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Error report: Cura software 4.10.0


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Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0

Error report for Cura 4.10.0


I've noticed an issue for a while now, for over two years, where sometimes when printing large flat areas, the next layer up will significantly under-extrude. I went through so much troubleshooting with so many people across facebook, reddit and other circles, and after everything was tried, the answer given was "Sounds like it's just your printer". 


Well now I have a new printer and I am still getting the error. I had an Ender-3 and now I have an Ender-3 V2 and I still have the issue. I have attached photos. In the photo called combing (I believe it's the first photo) combing is set to All in Cura settings. As you can see, when the grooves are printed in the outside ring at the top, the next layer up is having significant issues all the way round. This is a consistent problem, it won't only affect some of that layer, it will always affect all of the next layer and then return to normal printing.


In the 2nd photo, the only setting I changed in Cura was Combing, which I set to Off. As you can see, the error is completely non-existent. Nothing else was changed and they were both printed one after the other. 


Please I ask that this is taken seriously because so many people have just assumed it's something I am doing wrong, and I have been tearing my hair out and ruining print after print for years because of this problem. Please can it be taken seriously and fixed.



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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0

    I love puzzles like this.  I've never experienced anything like this but

    1) Is this PLA?

    2) Could you please post your project file (the one with combing on)? (do menu "file" "save project" and post that file - it will include your model among other things)

    3) This is a fantastic example - could you photograph some close-ups of the crack please?  Both outside the part and in the inner cylinder.


    I'm worried you don't have the exact same settings anymore.  That the part may have been placed in a different location or you may have changed one parameter but hopefully that won't matter.




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    Posted (edited) · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0
    2 hours ago, gr5 said:

    I love puzzles like this.  I've never experienced anything like this but

    1) Is this PLA?

    2) Could you please post your project file (the one with combing on)? (do menu "file" "save project" and post that file - it will include your model among other things)

    3) This is a fantastic example - could you photograph some close-ups of the crack please?  Both outside the part and in the inner cylinder.


    I'm worried you don't have the exact same settings anymore.  That the part may have been placed in a different location or you may have changed one parameter but hopefully that won't matter.




    Hi thank you for your reply. I have modified my settings but I still have the GCODE files, which I will attach in a moment once my printer finishes and I can get the microSD card out.  I don't have the original model any more either, I've modified it for what I need, but I still have a very similar version which I have saved and attached as a project file. 


    EDIT: GCODE now attached


    It is PLA but I also printed with PETG a few years ago and it was the same then. I printed a little bit in TPU and it   had the same issue but also TPU is a bugger to print with so I haven't done much and not for several years. 


    I've also attached some photos, I hope they are useful! I also snapped one of the top panels off to show how clean the break is, and also to photograph the underside. They break off really easy, with just a fingernail. The other layers are really solid, I can't break them.


    I've actually counted the number of layers on the piece that broke off. I counted 17, which is the same number Cura is giving me for the top panel too, so it's not missing a layer on the print.













    EyeREADYxxxx.gcode EyeREADYxxxxNOCOMB.gcode

    Edited by ZachariahS
    Added 2 GCODE files
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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0

    Sorry I really really need the project file.  Not gcode or model.  Can you make a smaller model that has the same problem?  Just a 2cm by 2cm square that is maybe 1cm tall and then a smaller cube on top of that?  Every model you slice, going forwards, when you save the gcode please also save the project file such that you can always go back (I do this - I use project files the way other people use profiles).

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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0

    So I spent 20 minutes looking at the gcode anyway.  Nothing is obvious.  Looking at this picture below I can see you have pretty bad underextrusion.  Particularly the outer shell.  It looks like 60% filament then a 40% gap so you are only extruding like 60% of what is needed (40% underextrusion).


    In the top left corner of the picture you can see the surface there is about 70% underextruded as well.  What is happening is the ends of each "line" are over extruding a bit and then it accelerates and in the center it is moving much faster and underextrudes as the pressure in the nozzle isn't building up fast enough and then it slows down and at the end of each line it now overextrudes again.


    I would either raise the temperature or slow things down by 2X. 


