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Everything posted by tinkergnome

  1. Follow the first rule on 3D-printing - take a seat and calm down a bit... Sounds like a very warping friendly geometry... something like a L-shape? You betrayed nothing about the printer, the printed material, heated bed (yes/no)? A good attempt can be to use a very large brim (20 lines or more) and mark the brim with blue tape after the first layer. Don't give up!
  2. I like your line of action... I did not dare to propose such a comparison... btw.: how often can one flash the firmware until the eeprom will break down..? (Edit: google suggests something between 10.000 and 100.000 times - no problem... ) Indeed there is a change in the current development version, daid commented this with "improve the material load/unload procedure". In previous versions the material move was splittet into 6 parts, and now it's only one single move. I assume, there are potentially unwanted side effects to acceleration / deceleration...? I will tentatively go back to the old variant for the planned RC7 release later this day. Look forward!
  3. Ok, i've seen the video now - it was just the Firefox that doesn't like it... That's the removal step, isn't it? I don't use the stock feeder but the https://www.youmagine.com/designs/alternative-um2-feeder-version-two - but i just have tried the material removal several times without this weird noise... so i assume it is not a general problem with the software. The material in the video seems to have a lot of tension, perhaps there is just too much friction in the bowden and you run into the limit of the motor current during the deceleration part of the move....? That's just a guess, i don't know how this sounds...
  4. No, it isn't... but if you have faith and don't doubt... Unfortuntately i can not find an obvious bug and the video seems not to be accessible from the gallery. Can someone give me a short explanation / steps to duplicate the problem? David recently changed a detail during the "fast forward" step - it may have something to do with it...? I just went to the kitchen TinkerCave, aborted the ongoing print* and inserted some new material... works and sounds normal for me... I guess - i am missing something? I think it's time to go to sleep... * the print failed anyway - d..n FlexiFil... :(
  5. mmmmh, i assume the fault is on my side... i never use the change filament wizard... i have to check this... i'll be right back...
  6. Ok ok - i've made a decision... ...and i found the "(zipped) .hex file is much easier this way. No giant steps, but it goes on: now we have french icons - still open for alternative suggestions The bargraph for the fan speed is a trade-off between rigs idea and the possible screen resolution... For the present i've rejected the idea of an animated fan icon - animations are looking too stupid until we can increase the screen resolution... (take me some time to accept this fact...) - if someone is able to design nice looking gif-style frames with this few pixels - we can give it another try... Now the fan icon just blinks a few times on every change of the fan speed. I think, it's ok for the moment. Inspired from norpchen (aka Selmo) the lights are dimmed after 30 minutes without any user activity and i have added the input acceleration feature during temperature selections in the maintenance menu (Heatup nozzle/buildplate) - let me know how you like it... Completely absent was a visualization of the "pause" mode (if you use the PauseAtZ-plugin) - i have supplemented this As always: if you like - try it out on your own risk... and give feedback. Greetings!
  7. You don't need a PC. Just use the included mobile full color hd graphics tablet (connected via wifi) with lots of apps that control every detail... (standard accessory). :wub: This would be really nice...
  8. Did you get it working? - Have you checked the print temperature in the "TUNE"-menu after the heatup stage? - And can you copy (and post) the first few lines of the .gcode file?
  9. encore une fois "Google-Translate": Je ne ai pas oublié.... Cela va prendre quelques jours - le "vrai" travail me attend demain aujourd'hui.. mais il ira...
  10. i have some favorites - but who wants to make a decision...? As far as i can see there are two possibilities: - i choose some like an autocrat... (just kidding...) - or we need a voting.... :cool: See you tomorrow!
  11. :) I'm the last person who would not agree to this.... So we have a plan? At first - i'm full of respect on the work of daid. Next, we (the community) should prove that we can do a proper and well tested implementation. Although such a pull request would be a big deal (compared to previous ones i have seen).... And keep in mind: after that - someone has to maintain it further... you know who are mean... I intend to keep this fork up to date with the "original" as long as possible - at worse (respectively at least) for myself... ...as always - it's a matter of spare time available, and of course i have a "real job" too... Sooner or later we will back at this point: I see... a vacancy...? Edit: i nearly forgot - a (kind of) permanent custom firmware version, maintained by the community is also an option - isn't it?
  12. I' ve made a copy for the display - just to get an impression...
  13. No trouble but kudos to the authors of profiles and bonus. Though i still see this problem if i use any plugin - do i something wrong? ;FLAVOR:UltiGCode ;TIME:<__TIME__> ;MATERIAL:<FILAMENT> ;MATERIAL2:<FILAMEN2> ...
