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Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!

Hi everyone,


Today we release Ultimaker Cura 4.11. In this release we’ve implemented more than 100 new icons, added monotonic ordering, and improved the digital library.


But before we dive into the new features, I want to take a moment to give a special shout-out to you – the Ultimaker community. In the last year our slicing software has seen tremendous, exciting growth, with 87 unique community members contributing a total of 119 new features, bug fixes and third-party additions and updates.

A special thanks to Github users fieldOfView and SmartAvionics, who contributed 15% of all contributions.


Without our community, the last year’s growth would not have been possible, so thank you very much again! Together, we will continue to make Ultimaker Cura the best slicer possible!


Iconic update



We’ve implemented more than 100 new icons throughout Ultimaker Cura and aligned them with icons used throughout the Ultimaker platform. These icons are designed specifically for clarity, resulting in a simpler and more informative slicing experience.
Also, when scaling the Ultimaker Cura window, the UI will adapt, resulting in less visual clutter.


Monotonic ordering



The new monotonic top/bottom order setting enables users to print parts with soother, more aligned top surfaces. This is especially useful for parts that need good aesthetics, such as visual prototypes. Or for parts that benefit from smooth surfaces, such as those that contact sensitive components. You can find this feature under the top/bottom print settings of custom mode. This setting is disabled by default.


Improved digital library integration
Collaborative workflows using the Digital library are now simpler. Every users with a cloud-connected Ultimaker 3D printer can access stored projects. And we have added a “search” function to make finding files easier.


Save material profiles to USB
Users can now save all third-party material profiles to USB. This feature is for Ultimaker S-line printers only and is especially useful for cloud-connected (or offline) printers.


Notifications for beta and plugin releases
Users can now set notification preferences to alert them to new Ulitmaker Cura beta and plugin releases.


Bug fixes:

-        Fixed the setting visibility button to make it easier to click

-        Fixed crash when Cura crashes on exit when languages is not set to English on macOS

-        Fixed a bug where the infill goes through walls

-        Fixed the rotation direction of the 90 degrees rotation arrows, contributed by fieldOfView


Read here more information in our blogpost, watch our video or read the full release notes here!


Download Ultimaker Cura 4.11 now


We are really looking forward to hearing from you!  Please leave your feedback in the comments below or on Github.


From version 4.11 onwards - Ultimaker Cura is only supported on operating systems actively maintained by their software manufacturer or community. This means Windows 7 and MacOS 10.13 will no longer be supported. Technically this means Ultimaker will stop testing and developing for such operating systems. However, even though it is no longer supported, there is still a high likelihood the application keeps functioning.

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  • fvrmr pinned this topic
Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!

In Cura 4.11, the filament diameter (in contrast to Cura 4.10) is no longer taken into account in the calculation.
Basically, it is very bad that this setting was only realised via a plug-in. This normally belongs in the material setting!

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!

    I have come across a problem in 4.11 that has been reported here and there.  It has to do with slicing walls and floors that are an exact multiple of the Layer Height or of the Wall Thickness.

    There have been a couple of posters who have noted that their "calibration pattern" of 4 rectangles on the build surface that is .200mm thick will not slice with the layer height set to .2mm.  With the layer height changed to .199 it does slice or if the model is scaled in the Z to .201 it will slice.

    There have been a couple of other posters who have noted that models with wall features that are 2.000mm wide do not want to use infill if the Line Width is .400mm.  They are either empty, or if Fill Gaps Between Walls is enabled then an inordinate amount of time is spent filling the .4 gap with Skin/Mesh.  If the Line Width is changed to something like .399 then the walls will accept infill and there is no need to Fill Gaps.

    These two issues appear to be related and (from afar) the issue appears to be a "math" / rounding-off thing.  I don't recall either issue in previous versions but I have run across both problems myself in 4.11.  I'm aware of the workaround so it doesn't affect me but for others who may be new to Cura and are not as familiar with the program then either problem can be a show-stopper as the "can't slice" warning comes up and isn't helpful in these cases.

    The calibration shape problem (Layer Height) has been noted on GitHub.  I don't know if the walls issue has been noted over there.