    Also I don't like your lack of infill - typically infill should be at 20-25%.  Yours looks much lower.  What can happen is that first layer on top of that infill may be pretty bad and even though your settings have 5 layers on top it might take more than 5 layers to really recover - what happens is the top is a bit low so when you print on top of that it doesn't get the best bond - but really that's not your problem in this case because your cracks go all the way around including the outer and inner walls.


     Thinking about this some more - because you have plenty of extrusion on the edges of the top layer but not the center - this says a lot.  This says that the pressure differential is pretty extreme.  I'm now thinking that your feeder is fine but your effective nozzle diameter is much smaller than your line width.  So your line width I assume is 0.4mm?  Maybe it's 0.5mm or some other size but I think your nozzle is partially clogged - what happens is filament caramelizes over many many prints and coats the inside of the nozzle - shrinking the effective size.  I'd either change the nozzle or lower your line width in cura by from 0.4 to 0.35 (about 10%) and see if the top layers are more consistent.  Or replace the nozzle.  Or clean the nozzle with a sharp hypodermic while nozzle is at 200C - scraping the caramelized brown stuff off the inside of the nozzle.  Or burn the hell out of that nozzle over a gas flame until everything is carbon dust/smoke (not while attached to printer!)


    I know you said this only does it when combing is off but that top layer pattern and those walls are showing so much underextrusion that you have to fix that first and that will mask/fix this other issue where only one layer has a gap.  I'm thinking your gap has to do with the upper blocks cooling and warping and the lack of good layer adhesion (because of underextrusion) causes the part to crack at the gap.  This makes complete sense to me that it cracks where it does.  Not when it's printing that layer but a few minutes later as it's printing 10 or so layers higher up.




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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0

    The thing is, as I say, I have been through this with many different experts on multiple printers for years. What I am trying to do is draw attention to the fact that there is an error within Cura. It's not a coincidence that it is one layer that seems to be "skipped" in some way that also coincides with the first layer up from a large area of top skin. This happens on multiple models, with many changes in settings over the years, with more than one printer, at no particular height other than it being the first layer up from a top skin elsewhere. It even happens if I print multiple models - when the shorter one finishes, the next layer on the taller model will have errors. It doesn't happen with "irregular" shaped models, or organic models, it only exclusively happens one layer up from large flat areas that are parallel to the build plate ie completely horizontal.


    I'm really not interested in troubleshooting any more as I have been through so much of it. I have had new nozzles, I have been told my bed isn't level (not even the right word but anyway), I've been told my Z axis is binding and too tight, or wobbling and too loose. I have replaced my extruder, I've swapped the motors round, I've had wider and narrower nozzles, I've had new PETG tubing and couplings, I've had different beds, different filaments, different temperatures, I've printed devices to tighten the X and Y belts and when they didn't work I bought some too, I've replaced the X carriage, I bought tighter bed springs, the list goes on and on. My old printer became the ship of Theseus because of all of the modifications and changes and upgrades that people recommended. I spent days, weeks, months troubleshooting every aspect of it. Everything. The other day when I turned off combing and that actually worked, I cried, I honestly did because this has been such a difficulty in my hobby life for so long and I finally solved it.


    I appreciate on this specific photo I have some under-extrusion. And believe me when I say, I am extremely frustrated at that because it becomes very easy to blame that as the problem. If my print was otherwise perfect, then what would you say? I think it is impossible for any reasonable person to look at the Combing and No Combing photos above and try to pretend that it's an issue my end. Both models are not perfect. Both have some under-extrusion and some gaps between layers. Both can be improved on. I think it's the cheap filament. But only one of them has a fatal flaw in it, and that one is the one with combing turned on. Please don't try and pretend it's something else.


    To prove my point I will print several models now, with combing turned on and then combing turned off, and I will save every project file and upload them, along with photos, but I'm done dismantling my printer again and again and again because it's not a printer issue. These two models were printed back-to-back, nothing in between, less than 2 hours between finishing one and starting the next. 


    Ultimately, I have solved this problem for myself. Combing is now firmly set to Off, and since then I have had 100% success rate with my prints, prints that I no longer have to glue back together, or glue to prevent breakages, or melt with a lighter and burn my fingers any more. I am so happy that I have solved this issue for myself. What I am trying to do is report this to the manufacturers of the software, with evidence of the error, so that it can be corrected for probably millions of other users.


