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Everything posted by kmanstudios

  1. That is a reach. Did I say children? Hah! Musta hit a nerve there dude or, dudette.... Printer Profile. You know, the thing that tells Cura how to interface with the printers. Your original post did not say Steel. It said steal. And, unless your printer is actually made of steel, I think 'steal' is the appropriate term. Say whut? Happy to oblige? Say, did you hear about the person who bought a cheap printer and got pissed off because his manufacturer was too cheap to take time to write a simple printer profile and then blamed the manufacturer of another printer? Exactly, their job is not to do someone else's work for them.
  2. Why are the Chinese developers not writing a simple profile? Also, I just gotta laugh at this line, "Chinese saying that they have driven the development of steal..." That seems to say a lot when you get down to it.
  3. That is the difference between copyrights and patents. Edit: Oh yeah, patents can be just as convoluted.
  4. One of the things I do when I get that error is to check the spool first to see if it comes off the spool with no force....an easy pull. If that is the case, I then pull the filament through the bowden tube at the nozzle end. To do this, pull off the Collette ring and press down to release the bowden tube and pull the tube out of the nozzle. Release the filament lock and pull on the filament at the nozzle end. This will let you see if there is any friction in the tube that prevents it from being fed easily. Usually, I will find a grind in the filament if it got temporarily stuck, as @Smithy mentioned. This grinding will create ridges in the filament and that creates friction. And, depending on the filament used, you then may have 'dust' build up in the bowden tube. Some filaments are just really easy to cut loose and build up the particles in the bowden tube. This can also be an issue no matter what filament you use if it has grinded a bit. If it pulls easily, then at least that did not happen. But, also look in the tube to see if there are dust particles in there. And, as mentioned above, the PVA can actually 'noodle up' in the feeder and that will cause it to stop. While it is a bit of an oversight for the software to not tell you what filament is the issue, you can see it in the nozzle position. If you are using two extruders then when the swing arm that actuates the position of extruder 2 is facing to the back of the machine, it is activated and that is the filament to check. If the swing arm is pointing to the front of the machine, it is extruder 1 that is having an issue. Edit: Oh yeah, check to make sure your fan is working as well as that can cause an issue with the filament just getting heat creep into the nozzle thereby plugging up the nozzle. That drove me nuts until I realize the fan was not running. Once I got it running again (basic cleaning and pulling fine filament strays out) it worked as expected.
  5. Thank you for understanding. I would venture that things are not fully read and understood. There seems to be a very limited scope in many replies. But a start up on a limited budget would not be able to afford both and would want to use the CC core as a large bore nozzle for more than just abrasive materials.
  6. Yes, I understand that, but it does not answer why there would be no 'regular' profiles for it. As I said, if someone is looking to buy a large bore nozzle, they would want to be able to print something other than an abrasive material with it.
  7. Well, until we get something definitive other than "We don't make profiles for it." we will never know, yes? So, I do not gget into the maybes of the issue. I just look at what it replied and question it if it makes no sense to me.
  8. That seems odd. If people are going to buy the CC Red, it seems they would want to use it for more than just a few select materials. Not everybody has a 0.8 core and would be looking to buy the CC Red to hit two things at once: Abrasive materials and large bore prints with other materials.
  9. Here is an odd thing: As I was poking around and setting up a 0.8 core print I noticed the CC red is there. So I checked it out. It apparently is only "compatible" with certain materials, but not things like PLA, etc. Ummmm, why?
  10. And more seird stuff: I named a file when saving and go to open it in the recent files: And I get this, a double printer name: I go to load it from the regular menu: And get this: So, I tire of fighting the name crap and go ahead and put my model together, merge it with all the parts getting their own settings and position it: Then I notice an issue and reload the files and the entire model jumps around. Which negates any careful positioning and, this is new behaviour. Even if I do nothing and just hit reload models, it will do the same thing.
  11. It ios. But, black sheep aside, the site should do a better job of curating things. One of these days someone will see their stuff and come down hard on them for being the sellers, of which they profit from.
  12. Have you looked at cura? There is a place on the right hand side that says support. Click on it to generate support.
  13. CG Trader has some purloined models that are being sold. Some are taking real world objects, getting them scanned and then passing them off as their creation. And then there is the copyright issue of mass selling of major characters.
  14. On 3.6 beta, my shadow, that lets me see the perimeters of objects, keeps disappearing if I move use any transform on the objects. If I key in a value, it comes back, but will disappear about 90% of the time making it difficult to precisely put my object in the buildplate.
  15. That is actually a great suggestion.
  16. Ahhhh, ok...anet and abs take me out of the equation. But it will give others a good foundation of what you will require with help ? Sorry I could not be any help with this. It will definitely need support though with the model you describe though. Just to get a base line, try the defaults with support and temps and such. Give it a whirl. Nothing like diving into the deep end of the pool. ?
  17. That would be the most open ended question I think I have ever seen. It would be nice if you actually provided information such as: What printer? What filament is your choice? Single or dual extrusion? What size? Solid or hollow body? What slicer are you using? Otherwise I will put on my "Carnac the Magnificent" hat and say: "Print it well."
  18. So, I go to load material with the new firmware and a new AA core. It tells me that the X/Y calibration needs to be done. And then the lights start pulsing. Why because this thing is a real nag when it comes to the material options. When I am in an operation such as changing materials, or nozzle calibration or just sitting there whilst preparing a new print, it just starts nagging, nagging, nagging and giving me headaches because of the pulsing lights. This alone is enough to make me want to stop using Cura Connect. If I am in an operation such as cleaning nozzles, calibrating offsets, etc., it should not be nagging me. If I hit the ok button and go to do work, it should not come back on and nag me. Or, do you think once is not enough? The pulsing lights bug me badly. That and putting the printer in unavailable mode just turns the lights off making life difficult when trying to do maintenance None of this makes sense. And really, just because someone decided to make it so, and without options for the user is really not an excuse. The pulsing lights really cause issues with my eyes. The lack of lights when trying to do maintenance is really illogical. Lack of options for the users is even more so. But seriously, when I hit the damned button to agree to change materials, it should not keep coming back on me. Or, does Team UM think I would not notice when I go to print from the queue and it is telling me to change or override?
  19. It is. I tried. It failed. I just recycle the bits for a few things. PVA for slurry. Other materials for cleaning out the nozzles.
  20. The bubbles are humidity in the PVA. The cooking is not always visible, but the bubbles are a dead giveaway. And you may need to do a series of hot and cold pulls to clear out the nozzle. I am surprised you do not see charring on the outside of the nozzle, but probably is on the inside causing it to build up and clog the passage through the nozzle. PVA is very, very hygroscopic. It can gain enough moisture in just a few hours of print even if dried out. Depends on your environment. Once it starts to get squirrely, it goes very quickly. If you do not have a dehumidifier to dry out the filament, putting it in the printer, with the bed temp about 50C for a few hours will help to dry it out. The sky is blue because the atmosphere scatters the blue spectrum during the day when the distance through the atmosphere is at its thinnest. The other colours are passing through more efficiently. During the sunset, when the line of light traveling through the atmosphere is its thickest, the blue spectrum is scattered out before it reaches you and leaves only the reds and yellows to be seen.
  21. It is not required. I just found it be a huge waste of time and materials when I used it. They did make a lot of changes about the time I stopped using it with the start print temp and end print temp and a few other things. Oddly, when I stopped using it, I stopped getting strings of PVA stuck inside my other material. Probably because it was at temp and oozing when using the priming tower whilst traveling from tower to model.
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