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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. I got a crash on exit, but I do like the Dark theme
  2. Looks very interesting, especially the support and surface options For some reason, I always have to purge my cache to get the download to work on your site. I hover over the download link and the mouse does not change to a link to download. (Or I open the page with Firefox.) Just an FYI
  3. Preferred times? Well since we have a 6 hour time differences from The Netherlands to East Coast United States, that would be difficult. If you opted for an evening session, which would make it later in the day here, that would work for me!
  4. Ah missed the window....but if he can respond... What's the secret to good prints with Ultimaker Polycarbonate? (PC) My basic prints are OK but supports and bridging is very poor using the profile in Cura on my Ultimaker 2+
  5. I guess when I think of 'Ask Me Anything', the last thing on my mind is filaments ....it's... new products in the works? Is that fair game?
  6. Okay, I have a second print underway...that video offers some good advice on the amount of material to prime with and the end section for z-positioning. A few things I noticed... 1) This is a old issue but on my Ultimaker 2+, I will continue to have to manually 'Move Material' to properly prime the nozzle. Or set the gcode to push out closer to 50mm to actually prime itself well. 2) When gcode is selected, in Cura, you get the "Material" menu back. If you have grown used to the Ultimaker 2 knowing the temperature settings for your material, you'll have to set it again! Unless there's a way for Cura to transpose the material settings into there (temp, etc)? Here's what came up once I went from Ulticode to gcode/reprap. I ask since Cura knows the material I am using (Ultimaker PLA), perhaps it can autofill the areas? 3) Time elapsed moves around a lot in Octoprint! It takes a while to align itself to what Cura predicts. 4) As mentioned with the Materials tab, I am curious if any settings based on the material profile gets shifted/altered/changed going into gcode/reprap?
  7. Now that's a great guide, so no scripting needed in OctoPrint settings. And a good suggestion on tweaking the End code in Cura.
  8. Could you share what you entered in for the Ultimaker 2+? Here's what I had cut/pasted from my Frederick S3D UM2+ profile Start G28 ; home all axesG1 X20 Y10 F3000 ; bring extruder to frontG92 E0 ; zero the extruded lengthG1 Z10 ; lowerG1 E19 F200 ; purge nozzle quicklyG1 E26 F60 ; purge nozzle slowlyG92 E0 ; zero the extruded length againG1 E-5.5 F400 ; retractG1 X190 Z0 F9000 ; pull away filamentG1 X210 F9000 ; wipeG1 Y20 F9000 ; wipeG1 E0 ; feed filament back End ;End GCodeM104 S0 ;extruder heater offM140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)G91 ;relative positioningG1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzleto release some of the pressureG1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F{travel_speed} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even moreG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstopsso the head is out of the wayM84 ;steppers offG90 ;absolute positioning;{profile_string}
  9. My bad if I got things mixed up. My hope was there was an established step by step on how to make this work. As Neotko advised on my forum, using the Start and End GCODE from my Simplify 3D Ultimaker 2+ profile would be a really good idea to try out. But I am also wondering if the USB will give problems in the future? (Have others had issues with OctoPrint and the USB?) Still this moves me in the right direction to try out.
  10. So which flavor of gcode should labern and I select? And will this play nice on the Ultimaker 2+ @nallath? What remains is what should the proper gcode entries?
  11. Hi Labern, I never got a prompt on my install (latest Cura etc)
  12. A guide would be immensely helpful, because I keep hearing how "Easy" it is but we're both trying to configure this correctly! I found the settings you speak of...also curious what to select Again my impression with this Plug-In was it was once you connect it to your OctoPrint server, give it the API key, you were set to go. The GitHub didn't have much for additional info... "[OctoPrint Plugin](https://github.com/fieldofview/OctoPrintPlugin): Send printjobs directly to OctoPrint and monitor their progress in Cura." If I had the answers, I would love to piece together a tutorial so others can take advantage of this tool!