    I just thought I'd bring this up as I'm a suspicious sort of guy with a bad case of curiosity.  I will admit that the problem (if it actually exists) will not keep me awake at night.  I guess I'm just wondering if they are related.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!

    Observed that in Cura 4.10 and Cura 4.11, 3.00mm and 2.85mm material extrude the same amount of filament per GCODE. Extruder filament value for a 2.85mm filament defaults to 3.00mm. Thus, when I use a 2.85mm, I get under extrusion. So, I revert back to Cura 4.8. I first noticed the difference when I used Cura 4.10 (or 4.11) with a 2.85mm eSUN filament. I was getting under extrusion. 4.10 (and 4.11) works fine when used with a 3.00mm Hatch Box filament. With the same settings for Cura 4.8 and 4.10, I compare the GCODES and found out that the extruded filament value are different for a 2.85mm filament but the same for 3.00mm filament.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!

    On Mac I noticed the Arrange All Models function does nothing anymore.

    Also Multiply Selected softlocks Cura, it stays loading but nothing happens and you can't do anything unless you close Cura and reopen it, had to manually drag and drop my model copies

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!

    Not sure where to make an official suggestion for the next update but here looks as good as any.


    Add the 'flow' setting to the materials configuration page.


    Every material has a different flow percentage. Being able to set this in the materials configuration is an easy implementation and would be a highly convenient feature; negating the need to refer to saved notes to change the flow setting in the profiles when changing materials.


    Really hope this can be seen and implemented by the developers.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!

    Please report features requests also here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose


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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!
    1 hour ago, 3DKustoms said:

    Not sure where to make an official suggestion for the next update but here looks as good as any.


    Add the 'flow' setting to the materials configuration page.


    Every material has a different flow percentage. Being able to set this in the materials configuration is an easy implementation and would be a highly convenient feature; negating the need to refer to saved notes to change the flow setting in the profiles when changing materials.


    Really hope this can be seen and implemented by the developers.

    A plugin allows this: https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/fieldofview/MaterialSettingsPlugin

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!

    Morning all.

    I ran into a problem since upgrading to 4.11. I confess I can't tell if it's a cura issue or a machine issue.

    So here is the story. I have been running 4.10 of cura since it was released with no issues. I have been printing with LW PLA for a year or more again with no issues. The slicing and subsequent prints on my ENDER 3 Pro have been great. I then upgraded last week to 4.11. Again I am not saying its CURA. I honestly don't' know where to look.


    I was running a long 3 day print when after day one the nozzle jammed. Such is life I thought so re ran it and it jammed again. So of course.

    Is it the filament.

    Is it nozzle.

    IS it the Bowden tube.

    Is it the extruder


    So I changed them all. Nothing works. Every print fails. Most of the time it puts down a good first layer. Goes for several more layers then it starts spitting filament and then I hear the extruder skipping.

    I clear the machine and start again. Same result.


    I don't know where else to look.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated. I started to wonder if 4.11 produces the code in some different way that is tripping me up. I have no idea.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!

    Load an STL and with your normal settings selected use "File | Save Project" and post the 3mf file here.

    Also post the gcode of one of the files that wants to fail.  A small one would be good.  I'll take a look at the file and I have some moist PLA that I can print it with on my Ender 3 Pro.


    Are you running the stock Hot End?  After about 9 months, my printer started suffering from what I thought was heat creep and it wouldn't finish a print without clogging up in bottom of the bowden tube.  The all-metal hot end is much better.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!

    I had an issue with 4.10 and 4.11, where when I select a different printer, it crashes.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!

    Please report the error on Github https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose and provide the Cura.log file.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!
    On 9/7/2021 at 3:45 PM, fvrmr said:

    Hi everyone,


    Today we release Ultimaker Cura 4.11. In this release we’ve implemented more than 100 new icons, added monotonic ordering, and improved the digital library.


    But before we dive into the new features, I want to take a moment to give a special shout-out to you – the Ultimaker community. In the last year our slicing software has seen tremendous, exciting growth, with 87 unique community members contributing a total of 119 new features, bug fixes and third-party additions and updates.

    A special thanks to Github users fieldOfView and SmartAvionics, who contributed 15% of all contributions.


