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Jog and Homing


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Posted · Jog and Homing

Maybe I´m just to blind to see, but I´m missing the some features in 14.03...

After pressing the "print" button there was usually a seperate window ( at least in 14.01) with some temperature settings and the possibility for jogging all axis and do homing.

Now in 14.03 I´m getting just the window to abort the print - nothing more than that..

How to do homing after an aborted print now?


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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    Hi there,

    I found that option but things are still missing. For example there used to be a pause button that was very handy for priming the nozzle, not there now. Also I used to be able to adjust the temperature and speed whilst printing. Can I still do this?

    I know that software development is an iterative process but please don't take out features Daid ;c)

    Please forgive me if there is functionality that I am unaware of :c)

    For the moment I'm still using 14.01.



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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    The new printing dialog window lacks indeed of some features of the old dialog window.

    But it is thought to be just a starting point for individual dialogs: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/4416-plugins-for-cura-printing-window/

    There is already a version which includes the fan: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/4618-new-cura-printer-interface/?hl=pronterfan


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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    For the moment I'm still using 14.01.

    That may be best for a little while. I don't know much about it because I only use the ulticontroller but Daid made these screens easily hackable. So you can edit/create your own. Just wait a few weeks and people will hopefully start posting different screens and hacks. Or if you already know a few gcodes you can create your own.


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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    That may be best for a little while. I don't know much about it because I only use the ulticontroller but Daid made these screens easily hackable. So you can edit/create your own. Just wait a few weeks and people will hopefully start posting different screens and hacks. Or if you already know a few gcodes you can create your own.

    I made them hackable for a very simple reason. People where always reporting stuff they are missing in them, and "how it should be". I figured that I would never be able to satisfy everyone's need. Especially with USB printing being a low priority for me.

    So feel free to create the ultimate printing dialog, and send in a patch for it. I know both defaults will be lacking.


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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    Well thanks Daid, you made a very easy to use print menu into a "if you want it you have to (learn how to) and construct it" yourself.

    sorry but that to me is F**cked up !!

    at least give, instead of the empty menu, a full menu where you can choose to remove items you don't want, not the other way around !

    I don't want to spend the time learning to make my own menu, I already have trouble working with g-code,

    for you it is second nature for me it's a large effort :(

    F*ck it, i'll go back to the old version, with the super duper crappy support material...[whiny voice] THANKS DAID.


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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    As far as I understand it, printing via USB is clearly not supported. If you are so keen on controlling your UM2 via USB why not use Pronterface in the first place?

    I am using the Ulticontroller for everything - it is far easier and quicker this way.

    But if you need to use your computer you could create some gcode snippets that will do just what you want. Save those snippets and create a simple script that would start the tool of you choice (or at least one that is scriptable) that connects to the printer and executes your gcode snippet. I'd say it is worth investing a few hours to setup this scenario if you use it regularly.


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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    @Daid: Maybe you could add one functionality to printWindow.py: numerical input box (like the input boxes in the 'normal' plugins). This would make it possible to produce a print window with the same possibilities as the old print window. Although it is possible to realise a preheating with a colorcommand, it will result in many buttons (as everybody wants a different value). A numerical input box would need much less space on the dialog. I hope the binding of such an input is not impossible.

    You would make quite some people happy (or at least less angry than they seem to be now ;) ).

    edit: Just for the case someone misunderstood it, I'm not angry at all... I have an Ulticontroller... :cool:


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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    I have a UM1, and it was made to control via USB !

    It is important for me to remote control the UM1, as I do now with my Mac, learning G-code is a pretty big effort for me, and I just don't have the time.

    and no I am not going to spend € 96,- for a Ulticontroller (80+ shipping)

    I would still not be able to control the UM remotely with that.

    is it really to much to ask, that the so called improvements to Cura wouldn't make the software more complex and for me unusable ?

    Cura is more like Microsoft now :(


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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    @Daid: I appreciate all the wrk you´re doing and can understand the idea behind the small "just print" menu, but I would think that it wouldn´t be that much effort to copy the old (extended) printing menu into the new code. This would work for most of the people here, since we all love the new features of Cura besides the prining menu.