  13. No, I have not changed the gcode flavor...where would one do that? I do not have any start gcode inserted into the Octoprint It would be very helpful, as the author of a plugin, if you told the users what should be entered and where. But, that's just my suggestion, as someone or does technical documentation for a living.
  14. I am hoping you can help...since there is a improved Octoprint plug in in Cura 2.6.2, I am able to see the camera view just fine. However if I just send the print (from Cura) and use the Print with Octoprint, my Ultimaker 2+ doesn't home, purge the nozzle and so on. It immediately wants to print. That leads me to believe there are things that need to be entered into the Octoprint server. If I go to SETTINGS and GCODE Scripts, there's a few sections in there that I am unsure what to place in there. Before? After print job completes? After print job is cancelled, etc. I found a website with Ultimaker 2 settings that are from 2015. At first glance they look ok, but since I have an Ultimaker 2+, I would like someone else to verify Thanks! SOO close to having this work!
  15. Well that's where the conflict seems to be, some say don't touch Octo once running, some say I have to add things. It would be great if we really knew what to do! I mean this OctoPrint add-in could give an Ultimaker Original/Ultimaker 2/2+ the same capability as the Ultimaker 3 has. I'm just asking those that know to please share how. I imagine if we make it easy to setup, many would enjoy this new addition
  16. I still think I will purchase some, since I know the larger beds warp when heated, so a better glass can't hurt!
  17. Hi @SandervG , Thanks for your response. I hope the changes make things easier to tune into the website and forums.
  18. So the only gain seems to be it is much flatter? That's too bad, it looked promising
  19. The only thing I found on the web about getting an Octoprint and an Ultimaker 2 printing was this link http://daniepstein.com/daniepstein/octoprint-and-the-ultimaker-2/ He shows a start and end gcode It's a post from 2015. Would those work?
  20. Okay, let me re-phrase my question...or perhaps, let me ask it this way... The Cura release notes showed support for Octoprint and the only "directions" shown to make it work is to find Octoprint in the Manage Printers option and find the API key from Octoprint. Those have been the only instructions provided so far. If there are additional steps, as you are indicating, it would be IMMENSELY HELPFUL for many of us to know what those are. I know Cura is a vastly changing product but I don't think it's too much to ask for there to be some documentation available so anyone can make use of these new features. Thanks!
  21. Well the flatness appeals to me, I was thinking for use on the other large scale printers (FT-5 and CR-10) I have. I am satisfied with the glass that came with my UM2+
  22. Where did you buy it online?
  23. I'm not sure what else to try. If I sent a print to the OctoPrint option, once the temperatures are met, the bed immediately comes up and prints. The print head does not home, the print head does not prime, etc. That's why I am wondering if I am missing a configuration with the plugin or on Octoprint itself I am hoping @ahoeben can clarify this. Because once the USB cord is plugged in, you have no way to halt a bad print on the printer itself. It's all via Cura/Octoprint at that point I do have the camera view working!
  24. This keeps happening to me on my iPhone 6 using Chrome. Perhaps others can tell me how it works for them... On my iPhone, I go to Ultimaker.com and wait a long time because the animated printer takes forever to load. Then, one I click on the menu to sign in, I again experience a long pause trying to access a keyboard to input my email and password. After all of that, I attempt to view my dashboard (notifications) and I get a "Snap! Something went wrong." and a prompt to reload. I've tried it on my cellular data and on wireless network. Both fail. Can someone tell me how to improve my mobile experience here
  25. I bought a Raspberry Pi, installed the latest Octoprint and gave this a try Task one, seeing the video feed...great! Now, how does one properly configure Octoprint to the Ultimaker 2+? Do any settings need to be made within OctoPrint? I tried the "Print with Octoprint" and immediately the nozzle went straight to the build plate and tried printing. However is was way off center and didn't even prime the nozzle. This almost works! I just need a few steps to do so!
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