    Without our community, the last year’s growth would not have been possible, so thank you very much again! Together, we will continue to make Ultimaker Cura the best slicer possible!


    Iconic update



    We’ve implemented more than 100 new icons throughout Ultimaker Cura and aligned them with icons used throughout the Ultimaker platform. These icons are designed specifically for clarity, resulting in a simpler and more informative slicing experience.
    Also, when scaling the Ultimaker Cura window, the UI will adapt, resulting in less visual clutter.


    Monotonic ordering



    The new monotonic top/bottom order setting enables users to print parts with soother, more aligned top surfaces. This is especially useful for parts that need good aesthetics, such as visual prototypes. Or for parts that benefit from smooth surfaces, such as those that contact sensitive components. You can find this feature under the top/bottom print settings of custom mode. This setting is disabled by default.


    Improved digital library integration
    Collaborative workflows using the Digital library are now simpler. Every users with a cloud-connected Ultimaker 3D printer can access stored projects. And we have added a “search” function to make finding files easier.


    Save material profiles to USB
    Users can now save all third-party material profiles to USB. This feature is for Ultimaker S-line printers only and is especially useful for cloud-connected (or offline) printers.


    Notifications for beta and plugin releases
    Users can now set notification preferences to alert them to new Ulitmaker Cura beta and plugin releases.


    Bug fixes:

    -        Fixed the setting visibility button to make it easier to click

    -        Fixed crash when Cura crashes on exit when languages is not set to English on macOS

    -        Fixed a bug where the infill goes through walls

    -        Fixed the rotation direction of the 90 degrees rotation arrows, contributed by fieldOfView


    Read here more information in our blogpost, watch our video or read the full release notes here!


    Download Ultimaker Cura 4.11 now


    We are really looking forward to hearing from you!  Please leave your feedback in the comments below or on Github.


    From version 4.11 onwards - Ultimaker Cura is only supported on operating systems actively maintained by their software manufacturer or community. This means Windows 7 and MacOS 10.13 will no longer be supported. Technically this means Ultimaker will stop testing and developing for such operating systems. However, even though it is no longer supported, there is still a high likelihood the application keeps functioning.


    this new version don t work in my computer : win 10 pro 32 64x . It can t open.

    miss dôme drivers? 
    i test to an other Windy 8.1. 64 and it don t open too 


    could you help me?


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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!
    2 hours ago, Albert38 said:


    this new version don t work in my computer : win 10 pro 32 64x . It can t open.

    miss dôme drivers? 
    i test to an other Windy 8.1. 64 and it don t open too 


    could you help me?


    Just as the answer was "please provide logs" for the other people, it's also what we need for you 😉

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!
    On 9/7/2021 at 3:45 PM, fvrmr said:

    Hi everyone,


    Today we release Ultimaker Cura 4.11. In this release we’ve implemented more than 100 new icons, added monotonic ordering, and improved the digital library.


    But before we dive into the new features, I want to take a moment to give a special shout-out to you – the Ultimaker community. In the last year our slicing software has seen tremendous, exciting growth, with 87 unique community members contributing a total of 119 new features, bug fixes and third-party additions and updates.

    A special thanks to Github users fieldOfView and SmartAvionics, who contributed 15% of all contributions.


    Without our community, the last year’s growth would not have been possible, so thank you very much again! Together, we will continue to make Ultimaker Cura the best slicer possible!


    Iconic update



    We’ve implemented more than 100 new icons throughout Ultimaker Cura and aligned them with icons used throughout the Ultimaker platform. These icons are designed specifically for clarity, resulting in a simpler and more informative slicing experience.
    Also, when scaling the Ultimaker Cura window, the UI will adapt, resulting in less visual clutter.


    Monotonic ordering



    The new monotonic top/bottom order setting enables users to print parts with soother, more aligned top surfaces. This is especially useful for parts that need good aesthetics, such as visual prototypes. Or for parts that benefit from smooth surfaces, such as those that contact sensitive components. You can find this feature under the top/bottom print settings of custom mode. This setting is disabled by default.


