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Everything posted by MariMakes

  1. @Dadkitess, Thanks for the explanation, I recognize the format now. I'll bring it up to the team to see if that is something we want to include in our offering. @pbdroid We've been receiving reports internally as well. It seems to be related to some code style changes in the profiles. One of our Developers took a look and seems to have resolved it here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/pull/14891 Since we plan to release a 5.3.1 with the correct translations, we plan to include this fix as well. Apologies for the inconvenience.
  2. Hey @Geckoas, I discussed your Pause at Layerheight observation with the team. They confirmed that it's been like this for a while (coders like to start at 0 instead of 1) They plan to update the description in the tooltip to clear up some of the confusion. Hey @Dadkitess, Can you please elaborate, on what you mean by a Portable Version of Cura? We offer the following builds - .dmg for Mac - .pkg for Mac - .exe for Windows - .msi for Windows - linux-modern.AppImage + linux-modern.AppImage.asc for Linux - linux.AppImage + linux.AppImage.asc for Linux
  3. Hey @ELDANS, The different #s in your imported profiles might cause the same bug to trigger. It helps if we have the correct files to troubleshoot. Do you have a project file for us? It contains the printer and settings we need for troubleshooting. To save a project file go to File -> Save project.
  4. Hey @JighIV, I noticed that displaying information on your LCD needs to be supported with your printer's firmware. You can test this by manually adding an M117 into your gcode. You can find more information about it here: https://marlinfw.org/docs/gcode/M117.html Good luck!
  5. Hey @DittmannCz, I split off your part of the discussion because I think it's a separate issue. But I do think it's related to the variable line width engine. It might be as simple as unchecking the print thin walls setting. Do you have a project file for us? It contains the printer and settings we need for troubleshooting. To save a project file go to File -> Save project.
  6. Awesome! Glad to hear you are not stuck anymore. Happy printing!
  7. Hey @3DCoxie, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 Sorry to hear you are stuck 😖 I have a couple of questions to narrow it down. Do you have multiple monitors? Does Cura start if you disable one of the monitors? Do you have two monitors placed above each other? Can you try this workaround from the community? https://community.ultimaker.com/topic/42633-cura-522-stopped-working/#comment-318105 Do you have GPU Tweak OSD overlay enabled? Does Cura start if you disable that software? Do you have a Ryzen Graphics card? Can you try this workaround? https://support.makerbot.com/s/article/1667412437627 Do you have the Nahimic audio enhancement service enabled? Can you try this workaround? https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/12102#issuecomment-1157907665
  8. Hey @125skz, Are you still stuck? Sorry, it took us a while to get back to you 😞 You are correct that Cura 5.2 supports Mac OSX 11 Big Sur or higher. This is because the tools that we use to create Cura builds no longer support these versions of Mac OSx. We do have a known issue with multiple monitors. I have a couple of questions that might help to narrow it down. Do you have multiple monitors? Does Cura start if you disable one of the monitors? Do you have two monitors placed above each other? Can you try this workaround from the community? https://community.ultimaker.com/topic/42633-cura-522-stopped-working/#comment-318105 Do you have GPU Tweak OSD overlay enabled? Does Cura start if you disable that software? Do you have a Ryzen Graphics card? Can you try this workaround? https://support.makerbot.com/s/article/1667412437627 Do you have the Nahimic audio enhancement service enabled? Can you try this workaround? https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/12102#issuecomment-1157907665
  9. Hey @Cosplay101, Could it be that this post is a duplicate of your post on March 1st? If it's not the case, do you have a picture of your problem? Do you have a project file for us? It contains the printer and settings we need for troubleshooting. To save a project file go to File -> Save project.
  10. Hey @drivinggun, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 Sorry, it took us a while to get back to you 😞 Are you still stuck? I reread your question 3 times and I still haven't figured out what your problem is. Do you perhaps have a movie about what is going wrong? Do you have a project file for us? It contains the printer and settings we need for troubleshooting. To save a project file go to File -> Save project.
  11. Hey @uneasymusic, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 Sorry, it took us a while to get back to you 😞 I don't have a lot of experience with IDEX printers, so I'm not sure I can help you with those details. I can tell you what the tooltips are for these settings: Nozzle Switch Retraction Distance The amount of retraction when switching extruders. Set to 0 for no retraction at all. This should generally be the same as the length of the heat zone. Nozzle Switch Prime Speed The speed at which the filament is pushed back after a nozzle switch retraction Nozzle Switch Extra Prime Amount Extra material to prime after nozzle switching The Cura Settings Guide has a more elaborate explanation of the different settings: You can download it from the marketplace here to see for yourself https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide2 Again, I don't know much about IDEX printers but in Cura 5.3 we introduced Per Object Retraction settings. Maybe they can be helpful to you.
  12. Hey @GG_Misti, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 Sorry, it took us a while to get back to you 😞 To me, this looks like a bad combination of a printjob that's too hot and unfortunate wall ordering. Did you try printing a temperature tower and a cooling tower to determine the correct settings for your printer and material? You can find the calibration shapes in this plugin: https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/5axes/CalibrationShapes If that doesn't help, do you have a project file for us? It contains the printer and settings we need for troubleshooting. To save a project file go to File -> Save project.
