Agreed. Its a simple matter of managing the fault logic. Some faults should be fatal, some should not. Since many people print without an air manager, including people that have 3rd party enclosures with no fan at all, a loss of the fan during a print should not be a fatal air. Its not like the air manager is actively monitoring the internal air temperature and adjusting speed to maintain a level.
Hello, thank you for your reports. Let me check with our product experts if they can shine some light on this.
It is indeed possible to print without an Air manager, but by having one installed you do physically block a lot of warm air from escaping, which can be good when in a controlled fashion. If for some reason the Ultimaker S5 lost its connection with the Air Manager, and it is not restored, it doesn't know that it is still on there (or running), and shuts down out of precaution. If it would continue to run, the heat could get trapped insight and deform/soften your slider blocks for example.
I'll get back with you tomorrow, thank you for your time and apologies for the inconvenience.
- 3 weeks later...
@SandervG has there been any resolution to this error?
I`ve checked connections and all works for awhile and then ER80 pops up and ends my print.
I have the same Problem. It startet 2 days ago with ER80. Killed me a print over 18 Hours. I tested all physical connetions. I started the Printer again,... At the end, i can install the Air Manager, but he will foult again, after some minutes of printing. I have deinstalled the Air Manager now. What can I do, to get the Manager again on work?
Hi @Gfrankl and @galileo616, thank you for your responses.
The ER80 error message is shown when connection to the Air Manager is lost. The Ultimaker S5 then stops printing prevent any harm done at its internal components due to excessive heat. If you found your printer on the regular home page it is possible you had a power loss. Otherwise something is going wrong in the connection.
If this is a reoccurring issue and you want support I would kindly ask you to create a ticket here and our support engineers will get back in touch with you. Thank you for your time and our apologies for the inconvenience.
I had the same problem today with the freshly installed S5 bundle.
After a successful print yesterday, this morning after a 5 mins of printing the ER80 popped out.
I have switched the S5 off and on again and it was fine for another 4 hours of print until another ER80 appeared - very annoying.
I have checked connections - no issues there.
Anybody has any advise on this? Much appreciated in advance.
3 hours ago, Brzozar2 said:I had the same problem today with the freshly installed S5 bundle.
After a successful print yesterday, this morning after a 5 mins of printing the ER80 popped out.
I have switched the S5 off and on again and it was fine for another 4 hours of print until another ER80 appeared - very annoying.
I have checked connections - no issues there.
Anybody has any advise on this? Much appreciated in advance.
Hello, I would kindly like to ask you to create a ticket here and our support engineers will get back in touch with you. We see this error message rarely so we would like to get in touch with you, see the logs and try to help you. Thanks,
2 minutes ago, SandervG said:
Hello, I would kindly like to ask you to create a ticket here and our support engineers will get back in touch with you. We see this error message rarely so we would like to get in touch with you, see the logs and try to help you. Thanks,
So far, I just had this error the one time, about 4 weeks ago (had been using the Pro Bundle for about 2 months). Since then the S5 has basically been running non-stop, without happening again. I did not create a help ticket for this since it occurred just the one time, but I will if it occurs again.
So, I tried the same print in another S5 pro that I have with the same result. Looking at the hardware, I noticed that the cable for the Airmanager had indeed come loose. I think this may have happened because I used the clips on the connecting wire (between printer and air manager) to the boden tube for Print Head 2. I wonder if the motion of the feeding filament caused the connection to come loose.
I disconnected the support clips (the wire is now freely hanging) and I am running the print again to see if the same issue occurs (for the 4th time).
Thanks for the feedback @Gfrankl, at least it looks like we found why you got the error. Hopefully it won't come back. If it does, perhaps you can share a picture on how it is connected and we might have some tips. There should be some clips that make sure the cables should be pretty secure. Good luck!
Be Careful, what You try, I have done Troubleshooting like told: made powerless, checked cable, startet again. Now, my new very bad Problem after that: THE PRINTER IS NOT STARTING. The Display Shows U-BOOT....
Please help me urgent, I do not Need that Airthing anymore, but I Need my Printer, because I have to print for my Business urgent things and for our local doctors,... Adapters and masks. I could not print that things with my form3, by the way works from the first day perfecty. I Need quick help.
Thank You
19 minutes ago, galileo616 said:Be Careful, what You try, I have done Troubleshooting like told: made powerless, checked cable, startet again. Now, my new very bad Problem after that: THE PRINTER IS NOT STARTING. The Display Shows U-BOOT....
Please help me urgent, I do not Need that Airthing anymore, but I Need my Printer, because I have to print for my Business urgent things and for our local doctors,... Adapters and masks. I could not print that things with my form3, by the way works from the first day perfecty. I Need quick help.
