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Everything posted by knownchild

  1. I am wondering if this feature will be added to Cura? It is the only reason i use PrusaSlicer.
  2. I am also hoping this is added to Cura, it is the only reason i use PrusaSlicer
  3. that sucks, IDEX is really nice. I suppose i could make a custom machine with 1 extruder and same bed size info use the feature and the idex will figure out the rest. Ill test
  4. I have disabled make overhangs printable and enabled it in mesh with support blocker, just like you said and vice versa.
  5. How can i set a model to only have the bottom half or any part of the model to use the make overhang printable feature? I want only certain portions to have this feature and the other parts to be left alone. In the picture i have circled the part i don't want changed by feature. It would be nice if there was a feature like support blockers for "make overhangs printable" feature.
  6. Yes i know where the setting is, i am wondering why it is disabled with dual extruders, technically this setting should work fine with dual extruders in duplication or mirror mode.
  7. Prusa is better for this, Mesh mixer works, but it is tedious
  8. I can print duplicate and mirror mode on an iDEX printer I would like to use the "one at a time" mode with my idex printer. Printer is a JG maker artist d. I do not see the one at a time mode in cura for the profile I setup
  9. I did more testing as my results varied print to print. Seems it's purely an issue with my voxeLab Aquila machines specifically. And the ender three likes m25 instead of m0. I'm thinking the voxelab's have a z height stepper issue that only shows itself at taller heights. I printed very short small objects for testing but when I switched to taller objects the pause issues shows itself a lot more. I know it's with the machine itself because it does it even if I do a manual pause and continue.
  10. Okay so i did some further testing, seems like its the firmware on the machines causing the issue. Ender 3 stock firmware doesn't like M0 command, but likes M25. Stock voxelab aquila likes m0 and m25 Custom firmware for these machines seems to be causing the height issue i was having with the pause. I have reverted back to stock firmware. JG maker artist d works with pause as well. Super frustrating as i have messed up a good bit of prints figuring all this out.
  11. Correction it was two layer heights, i have uploaded the example Gcode files Modified.gcode NotModified.gcode
  12. I am using layer number with no zhop and no adaptive layers. I looked at the g code it makes and if you pause at a layer let's say layer number 12 which is 3 mm it will resume at 3 mm + a layer number. So for instance my layer height is 0.25 if I pause at 3 mm with layer numbers it will resume one full layer above the print. After manually adjusting this code to resume at the correct height it resumes fine. Whoever coded these pauses made a mistake as it resumes one full layer height above where it should. I am using two voxeLab aguila's, one ender three V2 and a JG maker artist d.
  13. When using the latest Cura 4.13.0 and i have tried the revision before that, it resumes at the wrong Z level, like it's printing a layer above where it should be and doesn't touch the part just oozes out above it. Does this on every model. Using Ender 3 v2 and Voxelab aquila's
  14. I get this all the time, its not the model its Cura, i have the same issue and if i change to the stock profiles it doesnt have the issue, if i switch to my custom profile the problem exists. If i change a stock profile to the same exact settings the problem doesn't exist, same issue for items that are max height not wanting to slice... Its a profile issue.
  15. I fixed this by making the same exact profile new in cura and it works...
  16. Your wall line width must be the same width as the thin wall you need to print and print thin walls must be on.
  17. I have edited my supports profile so that it's perfect and falls off perfect but when I switched to carbon fiber polycarbonate everything else prints fine but my supports are all messed up like they're under extruding. Does anybody have any suggestions on my supports?
  18. When I print something that I slice and cura it has a pattern in the layer lines like in the picture attached. I am wondering how I remove these lines?
  19. It tried that as well wouldn't slice for some reason.
  20. I got it to slice by saving it as a 3mf format...
  21. There is no "print as model" on mine, "support blocker" doesn't let me add one. Tried turning off generate support as well, still cant slice 😞
  22. I made a 3d model in SolidWorks, and when i go to slice i get an error; Also i get a triangle alert when saving the file in Solidworks. I am new to 3d printing any help is very much appreciated. CE3PRO_RTI-Extended-Mag-Alpha-V1.0.3mf RTI-Extended-Mag-Alpha-V1.0.STL
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