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Everything posted by Nicolinux

  1. Oh cool, I didn't know about these. But the 3rd fan problem is solved anyway. I have replaced it with http://www.ebay.de/itm/Lufter-5V-0-38W-25x25x6mm-3-7m-h-23dBA-Sunon-MC25060V2-A99-/231085070846 and now it is almost completely silent. That was the reason I wanted to tackle the side fans. I thought I could simply buy the same fans but just the slightly bigger version. Should have asked about the power rating first :/
  2. Yeah, soldering was no problem. The difference in power rating was. I was not aware that it is a 12V fan. I assumed they are 5V fans like the smaller one - that's always on.
  3. Hey Robert, Again very useful write-up. You should link it in your signature too.
  4. Hi, auf Anhieb fällt mir nur die Einstellung am feeder ein worüber man den Druck auf das Filament einstellen kann. Hier ist ein Beispielbild: http://ultimaker.ipbhost.com/uploads/gallery/album_479/gallery_67_479_53532.jpg Oben rechts müsste die weisse Plastikmarkierung entweder ganz oben oder höchstens beim obersten oder 2 Strich positioniert sein (du kannst das über die Schraube an der Kopfseite des Feeders einstellen).
  5. Hi, Anybody knows the rating for the side fans on the hotend? (not the always on fan). I tried to replace one of them with this fan, but then the other original fan acts up so I guess the difference in rating isn't that healthy... http://www.ebay.de/itm/310782970597?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 Stefan
  6. According to this post, taulman 618 is suited best for the atomic method: http://bukobot.com/nozzle-cleaning
  7. Die Geschichte geht weiter - ich habe zum englischen Forum gewechselt: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/7431-3dr-delta-bot-continued/
  8. Back in july an idea sparked on the german subforum to build RichRap's 3DR Delta Bot. http://richrap.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/3dr-reprap-delta-printer-part-1-release.html After many weeks of organisation, and hunting for parts, we finally met to build the printers. Actually we met to build three 3DRs. Also Nallath from Ultimaker chimed in and helped us with a few spare parts (many thanks! - and we haven't forgotten you, you'll have a little thank-you package soon). Before the meeting we had only one "situation" where missing parts would have been very problematic. Hat tip to "My Home Fab" - they delivered super fast and took the time to talk to us in person to fit our obscure choice of features http://www.my-home-fab.de We met at onkelgeorg's place (many thanks Jörg for the hospitality!) Please observe the two Ultimakers doing their thing. Everyone of us had bought their Ultimakers and we made good use of them since we redesigned some parts. Ok, all but Jörg who was printing Fairphone cases non stop And speaking of redesigning, this was actually the least bright idea because it took too much time (we only had 2-3 days). We opted to build everything from scratch - even the hotends (E3D v6 here, the other two guys went with Merlin hotends): Of course we didn't finish, but the frame is built and we will "only" have to fit the electronics and fiddle with the firmware... Btw. one remark about the UM2. I drove close to 1000km for this weekend and I didn't have to calibrate the heated bed not even once. Very pleased with its stability.
  9. Hi, ich habe diesen Lüfter eingebaut und den kleinen Lüfter ausgetauscht der immer läuft: http://www.ebay.de/itm/Luefter-5V-0-38W-25x25x6mm-3-7m-h-23dBA-Sunon-MC25060V2-A99-/231085070846 Es ist ein Unterschied wie Tag und Nacht. Früher war der UM2 sehr laut und jetzt merke ich nicht mal dass der Lüfter läuft wenn ich es einschalte... Werde jetzt auch die zwei anderen 30er Lüfter tauschen.
  10. Come on, don't push so hard. They'll have stuff to do instead of manning a cam. And before they post a shitty live stream that shines a bad light on UM, then it is better to skip it. We'll have enough time to drool over whatever technical gizmo they come up with
  11. Hi, I noticed that my UM2 has the same problem in this regard. I loosened all screws around the base and tried to push/bump it into form but nothing changed. The printer still wobbles but only when it is turned sideways. At first I thought that my surface was not levels, but after trying almost all available surfaces in my apartment, I think it is the printer. Do you have any ideas as to what could be wrong? I loosened _all_ screws on the outher frame except for the feeder housing and the motors. Should be enough right? thx.
  12. Lets wait for the announcement tomorrow. Maybe they'll just present the UM3 with flexible shaft... About bribing... come on, what else would you need other than a (non gay) man hug?
  13. You should remove the bowden (hot end side) and set the temp to 180°, let it cool down to 90°-85° and then pull the filament out.
  14. The 2nd hole on the UM2 was there from the begining. Nothing new so far. And if they wanted to announce dual extrusion it would have been logical to have two colors in the model at the end.
  15. The video is very cool though. Nice sound design too. Almost expected it to be an ad for a Terminator movie
  16. So it is US production/distribution. But what's up with the weird two spots on it? Looks like an american penguin with sun glases? And what's with the 3rd video? Just an UM2. Something doesn't add up here...
  17. OMG!!! I replaced the 3rd fan and the difference is striking! I thought I had wired it incorrectly after I turned the printer on - it is that quiet. With the old fan I didn't print over night because it was very loud when the print was finished. Ultimaker should really consider new fans. A fancy new UM2 that sounds like an old tractor can't be good for marketing
  18. Hey guys, about the fan mount - what's special about it? The description on YouMagine doesn't tell anything.
  19. Yes... My body was not ready for the next post I am about to write in my "layers not touching" thread I have no idea why it works all of the sudden... This is Renthal sliced file though, so either my Mac/Cura is broken or there is witchcraft involved.
  20. Ok, let us kick the expectations to the ground again Allow me to direct your attention to this wonderful green cube™. Very simplistic in its appearance, follwing a practical and function driven bauhauesque style. Every detail has been streamlined as much as possible to provide a simple and clear user experience. Using only square angles (as dictated by geometry) - the green cube™ successfully conveys its intended purpose without making abundant use of superfluous features like those seen in recent competitors. Employing sophisticated color prediction algorithms, the green cube™ provides a vibrant and luminous color, thus making a tedious paint job unnecessary. the green cube™ - an unprecedented example of style end efficiency.
  21. Cool head lift is located in the expert settings (cmd + e Mac) or in the menu "Expert"-> "Open expert settings..."
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