  14. But, certainly 1. Download the Ardiuno 1.0.6 IDE like gr5 suggested. 2. Download the firmware sources from GitHub (select the suitable branch) 3. Edit the Configuration.h for your needs 4. compile and upload the .hex file I quote again:
  15. I've updated the version on GitHub. This one uses the icons and a "gizmo" for the material flow is added. A short explanation text is shown on the top line once an option is selected. But we still need some nice bitmaps for the icons... I don't like the fan too...perhaps because it is homemade by myself...? Is there an artist who can help out? The size is max. 7x7 pixel and only two possible colors... Suggestions are welcome... In addtion the bottom line is now used for M117 messages. After a timeout of 30 seconds the two menu options are replaced by the message (if present). Together with the right slicer (or plugin) something like this is possible (i used Cura with the ShowLayer plugin as an example): Thank's to Amedee for the idea. Other GCodeFlavors as "UltiGCode" should also work - but i have testet this only in the simulator. The compiled binaries are updated too (..../Marlin/resources/firmware). Try it for yourself, if you like - but on your own risk. Greetings!
  16. Contains the Kisslicer gcode M221 commands? This would override the manual setting... The only difference related to UltiGCode is the initialization at the beginning of a print. Using UltiGCode the "extrudemultiply" is intialized from the configured material setting, elsewise with 100%.
  17. Die Anleitung dafür ist ganz oben im Marlin-Forum zu finden - aber die kennst Du wahrscheinlich schon? Main links for Marlin firmware Für diese Fehlermeldung ist dieser Teil hier wichtig: ...allerdings beginnt die Zeile in der Arduino 1.0.6 Version jetzt ein bisschen anders: "ISR(TWI_vect)". Das ist aber sinngemäß das Gleiche geblieben. In der genannten Datei einfach ab Zeile 364 alles auskommentieren oder löschen, das ist alles. Ich kompiliere die aktuelle Firmware grade mehrmals täglich (bei Interesse: der Grund dafür ist hier zu finden). Klappt ohne Probleme... Prost Neujahr!
  18. I see.... this is your wishlist... BTW: Happy new year! Finally i got hold of some "retro" icons - but this is an annoying work, every single display variant seems to work differently from all others... Nevertheless i like the idea of some graphical improvements. One line for the flow rate, one for the temperature, and one for speed and fan...? Let's see - here are some possible layouts. At first for a single extruder config: The text variant or some cute little pictures instead... The similar variants for dual extruder configs would look like this: Mmhh - still many boring digits... What do you think? Edit: Additionally: what about using the bottom line for status messages - and showing the menu buttons only "on demand" (i.e. only after scrolling or clicking the wheel)?
  19. Ich hab meiner Glaskugel bis morgen frei gegeben - deswegen muss ich mal fragen....: - welcher Drucker? - welche Firmware (welche Version, wo heruntergeladen)? - Wortlaut der Fehlermeldung? Normalerweise sollte man keine Ordner verschieben müssen...? Bis dann!
  20. Yeah! Let's discuss the screen layout! There are always symbols for the temperature ? I shall take a look on it... Thanks for the hint. And keep in mind - in preparation for the second extruder - there will be a second flow value too. Damned - the display is always too small for all the tiny gizmos... I suggest to use the first line for the M117 messages - instead of the filename - or perhaps switchable...? The temperature values side by side in one line and below the same for the flow rate(s) could be a logical order... mmmhhhh let's see... I can make a few screenshots (out of daids simulator) afterwards. Till then...
  21. This way it's never boring.... As i always say: even on a short way one can get lost... This calls for a new iteration... ...next year... (hey - it comes sooner in our area) I'm off back to the tinkercave...
  22. Well testet - your're right - mea culpa... You get the "classic warning" - select CONTINUE and it goes on with the normal "old" printing screen - right? The implementation of the menu navigation is pretty simple but very "hard coded". I simply forgot this branch of the menu - until now. I have corrected this. Not tried Kisslicer but switched the GCodeFlavor in Cura to RepRap (voluminous) and it goes the right way now. The version on GitHub is updated. Bye till tomorrow!
  23. Maybe there is a correlation to the configured "Printer head size" in the machine settings....? Perhaps you can tweak these a bit? How much space is left between the print head (fan shroud) and the walls while printing the outer lines? Sorry - only more questions - no solutions...
  24. I'm not sure if i completely understand your intention, but if you're talking about the software part... In the Configuration.h of the Marlin firmware there are options for the direction of axes. For the UM2 it looks like this: #define INVERT_X_DIR true // for Mendel set to false, for Orca set to true #define INVERT_Y_DIR false // for Mendel set to true, for Orca set to false #define INVERT_Z_DIR true // for Mendel set to false, for Orca set to true #define INVERT_E0_DIR false // for direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false #define INVERT_E1_DIR true // for direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false #define INVERT_E2_DIR false // for direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false // ENDSTOP SETTINGS: // Sets direction of endstops when homing; 1=MAX, -1=MIN #define X_HOME_DIR -1 #define Y_HOME_DIR 1 #define Z_HOME_DIR 1 So perhaps the "INVERT_Z_DIR" does the trick?
  25. It seems to me, that it's working for you... :mrgreen: ...but please notice the subtle difference - i'm not a thinker - just a tiny tinkerer*... *(bricoler) The easy part is done. Now it's time for feedback and bug fixing improvements... Greetings!
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