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Everything posted by drayson

  1. Hi there, yesterday I had a very strange situation... I sliced and started printing this helmet mount for my action cam http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:22212 with following setup: 0.15 layer hight infill 20% support everywhere support values in x/y/z modified, but not available any more (something like x/y 1.5, z 0.1 fill 20%) During print I recognized because of very ugly layers that the fan has been disabled. enabled it manually, I recognized a few minutes later that it has been switched off again... Print aborted, what a mess... I checked the gcode and it seems that cura placed an M107 command every time, the support starts to fill the strap holes in the part - so 3 times off. There was a M106 too but only a few lines before M107. Next, I sliced the part again with modified support values and checked the gcode again... now, everything was ok - M106 instead of M107... Unfortunaltey I overwrote the initial gcode accidentially so I can´t post it here. I just wanted to document this issue in case somebody else has the same. @ Daid, maybe a bug... sorry for not providing more info :-(
  2. There should be one already delivered with cura called pauseatz which is normally easy to calculate knowing the layer thickness. Just look into the plugin register, at my 14.01 it is there...
  3. What... really??? god, that´s a grat feature!! have to try a print.... conclusion: as always - RTFM...
  4. Hi! der Split muss im Designtool passieren da Cura keine Modelle zerschneiden, sondern nur mehrere, in einer STL vereinte Modelle aufteilen kann z.B. sieh dir das erste Bild mit den zusammengestellten Teilen an:http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:184581 Cura kann dieses "eine" Teil in seine Teilkomponenten aufsplitten, damit du jedes einzeln oder ein bestimmtes daraus drucken kannst Was aber nicht geht, ist z.B. diese nette Dame a la Hudini in der mitte zu zerschneiden...http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:151251 Hoffe das hilft :-) Ich arbeite übrigens mit SolidWorks, mache aber keine Freiformsachen/Figuren sondern nur geometrische Bauteile und sowas...
  5. Honestly I have the same impression as Robert. With the implementation into Cura, the adoption can be forced but getting the same attention as Thingiverse will need a few more month... Currently I upload my designs to Thingiverse only because I´m used to it and it´s easy to look up for things or get ideas because of the amount. Further it provides a few great features which are currently missing on youmagine (or which I have not recognized up to now) e.g. the collections and the way of organize it. I often mark things I´d like to print when I have time or which could be usefull somedays (download the stuff and create a own local data store is not my intention, but maybe a local database could be a nice feature of Cura someday??) I hope that youmagine become also as popular as thingiverse and that designers which leave thingiverse find youmagine the right new place... just my two cents...
  6. I´m really glad with my UM1 but seeing this prints, I honestly think, I will never manage such quality with it... So, think I have to: 1.) start savings 2.) try to convince my girlfriend to get a new toy :-)
  7. There are a few methods for connecting material available (e.g.on Thingiverse) but as a KISS solution I used a torch/lighter for melt/conduct and a knife for making the connection point as 3mm and round as possible. Worked for me, but I only I connected some short samples with this method...
  8. Good to know. I´m currently thinking of sourcing a 242x242x6mm aluminum plate as direct build plate replacement and a silicon heater pad, combined with a glass print surface... But as always, so many ideas and projects, so less time...
  9. Thank you for this info Daid !!! I tried with 38x38 but got only a wite, blank build surface therefore I thought only 32x32 works...
  10. Guys, with your exeperiance with the heater plate - is there a seriouse reason to take care if it is a copper plated or an etched PCB? I found a note at the Prusa-HB-Wiki that this has to be considered, as the plated one has issues with the thickness of the cooper but I never found a etched version @ ebay...
  11. Aaahh - this guy looks a bit like the big Persian worrior in 300... - could that be???
  12. Great to see that there are a lot peaple having the same interest in bridging as me... :-) @ Matt: I already recognized too that it is - as everything - strongly depending on the filament. My concern with a plugin is that e.g. with TweakAtZ you have to identify the bridging layer manually. With a more complex structure, this is a bit of work that I don´t like to have in operational work. I´m not a software guy (ironically, I work as a manager in a software dept.), so I have no clue about generating code, but I would also assist in testing....