    If this is not the place to report bugs and errors in Cura software, where is?

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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0

    I noticed you have 5mm of retraction.  That seems like too much.  On the much bigger Ultimaker 2 I use 4.5mm of retraction and that is a LONG bowden compared to the Ender 3 bowden.  About twice as long.  I would think around 2.5mm or 3mm would be about right?  You want it to retract just enough so that the filament doesn't come out of the hot end.  If it does then air goes into the nozzle and you get overextrusion for maybe 10 seconds as the air heats up in the nozzle followed by underextrusion for maybe 10 seconds when the air bubble is the only thing extruding.


    Although this would probably have nothing to do with your experience as you said you did better with combing off (more retractions).

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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0

    Bugs/errors will be ignored if you are the only one experiencing it.  People have to duplicate it first.  I have no trouble with combing and I print a LOT of parts.  Your issue is very unique to me.  I think the shape of the part exacerbates the problem as you have this large flat layer and then smaller parts just above that are long enough to have warping.  But I don't know for sure.  I'm hoping you will come up with a part that only takes an hour or two to print and experiences this issue because I don't want to print a 5 hour print to find that my printer has absolutely no issue with it.

    5 minutes ago, ZachariahS said:

    To prove my point I will print several models now, with combing turned on and then combing turned off, and I will save every project file and upload them, along with photos, but I'm done dismantling my printer again and again and again because it's not a printer issue

    Oh good.  🙂


    Looking forward to it.  If I don't respond within a day please direct message me as I tend to stop checking threads that have no activity for a week.


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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0
    34 minutes ago, gr5 said:

    Bugs/errors will be ignored if you are the only one experiencing it.  People have to duplicate it first. 

    That's a strange statement. No bugs or error reports are ignored.


    I think what you mean is that the developers need a way to reproduce the issue. A problem that can not be reproduced is very hard to fix. It is hard to fix something if you don't know what is going wrong.


    Especially on the github issue queue, a "duplicate" of an issue is a report of an issue that has already been reported. These duplicates are normally closed, to have the discussion about a problem in one place instead of on different threads/issues.

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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0

    I looked at the Gcode.  Combing tends to run the nozzle all over the place to keep stringing at a minimum but it never has a Z component.  It never combs up and down.  (You do have Z-hop enabled at a height of 0.6mm.)

    The last full layer is Layer 68 in the Cura preview.  Layer 69 looks correct right on top of it.  I would say that the preview is correct and what I expected to see.

    Within the gcode, Layers start with layer 0.  The gcode layers are every .2mm all through the area of interest.

    Layer 66 is at 13.4

    Layer 67 is at 13.6 (this is layer 68 in the Cura preview)

    Layer 68 is at 13.8

    With Gcode layer 68 the Z-hops occur as the nozzle moves from one merlon to the next.  Finish with one merlon area, hop up 14.4mm, move to the next area, drop back to 13.8mm.

    I have a little program I wrote to read gcode files into AutoCad.  It allows me to take Cura out of the loop.  Unfortunately, I'm revamping my office and then leaving on a vacation (yes, retired guys get vacations too) so it will be a week or more before I can do that part of the analysis.

    After looking at the gcode with combing turned on (as well as the one with combing turned off) I don't see anything that would relate to a missing layer.  The gcode commands are consistent and tell the printer to move to the correct height.  The Z-hop command lines are paired as they should be as Z-Hop-up followed later by a Z-Hop-down.

    @gr5 points out that the print you are using for an example has other issues and I agree it appears to be severely under-extruded.  You aren't happy with the maintenance you have had to perform on the machine.  Right now I'm thinking that more maintenance is do and specifically on the Z lead screw and Z trolley wheels.  There is also a bit of evidence on the print of some light Z banding.  My current theory (subject to change when I get my office put back together and the AutoCad computer back up) is that the gantry is hanging up at a Z-hop height and not dropping back down to 13.8 during layer 69.  It would not surprise me if this has been an ongoing issue for you but it does surprise me that it is happening on a second printer.