Thank You
Hi @galileo616, looks like your printer crashed. I don't think it is related to troubleshooting the Air Manager though. But nothing we can't fix. If you get in touch with your reseller they should be able to provide you with specific instructions on how to recover your Ultimaker and get back to 3D printing. Good luck!
Is there a posibility to fix that at work? My Reseller told me to send the Printer to him. But that takes me a week or more without Printer. Thank You SandervG, for Your very fast answere for my former problem. I like that. 😉
6 minutes ago, galileo616 said:Is there a posibility to fix that at work? My Reseller told me to send the Printer to him. But that takes me a week or more without Printer. Thank You SandervG, for Your very fast answere for my former problem. I like that. 😉
That shouldn't be necessary. With the correct instructions and a recovery image you should be able to recover it yourself.
Thank You again for that fast and good news. For my Airmanager Problem I use the ticketlink. That is not so important.
I´'m sorry, but i have to ask again for help. I got the link to the Image from my Reseller. I' ve done the procedure like I'm told, but it does not work. It is booting correct. But then it Nothing more happened (see Picture).
What I have done:
- I waited a lot of time (over the night) nothing happened.
- I use 3 different microSD-cards.
- I loaded the img file twice, so I could sure the download is not crashed.
What is wrong here. Were can I check, if this is the right downloadfile. My Printer is from 2018. The fle Ends with 5.4.24-20191204.
Thank You for help.
Hello, I'll send you a DM!
- 11 months later...
So here I am again. After almost a full year of operation, the dreaded "ER80" popped up again, causing a 3 day print to fail (after about 48 hours). As before, the fan is running when I found it, so any loss of Air Manager had to have been momentary.
I am still concerned that this is a "hard" fault, meaning there is no way to recover from this. Seems like if the system "losses" the Air Manager for a few seconds, it should be able to recognize that the Air Manager is found again, and resume the print...
It would also be nice to have some recovery instructions on the ER80 page. You have to power off the machine (fairly obvious), but then you get in a state where material is loaded, but the machine does not give you a way to unload it. I tried to start a new print, using different colors in each nozzle, and while it did unload both old colors, it then went into ER998 before it started loading the new colors. After another reboot, it seems to be operating normally.
Edited by CTotten- 4 weeks later...
I am also getting this error at widely spaced and apparently random times. In 780 hours of running, I've gotten the ER80 two or three times. Most recently, I got the error at hour 24 of a 26 hour print, very disappointing. I've checked my connections and they're solid. My bowden tubes are not attached to the air manager cable and the cable is properly secured to the back of the machine, so it does not appear to be an electrical connection issue. The error occurred in the middle of the night, when the machine was entirely undisturbed (and unobserved). It's such a rare failure, that there isn't much I can do to diagnose it, so after checking and rechecking the cable, I'm pretty much at a loss.
- 6 months later...
I've been experiencing this issue frequently. This is not good as it is causing us to loose valuable time on projects (a failed print can set us back 2 or 3 days) and at the cost of $50-70 in material. I've seen this failure 5 times over the course of a month.
UlrichC-DE 115
I have also had this error more often. I can not say for sure. But I suspect that it is a consequence of an overload of the air manager. With me it was noticeable that I had the problem in each case when the humidity was high or the filter was already somewhat clogged. I print long prints meanwhile most without filter. So Aimanager and fan are then active. But without filter paper. So far this works well.
Why the printer crashes completely every time is also a mystery to me. The airmanager has no big influence on the print quality and also not on the security of the printer. Therefore, I think the crash of the printer is the whim of a programmer.
- 3 weeks later...
I noticed the plug end was coming out, so I disconnected the Bowden tube clips and taped down the connectors. Even with connectors fully seated, I am still experiencing ER80 in >30% of my prints.
7 hours ago, JonCxW said:I noticed the plug end was coming out, so I disconnected the Bowden tube clips and taped down the connectors. Even with connectors fully seated, I am still experiencing ER80 in >30% of my prints.
I ended up changing my cable, even though there was nothing obviously wrong with it. I think the issue is that the cable has to make a 90 degree turn coming out of the lower connection and that creates an upward (sideways from the perspective of the connector) pull on the connector that makes the connection somewhat unreliable. It probably would have been better to have a right angle on that connector like they have on the cable from the material station to the printer. At any rate, if you're still getting the error, I would contact support and inquire about a cable.
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Kbeer87 0
Ours at work had the same fault the day. Everything was connected as well. Agree as well it silly the print can't be completed. Ours was 4 hours into a 6 hour print!!
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