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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. Is it though? Your (2d) printer driver also streams data to your printer. Your printerdriver cannot load that data back in. Or as another example, if you export an stl file from eg Solidworks, you cannot load it back into Solidworks without loosing a lot of functionality.
  2. I think it is important to note that all code that goes into Cura gets reviewed. A feature as big a gcode viewing consists of a lot of code, so reviewing takes a while and the chances of changes being required before the code is accepted are high. The review was not delayed because the code came from AlephObjects.
  3. Er... guys... I was joking about the "2D". Lets get this thread back to the Machine Settings.
  4. As a very off-topic side-note: Ultimaker2 Mark2... The name is a bit of a missed opportunity, because it does not say anything about being dual extrusion. Why not do something clever, and add a "D" for dual to the name. So... Ultimaker 2D! (I suggested the same postfix during the development of the Ultimaker 3, but strangely "Ultimaker 3D" did not get much traction.)
  5. > So I would like the settings to be just always available, but if for some reason this would be to complicated, Unfortunately, it is fairly complicated in the current architecture. I would have liked to be able to do this too, but I don't think it is going to happen any time soon. > it would already be an improvement to keep showing the button "greyed out" with a warning on hover, like "machine not active" How would this be an improvement? Functionally this is still the same as the current solution; you still cannot enter the machine settings. And technically, this is still fairly complicated to implement. Cura basically only knows about one configured printer at a time (and a list of other configured printers as id and name, but not much other info). The available "machine actions" (Machine Settings, Upgrade Firmware, Bed Leveling, Connect to Network, etc) can vary between printers. And these "machine actions" are all fairly hardcoded to work on the currently active printer.
  6. I think it will have to wait until Cura 2.6
  7. Note that in Cura 2.4, you no longer need to go into that window. You can search for a setting right from the sidebar (using the lookingglass icon), and you can fill in the value right away.
  8. Select another color variant of the same material (eg Ultimaker Green PLA).
  9. See my note here: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/39167-cura-24-customised-delta-dual-extruder-json-error?page=1#reply-173650 The Machine Settings plugin does not work with any multiextrusion definitions. You will have to edit the start/end gcode in the definition file.
  10. Because otherwise things would not fit nicely. Fortunately the minimum size is fairly easy to alter: * Inside the Cura folder, find /resources/themes/cura/theme.json. * In that file, find "window_minimum_size". * The numbers after that are the minimum size in pixels, divided by a dpi-related number. Change them to eg [70, 40]. * Restart Cura
  11. I see. I did not know what you meant with SSRs, now I assume solid state relay.
  12. With the risk of starting a different discussion than the one you wanted, could you list some of these drawbacks? Back to your suggestion: I don't think emulating an SD-card (if that is what you want to do) is feasible. Not only would you need to get the electronics and timings right, you would need software that emulates the filesystem. And the Ultimaker expects files on the SD-card, not live streaming data. The reason SD-cards are fairly cheap is that many of them are made, not that they were necessarily are simple to engineer.
  13. The window is already resizable in both directions, but it has a minimum height which apparently it higher than your screen height.
  14. I think the most realistic path at this point would be OctoPrint on a raspberry pi, an olimex board, or any other small board computer. I have not had SD card corruption with the newer models (ie: since the B+). I'm even running a UM2 and a UMO from a single raspberry pi model 3 (which is not officially supported, but that's another thing). Just ignore the functionality to store gcode on the SD card of the UM, because that is excruciatingly slow (almost takes as long a the print). OctoPrint over USB is known to work, emulating an SD card is going to be a LOT of work and will risk your electronics.
  15. Sorry, your post is entirely unreadable like this. Don't post long logs directly in the body of your post. Put them somewhere that specialises in showing code/log dumps, eg pastebin.com.
  16. I think the problem is you are trying to reuse the extruders from the punchtec printer. That does not work because the extruder definitions have a link back to the "parent" definition. Note: this architecture is also why it is hard to make a UI to set the number of extruders (and why there are no "Machine Settings" for multiextrusion printers)
  17. Lots of them. For example when you print with CPE+, by default Cura selects a Raft for buildplate adhesion. It also prints with more overlap between the infill and the shell. PC prints support with Lines pattern and with a different support angle. These defaults are all because apparently the Ultimaker materials team has figured out this results in better prints, and they can't be simply inserted by the printer. Ultigcode worked for the UM2, in a world where basically noone was printing with materials other than PLA and ABS, which don't require very different settings other than temperatures, retraction distances and fan settings so it did not matter how you sliced. Since the UM2 was created, the materials landscape has become more complex, and the Ultigcode "trick" does no longer suffice. As a result the UM2+ is a bit schizophrenic, with some of the parameters on the printer, and some in Cura.
  18. No, the video is actually quite right. It turns out that for better results, you need to change more settings in the slicing parameters than can be set on the printer. That is why for the UM2+ you set the material both in Cura and on the printer.
  19. Off the top of my head, {travel_speed} should be {speed_travel}. The others don't seem to be have a functional effect because they are commented out.
  20. There's no reason I can think of it should not work, but first try to print a normal model using your delta with Cura 2.4. If that does not work, neither will wireprinting. Note that you may need to make some changes to the start/end gcode before it works with Cura 2.4; specifically most {replacement_patterns} have changed
  21. Have you seen my alternative definition? It does essentially what you suggest: set the number of extruders to 1
  22. This should be stickied, be cause it has come up before and will come up again: Cura has a new setting named Initial Layer Temperature which defaults to the normal temperature +5. This is only for the first layer.
  23. Bro-tip: if you reply to a 1.5 year old thread with a new issue, we won't know if we can believe you when you say you installed the latest version. The latest version at the time of writing is Cura 2.4 (not 2.4 beta).
  24. Cura 15.x = "Legacy Cura", the original Cura software, not in active development since 2015 *by Ultimaker* To make matters more confusing, other companies like eg Lulzbot continued working on the old Cura, and reached versions like Cura 21.something. Yet others continued working on old Cura and called it Cura 1.5. But Cura 2.x is the way forward.
  25. They should be automatically upgraded to 2.4. Note that this also means that they wont work with 2.3 anymore. So make a backup.
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