    Please consider - tens of thousands of people using Cura have not noticed this problem.  If it was indeed a problem, it would be at the very heart of what Cura does and surely somebody would have raised their hand and said "hey...wait a minute!!" and Simplify3D might still be in business.


    EDIT:  I plugged in my printer (Ender 3 Pro) and it's printing the "with combing" gcode file now.  My curiosity got the best of me.  Again.




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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0
    3 hours ago, gr5 said:

    Bugs/errors will be ignored if you are the only one experiencing it.  People have to duplicate it first.


    So firstly I have posted this on Reddit and Facebook groups and there are always a couple people who say "I have noticed this too". But secondly and more importantly, please consider that I have been 3D printing for years and have just now discovered the cause of this, everyone I speak to, yourself included, assumes it is an issue with my build which would completely prevent it becoming known as a widespread issue if everyone assumes it's user error.



    3 minutes ago, GregValiant said:

    Please consider - tens of thousands of people using Cura have not noticed this problem.  If it was indeed a problem, it would be at the very heart of what Cura does and surely somebody would have raised their hand and said "hey...wait a minute!!" and Simplify3D might still be in business.


    EDIT:  I plugged in my printer (Ender 3 Pro) and it's printing the "with combing" gcode file now.  My curiosity got the best of me.  Again.




    Thank you for your in-depth analysis into the GCODE! I see what you are saying re retraction and the head not lowering again. Perhaps I should set Z hop to something silly like 10mm? Just to see what happens? Or perhaps turn off Z hop for a trial?


    I've printed three test files and some artifacts are visible at the same layer as a skin performed elsewhere. I've uploaded project files which were printed exactly as saved. Sometimes the top layer under-extrudes, and sometimes it over-extrudes. I really don't get it.


    TEST1 TEST2 and TEST3 with different geometric models. You can see the errors in the photos.







    And TEST3:



    Project files from Cura also attached.


    TEST1.3mf TEST2.3mf TEST3.3mf

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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0

    Quick update too: I managed to easily snap off the top box on TEST1, again with just finger pressure it snapped right off at the base. 

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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0

    I plugged in my printer (Ender 3 Pro) and it's printing the "with combing" gcode file now.  My curiosity got the best of me.  Again.


    -you said it..





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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0

    Curiosity is a disease.  I take solace in the fact that I'm not the only one here with the problem.


    Up to layer 27.  I was able to get the printer running but there aren't any lights around it.  I know it's printing but I have no idea how it looks.  It's printing by braille.

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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0
    1 hour ago, GregValiant said:

    Curiosity is a disease.  I take solace in the fact that I'm not the only one here with the problem.


    Up to layer 27.  I was able to get the printer running but there aren't any lights around it.  I know it's printing but I have no idea how it looks.  It's printing by braille.

    I'm dying to know how it comes out! Because if you have the same issue then it's clearly a software thing, right?

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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0

    I'd say no.  The machine just goes where it's told and the gcode is telling it to take .2mm steps for each layer.  That's what the gcode is telling it to do.  There is no jump, no strange layer height.  I'd be more inclined to say I have to look at my Z rod too.

    Just so you understand, I have nothing to do with Ultimaker or Cura.  I do have a wide skillset and (among other things) I was a forensic investigator.  My job was to figure out why something broke, caught fire, fell over, collapsed, etc.  Now around here I have found and written up a couple of bugs.  The Cura team KNOWS there are bugs and they work hard to fix them.


    Back to your printer - Z banding is in red.  Under-extrusion is blue.









    There are serious issues with your Z system.  It could be a loose coupler or the wheel eccentrics need to be adjusted, or maybe the Z uprights aren't parallel, too much backlash, something isn't right.

    As for the under-extrusion - did you calibrate the E-steps?  If you used a calibration cube throw those results away and just stick with steps/mm.  (I can go off on a huge rant about calibration cubes so don't get me started.)





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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0
    2 minutes ago, GregValiant said:

    There are serious issues with your Z system.  It could be a loose coupler or the wheel eccentrics need to be adjusted, or maybe the Z uprights aren't parallel, too much backlash, something isn't right.

    As for the under-extrusion - did you calibrate the E-steps?  If you used a calibration cube throw those results away and just stick with steps/mm.  (I can go off on a huge rant about calibration cubes so don't get me started.)





