Awesome - great to hear that you are making progress with it.
Some of the things that I really like from Kisslicer are:
1) the ability to do loops, sparse infill, solid layers at different speeds.
2) What might be interesting would be to be able to print the first layer at one speed (for bed bonding purposes) and then print the rest of the solid base at a different speed, and then the top at another speed again... or at least make sure that the first solid layer over infill is treated as bridging. (Maybe SF does that last bit? KS doesn't). The reason I want this, is that I find that when I'm printing on a very solid base of plastic (as at the bottom of the print), I can easily print at very high speed (true 250-300mm/s). But that speed doesn't work well for solid layers at the top, mostly because the first solid layer doesn't properly bridge over the infill, so none of the rest work either. Printing the solid base layers very fast saves a lot of time in the print.
3) The ability to do infill every n layers.
4) Configurable limits on volume per second - slowing down if the limit is exceeded (which it can easily do especially with fast infill every n layers). KS does this. In several of the cases that I have worked with lately providing support to users with filament grinding issues, excessive volume seems to have been a key issue. (I am also considering adding this as a limit in the planner in Marlin - I think it will help a lot with reliability. New users seem to like to crank the knob all the way up to 1000%).
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codemaven 0
Glad to hear this is progressing well. I look forward to seeing it in action.
What's the license going to be on this? Will it be released under an opensource license at some point, or remain closed?
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