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Everything posted by Nicolinux

  1. Well Rich still has not released the promised 5th article about the 3DR. I whish he would put a bit more love into that machine since it is a great idea. I am almost finished with mine - mind you finished means, cabling. The fun starts when the firmware fine tuning works as expected™
  2. Ages ago I suggested to include one with every UM2 (might ask for the t-shirt size on the order page).
  3. You could simply order it directly from Ultimaker (Netherlands). I am from Germany and I did the same.
  4. One (maybe) interesting bit about the atomic method. Apart from the fact that some people seem to have had better results with Taulman 618 (pull temperature 140°), one should not rely completly on it. I just had the case where several subsequential pulls were clean and then "the last pull" showed dark spots around that shoulder on the tip. This seems to be the case when switching from Colorfabb XT to PLA.
  5. Ok. Thanks anyway. I am sad about this issue but very happy about your support and motivation to find the cause
  6. Hey Robert / Simon, do you have any news on this very intriguing info (rotating the x / y motors)? http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/5375-top-layers-not-touching-um2/?p=74851 Or did anyone try it yet?
  7. I just did and apart from the annoying "the results are in, sign up for a free pdf preview" banner that I couldn't click away, I didn't see anything Ultimaker related.
  8. Did you play with the lighting or are the colors so very different?
  9. Yeah, I am using Taulman 618 to perform the atomic method and when this thing is heated to 230°-240° it fizzles like crazy. I find XT interesting because of its highish glass transition temperature (75°). But other than that, I don't see myself printing "pretty" things with it. Or at least not until I've got the settings dialed it.
  10. Hey Skint, you saw it coming so I hope you are a bit prepared for it. As much one can be for such a sucky situation :( I hope you'll find something soon. And if not, remember, selfemployment isn't as bad as it sounds. Especially if you've got the skills and know how to be part of an emerging market. If one would only have an 3D printer...
  11. Hm, I don't have the impression that XT is that super strong as advertised either. Prints feel filmsy and weak. When I print the same object with pla (same amount of infill) it feels way more durable. I need to perform some proper tests though.
  12. Interesting... this 3D Lac spray. I'll try it. Thanks.
  13. That's why I decided to stay pretty close to the original design. I want to build a working printer that I can improve later if the need arises.
  14. Well usually print quality suffers greatly without a fan...
  15. Check out this video. It shows two tumblers and some Dremel poslishing: http://youtu.be/1ehmPlluYMY?list=UUmcEpxjd3LpxK6OiMQ4bWyA
  16. Ok, sucks but I understand it. Well, I'll ignore it for now and if this particular problem should bother me too much, I'll resort to firmware customizing.
  17. Hey guys, A while back I asked the same question and Daid replied. Maybe it helps. http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/6753-startgcode-for-um2-and-cura-1407/
  18. @UltiArjan: Printed it at 0.15 layer height, 40 speed and 240° @hreedijk: I used the cooling fan but it came on late - at 25mm. On the second run I printed the object with 40% infill and with raft. Due to a bug in Cura, the fans come on instantly when using raft :/ @swanbennekom: Cool test. Which material does it apply to? XT only?
  19. Isn't it possible to add a hidden switch or an option in the advanced settings? I care more for print quality then for the CE certification and I'd rather not build my own firmware because I don't want to merge my changes every time you release a new version.
  20. I don't have that problem here. It really might be due to resonnance on the metal frame. The linear bearings are not silent (not by far). Let's see how loud they are when the motors come into play
  21. I don't know. I have also printed objects with infill and still got that problem. Regarding shipping. I don't understand how the rods got bent because the box of the last UM2 I got looked pretty good. They have already four pillars of cardboard on in the corner of the box thus allowing for some free space between the rods and the top of the box. I don't think the rods could be bent while shipping. At least it would have left dents and other marks on the box.
  22. Daid, if I might ask - why was UltiGcode introduced in the first place?
  23. Speaking of inter-layer adhesion. Take a look at this pic: The part is printed in white XT and snapped right in the middle with very moderate force aplied (was like the part you see in the background). Printed with 30% infill and infill overlap of 20%.
  24. Hi, I came across this project on Thingiverse: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:454584 and wondered if it would be a good addition for the UM too. It measures the filament width on the fly and changes the flow to compensate for width fluctuations. Pretty nifty. Not sure it if makes a big difference at all. I am printing with 2.85mm width for ages without a noticeable difference in quality. I'd go so far to say that the UltiGcode isn't all that useful at the moment since a) there can only be four filament presets (two of them can't be renamed) and b ) I guess most people are just too lazy to change filament width constantly. That is if you print with high quality filament which has stable properties....
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