  13. Hey @Cosplay101, I'm seeing a lot of retracted moves, those are the light blue ones. Unretracted moves are dark blue. So this print looks quite okay to me. Can you help me understand what you are trying to do? Do you want less travel moves? Or do you want to speed up your print? Do you have artifacts on your surface that you want to reduce? What do they look like?
  14. Hey @ELDANS, Your issue reminds me of this report we've gotten on Github: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/14728 Could it be that you are running into the same thing? Do you have custom printers with #s in the file names?
  15. Hey @shechtl, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 Chromebooks are officially not yet supported by Cura. You can read more about the compatible Operating Systems here: https://support.makerbot.com/s/article/1667337917781 We do have a part of the community that has worked together to have the Linux version of Cura run on Chromebooks. You can read more about it here.
  16. Hey @Aardwolf_Productions, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 Sorry, it took us a while to get back to you 😞 Are you still stuck? Supports should only be showing up in Preview mode. It's the middle one of the three buttons at the top. If that's not it we might need some more information from you, like your Cura Version. Do you have a project file for us? It contains the printer and settings we need for troubleshooting. To save a project file go to File -> Save project.
  17. Hey @NGB5219, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 I hear that Pause At Layerheight in the post-processing script is usually the way to go. Did you select the correct settings in that field, there are some confusing settings in that menu. Do you have a project file for us? It contains the printer and settings we need for troubleshooting. To save a project file go to File -> Save project.
  18. Hey @HighFreq71, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 Your request reminds me of this feature request we have on our Github. https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/11590 One of our community members has made a Fork of Cura that has functionality that tapers the flow at the first and last spiralized layers. It can also modulate the spiralized wall width if you have a suitable model. Is that what you are looking for? You can read more about it, and how to get that special version of Cura on the Github.
  19. Bonjour @Hsr, Je m'excuse, je ne parle pas français mais je pense que je peux vous aider. Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 We can help you better if you provide a picture, screenshot, or your project file. Do you have a different description of courches? Is it similar to layers? Could it be that you have a post processing script that is pausing at a layerheight? Are you printing in TPU and do you have your filament flow sensor on? Do you have a project file for us? It contains the printer and settings we need for troubleshooting. To save a project file go to File -> Save project.
  20. Hey @hendeliao, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 Honestly, Cura is not built to alter meshes in this way, that's what CAD software is for. But if you change your mesh modifier to a cutting mesh with these settings, you can print something like this. Which can be removed as easily as support... I think. If you want support to behave very specifically, I would create the mesh and assign it to be printed as support. There are also plugins like this Cylindric Custom Support which can really help you build the support you need. Was this the type of tips you were looking for?
  21. Hey @ClausJ, There are a lot of settings that you can tune to improve your support. Can you share a picture of what kind of improvement you are looking for? There are a number of settings you can tune: -If it's large bulk of ZigZag support you can consider using Break Up Support in Chunks -If your support is too close to the model you can tune settings like Support X/Y or Z distance -If the top of your support is messy you can also consider changing Support Interface settings. -If you have trouble gripping your support with pliers you can consider reducing the Support Wall Line Count -If the footprint of your support is too big, you can Enable Conical Support -If you have super organic shapes you can use tree support instead, and if you have already tried that, you can try the new tree support released over Christmas here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/releases/tag/5.3.0-alpha%2Bxma I hope this at least get you in the correct direction. Do you have a project file for us? It contains the printer and settings we need for troubleshooting. To save a project file go to File -> Save project.
  22. Hey @Al_Capwn, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 There are a number of settings that you can tune to help with your situation. Have you taken a look at any of the following settings? - Skin Edge Support Layers, are extra infill but only in the top most layers to help with a low infill percentage - Bridge Skin Support Threshold, will help with determining which parts of your model is printed as a bridge, improving your tuning options because than you can define Bridge Skin Speed - Infill Layer Thickness, really depends on your printjob, but will help you skip a number of layers where infill needs to be printed, it just prints thicker infill. - Infill Travel Optimization, will help with finding the most efficient way to print infill - Lightning Infill Pattern, one of the fastest infill patterns around, I use it often to speed up my printjob. - Shortest Zseam Alignment, This option simply minimises the length of travel moves leading towards the seam, making no effort to place it anywhere in particular. Because the travel path is shorter, you'll save a small measure of time on travel moves. Is this the kind of information you are looking for?
  23. Hey @AlteriusOmega, Are you sure you are on Cura 4.12.1? That version is from October 2022. There have been a lot of improvements made since that release. We have a number of settings that "turn off" when you set the value to 0. There are a lot of cases where that's beneficial because "cool" often means room temperature, and that varies depending on your country and the season. I wouldn't be surprised if that's also the case for this setting. It's unfortunate your printer interprets that as 70 degrees, other firmware versions chose to ignore it. Is setting the value to 1 instead, a better solution in your case? Or should matching your room temperature be a better solution? Hope this helps 👍
  24. Hey @Hirschi, ntschuldigung, dass es nicht auf Deutsch ist, aber das könnte helfen. Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 It's a bit hard to troubleshoot your problem without a picture or a file. If you want to change the order in which your walls are printed, it's more common to change the Wall Ordering or the Layer Start X and Layer Start Y. You can also go more extreme and change the combing settings. Do you have a project file for us? It contains the printer and settings we need for troubleshooting. To save a project file go to File -> Save project.
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