    To make the printing dialog free configurable is anyway a good idea, but for me it would be the third option in the preferences drop down. I know serveral people working with 3D printers but there a just a few who could deal with scripts and would be able to adopt a menu - even if this is considered as that simple.

    So please let the printing menu looking like that:

    File --> Preferences --> Printing Window Type ---> Basic

    ---> Advanced

    ---> Pronterface UI


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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    Hint, swearing is not the way to get me to work with you. Calling me Microsoft also does not work really productively.

    I've made it like this because people could provide me with simple updates on the plugin now, or custom plugins that I can provide in the next release. I'm not expecting everyone to write their own. I'm hoping that people will work together on this, instead of relaying totally on me. As me is swarmed with work already, and I use USB printing too little to know what is needed there.

    So, less "boo boo" and more "work together", and you might get somewhere. Instead of saying "F*ck you Daid", say "F*ck, we can improve this, lets do X,Y,Z!"

    (Also, you can always save the gcode with the right-mouse-button click on the print button and use Pronterface instead of Cura to print)


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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    Hey Xeno, you should have stated what hardware and reasons you have. I was totally unaware that you use an UM1 without an Ulticontroller.


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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    I've made it like this because people could provide me with simple updates on the plugin now, or custom plugins that I can provide in the next release. I'm not expecting everyone to write their own. I'm hoping that people will work together on this, instead of relaying totally on me. As me is swarmed with work already, and I use USB printing too little to know what is needed there.


    To me, that should have been done before the release, it's like opening a library without having any books.

    I don't like to swear, but I feel it was the only way to show my frustration and get your attention !

    after waiting a long time for decent support options, I still can't use it, now I have to slice with one version of Cura and print with the other version, it's a bit stupid unnecessary.

    just because you don't really use certain parts of Cura yourself, doesn't mean you can just throw it out on a whim,

    that sounds like you don't know your users or even worse, don't care ?

    or is it just the pressure of having to update regularly, and feel the need to have to make changes ?

    I'll wait patiently until Cura is usable again :cry:

    Tell me honestly, do you think this is a nice look of a printer menu ?



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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    Tell me honestly, do you think this is a nice look of a printer menu ?



    If the MacOS version of wxWidgets would have co-operated. Yes. It should have been 2 lines of text, and a line of buttons. Below that a progress bar. Clean and simple.

    However, as always, stupid MacOS screws up and decides to act in totally unpredictable ways.


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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    Since my posts has to checked by an mod (newbie) it took quite while untill it appears here in the forum....

    @Daid: Would you take my suggestion in #12 in account?


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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    Since my posts has to checked by an mod (newbie) it took quite while untill it appears here in the forum....

    Sorry, we're only human and we're doing this on a voluntary basis, not as our jobs. Sometimes it can take a while. But trust me, you wouldn't want the spam we remove to get through...


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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    Anybody in for good news :rolleyes: ?

    Tried it this morning after reading some 14.03 Printmenu Posts and Usb printing works again!!!!

    In my case that was a few cura versions ago. Did not care to much for making a big study of it, since I have a Ulticontroller aswell.

    Using the USB cable is more convenient when printing a lot of smaller prints, then swapping the SD card every time.

    @Xeno, when cooled down a little ;)

    You might want to reconsider the investment in a Ulticontoller, buying it was my best Upgrade ever!.

    Being able to switch on the TL light above the desk while printing again, without a ruined print for Instance.

    Switching of the UM1 with the powerswitch kills the blue LED.

    Haven't seen the latest printinterfaces, but adjusting the flow on the fly is a big pro for me.

    Changing filament while printing, with a push on the button!


    Without swearing and yelling, not only you are a lot younger and some taller as I am ;), but more because it does not work that way.

    I hope it doesn't feel like a burden to you, but be aware there are still people out here who want to use a printer for printing. For you, sites like Github and such are a second nature, but for most people it's a nightmare.

    So I understand Xeno's frustration a bit, (iets genuanceerder mag wel), but a lot of people rely on you guys at Ultimaker to give them usable tools to work with.

    I don't mind waiting for updates, but please we need you guys to keep track of all plugins, scripts and .py shit to implement in cura (Like you did with TweakAtZ).

    Regards Kees

    prettig weekend!


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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    Octoprint is a great way to do remote printing. I hear. doodle3d also.