  13. @ 1.) Thanks gr5 - sure - it´s 32x32 - changed it in my previouse post! Think it was a typo cause I had worked on 16x16 for 10mmx10mm to figure out the pattern. @ 2.) Yes - side lenght of each colored section of my pattern is 5mm (in original png = 10mm). I also made a few tests with a 20x20 block and the scaling feature to ensure this. The original 32x32px pattern is streched by Cura to fit to 20x20mm, each light or dark blue block is equal to 10x10. I changed it to fit to 5x5mm. Unfortunately, because of the pixels, a 1x1mm pattern is not possible :sad: Change the size of the .png to real 20x20mm (38x38px) is also not working as Cura not acccepts this bigger image... @ 3.) I know this feature but as Ian posted, it is also a nice to have rough check. Also, if you have a part with some overhangs, it tells only the dimenson of the whole block...
  14. Hi !! Sorry, seems that I missed this one - thanks for pointing... Material is UM PLA-filament, grey/silver, the fan I use blows from both sides - my own design. () I will try TweakAtZ but I don´t think that on a much more complex part with several bridging sections it might working... One problem I additionally have is, that the surface/first layer above support structures is a mess - that´s the initial root for my bridge testing.
  15. Dear all, today I started some bridging tests - unortunaltely with very low sucess. Therefore I´d like to ask for some hints/assistance on this as I need to improve my printing quality for a request I got... I can remember that - I think Illuminarti?? - had really great results and I followed the posts but honestly I have no idea what I should try further... Here two pictures - top looks fine, but don´t turn it upside down... :-( This part was printed at UM1 with Cura14.01 and following setup: layer: 0.1 shell/bottom/top: 0.8 fill: 50% speed: 60 temp: 200 fan: 80% Also tried with temperature set to 195, 205 and 210 with same/less success I would appreciate your assistance Thanks in advance, chris aka drayson
  16. Tried to do the same by modifying the pattern but as the original is 32x32 pixels for 20x20mm I just broke it down with the original color to 5mmx5mm... If anybody is interested in this pattern too, here it is...
  17. Oh yes, and if we could assist, why not.... :-)
  18. A measurement detailed (mm/cm) pattern on the bed is a good (and mybe simple to add) idea to get a rough feeling of the thing or (if having only partial blue tape) assist in positioning of the thing on the bed. Regarding measurement functionality, good idea but from my point of view maybe a bit overshooting the aim of a slicer...?
  19. As I always tell my students: need something for girls? just pink it and shrink it... On this example - make it look like a microwave and everybody is familiar with it...
  20. Just as a side note to Illuminarti´s hint with the spring compression: this are little washers which center the springs... http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:22448 I use them too and had never problems....
  21. ... especially when thinking of soluable supports...?!?!? and long prints where some beer and sandwiches are needed... congratulation to this place :-)
  22. Might worth trying... I remember, a guy from vienna made the arms out of aluminum - saw his post at Thingiverse... Unfortunately I have no access to a mill as I think it should be as precise as possible...
  23. I level mine UM1 really seldom - maybe one a month... If I do it, I have prepared a gcode-file on my main SD which sets the head as close to the screw positions as possible. After the first round, I make a second for fine-tune but that´s all... On the other hand I thought of using some kind of struds or wiring between one of the screws holding the z-bushings and one of the scres holding the table... kind of tensioning the angle to stiffen the whole thing. But don´t know if it would work... (too many ideas, too less time...)
  24. Honestly, buying something today is different from past Currently I´m following a speech of Neil Rackham (author of e.g. SPIN selling) at our companies sales conference and the ironic thing is, he´s right also for small companies when saying: sales is not selling products via their unique features any more because of decrease of differentiation - it is creating value for the customers during the sales process. How to sell has become more importent than what you sell - a good product is only the door opener, how to sale is the important thing. And that´s the challenge - how can a small company address the market the right way? @ Dim3nsineer - I have the same feeling but mainly because of an unclear phrase - is the printer made of cheap material or is the UM printing with cheap PLA? 1.800€ is not cheap fo me... From my point of view maybe the responsible at UM should take a critical look on the messages... (and no, I´m not a consultant aiming for business :-P )
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