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Everything posted by MariMakes

  1. Hey @cheuschober, Your ribbing seems to happen at quite regular intervals. Could there be something with your Z spindle?
  2. Hey @Sindrg, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 You can use mesh modifiers for this. You can read more about it here.
  3. Hey @LuluLettie, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 Sorry to hear you are stuck😞 Do you have a screenshot of the error you are seeing?
  4. Hey @didididididid, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 The Flsun V400 has been added to Cura earlier this month and can be expected to be available in the next version of Cura. https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/blob/main/resources/definitions/fdmprinter.def.json A little birdy told me that the beta will be released pretty soon so you don't have to wait long 😉
  5. Update! A new version of the firmware became available today that has a fix for this. 🎉 You can check your printer or you can download the latest version of the firmware here.
  6. Update! A new version of the firmware became available today that has a fix for this. 🎉 You can check your printer or you can download the latest version of the firmware here.
  7. Update! A new version of the firmware became available today that has a fix for this. 🎉 You can check your printer or you can download the latest version of the firmware here.
  8. Hey @mbliesner, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 It doesn't look like a bug to me, it looks like expected behavior. If you install the Printjob Naming Plug-in you can have the following things automatically added to your machine prefix. {printer_name}, {printer_name_full}, {printer_type}, {printer_type_full}, {layer_height}, {machine_nozzle_size}, {infill_sparse_density}, {speed_print}, {material_flow}, {profile_name}, {profile_name_full}, {material_name}, {material_name_full}, {material_type}, {material_type_full}, {material_weight}, {print_time_hours}, {print_time_minutes}, {date_iso}, {date_year}, {date_month}, {date_day}, {time_iso}, {time_hour}, {time_minutes} You can download it here: https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/fieldofview/CustomJobPrefix Is that the type of information you are looking for?
  9. Hey @Toshiki, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 It does look like there is something happening with your zseam. Have you thought about having a user-defined z-seam or shortest z-seam? Do you have a project file for us? It contains the printer and settings we need for troubleshooting. To save a project file go to File -> Save project.
  10. Hey @Link, I'll make sure that your feedback ends up on the correct desk. 👍 Reading through your motivation I realized that a number of these data points can be extracted via the printer API. Are you aware of its existence? You can see a real-time temperature graph of your printjob, if you add /info/temperature.html behind your printer's IP address. You can ask things like how many percent of your printjob elapsed by adding /api/v1/print_job/time_elapsed behind your printer's IP. You can read more about the available printer APIs here: https://support.makerbot.com/s/article/1667412427787 Regardless, I will share your feedback with management. Thanks 👍
  11. Hey @dnordenberg, I took a look at your file. I would change these three settings to prevent the curling behavior. - Bottom skin expand distance, to prevent the drops of yellow skin deposits in the sensitive area - Infill Pattern, to reduce the amount of infill needed to print, decreasing the time that it takes to close the bridge Have you taken a look at the bridging settings? They might help you out here as well if you decrease the support angle. Oh! And I also found the Z Hop Height in the per-object settings will be shipped with the Cura 5.3 Beta. So keep your eyes peeled for the next update. Mari_CCR10SPRO_skydd5 ASA.3mf
  12. Ah, I checked the suggested settings for ABS Extrafil Grey, but the temperature range is quite big. I agree with @43915 that you probably need to increase the temperature. If you intend to print with this material a lot it's good to figure out the correct buildplate temperature. This is the test that we do to learn the buildplate temperature. 1. Print this file UMS7_buildplate_adhesion.3mf 2. Check the following things The models' bottom side is flat There is no elephants foot. The model comes loose from the build plate after the bed cooled down. 3. Increase the builplate temperature in case it doesn't stick and is not flat, decrease it if the elephant foot is too big. You can also alter the initial layer speed between 10-30 mm/s if the temperature changes are not helping. Good luck!
  13. Hey @Jhawk6553, You are right that it really depends on your situation. 🤔 In my experience, the Wall Transitioning Threshold Angle leaves most gaps as a gap. But that's super specific per design. Do you have a project file for us? It contains the printer and settings we need for troubleshooting. To save a project file go to File -> Save project.
  14. Hey @Link, Unfortunately, we are not in charge of prioritizing things getting picked up. But... we can help make your case to the people in charge. Can you help us understand the following: 1. Can you describe a clear and concise description of what is solved by showing the layer height on screen? 2. Can you give a clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered? If possible, think about why these alternatives are not working out. 3. Can you describe who you think will benefit from this? Is everyone going to benefit from these changes? Or specific kinds of users?
