25. I would like to contradict that the feeder is broken. There may be room for improvement, but in my opinion that goes for everything in life. I mean.. the hot end can probably be improved, but so can the chair I am sitting on or the door handle that is on the office door. The fact that there is room for improvement, doesn't mean it is 'broke'. Since the launch there have been some improvements made to narrow the room for improvement within the current design. Personally, on the Ultimaker on my desk i also have Roberts feeder, I installed it to test it out and I was quite pleased with the result. I know plenty of people, like tinydancer, who have a great experience with the feeder. I also wanted to contribute in adding the manual for the Ultimaker 2. If you ever find yourself disassembling your Ultimaker 2, use https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2/blob/master/um2%20assembly%20manual%20V1.1%20_english.pdf manual to put it back together
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