    The thing is though, these errors all line up with a large area of skin somewhere in the print. I'm not getting random errors. The under-extrusion and over-extrusion are occurring at predictable points, predictable to the point that I can design these models with the specific intention of causing the issue. It's not just random problems. 


    I'm currently printing a temp tower and this issue is completely non-existent so far on the print. I used a downloaded GCODE without slicing the model myself. And the issue straight up does not exist so far on the current print, sliced by someone else.


    If someone could take one of the models from the tests above, and slice it with their own profile, and send back the GCODE I will print it without touching Cura. That would be really helpful actually.


    I have not calibrated e-steps on this printer but did on my old one. This printer is quite new, I would be very surprised if there were already Z issues with it.

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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0

    So this is a great thread!  Okay so I didn't notice the Z hop but I see it now in the gcode.  At first I was - it has to be the zhop because...  well it does *more* hops if you turn off combing so that doesn't make sense.  And I checked and there are hops on the layers below as well!  So that doesn't make sense.  But in general, zhop should only be used on delta printers.  I strongly recommend you turn that off and if you think you need it, let me know why you think you need it.  For example sometimes the head hits other areas of the print but there are other solutions to fix that.


    But after more thinking it's probably not zhop (unless you have it backwards and combing fixes the problem, lol, I guess not very likely!).  I hope greg sheds more light on this with his test print(s).  Maybe I'll print these myself but it will be on an utlimaker if I do.  And none of my machines undrextrude so... I'm sure it will be print fine - well maybe not with zhop - I found that zhop turns my prints to shit.


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    Posted (edited) · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0

    So here it is.  Besides the color you'll notice that it is significantly different than yours.  I took your gcode file, put it on a memory card, and printed it.  I made no changes.  I broke off the supports but did no other clean up to the print.


    My printer is an Ender 3 Pro painstakingly assembled and calibrated.  It has an 8 bit 1.1.5 silent board and an all-metal hot end.  I did add a 5015 cooling fan.  I level it with a piece of parchment paper.


    The problem is not Cura.  The problem is that your printer is neither adjusted nor calibrated correctly and if you want good prints from it then you need to go back and re-work it.  Get out a carpenters tri-square and make sure the three axis are at 90° to each other.  Calibrate the E-steps.  Don't try to be a speed demon - just give the little printer it's best shot at making good prints.  The problem isn't that they are inherently poor machines but rather that they are each assembled by persons of different skill levels.  You talked about Reddit and I spend some time over there.  There are a total of about 6 people who give consistently good advice.  The rest are talking for the sake of talking and just blowing smoke.


    Here is the print. 













    Edited by GregValiant
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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0

    I almost forgot...

    I was going to slice it myself and pass the gcode along but I don't see any reason.  Your profile is quite good.  For personal preference I would have slowed down to 60 and dropped the Accel to 500 and the Jerk to 8.  I typically print at 210 as opposed to 200 but for this I figured 200 was good enough.  Your retract speed of 45 might be a bit of the problem with under-extruding.  200 is a bit on the cool side and the plastic is thicker so it can't react as fast to the retraction.  You might try 30 and 30 for retract and prime.

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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0

    I'm gonna say this one more time and then I'm not replying any more because I don't feel like I'm being listened to. 


    This is a problem I have had with more than one printer.


    The over- or under-extrusion are always - always - in line with a large area of skin elsewhere in the model. It does not occur at any other point. This is clearly NOT just a Z banding issue because either the Z axis moves ok or it does not; something about the printer and the GCODE and the slicer is doing something different at the top of large top-skin areas. It's mad to me how anyone could ignore this???


    To prove this point I have done three different test prints that all demonstrate exactly what I mean. These somehow seem to have been disregarded and instead used as evidence that my printer is not dialled in properly, despite them showing specifically the issue we are here to talk about.


    I have printed a temperature tower today with a GCODE from online and the issue I am experiencing is not shown at all. The tower has printed really well (apart from where the temperature went down to 180 and the print then failed, which is fine).


    I have been through years of troubleshooting and have no solution to the problem, I have previously outlined the excessive steps I have taken to try and solve it.