    Improved digital library integration
    Collaborative workflows using the Digital library are now simpler. Every users with a cloud-connected Ultimaker 3D printer can access stored projects. And we have added a “search” function to make finding files easier.


    Save material profiles to USB
    Users can now save all third-party material profiles to USB. This feature is for Ultimaker S-line printers only and is especially useful for cloud-connected (or offline) printers.


    Notifications for beta and plugin releases
    Users can now set notification preferences to alert them to new Ulitmaker Cura beta and plugin releases.


    Bug fixes:

    -        Fixed the setting visibility button to make it easier to click

    -        Fixed crash when Cura crashes on exit when languages is not set to English on macOS

    -        Fixed a bug where the infill goes through walls

    -        Fixed the rotation direction of the 90 degrees rotation arrows, contributed by fieldOfView


    Read here more information in our blogpost, watch our video or read the full release notes here!


    Download Ultimaker Cura 4.11 now


    We are really looking forward to hearing from you!  Please leave your feedback in the comments below or on Github.


    From version 4.11 onwards - Ultimaker Cura is only supported on operating systems actively maintained by their software manufacturer or community. This means Windows 7 and MacOS 10.13 will no longer be supported. Technically this means Ultimaker will stop testing and developing for such operating systems. However, even though it is no longer supported, there is still a high likelihood the application keeps functioning.


    this new version don t work in my computer : win 10 pro 32 64x . It can t open.

    miss dôme drivers? 
    i test to an other Windy 8.1. 64 and it don t open too 


    could you help me?


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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!

    Sorry if i m doing something wrong but it is the 1st time in this community for me. I try to have anti version of cura but on l’y the hold 15.6 is working. 
    windows 10 pro or windows 8.1 it s the same issue. 

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!
    6 hours ago, Albert38 said:

    I try to have anti version of cura but on l’y the hold 15.6 is working. 
    windows 10 pro or windows 8.1 it s the same issue. 


    Once again: for crashes and similar issues, please attach the log files - as explained here:





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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!

    Downloaded the Cura 4.11 for Linux (appimage). Then I just made the appimage

    file executable and Cura 4.11 was working flawlessly on my Ubuntu Linux PC :)


    Installed the Dremel pluging and transfered export/import my settings from Cura 4.9.1

    no issues.


    Slicing worked no problem, saved as Dremel proprietary format on to USB stick.

    My Dremel 3D45 is currently printing it :)


    So if You are using Ubuntu Linux Cura 4.11 most likely will work.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!

    I upgraded to Cura 4.11 and my Ender 3 Max will no longer print correctly. The base layer is not centered and it constantly shifts on both the X and Y axes and I cannot figure out why.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!

    Centering the print is a matter of the build surface size in Cura coupled with your Home Offset 0,0,0.  In the Cura machine settings make sure you have the build plate sizes (Max X and Max Y) set to a number 5mm less than your build plate measures.  After Auto-Homing the printer, use the LCD to move the nozzle to a point 2.5mm in from the left, 2.5mm in from the front, and at Z = 0.  Then select "Set Home Offset" on the LCD and then "Save Settings".  You will have a safety border 2.5mm wide around the build plate.  If the build plate is 300 x 300 then after doing those adjustments raise the Z a couple of mm and then send the nozzle to X=147.5 and Y = 147.5.  It should be at the mid-point of the build plate.

    The printer uses the Home Offset location to place the 0,0,0 of a gcode file.

    In Machine Settings make sure that "Origin at Center" is NOT selected.  Your origin is the left front corner.


    Shifting in the X and/or Y is generally a mechanical problem (loose belts, loose wheels, etc.).  If your belts twang like guitar strings and there is no wobble (loose wheels) then do a slow calibration cube with the print speed at 30mm/sec and the Accel Control enabled at 500 and Jerk enabled at 8.  It really shouldn't be moving around at those adjustments.  As the cube builds up you can use the LCD to crank up the speed and see if you find a point where the mistakes start to occur.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.11 is available now!
    On 9/21/2021 at 1:19 PM, 3dprntz said:

    I had an issue with 4.10 and 4.11, where when I select a different printer, it crashes.

    Found out what was wrong. If I select disable extruder for extruder 1, and then try to select another printer, it crashes.

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