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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. Please fix the anti-virus definitions...I had to battle it out with my anti-virus software to install this. Thank you
  2. My anti-virus will not allow it to be installed Seems like I have to remind Ultimaker about this every...darn...version....
  3. How odd, my second monitor is on the left and working fine.
  4. Loading the website takes over one minute. Loading a linked Trending piece takes one minute or more Hitting the Youmagine logo in the top left to return gives error 500 Do a search gives an error 500
  5. I load up Cura 2.6.2 and I get the loading screen on my primary and then it opens on my (larger) secondary monitor. But I can't seem to make that loading screen happen on the larger screen, where it "remembers" to open
  6. I shared my experience with it recently...
  7. I agree, @nilrog Once my bed is level I don't need to check it unless the first layer looks bad or I have washed the glass bed and re-applied PVA to the surface. But it's a very tiny probe/sensor that is popular with many printers.
  8. Thankfully the product pages don't seem to be affected too much. I know I was in and out of the Materials section reading about Polycarbonate settings and a few other items yesterday.
  9. It's way worse than the awful it has always been Each click is 45 seconds or more until the next step Logging in mobile fails often. I get to the password field and then the "Aww snap" chrome crash I enjoy going through a forum and reading about things. But this site is woefully unreadable for a long time now. It's frustrating
  10. This is a good idea and something we have definitely considered, but given the frequency of updates and the weight of resources it requires, might be better to do for each stable release rather than beta. I will certainly pass on the idea though. I agree that doing this for Betas would be a bad idea, with such fluid changes going on. But for stable releases, please do so! Cura has some real strengths versus S3D and other slicers but unless you are a devout follower here on the forums, it isn't known about. People enjoy short tutorials on software they are trying to get the most out of. Cura has a lot to offer but those menu options can be overwhelming. I would be very open to working with your team/staff on some ideas. Let's make the powerful features of Cura more well known.
  11. No subdirectories on the card Other SD cards work fine. Just this one with a huge file list.
  12. My SD card is no longer working in my Ultimaker 2+ I did an initial search that mentioned problems with a corrupt file or card. I removed the files, formatted the card and copied them back over. The UM2+ can't seem to display them. If I randomly move the wheel and press (as if selecting a file), it proceeds to load/warm up the printer for printing. I placed the same SD Card in another printer (FT-5) and it could read the card and all of the contents. I'm wondering if it is because there are so many files on it (probably 60 or so)? I've just been lazy and left all those files on there, thinking I might need them again (someday). If there is a file display limit, I am just curious what that variable is Thanks!
  13. I really feel for him, as the marketing tells us the UM3 is for professionals, is easy to use and so on. But, if you have never had a 3D printer before, I can see the many issues he ran into are of being a new user. A few thoughts... Upgrade your Cura and Firmware. Use less PVA! Cura has a features where the support material boundary will help. Rather than using so, so much PVA, you could use the PLA support and then a thin layer of PVA between model and support. That should dramatically reduce some print times and use a lot less [expensive] PVA. (Which leads me to again, wishing Ultimaker would make high quality Cura tutorial videos demonstrating these features. The 3D techies know where to find these things, if you haunt here daily...but "professional" users would sure benefit from tutorials on advanced topics) As for the prints not sticking, perhaps @gr5 can link in his wonderful video on improving adhesion. Just coating the bed with diluted wood glue would help you out. Glue stick doesn't always apply evenly and on the stick I have, sometimes small pieces come off. It sounds like you are a good doctor trying to learning how to use 3D printing in your practice. Like any technology, it'll take some learning. (I worked for Information Systems at a medical center for 7 years. I know how doctors embrace new tech, but need some assistance taking advantage of it.) Hope our comments are useful. Don't give up. The UM3 is a wonderful printer (I miss having the loaners I had!)
  14. The last 4 have come out perfect...I apologize for the iPhone 6's picture quality with a white filament. I'll take a photo with the DSLR tonight.
  15. I'd also like to know what versions of Solidworks the plugin supports (if any limit?) Also, could there please be a "New Material Wizard" developed? It is so easy to make settings for a new filament type in S3D. Not so much in Cura. (If there's already a way to do so, it's evaded me) Would you consider producing some videos that show off how to use various features of Cura? Ultimaker has some powerful production capabilities, based on your frequent video releases. Why not tap those resources and make a few tutorials on how to use Cura? I think that would be especially useful given the new features you have added. And many times, we find out by accident Cura has something a competitor has! With the changes happening so often, it's often hard to keep up. Blog posts are nice...video demonstrations even better!
  16. All good points...i have successfully printed 3 more. Maybe the center spot of my PVA is worn out, as I just re-positioned where the print is done in Cura and those all printed well.
  17. Well I got one good print...the next two have come off the bed mid way through. Bed is 45C and has a coating of PVA glue dried on it.
  18. I think the higher temp and slow speed (10mm/s) made a huge difference....I got a really, really good print.
  19. Hi I didn't add any oil drops to the filament since it appears to be moving through well. You're printing hotter than I am, so I will try that. I am using 50% fan which seems to work alright. 45C on the bed, I'll try again.
  20. Well my first try, I got a pretty ugly "seam" The second try was slower (20 mm/s) and it again made that ugly edge... ...and then it flew off the bed. Maybe 50C for bed temp?
  21. I'm trying out Cheetah now, using the settings @mghtbgiant posted. Just ordered some sample spools to print some small tires.
  22. Same...slower. I wouldn't use Microsoft Edge...never liked the Microsoft Browsers. Just Chrome and Firefox for me. I wish the animated home page would go away.
  23. I have Trend Micro Internet Security and it's pretty aggressive (which is good). Most of the time it nails it once the download completes, then I have to try to flag it as OK and then do the 'Run As Administrator' bit to install it, then more warnings to actually run it. No other software, beta or what have you, makes me do these additional steps That said, it would be "really awesome" for the end user experience if this was resolved before it's put up for release/evaluation. I don't think that's too much to ask.
  24. I have some old Solidworks parts (I would guess 2013?) and I can't get any to open either. Also, @SandervG ...like most Beta's I really have to battle my anti-virus software to open/execute these versions. Can they do something with the definitions (not sure what they have done in the past)? My TrendMicro is pretty aggressive!
  25. I'm a Chrome user and like you guys, have to use an alternate browser (i.e. Firefox) to get download links to work on this site.
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