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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. I tried it briefly. It did not work straight away, and there were more important things to do, so I lost interest and moved on. But I could revisit this if I find some time.
  2. This is known behavior, which just has never been flagged as annoying enough to fix
  3. There is no way to set the number of extruders in the interface. I am working on that for Cura 2.6
  4. Check the general preferences, next to the language-selection
  5. The default profiles are readonly and stored in the application folder (c:\program files\cura by default on windows). If you make a change in the sidebar, you should see a star appear next to the name of the profile, indicating that the current settings don't 100% represent the current profile. You can make a new profile out of the combination of the current (readonly) profile and current settings. Both the "current settings" (ie: changes made to the current profile which are not yet stored in a new profile) and any custom profiles will survive an upgrade, and an uninstall/reinstall. Pro-tip: if you click the star next to the profile-name, you go straight into the profiles pane of the preferences, showing you an overview of the settings of the profile AND the current settings/changes.
  6. The current Cura architecture makes it tricky to vary the number of extruders. Adding a new extruder on the fly is especially tricky.
  7. The only way currently is by writing/editing json files. 2.4 nor 2.5 have an interface for it, I hope to contribute one for 2.6
  8. Also look in to OctoPrint. I find it much more convenient to print directly from Cura to the printer via OctoPrint without swapping SD cards. Going the OctoPrint route vs using the USB connection gives you much the same benefits of using the SD Card (ie: stability, not having to keep your main computer on, etc), and a whole host of other perks such as the possibility of remote monitoring.
  9. Still annoying though. There are at least two links to open dirs on http://software.ultimaker.com/'>http://software.ultimaker.com/ current ly that allow you to download Cura without going through the survey. Can you believe I found the other one by googling around the domain http://software.ultimaker.com/ ?!
  10. No, we need the diversity. Healthy competition promotes better software, and is ultimately better for the end user. Being the single "best" at something promotes complacency. Simplify 3d is sometimes seen as an example of this; it *was* clearly the best slicer option a year or so ago. (ducks for cover for the ensuing fanboy war)
  11. Yes, kind of. The Machine Settings applies the change to all profiles. If you set the line width in the sidebar, you only change it for the current (custom) profile. The materials team makes the standard profiles. They determined you get slightly better results with a linewidth that is slightly smaller than the (advertised) nozzle diameter. What you set in the sidebar trumps what you set in the Machine Settings.
  12. This is a known issue that has reportedly been fixed for Cura 2.5
  13. Uh. We're still going to need a tad bit more information before we can help you. What version of Cura on what OS? Can you post a model somewhere? Have you checked layer view?
  14. There's a neat plugin that lets you pause the auto slicing: https://github.com/fieldOfView/PauseBackendPlugin Sure, you can shift-click to select multiple objects. Because Cura was rewritten from scratch, and this use-case was not well-considered.
  15. It should definitely be possible to move the objects to a better location. Click on an object, then drag it around. You may have to (re-)select the Move tool.
  16. NB: "merging" is a fairly specific term in programming, where changes from one repository of code are copied into another repository. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merge_(version_control) Since slic3r and cura don't share a common base, this type of merging does not apply in this context.
  17. You could give the dev team a hand and test ;-) (create a backup of your configuration folder if you do). The comma-thing has been resolved in Cura 2.4, I am not aware of any other special cases that were not already caught (but I have not tested this thoroughly myself)
  18. No argument there. It is not like the code contains a line like "if RunningOverRdp: justGiveUpAndCrash()". Running Cura over RDP is not something that is supported, so it is not tested. There's a limited amount of developer and tester resources at Ultimaker, and they've not chosen (sofar) to put any resources on this usecase.
  19. > May be related to attempting to launch Cura from within an RDP session. Yes, that is highly likely. Cura requires OpenGL support that is not available over RDP.
  20. Ah, I think I see what was going on. You created a profile with a comma in its name. Cura 2.3 had a bug with profiles or machines with a comma in the name.
  21. Have you edited/added any *.def.json files? Cura seems to be looking for a ultimaker_original_plus_0.1mm.def.json, which is not a standard definition file. You may want to share that too.
  22. Something to try: after editing the gcode snippet and before pressing "Ok", use the Tab key to change the focus to anothe control. Then press "ok". Let me know if that fixes it.
  23. I'm not debating that. The Cura 2.5 beta should be released soonish, and it has the feature. Just realise that you don't get your meshes back when loading a gcode file. You cannot change settings on the gcode file.
  24. Just reinstalling hardly ever changes anything, unless the user has changed files in the Cura installation (ie: files in the Program Files\Cura folder). Most notably reinstalling Cura does not touch the cura configuration, and most issues have been with the configuration files.
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