    Someone spent at least a month of hard work creating prontrface. I'd rather daid work on new stuff then have him duplicating prontrface. I suggest you try it. It's free. It will print all your Cura generated gcode. It has lots of great options. There are other software as wel that's free like repetier host that also visualizes the currently being printed trace in 3d:

    printrun/pronterface/prontrface download:




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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    Octoprint is a great way to do remote printing. I hear. doodle3d also.

    Someone spent at least a month of hard work creating prontrface. I'd rather daid work on new stuff then have him duplicating prontrface. I suggest you try it. It's free. It will print all your Cura generated gcode. It has lots of great options. There are other software as wel that's free like repetier host that also visualizes the currently being printed trace in 3d:

    printrun/pronterface/prontrface download:



    Check.. Thanks!!

    downloaded it, as a non nerd, I managed to do that and even tried it (without a printerattached, but with a dry gcode file) ;).

    Now we only need something or a way to use that print interface screen instead of the implemented one in Cura 14.03, I guess? and everyone happy again :)

    Would be nice if someone could give that a try, and document it a little for me and xeno and many others...

    everbody happy again?


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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    Why should i buy an ulticontroller??? swapping SDcards all the time is not my thing.. While i'm printing through USB on my UM1 Original, i surely can do a lot more work.. Creating, converting to STL and in Cura to GCode and then instantly printing works a lot faster then putting my work to SDcards... Why not putting the ulticontroller-menu into Cura so all functionality can be used by USB too??? My computer is a multitasking- machine which allows me to use cura, solidworks, internet and a lot of other programs simultaniously... never had a problem with that. The only advantage, as i see it, is that with an ulticontroller you can do prints without turning a computer on, but mine is always on...


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    Posted · Jog and Homing

    USB just seems very unreliable. I've had problems with it - maybe 20 or 30 times a print aborted on me due to USB being unreliable. When you get up to 20 hour prints - it's just very dangerous to use USB.

    Daid, the developer, uses many computers and many printers and he's experienced problems with USB being unreliable also. The UM2 is even more unreliable with USB and officially is no longer supported. If you call tech support saying you can't print USB on a UM2 they probably won't help you as it isn't officially supported.

    People have told me that simply turning a light on or off in the same room during a print will crash the print if over USB.

    So UM is getting away from these features. I know Eric Zalm who is the lead developer for Marlin is working on a Arm based controller that can print over wifi. This will replace USB. Eventually. That will be a nice upgrade for the UM Original.

    There are lots of choices though - octoprint, pronterface, older version of Cura, doodle3d. Doodle3d will even transfer the print over usb to the SD card and print it at the same time. At some point about 1/3 of the way into the print the transfer is over and you can power down the doodle3d I presume.

    Also I think doodle3d features are built into Cura - I think it locates it automatically. So that's even better. Doodle3d is about 80 Euros.


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    Posted · Jog and Homing


    to be honest I don´t really understand what your are talking about - I NEVER had ANY problems with USB. For my printer I use a cable which is even 3 meters long - without any troubles! And if there would be any, I would use an ACTIVE USB cable.

    Sorry gr5, but what you´re writing here sounds just like an bad excuse for not doing that what Ultimaker users are expecting. Looks like that you just want to sell new stuff.


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    Posted · Jog and Homing


    Without swearing and yelling, not only you are a lot younger and some taller as I am ;), but more because it does not work that way.

    I hope it doesn't feel like a burden to you, but be aware there are still people out here who want to use a printer for printing. For you, sites like Github and such are a second nature, but for most people it's a nightmare.

    So I understand Xeno's frustration a bit, (iets genuanceerder mag wel), but a lot of people rely on you guys at Ultimaker to give them usable tools to work with.

    I don't mind waiting for updates, but please we need you guys to keep track of all plugins, scripts and .py shit to implement in cura (Like you did with TweakAtZ).


    I'm keeping a good watch on the topics about the print windows. I'm not expecting everyone to use github, actually, I think github is quite difficult to use for a lot of people.

    People can also email me stuff, so that would also be a way to get updates on the print window into the Cura release.

    It's just a focus thing. I rather focus on a few other things, and keep the support from me for USB printing at a basic level.


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