    I've even asked for some GCODE to further prove the point and this request has, for some reason, been declined.


    The photos shown above from GregValiant are blurry and dark; it is not possible to identify whether the same issue is present or not. 


    What I've done is tried to report a bug. I have explained in detail the amount of steps I have taken to try and solve this problem, for years. I have said that troubleshooting my printer does not work. This somehow has not been heard and I have then been subjected to more troubleshooting. I have also simultaneously been told that no-one else is reporting this error in Cura and been told it's not an error in Cura, which immediately means that anyone else reporting this bug is also going to be brushed under the carpet. 

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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0

    I'm listening.  @ahoeben (with 2,000,000 downloads of his work on Cura) is listening.  @gr5 (an Ultimaker dealer) is listening.  @Torgeir (a well known man-about-town) is listening.  We are not a group of kids on Facebook or Reddit but a group of professionals who tear things apart looking for problems.  The Cura team needs to know those problems or they can't fix them.

    I reviewed your claim.  I investigated the gcode file itself.  I've been working with gcode since 1969.  Your gcode file is fine, no problem.  The model prints fine using your gcode on a printer that is virtually identical to your own.

    All I've heard so far is that "it doesn't print right and it can't be my fault."  Well, sorry.  There is no evidence that the fault lies anywhere else.

    The pictures may be be blurry and I may have picked a bad color, but I would give my print an "A" and yours an "E".  Dark or not, I think it's plain that there are no missing layers.  The two loop overhang around the periphery is in place.  The raised areas are firmly attached.  Go ahead and zoom in.


    It is my opinion that you need to strive to bring your printers into adjustment.  Go back to the CHEP videos and Teaching Tech and straighten your machines out.  I'm sure they are capable of making good prints - but not in their current configuration.











    I'll say this one more time because I don't think I'm being listened to...it's your printer(s).  They are poorly adjusted and not calibrated.  It isn't Cura.  It isn't a firmware problem.  The same person put them both together and missed it...twice.  I'm sorry if you don't want to believe the evidence.


    Have a nice day,


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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0
    35 minutes ago, GregValiant said:

      @ahoeben (with 2,000,000 downloads of his work on Cura) is listening...

    ...with only half an ear... Honestly, this type of issue is not really my forte.

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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0
    2 hours ago, ZachariahS said:

    I've even asked for some GCODE to further prove the point and this request has, for some reason, been declined.

    I don't have any Creality printers so I can't help you there.


    I don't actually sell Ultimaker's but I do sell nozzles.


    I know you think it's Cura but you've managed to convince me it's not Cura.  Something like millions of people use Cura and I *do* listen to the issues and I understand why you are convinced it's Cura.  Your thinking is quite logical.  But it's not Cura.  I was actually hoping it was Cura and that you found a new bug but you managed to convince me it's not Cura especially now that Greg tried your print with an Ender 3.


    Most likely it's a combination of underextrusion and shrinking, cooling plastic that warps an upper block off of a flat region.  I've seen this in my own prints but only for ABS which has much worse layer adhesion and much worse cooling/warping.  Fixing the layer adhesion issues fix this for me with ABS.  Fixing the underextrusion (which may be impossible on your 2 printers) would solve this for you.  Combing off means you have more retractions which means less leaking and helps out a tiny bit with the underextrusion.  Raising your temp 20C may fix this for you - maybe your temp sensors are off quite a bit (or maybe your PLA just needs higher temps).  But it's not Cura.


    I'm sorry you got crap advice in the past - where people had you fix things that didn't help your printer.  Underextrusion can occasionally be a real bastard as there are dozens of possible causes.  I had one brand new printer that did it and it was so frustrating.  I never did figure out what the problem was (although I had an ugly solution - increase flow) and ended up returning it.  Even Greg mentioned making your axes perpendicular - that's not going to fix underextrusion.

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    Posted · Error report: Cura software 4.10.0


    it’s not the printer. It’s not a hardware problem. It’s not a software problem either apparently. It’s just physics. This link is the only thing that I have seen anywhere on the internet that actually acknowledges what I am saying and believes me when I say it’s not my fault. Cheers anyway. Glad I didn’t fork out for yet more tuning and modifying of my printer based on advice from here. 

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