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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. Unfortunately you give us very little to go on to help you. We don’t know what printer you use, let alone what settings. I can only guess you incorrectly set the “Origin at Center” option in the Machine Settings dialog. It should only be used for delta-style printers.
  2. I think that would be outside the scope of this plugin. When I implemented the Setting Visibility presets menu (the hamburger menu next to the search), it was always my intention to add the possibility to create custom sets (ie: save your current visible settings in a custom preset, and be able to switch to/from that). Would that satisfy your request?
  3. I'm not sure. It is the account that works on https://account.ultimaker.com/ I think that's the same account you use for the Cura Backup plugin.
  4. The most reliable way of creating a curapackage is to create an account at https://contribute.ultimaker.com That is the portal to submit a plugin to the Marketplace, and its backend actually creates the curapackage from your sources (which you upload as a zip) and some metadata you fill in to a form. Before you "submit" the package for inclusion in the Marketplace, you can download and test your curapackage.
  5. Pieces are slowly falling into place. It is all a bit fiddly to do, because I am pushing the plugin system a bit further than it was designed to go. I think I might use the now empty space below the Prepare/Preview/Monitor menu for a print-settings-summary like the header for the settings view in the normal interface. Thoughts? Still to do before I release a test-version: extruder-tabs and material/print core selection in the sidebar fix layerview slider positions
  6. Right click, Multiply model. I think the keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+m
  7. I'm working on a plugin that changes the new GUI in Cura to be more settings-centric by adding back the concept of a sidebar. If you can't get used to the floating panels in the new GUI, there will soon be a plugin for you. While rearranging things into the sidebar, I am also taking the chance to rearrange some other bits: move X-ray from the Preview tab to the Prepare tab in my opinion it makes more sense to detect/show errors *before* slicing reunite the Open button with the Toolbar Fitts's law suggests keeping distances between small items smaller; I just dislike having UI elements in all corners of the UI. add the same menu and sidebar between Prepare and Preview so things don't jump around The plugin is currently in the state of a proof-of-concept; there is currently no way to switch between the Recommended and Custom sidebar, and there is no way to change the materials/printcores in the sidebar. When all standard functionality is in its new place I'll post a prerelease here before publishing the plugin to the Marketplace. If you can't wait, you can check out the code here: https://github.com/fieldOfView/SidebarGUIPlugin Things I'm considering: integrate the action panel into the sidebar move job name into sidebar move standard view items into view options/legend area The plugin is a spiritual successor to the Compact Prepare Stage plugin, though it was written from scratch with a different end-goal in mind. That plugin will not be developed further. Update: a beta is available below:https://community.ultimaker.com/topic/26014-sidebar-gui-for-cura-40/?do=findComment&comment=229800
  8. My mindreading skills are failing me, I can not help you further.
  9. The crashdump is of no use to me. At best it will show that Cura is taking up a lot of memory. We need to figure out where the leak is happening. As a workaround you should be able to prevent the videostream from displaying in the Connect to OctoPrint dialog
  10. Basically the same way you would do it with OctoPrint. Setting up a VPN would be the best (secure) way to do it. Rumor has it that Ultimaker is working on a "cloud" solution that will let you remote start/monitor. I've seen some work being done to prepare for that on github, but it is not released yet.
  11. ahoeben

    Dry run

    No, there is not. At least, not easily. But you could use the PostProcessing Find and Replace script to remove all extrusions (and temperature changes) from the gcode.
  12. Could you check to see if there’s an updated version of the plugin in the MarketPlace?
  13. Cura draws white jiggly lines around parts of your model? Please be a little more specific. What is going wrong? What do you expect, and what happens instead?
  14. Though it is theoretically possible to connect OctoPrint to the serial port of the controller board of the UM3 (modifying the hardware), it would be a LOT of software work to get it working well. The UM3 has its own (raspberry pi alike) little linux computer, with software that is has a functional overlap with the OctoPrint software. That software also handles switching cores, calibrating core xy offsets, material management and more that is unique to the UM3. Connecting OctoPrint would bypass that software, so you would have to somehow handle that in OctPrint. What would you like to acomplish with OctoPrint that you cannot do with Cura Connect?
