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Posts posted by tinkergnome

  1. Thank you tinkergnome, I did the factory reset with 400 steps/mm and on calibration the build plate crashed into printer head, tried the calibration again and still the same.

    Do you have changed something else? Perhaps "Z_MAX_POS"?

    I cant get the Pronterface to connect to my printer, is there any other software that I can run the "M" commands?

    I know Octoprint and Simplify3D, but there are probably more. I think, former Cura versions (choose 15.04.6) had a simplified pronterface dialog too - (not sure)?

  2. T0 is being set to 220, 235 and 245 while T1 is being set to 205, 210 and 220 despite all my settings in the profile and the material for print and standby being the same.

    That's the intended behavior for multi extrusion prints. There are more than this two temperature settings. It's an outstanding feature of Cura (IMHO). I suggest to enable all settings in the material section.

    Which kind of printer do you use? Have you choosen the correct printer model in Cura? I ask, because there are additional settings in the printer profile (not visible at the user interface) that define the speed at which the nozzle heats up and cools down as well as the minimal time an extruder has to be inactive before the nozzle is cooled. It seems that you are using values that are not suitable for your printer?

  3. So material flow is controlled by the slicer calculations? (I mean, it needs to move more material with a 0.6 than with 0.4 nozzle.)

    Yes, sure. Well, the percentage rate is tune-able on the printer, but the basic value is just a move of the e-axis and is calculated by the slicer like the moves for all other axis too. The only difference is, that the (relative) move of the e-axis depends on the material diameter, line width and layer height in addition. Basically the "flow" is nothing more than the increase of the e coordinate by a specified amount in a distinct amount of time. That's all calculated by the slicer. For UltiGCode the printer firmware has to convert the volumetric e coordinates to the length (because the material diameter is configured on the printer itself), but the principle stays the same.

  4. Nozzle rubbing due to pillowing?  How to fix?

    IMHO "pillowing" is a different topic. In your case it's just that the nozzles scratches above the infill on long travel moves. I think, a fancy name for it does not exist (yet :)).

    You don't mention the material and the Cura version... I've seen this too with PETG-like materials (like Colorfabb XT), but never with PLA. Helpful in general is printing the infill slower (and/or hotter) and reduce the travel speed a bit. Other possibilities depend on the Cura version you use. In case of a more recent version: experiment with "Combing mode" and "Z Hop When Retracted". Basically: switch combing mode off and z-hop on. This leads probably to a huge amount of retractions, in this case you can try another infill pattern. The experimental "Optimize Wall Printing Order" may also help.

    Good luck!

    • Like 1
  5. But I'm guessing the information for printing with the nozzle must be contained somewhere, or I'd have had a lot of underextrusion this last year since switching to the Olsson block! (I got an OB long before doing the full UM2+ upgrade.)

    The UM2+ firmware allows to specify different print temperatures for each supported nozzle diameter. You will see it once you start customizing of the matrerial settings on the printer. That's the only setting on the printer that depends on the nozzle diameter in the UltiGCode comments. All other things are part of the slicing process.

    In fact it prints fine without this extra information, it just uses the default print temperature for the 0.4mm nozzle. That's the intended behavior... :)

  6. I'm going to run a print now ans see what happens.

    I assume that the old versions of CuraEngine do not provide any information about the nozzle size in the header of the gcode file. The UM2+ firmware will use the material temperature for the 0.4mm nozzle as a default in those cases.

    This is what it looks like with the current version of Cura. If in doubt you can add the missing line and see, if it makes a difference.

    ;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 3.0.3

  7. First i think there is basically something wrong with your printer (or with the travel speed), if it oozes so much during travel moves - but that's a different question ;)

    Looking at your picture: the default behavior of Cura 2.7 is that it first prints all green lines and afterwards all the outer (red) lines. The blue arrow is a so called "combing move". The according setting seems to be hidden in your case. Use the search bar to find the setting for "Combing Mode". You can set it to "Off" or at least to "No Skin", this should generate a retraction before these travel move(s).

    Your second question is probably related to the "Layer Start" coordinates. These are located in the "Travel" section too.

  8. But I have having a similar issue with the z axis, its moving almost exactly at half speed. I have tried all the connections again and no success.


    First thing to check in this case:

    There's a connector at the center of the board that is labeled "8/16 step". Take sure that there's nothing connected. If you accidentally plugged in the 5V connector (orange/blue cable) there - it would explain the symptoms...

  9. I would describe it different. You're asking about absolut values for speed and a percentage value for the flow - these are probably the settings from the slicer (Cura)? A better word (IMHO) for speed is: feedrate, this affects all axis at the same time (including the extruder axis). Flow percentage only affects the extruder axis.

    The slicer calculates the amount of volume that needs to be extruded at the selected speed and multiplies it with the chosen factor for the flow rate. As long as the material diameter matches the appropriate setting of the slicer (amongst other things), 100% is always right. Exceptions are special use cases, where do you explicitly want a different effect - but then you should know what you are doing... :)

  10. There is no connector in the middle of my board - the one below the "ti" from the printed word "Ultimaker" on the board. There is only the one above the "e".

    Don't use the connector above the "e". That's a jumper that changes the stepper driver for the z-axis from 8 to 16 micro-steps.

    AFAIK the hot end fan was connected to the serial connector J22 on the very early mainboards. Pin 1 is 5V, Pin 2 is GND

    Here is a picture from 2014: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/5038-um2-electrical-wiring-questions#reply-33286

    Here is a pdf with the schematics: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2/tree/master/1091_Main_board_v2.1.1_(x1)


    • Like 2
  11. Yes, i think i'm familiar with the "endless scroll" problem too. :)

    It's more worse with the BETA 3. I made a screenshot to illustrate how it looks on my screen. A huge amount of space is wasted with the things that rarely change - like material and print core, but no way to hide these things...

    Only 10 lines of the important settings are to be seen at once... that's where the endless scrolling starts... It's not unusable, but very inconvenient...


    • Like 3
  12. After the brim is done I tape the edges of the brim

    down with painter tape.

    This approach never worked for me. It always lifts the brim together with the tape from the glass plate (even with very large pieces of tape). I assume the success rate depends on the geometry of the part. Or is there a special trick?

  13. @tinkergnome you said um2 reprap correct flavor had a name on ither post but I don’t remember. Was something to keep volumetric so the material profiles still kickin? Can’t remember now...


    I think it depends on the Cura version... The displayed name in recent versions is simply "Marlin" (should be the first in the select list).

    Material profiles on the printer are only used with flavor "Ultimaker 2" (a.k.a. UltiGCode)

    • Like 1
  14. Is this the top side (on your picture), or the bottom of the part? It's hard to see, but to me it looks like the printed object came (partially) loose from the buildplate and the softened material was just dragged around a bit in this area. The visible surface seems to be not flat and a bit "smeary"?

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