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Everything posted by kmanstudios

  1. What is interesting is that the main framing device is actually a fractal. I just went in and popped in additional filigree to, well, make it more busy, I guess.....
  2. So, here is the Bottom fresh from the printing part. It is in the freezer to come off the glass right now, so this is the best I can provide at this time. And with the Top on. It is supposed to be a fancy schmancy candy bowl. But it can really be any receptacle of sorts.... I am going to try this again with all Fillamentum's extrafill. The dark part is extrafill and I have extrafill gold happens. I am not please with the way the Elixir printed in the gold.
  3. And, further with Cura Disconnect: Print was removed. Stupid lights flashing at me giving me a headache and it is telling me to clear the buildplate AND that it needs an override. Yeah, I went to the browser because I wanted to be able to read it all. But, instead, I got this.
  4. Apparently there is some sort of limit on loading saved project files by way of file size. I can load a series of individual objects.Merge, perform all operations, slice, send to cura connect, save, et al, but it will not load the resulting file if it is above about 150MB. So, ops ok. Saving ok. Reloading file is a no go. Says to bring in project or import models. Just sits there for a while once it hangs a bit in a seeming load, but does not actually load. THEN when I reimport the models from the original STL files, it give me the actual project file name.
  5. No sceptre, but it is orbish. 23 hours and 16 minutes, it will be finished...provided it has no issues....*sigh* And cof course, have to remove the supports. Well, of course they vary! That is why a forensic scientist can tell just by looking at a skull the race and gender of the individual :) And, then you get into all the weird things on an individual basis..... We be a varied lot of folks indeed.
  6. Ooooo, getting closer!!! Edit: It actually is the top of a two part object, so, maybe not closer, but dead on. ?
  7. Oh, I dunno...you would think that cleaning the fans and keeping them running well would be an early learning experience. But, thanks for the kind words :)
  8. prepare tab. I had checked a model to see where my hollow was to put in weights. So it was sliced and in layer view. Tht is why it stayed open for so long. To gauge when to drop in weights.
  9. Here is a more dramatic example: First opened: But, after about two hours of leaving it open and not doing anything else.
  10. Ok...this is where to post on this.....I could not find it. I have been battling tech for three days now. Between Win 10 and silly printer things, I lost this thread. This is where I can post from now on.
  11. Noperz, not a sword handle. Interesting thought though........
  12. Ok, so I have been fighting with my beloved UM3E. It just finished a really nice print the other day (Wednesday, and would not start of new print properly to save my life. I mean, I checked everything I knew to check. Sorta...turns out I overlooked something whilst fighting with the printer. Now, keep in mind, this was not a gradual decline. But literally from one print to the next. It. Just. Would. NOT. Lay.Down.....A PROPER FRIGGIN' FIRST LAYER!! AAAuuuugggghhhhhh!!!! OK. Now, with all the grinding and such that it was doing, I purchased new Bowden tubes. I also cleaned, and recleaned my feeder (it is a one colour job, so not involving the dreaded PVA), put in a new nozzle, changed buildplates, did a few manual levels, etc. I also considered that it could have been related to the change in environment. It finally got cool enough and dry enough to open the doors to my apartment and let it get some fresh air. It did cool enough that first night that I thought it may have hardened the filament enough to creat an issue with it unspooling and going through the bowden tubes easily. It was stiffer, but not so much as it came about. Turns out all of that was just serendipity. One must remember that correlation does not equal causation. Tonight, I finally found the issue. And, dummy me, I had made this observation before, in a sort of way with the S5. It all has to do with heat distribution inside the printhead. Tonight, I noticed the danged fan was not running. So, I cleaned it out and got it running again. Suddenly, no grinding, no bad first layers, Nothing amiss. What I noticed is that when I would pull out the filament to clear the grinded areas, it was bent at the nozzle. This puzzled me, as a great many things do. But once I got the fan running, it all made sense. Without the fan running, it was letting heat creep up the nozzle top. I dunno the proper nomenclature here, I just kinda feel my way through these things. But as it would creep up, it would soften the