  15. I have posted a set of plugins compatible with Cura 4.0 beta here: It also explains why - unfortunately - OctoPrint Connection plugin is not (yet) one of them.
  16. Update: Cura 4.0 stable is now available, and the plugins mentioned below are available through the Marketplace. Do not use the releases below anymore! As many of you noticed, the Cura 4.0 beta was released with most plugins missing from the Marketplace. Due to changes in Cura, all plugins need to be resubmitted to Ultimaker (again), and they need to be approved by Ultimaker before they are available for download in the Marketplace. I submitted a set of plugins before the launch of the beta, but have not heard back on any of them. This does not surprise me much; afterall the launch is often a hectic process, and the holidays followed shortly after. Because I'm getting questions where my plugins are, here's a list of prerelease downloads. You can download these files and drag/drop them in a running instance of Cura. You need to restart Cura when you're done. Note: these plugins have not yet been vetted by Ultimaker. Consider them beta software, and please share your feedback. Functionally they should be exactly the same as their 3.x counterparts. ZOffset: http://files.fieldofview.com/cura/ZOffsetPlugin-v6.0.0-2018-12-17T13_34_27Z.curapackage Version in Titlebar: http://files.fieldofview.com/cura/VersionInTitlebarPlugin-v6.0.0-2018-12-17T13_23_26Z.curapackage Printer Settings: http://files.fieldofview.com/cura/PrinterSettingsPlugin-v6.0.0-2018-12-17T13_23_40Z.curapackage Mesh Tools: http://files.fieldofview.com/cura/MeshTools-v6.0.0-2018-12-17T13_23_55Z.curapackage Linear Advance: http://files.fieldofview.com/cura/LinearAdvanceSettingPlugin-v6.0.0-2018-12-17T13_22_59Z.curapackage There are three notable absent plugins here: Compact Prepare Sidebar, Autoslice Toggle Switch and OctoPrint Connection. The former two will not be updated for Cura 4.0, because their concept and implementation are not compatible with the new Cura 4.0 UI. I am working on a new plugin though which can be seen as the spiritual successor to the Compact Prepare Sidebar plugin and may contain the Autoslude Toggle Switch as part of it. Last, but certainly not least, the OctoPrint Connection plugin. I have a version of that plugin which works fine with the Cura 4.0 beta. However, since the beta has been launched there have been changes to Cura that would cause the plugin to crash Cura. So if you install the plugin for Cura 4.0 beta, and then upgrade to Cura 4.0 beta 2 or the stable version of Cura 4.0, Cura will no longer launch. Rest assured, I also have a version of the plugin that will not crash with Cura 4.0 beta 2 and Cura 4.0 stable, but that will crash your current Cura 4.0 beta. I have warned the Cura team about this situation, and got the advice to just wait for the second beta to make an OctoPrint Connection plugin for Cura 4.0. For details, see this discussion on github: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/pull/4975#issuecomment-447959182 Update: a version of the OctoPrint Connection plugin is now available after all; see below: https://community.ultimaker.com/topic/25967-plugins-for-cura-40-beta/?do=findComment&comment=232358
  17. Wouldn’t it make much more sense to ask Lulzbot for support then? The Lulzbot Edition has diverged quite a bit from Ultimaker Cura, so chances are your issue is specific to their changes.
  18. I can see no way to implement that concept that is not extremely wasteful.
  19. There is no plugin to set it manually, but you can have Cura to adjust it for you.
  20. So, like this? https://www.mosaicmfg.com/products/palette-2
  21. I’ve submitted updated plugins before the beta launched, but have not heard anything since then. I don’t expect them to be evaluated until after the holidays now. I’ll see about posting a set of links to .curapackage files here.
  22. Pause at Z is not a plugin, but a postprocessing script. Pause at Z can be found in Extensions -> Post Processing -> change G-code (Add Script button)
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