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Everything posted by drayson

  1. Ok, that sounds plausible :-) So the UM2 has also 2 PSUs or is it working on 24V?
  2. I´m also highly interested and waiting... @ Daid, suggestion regarding the PSU: when delivering a second PSU, why not one capable to drive both - bed and UM? At least as an option it would be a good idea because I think that there are guys like me who would like to have only one power line instead of two in parallel... Just my two cents...
  3. As I saw the new cooling shroud of the UM2, I'm currently trying to design a similar double-sided shroud for the mentioned 4x 25mm fans - material shall be 0.5mm alu sheet metal... Just a try...
  4. Ok, tested it also at my home PC - same issue, no templates in drop down boxes. I have IE 9 installed with Java 7...
  5. Ahhh.... ok, seems that I had a nap during my IT lessons... :-) Thanks
  6. @ gr5, thank you for the hint - opended the page with firefoy, everything´s ok - opening it with IE, nothing´s working. Seems to be an issue of the IE/Java @ my company's PC...
  7. I would be happy to get more info about the new bed leveling as I´m currently in rebuilding mine to a 3 point leveling but with a few hurdles to solve...
  8. Hi, tried to use it but currently there are no templates in machine selection and option configuration shown in the drop down boxes...
  9. Thank you owen, explaination understood. 100% is equal to 255 (guess rpm) Just some kind of calculation as usually... :-)
  10. Hi, min = 80% max = 100% Do you think that´s the root cause?
  11. Hi, recently I updated my firmware via Cura 13.06.4 (standard which is included with this cura version). Now I recognized that the fan speed displayed at the Ulticontroller shows a value of 200 while printing. Has anybody else the same issue? Suggestions? Any hint appreciated...
  12. Hi LePaul, what have you tired up to now and where is exactly the problem - could your please again sumarize it? I had also problems with leveling up to the moment I realized a misalignment in the axis....
  13. Hi, I know this issue as my printer also start "printing with hot air". Honestly I have alo no idea why. I already tried to add a few mm in the start.gcode but that was also not the perfect solution. My startup code now looks like this - how looks yours? ;Sliced at: {day} {date} {time} ;Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {fill_density} ;Print time: {print_time} ;Filament used: {filament_amount}m {filament_weight}g ;Filament cost: {filament_cost} G21 ;metric values G90 ;absolute positioning M107 ;start with the fan off G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops G1 Z15.0 F{travel_speed} ;move the platform down 15mm G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length G1 F200 E5 ;extrude 5mm of feed stock G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again G1 F{travel_speed} M117 ;Printing... Maybe someone of the experienced users could assist here too?
  14. Thanks foehnsturm for the explaination. My intention was to have less flow but from 4 sides - but following your infos now I'm also think thats not worth trying... My current fan shroud produces a lot of back flow so I'd like to change it to a system cooling more than only one side... Any suggestions what's worth trying?
  15. Hi foehnsturm, sorry for the short PM, I was in a hurry this day... :-( but as written im my PM I´m hghly interested in getting one set for the standard UM I would appreciate if you could consider me in your list Thank you in advance
  16. Whow - great work! I like this "tentacle" design - I also thought of something like this but with 4 small 25mm fans in it. I have only a rough concept sketch up to now. Do you think that might worth trying? How much air flow was necessary to get your bridging result?
  17. Hi! I would suggest to level the print bed with a cold nozzle and in a second step align the z-endstop with a hot nozzle and a sheet of paper - or a dial gauge (sorry, if I have misuderstood your description) For Z-adjustment I installed this one (but you have to drill an additional hole) :http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:22801 Works perfect.... Regarding the leveling itself (and considering that a flat surface can be defined by 3 points in space), take a look on this solution: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:84754 I´m currently modifying my UM to this solution to give it a try...
  18. Hi everybody! Recently I received the new side pannels from Ultimaker - Thank yo for great support! Yesterday I had time to dismount my old side pannels and try fit the new ones. The outcome: dismounted right pannel, mounted new one => axis aligned well, no gap to see applying the glass plate but still a gap between foot and glass table (box twisted) dismounted also right pannel, mounted new one => axis aligned well and also not gapbetween foot and my the glass table is gone Finally I disassambled the plates again to paint them within the next week. It seems that only the combination of both new side plates are able to fix my issues. I will post news after final assambly, print bed adjustment and first test prints.
  19. Thanks gr5, I already recognized this version and installed it. Seems to be interesting as a few of my questions are obsolete with this new (beta)version. Just making some slicing trials without print something, I found out that on some models the V13.07. adds support without any connection to the print bed... Guess this prints will fail... :-( Nevertheless, understand the approach in 13.06.04 would be interesting too :-)
  20. Hi Amano, danke für die Infos - ich werd dann doch lieber nochmal über der Idee brüten (Gewicht, Vibs). Mein Ansatz war, die Luft von 2 Seiten heranzuführen und so auch auf der anderen Seite des Kopfes einen gleichmäßigern Luftstrom hinzubekommen... Anyway, ich lass es mir nochmal durch den Kopf gehn :-) Danke !!
  21. @ Daid, sorry for asking in detail - I haven't got it... In 13.06. it just effects the flow means that the way of the support structure is the same independend of the percentage, just the material which comes out of the nozzle is less? So it affects just the stiffness of the support, not the amount of struds placed? I played around a few days with it (currently my UM is "out of order") but was not able to understand the background. Are other support types planned to come up in future? e.g. support only between model surfaces, or an option to choose the surfaces to be supported?
  22. How was the uality at the first prints with the grey filament? Immediately bad? Or has it started after a few days/weeks? How have you stored your filament the time you´r not printing? I recognized at my silver and black ultimaker filament, that both worked great in the beginning and started being difficult to print after a few days/weeks on the reel. Therefore now I store it in sealed plastic boxes with silica gel pads and it seems that it helps...
  23. Hi, Thank you - you already got a request via the support form. Hope this is ok to get in contact for the details :smile:
  24. After a very interesting weekend disassambling/measure/assambling/measure.. I´m back and can give feedback. first step: dismount only right pannel, measure outcome: - withpout the pannel, the axis are aligned applying the glass plate - the UM case is not right angled to the glass table second step: dismount only left pannel, measure outcome: - the axis deviation is still existing, no change - when mounting right pannel, force is needed because a angular misalignment of notches/cutouts in hte right pannel is shown => leads to twisted case thirdstep: dismount right & left pannel, measure - front & rear are ok, axis aligned applying the glass plate Honestly I can not identify if it is the right or the left side plate bringing tension into the box so I would like to come back to the offer of Sander to get new side plate(s) - best way a right and a left one. So that´s my actual state... :-(
  25. I would be interested to hear about the results - hope you'll post it here...
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