filament way to high up the nozzle and would not let it be pushed into the hotend. This is why it would start out ok and then putter out quickly during the brim and first layer. The fans do more than cool the filament when depositing material. They keep a healthy ecosystem inside the printhead by allowing the areas that need to be cooled, stay cool and, the areas that need immediate cooling, around the nozzle tip to be cooled as well. But is also allows the hotend to keep the heat in the area that needs it. Suddenly the clouds part, a choir of printing angels filled my head and I have a wonderful, wonderful first layer going down. Now for the bowden tubes. These bowden tubes are nearly 2 years old, and with all the grinding and such, I am sure they have taken a beating interiorly (And not just this week), so, I have no regrets about getting a new set for each printer. But, sigh...it is always the simple things. That and I have been in major design mode lately and just printing and storing. I have so many prints backlogged it is crazy. But, I got too focused on one part of the printing experience and kinda let a few things slide. Sometimes, the ol' if it ain't broke, don't fix it' thing is just an illusion. It was breaking and when it went, it went in a very tangible way. So,: DO NOT BE ME!! CLEAN YOUR MACHINES....duhhhhhhhhh
  13. And they are much stronger than the Elixir filaments. But, they both serve a purpose as well as have nice features that play well together. I have several spools of the extrafill myself.
  14. The gold is the Elixir filament. The dark is Fillamentum Extrafill Vertigo Starlight.
  15. Nothing so grand....sorry... ? My tech issues were none of my doing this time. A lot of it was Win 10 creating issues. Hate Win 10. Aside from shove it down your throat upgrades (which by the way, erased peoples files this month), it actually gives me a series of blue screen of death and corrupts its own registries. I fought with that and a few things with the printers (UM3E), but those wound up being age related. So, new bowden tubes and such. Ordered super slippery ones from @gr5's store. But, things are printing for the time (waiting on the bowden tubes to arrive tomorrow...Danged fast there @gr5!) and hoping no further issues till then.
  16. All are on the path of some sort or another. It was born of the Christmas baubles, but it is not a full semi sphere. Part two will be done on Sunday afternoon, provided all goes well. Tech has not been good to me this week. So, here are fingers crossed ?
  17. So, what can this be? And, not....it is not some sort of Kaiser Hat.....
  18. I have faith. ? If I can do it, I am pretty sure you can as well. Just follow Da Clumsy Noob's main rule when dealing with hardware....take your time. It is not a race and you will learn a lot about your printer as you go along.
  19. It is nice. and, it makes me a bit hopeful that something will get ported to the UM3 series soon. It is a very, very useful part of the equation. It has spoilt me a tad.....
  20. Yeah, I got bit once too often with the Friday afternoon issue popping up as well as holiday delays.
  21. I am a firm believer in spares just because of Murphy's law. Spares of the most idiotic to the most expected, in all parts of my career, have been a saving grace.
  22. I expect a growth of 3 - 4 times the size of the file.....not aprox. 10 times the file size. But even that growth is higher when still in use. No worries...I figured this would be helpful. I can provide a link to the files in question if need be for exact comparison.
  23. I am not running the cam or any other thing but Cura and Cura Connect. System is i7-770K 4.2 Ghz 32GB Ram Nvidia GForce GTX 1080 Win 10 ? Just opening Cura Just sitting there, growing little by little And growing Loading first file: file size 59,553 kb Just doing file settings During slice Finished slicing After sending file to Cura Connect Load second file: File size 48,262 kb Second file sliced After closing and reopening So, when using, it grows and grows. Even loading files that are not that large, it will jump astronomically comparative to the file loaded. Slicing I expect it to use resources as shown and not so bad. But it will continue to grow if it just sits there and will not return to original file usage, even on restart. It may be minimal, but it will keep creeping up if doing a lot of work. And, if you do not close it, it will keep getting really large. Maybe not a memory leak in strictest of terms, but it does not release its usage of resources fully and during ops, it will get really large and just start conflicting with all sorts of things left and right as it just consumes resources. It appears to, but it gains back that usage very quickly from this point on. Sorta like this guy:
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