  15. Yesss Awesome! The temperature looks better now as well. 🤩 There is a plugin called Calibration shapes, you can find it here https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/5axes/CalibrationShapes You can try the following tests to find the right settings for your printer and material combination. - Retract Tower - Retract Test part I linked the instructions explaining how they work. Good luck!
  16. Hey @Fnor, I discussed your issue and we have two more solution directions for you. Have you considered working with: A. Mesh modifiers? You can read more about them here: https://support.makerbot.com/s/article/1667417981430 B. Ironing? I believe ironing only applies to the topmost layer and I believe it can be done with a different extruder. C. The Cura fork from SmartAvionics has a number of slightly different settings there might be one that you are looking for https://github.com/smartavionics/Cura Let us know if there is anything else we can help with.
  17. Hey @D1sc1pleDan, I discussed your issue. There is also a chance that something might have gone corrupted in your configuration file. Perhaps this plug-in can help with removing corrupted files. https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/fieldofview/StartOptimiser Or... If you don't mind starting over you can perform the clean install steps here: https://support.makerbot.com/s/article/1667337561461
  18. Hey @D1sc1pleDan, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 That's odd, I've never heard of that before. 🤔 Could there be something wrong with your configuration folder, that's the place where Cura remembers your printers. You can find it by : Go to Help at the top bar of Cura Select Show Configuration Folder I'll bring it up to the team to see what they can do to help. Fingers crossed 🤞 In the meantime, have you considered using a back-up? You can find it under Extensions | Cura Backups | Manage Back-ups. That restores your configuration folder so both your printers and your profiles.
  19. Hey @kayakbabe, Are you referring to Zoom Towards Mouse Direction? That's a setting that lives in General Preferences that you see when you Configure Cura because it has to do with how you interact with Cura. Or are you referring to settings visibility? Because those are different depending on the type of printjob you are trying to print and the intent of your printjob. I'm sorry to hear you lost your preferences. If you are worried it happens again you can make a backup of your settings in Cura. You can find it under Extensions | Cura Back-ups | Manage Back-ups. Hope this helps 😇
  20. Hey @Mcudnic, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 I also really like the Print Thin Walls setting! 🤩 With the introduction of the Variable Line Width Engine in Cura 5.0 and higher, it's actually disabled by Default. You can learn more about these changes and the way it makes it easier to print tiny details here: https://ultimaker.com/learn/ultimaker-cura-5-0-stable-release If you want to learn more about the settings that were introduced here: https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/4792077687068 Long story short, if you can, I would definitely upgrade your Cura to the latest version. You can download it here: https://ultimaker.com/software/ultimaker-cura
  21. Hey @GloucesterLad, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 We have the setting available. It's just called slightly different from Vase Mode. It's called Spiralize Outer Contour Good luck with your vase prints! ⚱️
  22. Hey @dnordenberg, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 Adding settings is also outside of my field of expertise, don't worry 😉 Have you considered working with Mesh Modifiers? You can use them to only affect settings for part of a print. Not all settings can be altered like that but Print Speed is one of them: You can read more about them here Is there a specific model you need help with? Do you have a project file for us? It contains the printer and settings we need for troubleshooting. To save a project file go to File -> Save project.
  23. Hey @Pad_Bol Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 This is not really something I can help you with. I know very little about connecting Cura to an Ender. Would this workaround for USB printing on Macs help you?
  24. Hey @BastelWastel, I believe that happens because you already have a known printer with this name or config in your Cura. There are some ways to resolve it, but if you are not careful you might break your config and you will be prompted to reset your settings and profiles. So before trying anything I suggest creating a backup first. You can find it under Extensions | Cura Backups | Manage Backups Before changing anything drastically, can you double-check if you can delete one of the two printers from your Manage Printer Preferences page? Or at least rename them by clicking the Hamburger under the Add New?
  25. Hey @Fnor, Welcome to the Ultimaker Community 🎉 This. Is. Amazing. 🤩 This is very much outside of my field of expertise. The only thing that comes to mind is Skin Edge Support Layers, but that's not really what you need. If you want an easier way to search the available settings, this is usually the file I use. I'll bring it up to the team to see what they can do to help you. Fingers crossed 🤞
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